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    1、 1 / 6外研版五年级上册 Module 6 检测卷 (1)(40 分钟 100 分) Part 1 Listening 听力 (30%)一、听录音,选出你所听到的短语的汉语意思。(10 分) ( ) 1.A.跑得快 B足球队 C擅长( ) 2.A.传球 B接球 C控球( ) 3.A.踢足球 B下象棋 C打篮球( ) 4.A.上周日 B在过去 C昨天早上( ) 5.A.跳得远 B飞得高 C跳得高二、听录音,根据你所听句子的先后顺序给图片排序。(10 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,根据你所听到的内容画一画,会做的画 ,不会做的画 。(10 分 )Part 2 Readi

    2、ng and Writing 读和写(70%)四、根据提示,在横线上填入合适的字母组成单词。(12 分) 1_all( 墙) _all(球) _all( 高的)2_an(迷) _an(能够) _an(run 的过去式)3_ell( 告诉 ) _ell(熟练地) _ell(卖)4_ast(过去 ) _ast(上一个) _ast(快的)五、选择合适的单词补全对话。(10 分)cant, team, catch, fantastic, really2 / 61Do you want to be in our singing _?Yes, I do. I like singing.2I can _ t

    3、his ball.Yes, we believe(相信) you.3Can he win this game?Yes. He is a _ player.4How well do you play football?I _ play it at all!5Look, this man jumps _ high.Yes. He is our PE teacher.六、单项选择。(10 分)( ) 1.My grandma is old now, _ healthy.Abut Band Cso( ) 2.Tom _ he can do it well. Athink Bis thinking Ct

    4、hinks( ) 3.Lingling is good at _.Adance Bdancing Cto dance( ) 4.Can you _ a good goalkeeper? Ais Bare Cbe( ) 5._ do you play the piano?I cant play it at all.AHow many BHow well CHow much七、根据图片填空,补全句子。(8 分) 1This girl can _ _. 2Can he _ _? 3 / 63He wants to be in our _ _. 4My grandpa _ _ _ in the pas

    5、t. 八、阅读短文,将相关内容连线。(10 分) (建议用时:3 分钟)Hi, my name is Tom. I have a very happy family. My dad can play basketball and my grandpa can sing very well. My mum can play football. My sister can dance, but she cant dance very well. Shes only five. And I can play table tennis. Im a fantastic player!九、完形填空。(10

    6、 分)Sam: Do you want to be 1 our basketball team, John?John:Yes, Id love to. But I dont play 2 .Sam: Can you jump high?John: Yes, I can.Sam: Thats OK. Can you 3 the ball well?John: 4 very well.Sam: But you are very good at 5 .John: Yes, I am.Sam: So you can be a good player.4 / 6John: Yes, I think I

    7、can do that well.( ) 1.A.with Bin Cto( ) 2.A.well Bgood Cbest( ) 3.A.last Bpass Cpast( ) 4.A.Dont BNo CNot( ) 5.A.runing Bto run Crunning十、小作文。(10 分)你喜欢体育运动吗?请以“I like .”为题介绍一下你喜欢的体育项目。_5 / 6听力材料一、1.be good at 2.pass the ball 3play football 4.in the past 5jump high二、1.The boy can climb up the wall.2

    8、He is a fantastic goalkeeper.3My brother can jump very high.4The white horse ran really fast.5Amys grandparents are healthy.三、1.Amy can catch the ball well.2Peter is good at swimming.3Mike cant play football at all.4M:Can Sam sing well?W:No, he cant.5Lucy can run really fast.参考答案一、1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.

    9、C二、3 5 1 4 2三、1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T四、1.wall ball tall 2.fan can ran6 / 63tell well sell 4.past last fast五、1.team 2.catch 3.fantastic 4.cant 5.really六、1.A 点拨:根据句意可知,此处为转折关系。2C 点拨:主语 Tom 为第三人称单数,故谓语动词也用第三人称单数形式。3B 点拨:be good at 后跟动名词。4C 点拨:情态动词 can 位于句首引导一般疑问句时,其后的实义动词用原形。5B七、1.jump far 2play baske

    10、tball 3football team4swam very fast八、1.B 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.C九、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C十、范文:I like playing footballFootball is my favourite sport. Im good at playing football. I think its easy for me. Im in our school football team now. I can jump high and catch the ball well. So I want to be a famous goalkeeper. I play football with my father every day. On Sunday I like to watch football matches. I really like playing football.


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