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    1、1高一牛津英语综合练习 Units 1-3 (总分 100 分;答题时间 60 分钟)I. 单项填空:(20 分)1. We _the visitors _at the bus stop.A. tookoff B. turned off C. gotoff D. sawoff2. The plane_ from the airport and headed north towards Zhen Zhou.A. took off B. took up C. took out D. took on3. They were playing cards _ suddenly it began to r

    2、ain.A. since B. while C. as D. when4. Cloth is made _cotton, wool, silk and other materials.A. from B. up of C. of D. into5. Id like to send this letter to England _air.A. in B. by C. on D. for6. He crossed the river _boat.A. in B. by a C. on a D. in a7. When it was quiet, we could hear the river_.A

    3、. flow B. to flow C. flowing D. flows8. The doctor will be with you_ a few minutes.A. After B. in C. on D. by9. -Happy New Year! -_.A. Thats very kind of you B. Yes C. The same to you D. Thats all right10. The boss had to give in and _John.A. say “Hi” to B. say “Hello” to C. say sorry to D. say good

    4、-bye to11. _is the population of Xian?A. How many B. How much C. What D. How big12. His parents died, _him nothing _ a small house.A. left; with B. leaving; except C. leaving; only D. to leave; but13. How long will it take to swim _the river?A. over B. across C. through D. in14. We all tried to stop

    5、 him _ in bed but he wouldnt listen.A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked15. My father usually _a bus to work instead of going by taxi.A. takes B. carries C. gets D. sits16. In the evening I enjoy by the fire violin.A. to sit; play B. to sit; playing the C. sitting; playing D. sitting; playing t

    6、he17. -Where is Helen?-She America for a week.A. has gone off to B. has left for C. has been off to D. has set off to218. -How long _ you_ in Singapore?-For just the weekend. Ill be back next Monday morning.A. have; stayed B. are; staying C. did; stay D. do; stay19. We can use a short-wave radio to

    7、VOA English programmesA. pick up B. pick out C. take up D. join up20. -Would you like some coffee?-Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee milk.A. to B. than C. with D. of II. 完形填空:(30 分)Once a foreign tourist traveling in France came to Paris for a few days. _1_ the very first day of

    8、 his stay in the French capital he sent a _2_ to his wife _3_ the name and the address of the hotel _4_ he was staying. Then he decided to go out and see the places of _5_ in the capital. He _6_ a long walk along the _7_ of the city, _8_ a few museums and by the end of the day he felt terrible _9_.H

    9、e wanted to _10_ to the hotel to take a rest there, but suddenly he realized that he remembered _11_ the name, nor the address of the hotel. He felt quite _12_ and slowly walked along the street, not _13_ what to do. Suddenly he found _14_ in front of a post-office. He quickly ran inside and said to

    10、 a clerk in a(an) _15_ voice, “Give me a telegram form, please.”“_16_,” the clerk answered, giving him a form. It didnt _17_ the tourist long to fill it in. A minute later he handed in the telegram and _18_ the money.The tourists wife was greatly _19_ when an hour later she received the second teleg

    11、ram from her husband. “_20_ me my address at once.”1. A. On B. At C. In D. For2. A. letter B. note C. telegram D. message3. A. using B. with C. by D. about4. A. when B. where C. which D. that5. A. happiness B. interest C. enjoyment D. joy6. A. took B. tried C. got D. made7. A. building B. places C.

    12、houses D. streets8. A. watched B. visited C. paid visit D. observed9. A. tired B. hungry C. thirsty D. asleep10.A. come B. get C. return D. go11.A. either B. neither C. no D. not12.A. glad B. lost C. happy D. tired13.A. thinking B. realizing C. knowing D. recognizing314.A. him B. his wife C. his hot

    13、el D. himself15.A. surprised B. strange C. excited D. loud16.A. Here is it B. Here you are C. Give it to you D. Surely17.A. take B. have C. get D. spend18.A. paid for B. paid C. paid off D. paid on19.A. happy B. surprised C. excited D. angry20.A. Give B. Post C. Send D. PassIII. 阅读理解:(40 分)AOne day

    14、a few years ago a very funny thing happened to a neighbor of mine. He is a teacher at one of Londons big medical schools. He had finished his teaching for the summer term and was at the airport on his way to Russia to give a lecture.He had put a few clothes and his lecture notes in his shoulder bag,

    15、 but he had put Rupert, the skeleton(人体骨架) to be used in his lecture, in a large brown suitcase. At the airport desk, he suddenly thought that he had forgotten to buy a newspaper. He left his suitcase near the desk and went over to the shop.When he got back he discovered that someone had taken his s

    16、uitcase by mistake. He often wonders what they said when they got home and found Rupert.1. Who wrote the story?A. Ruperts teacher. B. The neighbors teacher.C. A medical school teacher. D. The teachers neighbor.2. Why did the teacher put a skeleton in his suitcase?A. He needed it for the summer term

    17、in London.B. He needed it for the lecture he was going to give.C. He wanted to take it to Russia for medical research.D. He wanted to take it home as he had finished his teaching.3. What happened at the airport?A. The skeleton went missing. B. The skeleton was stolen.C. The teacher forgot his suitca

    18、se. D. The teacher took the wrong suitcase.4. Which of the following best tells the teachers feeling about the incident? A. He is very angry. B. He thinks it rather funny.C. He feels helpless without Rupert. D. He feels good without Rupert.5. Which of the following might have happened afterwards?A.

    19、The teacher got back the suitcase but not Rupert.B. The teacher got back neither the suitcase nor Rupert.C. The teacher got back Rupert but not the suitcase.D. The teacher got back both the suitcase and Rupert.4BAbout a year ago, I went to stay at a Detroit hotel. I didnt want to carry too much mone

    20、y with me, so I asked the desk clerk to put a hundred- dollar bill in the safe for me. The next morning, however, the clerk said he knew nothing about my money. I didnt have any proof that I had given the man the money. There was nothing I could do but go to the nearest lawyer.The lawyer advised me

    21、to return to the hotel with him and give another hundred-dollar bill to the clerk. This I did. An hour later, I went back to the desk and asked for my money. Since I had the lawyer as an eyewitness to the second hundred-dollar bill, the clerk could not say he knew nothing about it.Another hour later

    22、, I put the second part of the lawyers plan into action. This time both the lawyer and I went to the hotel. I asked for the hundred-dollar bill once again, and when the clerk insisted he had already given it to me, I denied(否认)it. The lawyer said to him, “I saw this gentleman give you a hundred doll

    23、ars. If you dont hand it over immediately, Ill be forced to call the police.”The clerk realized he had been tricked, so he gave me back the first hundred-dollar bill.“I dont know how to thank you enough for getting my money back,” I said to the lawyer. And what you suppose he answered?He said, “Oh,

    24、dont thank me. That will be a hundred dollars, please.”6. The man went to a Detroit hotel one day to_.A. get his money back B. put a hundred-dollar bill in the safeC. ask to be a desk clerk D. stay for the night7. The hotel clerk at last returned the first hundred-dollar bill to the man because _.A.

    25、 he knew the lawyers plan very wellB. he found the lawyer tricking himC. he didnt want to get into trouble with the policeD. he wanted to give the man a surprise8. It is clear that the hotel clerk was_.A. dishonest B. ready to help C. afraid of the lawyer D. foolish9. Which of the following statemen

    26、ts is true?A. The man didnt get his 200 dollars back.B. The lawyer was happy that the man got both his bills back.C. The lawyer asked for 100 dollars.D. The man thanked the lawyer by paying him some money.10. The man was _.A. wise B. foolish C. happy D. sadCTom had retired(退休)and lived by himself a

    27、long way from town. He seldom left his home, but one day he went into town to buy some things in the market, and after he had bought them, he 5went into a restaurant and sat down at a table by himself. When he looked around, he saw several old people put eyeglasses on before reading their newspapers

    28、, so after lunch he decided to go to a store to buy himself some glasses too. He walked along the road, and soon found a store.The man in the store made him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always said,“No, I cant read with these.”Then man became more and more puzzled, until finally he said,“Excuse

    29、me, but can you read at all?”“No, of course I cant!” Tom said angrily, “If I was already able to read, do you think I could have come here to buy glasses?”11Tom lived .Aalone Bwith his children Chappily Dwith his wife12He to town.Aoften went Bsometimes went Cdidnt often go Dnever went13Tom made a mi

    30、stake that he .Adidnt try on all the glasses in the store.Bthought that all old people could understand words in newspapers with glasses onCwent to the wrong store.Ddidnt know he was nearsighted(近视)DNew Schedules of Cathy Pacific AirwaysShanghaiHong KongCX 301 Dep Shanghai 20:30Tue, Thur, Sat, Sun A

    31、rr Hong Kong 21:45Hong KongShanghaiCX 300 Dep Hong Kong 16:15Tue, Thur, Sat, Sun Arr Shanghai 19:15BeijingHong KongCX 331 Dep Beijing 17:45Tue, Thur, Fri Arr Hong Kong 19:45Hong KongBeijingCX 330 Dep Hong Kong 20:30Tue, Thur, Fri Arr Beijing 21:45Dep. =Departure(起飞) Arr. =Arrival(抵达)14There are flig

    32、hts from Shanghai to Hong Kong every week.6A3 B 4 C5 D615Suppose, on arriving in Shanghai by Cathy Pacific flight on Thursday, youre told to return to Hong Kong by Cathy Pacific Airways immediately. Now the most proper way is .Ato wait until SaturdayBto stay in Shanghai and take the Fridays flight f

    33、rom Beijing to Hong Kong.CTo go to Beijing and take the Fridays flight.Dto take the same days flight from Shanghai to Hong Kong.EXian, capital of Shaanxi Province, will be supplied with more water this summer. Water from the Shitouhe River, 140 kilometres west of Xian, is planned to flow into the ci

    34、ty in early June, adding 350,000 tons of water per day for industrial use. With 200,000 tons of water a day already supplied by the existing project drawing water from the Heihe River, Xian will get a total of one million tons of water per day this summer, which can basically meet the citys demands.

    35、Xian, with a population of more than three million, needs one million tons of water supply a day for industrial and drinking use. However, it is only supplied with 700,000 tons of water a day at present, 500,000 tons from underground and 200,000 tons from the Heihe River.Last summer, Xian suffered i

    36、ts worst water shortage ever, getting just half the amount it needed. More than 40 large-scale factories had to cut back on water use, and many people had to line up at midnight to get drinking water.Project Heihe started in 1989 and its first stage was completed. It has received I.I billion yuan an

    37、d still needs another billion to reach its planned supply of 1. 1 million tons of water a day. Combined with the 500,000 tons of underground water the city already gets, Xian will have much more water than it needs. Statistics suggest that industrial and commercial(商业的) companies use more than half

    38、of Xians water. So those factories have been asked to take water-saving measures using technology. About three quarters of the water used by them is reused. A citywide movement to save water has also started.16. Xian needs at least_ tons of water per year.A. 127,750,000 B. 200,750,000 C. 365,000,000

    39、 D. 255,500,00017. At present, the water Xian needs is from_. A. the Heihe River B. the Shitouhe RiverC. the Heihe River and underground D. Both A and B.18. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?7A. Part of Project Heihe has been completed.B. Water from the Shitouhe River has a

    40、lready been drawn into Xian.C. It will take another billion yuan to complete Project Heihe.D. About half of the water needed by Xian is from underground.19. With a large population of over 3 million, Xian has about half of the water used _.A. for drinking B. by industry C. for farming D. by factorie

    41、s20. This passage is mainly about how to _.A. solve the water shortage problem in XianB. draw water from the Shitouhe River into XianC. complete Project HeiheD. reuse waterIV.短文改错 ( 10 分)One day Rosa wrote to her friend, who was a doctor, invite 1. him to have dinner with her families. A few days la

    42、ter the doctor wrote2. _ back to her but she couldnt read his writing because the letters 3. were written carelessly. Then she asked her husband for the help, but he 4. _ couldnt read it, too. Then her husband got an idea. He told her 5. that a chemist might be able read the doctors letter. So the 6

    43、. woman went to chemists. The chemist in the shop studied 7. the letter for a long time but he gave her a large bottle 8. of medicine. He told the woman she would eat twelve pills a day. 9. Finally Rosa still had no idea whether her friend will come or not.10. Units 1-3 答案I. 单项填空: 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.

    44、B 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.CII. 完形填空: 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C11.B 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.CIII. 阅读理解: 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.C 8. A 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.D16.C 17.C18.B 19.A20.AIV. 短文改错: 1. invite-inviting 2. a few days-a few days later 3.right 4. wrote-were written 85. too-either 6. read-to read 7. chemists-the chemists 8. large bottle-a larg


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