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    1、外研九年级上学期 Module12 试题 Class: Name: Marks: (满分 120 分) 一. 单项填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)( )1. Tina, did you go to _ green school on Peace Street last week?Oh, yes. You should visit it some day. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. Uncle Wang is trying _ best to repair the car, but it just wont start. A. he B. h

    2、is C. him D. himself ( )3. Oh, its snowing so heavily. Yeah, the snow on the road is a danger _ drivers. A. to B. of C. from D. with ( )4. Look! Two young men are kicking a student over there. Oh, we should take _ to stop the fight. A. notes B. steps C. turns D. medicine ( )5. Old Tom never listens

    3、to anyone, so its _ trying to ask him to give up smoking. A. helpful B. possible C. hopeless D. important( )6. What does this sign mean, Andy? It tells us to _. A. receive B. review C. recycle D. repeat( )7. It was _ that they chose such a good man as their leader.A. wise B. silly C. funny D. surpri

    4、sing( )8. Mum told me _ the cake into four because there were six people. A. divide B. not divide C. to divide D. not to divide( )9. Though Mike spends _ time on Chinese than others do, he is quite good at it. A. less B. fewer C. more D. bigger ( )10. Timmy did his history paper so _ that he was the

    5、 first to hand it in. A. badly B. quickly C. happily D. carefully ( )11. I dont think we should burn the newspapers. They _ to help save trees. Oh, thats a good point. A. can recycle B. can be recycled C. must recycle D. must be recycled ( )12. The old clock couldnt be repaired, so Mum _ and bought

    6、a new one. A. tried it out B. picked it up C. threw it away D. closed it down ( )13. Tidying up such a large park in two hours _ impossible. I need one more hour. A. is B. was C. are D. were( )14. Jerry, _ did you do with your old computer?I sold it to the second-hand market. A. how B. what C. why D

    7、. when ( )15. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the recycling centre?Sorry, Im new too. Youd better ask _ else.A. everyone B. nobody C. someone D. anyone( )16. Everyone should use both sides of paper.Yes. If we all use both sides of paper, many trees _ be saved.A. need B. has to C. can D. mus

    8、t( )17. When and where _ these cars _? In Beijing in 2012. A. were; made B. are; making C. have; made D. was; made ( )18. Do you often use paper napkins (餐巾纸)?Seldom, _ they are cheap and easy to get.A. since B. although C. because D. if( )19. Dad always rides his bicycle to work _ its good for his

    9、health.A. so B. because C. but D. though( )20. Tomorrow is Mums birthday. Lets hold a surprise party for her. _. And we can invite some of her best friends over. A. Good idea B. Good luck C. Nice work D. Congratulations二. 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A 、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AI came to Chin

    10、a a month ago as an exchange student at East China Normal University. I was a bit 21 to come. I knew there would be many new and different things. The food, weather, and people would all be new. But new things are 22 exciting. There are many amazing things to experience in a foreign country.To learn

    11、 new thingsSince I came to China, I have learned some things that I 23 learn from books. I can now eat jiaozi with chopsticks. I can avoid bikes on the streets. To only depend on yourself When youre 24 your family and friends, you can only depend on yourself. 25 , you will become more independent (独

    12、 立 的 ). My parents are now thousands of kilometres away. I cant call and ask 26 what to eat for lunch. I cant call and ask what I should buy at the grocery store, either. 27 , I need to make my own decision. And now I have begun to 28 it! To make friendsWhen you go to a new 29 , you meet new people

    13、and make new friends. I came to China alone. Every day I met new people and now I have had a few good friends here.To learn a foreign languageMy 30 has gotten much better now! You know, the best way to learn a foreign language is to go to a foreign country.( )21. A. afraid B. excited C. happy D. sor

    14、ry ( )22. A. never B. still C. also D. even ( )23. A. should B. cant C. need D. neednt( )24. A. in front of B. with C. far away from D. against ( )25. A. At first B. As a result C. At once D. From now on ( )26. A. her B. him C. you D. them ( )27. A. However B. Besides C. Instead D. Again ( )28. A. e

    15、njoy B. forget C. understand D. realise( )29. A. place B. office C. shop D. school( )30. A. life B. English C. maths D. ChineseBDo you know some English words with “car”? One word is carwash. If your car is 31 , and you dont want to wash it on your own, you can take your car to a carwash. At a carwa

    16、sh, people or machines 32 your car. After your car leaves the carwash, it will be shiny and 33 . What about carpool? 34 a group of people ride together in a car, we call it carpool. Everyone in the car 35 the cost. Carpool can also be a verb. People might carpool to school or work. Carpooling is a g

    17、ood 36 to save money. Its also a way to reduce the traffic and the air pollution. Another word with “car” is carsick. When a person gets carsick, he starts to feel dizzy (头晕目眩的) and 37 while hes in a car. Not everyone gets carsick in a car, but some people may want to throw up (呕吐) when they get car

    18、sick. If you get carsick easily, there are some things you can do to make your car trips 38 .First, when you start feeling carsick, close your eyes. 39 , try sleeping. When you are 40 , you wont feel carsick. If that doesnt work, try gum or peppermint candy (薄荷糖).( )31. A. expensive B. dirty C. clea

    19、n D. beautiful ( )32. A. make B. watch C. wash D. buy( )33. A. dirty B. old C. empty D. clean ( )34. A. If B. Before C. Although D. Unless ( )35. A. shares B. sees C. knows D. returns ( )36. A. job B. way C. tool D. car ( )37. A. happy B. comfortable C. relaxed D. tired ( )38. A. easier B. harder C.

    20、 colder D. higher ( )39. A. Last B. Fourth C. Third D. Second ( )40. A. walking B. reading C. sleeping D. sailing三. 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A. How far is it?B. Is that Mary speaking?C. See you.D. So how was your travel?E. Did people there spend the day too?F. Cou

    21、ld you please tell me how I can get there? G. Would you like to go with me?A: Hello! (41)_B: Speaking.A: Hi, Mary! This is Andy. Ive got two tickets to tomorrows 2013 World Landscape Art Expo, Jinzhou, China. (42)_B: Yes, Id love to. When and where shall we meet?A: What about 8 oclock tomorrow morni

    22、ng, at the gate of the Expo?B: All right. (43)_A: From your house, go along Longqi Wan Road until you see the sea. Its next to the sea.B: Thanks. (44)_A: About thirty minutes drive. You can also take the No. 8 bus.B: OK. (45)_A: See you.四. 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A 、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。A

    23、CanadaIn Canada, summer camps are very popular. About 70% of Canadian camps are affiliated with (附属于) organizations, while the rest are private. Summer camp fairs (博览会)are held throughout Canada, usually during the winter months. Parents and children can meet camp directors and collect information a

    24、bout summer camps. Admission to these fairs is typically free.China In the recent years, there have been more and more privately-held camp programs. Programs that are open to kids from different background and different regions have started. There are also programs specially held for international s

    25、tudents who are interested in learning Chinese language and culture. FranceIn France they are called colonie de vacances or more recently centre de vacances. More than 25% of French children attend this kind of “collective holiday” each year.GreeceIn Greece summer camps are widely known for offering

    26、 organized vacations for children. They offer sports activities, entertainment activitiesand educational activities. Children 5 15 yearsold can join summer camps and have the chanceto interact with peers. The Greek government provide funds (基金) for many children so that they can join a summer camp,

    27、free.( )46.In Canada, about of the summer camps are private.A. 30% B. 40% C. half D. 70%( )47.When are summer camp fairs usually held in Canada?A. In summer. B. In fall. C. In winter. D. In spring.( )48.In , many children can attend summer camp for free.A. Canada B. China C. France D. Greece( )49.Wh

    28、ich of the following is NOT true?A. In China kids from different background can attend summer camp.B. Summer camp is also a way for international students to learn Chinese language and culture.C. Summer camps are more popular in France than in China.D. In Greece different camping activities are offe

    29、red for children to relax, have fun, and learn something new.( )50.Which is the best title for the reading above?A. Why Are Summer Camps So Popular? B. Reasons for Kids to Go to Camp C. A Great Way for Kids to Have Fun D. Summer Camps around the WorldBBetty and I are best friends. Our birthdays are

    30、on the same day, so every year we have a birthday party together. But this year, we had a costume party (化 装 舞 会 ) instead.While we were writing the invitations, my mum came in and asked, “Why not invite John?” John had been in our class for only a few months, but he was already getting better grade

    31、s in maths than anyone else in class. I wrinkled (皱起) my nose, “Mum, he wears the same jeans to school every day. How could he even afford a costume?” Mum said nothing. The next day, Mum gave me an envelope with a shopping card in it.“I thought it would be nice for you to give this to John,” Mum sai

    32、d. But how? We didnt want to make John embarrassed (尴尬的). We discussed it for a long time. Finally, Betty and I had a good idea.On the day of our party, kids arrived, dressed differently. John arrived, in an old sheet, but still in the same brown jeans as usual. We danced, ate snacks and played game

    33、s in groups. Before eating the birthday cake, Betty said in a loud voice, “Now its time for the great prize game. Its the following riddle .” It was a mathsgame. None of us was surprised when John thought up the right answer first and walked off with the envelope.Everything went on well as we planne

    34、d. John wore a new pair of jeans and a new shirt the next week. He felt happy. So did we.When we help others, we need to find a proper way, or we may hurt them in another way.( )51. The two girls and John were in the same .A. group B. family C. team D. class( )52. Johns family may be very according

    35、to the passage.A. far B. poor C. rich D. small( )53.How did John get the prize?A. By helping others. B. By asking for help.C. By getting good grades in maths. D. By winning the maths game.( )54.John with the shopping card after the party.A. watched a basketball match B. saw a movieC. bought somethin

    36、g to wear D. made a phone call( )55.The two girls felt when they found John wearing his new clothes.A. happy B. sorry C. sad D. angryCTom Hanks is well known to many people. He once acted in the films Forrest Gump and DaVinci Code. But do you know that he was not popular with his classmates and teac

    37、hers at all when he was very young? Tom Hanks was born in California. He once said to a reporter, “When I was young, maybe others thought of me as a stupid boy. But I kept optimistic (乐观的). I never kept these bad things in my mind and I didnt care about others thoughts, so I didnt get into trouble.

    38、Later I took acting classes. The classes were the best places for me because I liked making noise. I often went to the movies. I would never go there with others. I would just drive to a theatre, buy myself a ticket, sit in the seat and see the film. I put myself into the shows and spent a lot of ti

    39、me learning how to act.”Tom Hanks has played many different roles. His performance in Sleepless in Seattle was so successful that it became the turning point of Tom Hanks career (职业生涯). Then his movie Philadelphia made him win the sixty-sixth Oscar as best actor.Tom Hanks road to success hasnt been

    40、very smooth, but he has worked very hard and never given up. Finally he has found his own place in the world of movies.( )56.What was Tom Hanks like as a young school boy?A. He was clever. B. He was well-behaved. C. He was lazy. D. He was unpopular. ( )57.What did Tom do when others thought him a st

    41、upid boy? A. He felt sad all day long. B. He kept the bad feelings in his mind.C. He was still as optimistic as usual. D. He fought with them and got into trouble. ( )58.What did Tom Hanks usually do to learn how to act? A. He often went to the movies alone. B. He watched TV or CDs at home.C. He pla

    42、yed different parts in some movies. D. He acted for his family and friends. ( )59.Which film was the turning point of Tom Hanks career?A. Forrest Gump. B. Sleepless in Seattle. C. DaVinci Code. D. Philadelphia. ( )60.What does the writer try to tell us?A. Talent (天赋) is very important to a persons s

    43、uccess.B. If we want to succeed in the world of movies, we should take more acting classes. C. We should try to do everything alone at a very young age.D. We should stay optimistic and never give up even if we face many difficulties.DInsects (昆虫) make up more than half of all living things in the wo

    44、rld. However, according to a report in a magazine, the number of insects in the world has fallen by 45% in the past 35 years. Scientists say this could be very dangerous for humans. One of the biggest reasons for the finding is that more and more trees are being cut down and burnt. With more and mor

    45、e land being used for farming and building houses, more and more insects are losing their home. Many countries are worried about this. Dr. Ben Collen from London University said, “In the UK, the number of insects has fallen by 60%.” He added, “Insects are really important for humans. We need to stop

    46、 more insects from dying.” The decline in insect population can lead to many problems for humans. One of the biggest dangers is that there will be fewer insects to pollinate (给 授粉) plants. This means farmers will have problems growing food. Professor Rodolfo Dirzo from Stanford University said, “The

    47、 decline in insect population may also lead to more illnesses in humans. For example, when mice have less food to eat, they will move to big cities and bring illnesses with them.”Insects also make our world much more interesting. Its hard to imagine a world without insects. ( )61. What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. Where insects build their homes.B. Why people are using land for farming.C. Why the number of insects is falling.D. How many insects there are in the world.( )62. The underlined word “decline” means “_” in Chinese.A. 减少 B. 增加 C. 稠密 D. 稀疏( )63. Which


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