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    1、Unit1 I. 听力: 第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the two speakers?A. On a ship. B. On a train. C. On a plane.2. Why cant the woman go to the party?A. Because she is sick. B. Because she has to work.C. Because she must st

    2、ay at home.3. What does the woman mean?A. She thinks the party was bad. B. She thinks the party was not bad.C. She thinks the party was very good.4. What time will the game finish?A. 4:20 p.m. B. 4:00 p.m. C. 3:40 p.m.5. Whats the weather like?A. Cold. B. Warm. C. Windy.第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题

    3、,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 68 题。6. What does the man go to Paris for?A. For business. B. For holidays. C. To visit his friends.7. How long are they going to stay there?A. For a couple of weeks. B. For about half a

    4、year. C. For more than a year.8. Where are they going to meet?A. At Anns B. At Jims C In Paris.听第 7 段材料,回答第 911 题。9. Where does the talk probably take place?A In a hospital. B. At an office. C. At home.10 Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Doctor and patient. B. Teacher and student.

    5、C. Husband and wife.11. What did the woman do for the man?A She brought him some hot water. B. She told him to stay in bed.C. She called the doctor immediately.听第 8 段材料,回答第 1214 题。12. How long did Mary have to stay in bed?A. One day B. Two days. C. A week.13. How is Marys friend Ann?A. Shes having a

    6、 cold. B. Shes having a cough. C. Shes all right now.14. Why does everybody seem to have a cold?A. Because of the hot weather. B. Because of the cold weather.C. Because of the changing weather.听第 9 段材料,回答第 1517 题。15. Why does the woman ask so many questions?A. Because she wants to know something abo

    7、ut the mans parents.B. Because she wants to make friends with the man.C Because she wants to see if the man is the right person for the job.16. How long has the man been working with computers?A. For three years. B For more than four years.C. For about 5 years.17. Why did the man choose to work with

    8、 computers?A. Because his parents asked him to. B. Because his college teachers force him to.C. Because he was interested in them.听第 10 段材料,回答第 1820 题。18. Why are the people in the crowd shouting as loud as they can?A. Because they hate the game B. Because they enjoy the game.C. Because they are bor

    9、ed.19. What is the best title for the passage?A. The fastest football match. B. The slowest football match.C. Scotland wins the Cup.20. Which team wins?A. Scotland. B. Germany. C. France.II. 单项选择:21. It is believed that if a book is _ , it will surely _ the readers.A. interested; interest B. interes

    10、ting; be interested C. interested; be interesting D. interesting; interest22. - Do you mind my taking this seat?- _.A. No, of course not. B. Yes sit down please C. Yes, take it please. D. No, you cant take it23. They made an important decision _ the end of the meeting.A. in B. by C. on D. at24. - Wo

    11、uld you like some coffee?- Yes, but only _.A. little B. very little C. a little D. little bit25. Pop music is a great _ with young people.A. favourable B. favored C. favourite D. favor26. Pieces of bamboo or wood _ into books.A. used to be formed B. used to form C. were used to forming D. used to be

    12、 forming27. Tom is a naught boy, and he likes to _ others.A. make fun B. make fun on C. make fun of D. make funs of28. The _ boy was last seen _ near the East Lake.A. missing; playing B. missing; play C. missed; played D. missed; to play29. _ the first day of the school, she met her new teacher _ th

    13、e first time.A. For; for B. On; on C. On; for D. For; on30. What do you think the children _ when we get home? A. will do B. are doing C. will be doing D. have been doing 31. Bob used to _ a difficult person to get along with. But _ he has got used to _ with others in a friendly way.A. be recent wor

    14、king B. be recently workingC. being now work D. being recent working32. _ for a walk? Which answer is wrong?A. Why not go out B. Why not to go outC. Why dont we go out C. What about going out33. Ill never forget the happiest days in my life _ I stayed in the country.A. where B. what C. which D. when

    15、34. Wait till you are more _. Its better to be sure than sorry.A. inspired B. certain C. calm D. satisfied35. If you ever need my help, I am _.A. at your service B. of your service C. in service D. serving36. This is the first sum of money _ the childrens family has received.A. that B. which C. what

    16、 D. as37.He told me _ he would do with the waste materials the next week.A. all what B. all that C. what all D. that all38.The most interesting thing _ we should pay attention to is the first thing _ I have said.A. which; that B. that; which C. which; which D. that; that39. She spends the whole even

    17、ing talking about the things and persons _ none of us has ever heard of.A. which B. who C. whom D. that40. It was twelve oclock _ they finished the work.A. since B. which C. that D. when41. - How do you like the cake? - Its quite different from _ I had last month.A. that B. which C. the one D. the o

    18、ne what42. How much time do you often spend _ English every day?A. practising speaking B. to practise speaking C. practising to speak D. on practising to speak43.I remembered _ the light when I left the room yesterday.A. to turn off B. to turn on C. turning off D. turning on44. Do remember to wash t

    19、he vegetables _.A. as clean as possibly B. as cleanly as possibleC. as clean as possible D. as clean as you do45. The funny man had us _ all through that class.A. laugh B. laughing C. laughed D. to laugh46.His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone _ family was poor.A. of whom B. whom C. of whose D. w

    20、hose 47. This is the museum _ we saw an exhibition the other day.A. that B. which C. where D. when 48. A recent study showed that the brains of people who are lying look very different from _ are telling the truth.A. those who B. them who C. who D. people49.We like Jack because he is a man _ everybo

    21、dy thinks is pleasant to_ .A. who; talk B. whom, get along withC. who; get along with D. whom; talk with 50.Our country _ great changes in the last 30 years.A. has experienced B .experienced C. experimented D. has experimented. 完形填空“If you want to see a thing well, reach out and touch it!” This 51 s

    22、eem a strange thing to say, But 52 things can help you to 53 them better.Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it 54 your hands, you can feel how smooth and cold the ball is. You can feel how 55 the ball is . The roundness, smoothness, 56 and heaviness are all parts of th

    23、e ball. When you feel all these things about the 57 , you really see it.You can feel surprisingly well, For example, your fingers can 58 the difference of coins in your pocket. You can feel a little 59 of water on the back of your hand.You can even feel 60 . Have you ever wondered why some people li

    24、ke very 61 music? They must like to feel the sounds of music as to hear them.All children soon learn what “Dont touch!” means. They hear it often. 62 most of us keep right on touching things as we grow up. In stores, we touch things we want to 63 : food, clothing, tables and beds, To see something w

    25、ell, we 64 touch it.There are ways of learning to see well by feeling. One way is to close your 65 and try to feel 66 , Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, and the air. At first, 67 is not easy to feel these things, You are too 68 to them.Most things on 69 in museums are just for

    26、looking. But today, “Do touch!” There you can feel the shape of a gun, the smooth silk of a dress, and the rough 70 of an old chair.51. A. may B. must C. should D. will52. A. doing B. seeing C. touching D. hearing53. A. know B. see C. hear D. feel54. A. in B. on C. with D. under55. A. heavy B. light

    27、 C. big D. small56. A. lightness B. temperature C. warmth D. coldness57. A. glass B. ball C. parts D. thing58. A. understand B. say C. tell D. feel59.A. drop B. piece C. block D. bit60.A. noise B. songs C. voice D. sounds61. A. quiet B. peaceful C. loud D. silent62. A. Since B. Though C. Yet D. So63

    28、. A. eat B. wear C. buy D. use64. A. can B. shall C. might D. have to65. A. door B. mouth C. window D. eyes66. A. everything B. anything C. them D. nothing67. A. that B. this C. those D. it68. A. used B. interested C. excited D. moved69. A. wall B. shelf C. show D. desk70. A. paper B. cloth C. wood

    29、D. medal. 阅读理解ASince her husband died, Mrs. Jackson has lived alone in their big old suburban(郊区的) house, The house was bought by her husband almost fifty years ago.For the sake of safety (为安全起见 ), her son has tried hard to ask her to sell the house and buy a new and small one in the town , But Mrs.

    30、 Jackson doesnt like the idea. She says that she has to look after her husbands old house. But recently she often hears stories about unknown people stealing things around here.That was a cold day before Christmas Eve. Around four oclock in the afternoon, Mrs. Jackson was enjoying the Christmas musi

    31、c when someone knocked at the door. She heard the sound but didnt move. Another knock. Who could it be? Mrs. Jackson was a bit afraid. She decided not to answer the door but keep waiting.One minute another minute and yet another minute. Nothing happened and no more knocks , She walked quietly to the

    32、 door, and listened. She heard nothing but the wind outside. She slowly unfastened the door and peeped (窥视) through the crack(小缝) . She then gave a surprised cry and threw the door wide open! At the door she saw a tall, beautiful Christmas tree! In the tree stood a Christmas card with these words:Me

    33、rry Christmas!Your new neighbor71. The house bought by Mr. Jackson is _.A. in the town B. small but new C. outside the town D. fifty years old72. Mrs. Jackson doesnt want to sell the house because _.A. it is almost fifty years old B. it is big and oldC. she likes to live alone in it D. her husband l

    34、eft it to her73. Why didnt she move when she heard the knock at the door? Because _.A. she was enjoying the Christmas musicB. she thought it might be an unknown personC. it was not her sonD. she hadnt decided to answer the door74. She slowly unfastened the door because _.A. she was too frightened to

    35、 open the doorB. she wanted to peed through the crackC. she was afraid of the cold windD. there was something wrong with the door75. When she found it was a Christmas tree, she _.A. cried in surprise and pushed the door wide open B. was very surprised to cryC. threw the door away D. went out to stan

    36、d in the treeBOne of the most popular American singers of the twentieth century was Elvis Presley. He made the rock a; e; c; d; b B. f; a; c; e; d; bC. f; e; a; d; b; c D. f; e; a; c; d; b CTom arrived at the bus station quite early for the London bus. The bus for London would not leave until five t

    37、o twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in lines, others were walking about. There was a group of school-girls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in order. Tom looked around but there was nowhere for him to sit.He walked into the station caf. He looked up at t

    38、he clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down, facing a large mirror on the wall. Just then, John, one of Toms friends, came in and sat with Tom.“What time is your bus?” asked John.“Oh, there is plenty of time yet,” answered Tom.“Oh, Ill get you some more tea then,” said

    39、 John.They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again.“Good heavens! Its going back-ward!” he cried. “A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now its half past eleven.”“You are looking at the clock in the mirror,” said John.Tom wanted to kick himself for being so foolish. The ne

    40、xt bus was not to leave for another hour. He has never liked mirror since then.81. The London bus left _.A. at 11:55 B. at 5:12 C. before 11:55 D. after 11:5582. Tom want into the station caf because _.A. John asked him to have a cup of tea B. he wanted a drink thereC. he would meet a friend of his

    41、D. it was early yet and he could find a place to sit83. What time was it in fact when he looked at the clock in the mirror?A. Half past twelve. B. Half past eleven. C. Twenty to twelve. D. Half past one.84. When we look at a clock in the mirror well see _.A. the right time B. it is going slower C. i

    42、t is going backward D. it is going fast85. Which of the following is true?A. Tom missed his bus. B. He liked mirror even before.C. The next bus would leave soon. D. Tom arrived London on time.DDo you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follows? You are not alone.Holidays are happy days w

    43、ith pleasure and delicious foods. Many people, however, are worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods.With proper planning, though, it is possible to control your weight. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You dont have to turn away from the foods t

    44、hat you enjoy. The following suggestions may be of some help to you.Do not miss meals. Before yon leave home for a feast(宴会),have a small, low-fat snack(小吃). This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods. Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables. A large glass of wat

    45、er before you eat may help you feel full. Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough.Better not have high-fat foods. Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them.Choose lean meat(瘦肉 ).Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables.If you have a sweet tooth

    46、, try mints (薄荷) and fruits. They dont have fat content as cream and chocolate.Dont let exercise take a break during the holidays. A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess(过多的) calories.86. Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may _A. bring weight problems B. bring you much trouble in your lifeC. make you worried about your foods D. make you hate delicious foo


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