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    1、八年级上册 英语导学案Unit 3 Im more out-going than my sister.Period 1 Section A 1a-2c学习目标:知识目标:1. 口、笔头掌握以下句型A: Is that Sam?B: No, thats Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam. He is more outgoing than Sam.2. 熟练掌握以下词汇: outgoing, better, loudly, quietly, hard-working3. 了解以下词汇病掌握比较级的构成:smart smarter, fast-faster, fun

    2、ny- funnier,Lazy- lazier, outgoing- more outgoing , clearly- more clearly技能目标: 能听懂用比较级谈论他人的特点的对话,能用形容词的比较级谈论个人特点。情感态度: 通过对同学外貌及性格特征的比较,增进相互的了解。课前准备: I. 英汉互译下列形容词或副词。高的_ 矮的 _ 胖的 _ 瘦的_ 害羞的_滑稽的,有趣的 _ 大声地_ 静静地_Hard-working_ high _ serious_ smart_ early_-II. 在班里找到符合下面特征的同学,每个特征后面写出两位同学的名字。tall_ _ heavy _

    3、 _ short _ _thin _ _ long hair _ _ short hair _ _请用以下两种方式比较你写出的两位同学:is taller than has longer hair than学习过程 Before listening1. 交流,检测课前准备 I II 2.小组活动:(1)完成 1a, 和同学们讨论并列出你们所学过的描述某人外貌和性格特点的形容词。(2) 用这些形容词描述一下你的同伴,在小组里完成下面的讨论:A: My best friend Li Ming is short and shy. What about your friend?B: My best f

    4、riend Xu Huan is tall and thin. ( and she is smarter than I am.)C: Wang Hao has short hair andWhile listening 1. 听一遍录音,完成 1b。2. 再听一遍录音,在对话中出现了几次表示比较的句子?和同伴复述一下,看看谁说得多,你能总结比较级的句型吗?3.模仿秀:听录音并跟读,注意模仿形容词比较级的读音。观察与思考:请标出下面句子中出现的形容词或副词的比较级( 1). Sam has longer hair than Tom, and Tom is funnier than Sam.(2)

    5、Tina is taller than Tara , but Tara is fatter than Tina.(3). Jim runs faster than David.比较级:表示两个人或无之间的比较。表示“较” 或“更一些” 。标志词:than( 比)句型结构:A+ be +_ 词的比 较级 + than + B ;A + 实意动词 + _词的比较级 + than +BWhich /Who + be + _词的比较级 , A or B?Which / Who +实意动 词 + _词的比较级 , A or B?翻译句子:(1) Jim 比 Tom 更安静。 Jim _ _ _ Tom.

    6、(2) Tara 比 Tina 跳得更高。 Tara _ _ _ Tina.(3)Peter 与 Paul 相比,谁更瘦? _ _ _, Peter or Paul?4. Pairwork 用观察与思考中的句子,比较一下你们周围的双胞胎吧 !5. 听录音,完成 2a。6. Tina 与 Tara 是双胞胎,但他们也有不同之处,再听一遍录音,在 2b 中写出她们各自的特点。7. 模仿秀,听录音并跟读,注意模仿形容词比较级的读音。总结:(1)规则形容词或副词的比较级变化口诀:比较级,要变化,一般词尾加 er ; 词尾要有哑音 e, 直接加 r 就可以 ;重读闭音节, 单辅音字母要双写; 辅音字母若

    7、加 y, 记得把 y 变为 i。(2)多音节或部分双音节的形容词,如 outgoing,hard-working,在前面加_.试着写出下面形容词的比较级:long_ nice_ big _ fat _ thin _busy _ heavy_ difficult _ beautiful_After listening1. 两人一组,根据课本 18 页和 81 页的表格表演对话。例如,A: Is Tom taller than Sam? B: No, Sam is taller than Tom.B: Is Sam2. 找出自己和同伴之间的不同地方,在小组里完成下面的讨论并写下你们小组讨论结果A:

    8、 Im taller and heavier than B, but C is taller than I am.B: Im more outgoing than C: 知识巩固 I 单项选择1. Tom is _ hard-working than Sam. A. much B. more C. many D. /2. Which do you like _, apples or oranges? A. best B. good C.well D. better3. My brother is _ than my sister.A. seriouser B. more serious C.

    9、serious D. much serious4.My aunt is _ than my uncle.A. lazy B. lazier C. too lazy D. very lazy.II. 用所给形容词的正确形式完成下面的句子。1.Who is _ (heavy ), Wang Lin or Li Tao?2 . I often get up _ (early)than my sister. 3.The sun is _ ( big ) than the earth.4. Unit 2 is_(difficult)than Unit1.5. Jims sister works _ (h

    10、ard ) than his brother.6. Are you as _ (friendly ) as your sister? 7. Is Tom _ ( smart ) than Sam?课堂反思: 1.你能总结出形容词或副词比较级的构成吗?变化方式 例词直接加 er不规则变化: good/well _ many/ much _ little _2. 通过学习,你还有哪些疑问?家庭作业:1.根据今天所学到的知识,写出你与同伴的不同之处(60 词左右) 。2.依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。.Period 2 Section A 2d-3c学习目标:知识目标:1 口、笔头掌握下列

    11、句型We both have black eyes and black hair. Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.She is a more outgoing than me. My friend is the same as me.2 熟练掌握以下词汇:competition, fantastic, which, clearly, win, through3 掌握并能正确使用本课时的重点短语:Something new, have fun, asas, 技能目标:能够读懂含有比较级的描述人物异同的对话,并能用这种形式描述自己和

    12、他人的异同。情感态度:培养学生观察和比较的能力,增进同学间的了解。课前准备试着描述自己与同伴的异同点,可参考表下方提供的语言结构The sameThe differenceWe both have My hair isthan She/he is morethanMy favorite subject is,and her/his favorite subject is学习过程Before reading1 两人一组,讨论一下自己与好朋友的区别A: Are you different from your best friend in some ways?B: Yes, Imthan him.

    13、But hesthan me.A: Are you the same in some ways?B: Well, we both likeand we both enjoywhat about you?2 预习对话 2d,找出 Nelly 与 Lisa 的异同点While reading:1 Skimming(略读 ):快速阅读 3a ,找出含有比较级的句子。温馨提示:你是怎样在最短的时间内发现答案的?如果想快速找到答案,一定要注意理解文章的前几句话哦!2 Scanning(找读 ):回答问题( 1 ). Was the singing competition fantastic? ( 2 )

    14、. Who sang better, Nelly or Lisa?( 3 ).Did Nelly dance better than Lisa?3 Reading up(研读)(1)自主学习,找出重难点_ _(2)合作探究- 细读对话,提出疑难问题,小组讨论,相互解答。_4 模仿秀,听录音,模仿录音中的精彩片段。观察与思考(1)Are you as friendly as your sister?.“as+形容词/副词的_+as”表示“与一样” ,其否定形式为“not as/soas”,表示前者不如后者,注意“so+形容词/副词的原级+as”只能用在_句中。( 2). She is a lit

    15、tle more outgoing than me.a little 表示“稍微,有点”的意思,用来修饰形容词、副词或形容词、副词的 _。能修饰形容词、副词比较级的词还有_(3).Both Sam and Tom can play the drams.Both .and.意为“和都;既又” 。李鸣既会说英语,又会说汉语。Li Ming can speak _ English _ Chinese.Vince invited both of them to the party.They both like going swimming.oth 是_ 词,意为“_;_”.both 作主语的同位语,通

    16、常位于实意动词之前或连系动词之后。( 4).But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.Something new 意为_ ,当形容词修饰不定代词时,要_.例如:你有重要的事情要告诉我吗? Do you have _ _ to tell me?5 小组合作,复述 2d.After reading( 1)猜猜他/她是谁?通过一位同学的描述,其他同学来猜猜、所描述的人是谁。Were both boys/girls. We both likehe/she isthan I. But(2) 3a writing

    17、 and speaking : Use the words to write questions. Then ask and answer in pairs.(3) 3b writing and speaking: First answer the questions,. Then ask and answer in pairs.(4) 3c speaking: Do a survey.知识巩固 单项选择1 The watch is as_ as that one. A the cheap B cheaper C more cheap D cheap2 This book is as _as

    18、that one. A good .B. well Cbetter D best3 My jacket is longer than_ A her B him C she D hers4 Tom sings _ in the party. A clear B clearer C clearly D more clearly5 Im_ hungry. Do you have anything to eat? A little B a little C many D lot of 6.There is _ in todays newspaper. A. anything new B. new an

    19、ything C. nothing new D. new nothing7. I have two children, and _ of them are working in the west of China.A. all B. both C. neither D. either8. Linda doesnt speak English _ her friends, but her English writing is excellent.A. as well as B. as often as C. as much as D. as g ood as同义句转换,每空一词1 My hair

    20、 short, but his hair is shorter. My hair is_ _his.2 They both study very hard. Both_ _study very hard.3.This pen is 20cm. That pen is 22 cm. This pen is a little _ _ that one.4 Pedro is thinner than Sam. Sam is_ _ Pedro.5 My box is heavy. Jims box is heavier. Jims box is heavier_ _.6.Alice is good a

    21、t swimming. Ben is good at swimming , too.Alice is _ _ at swimming _Ben.7.Lisa is a doctor. Eliza is a doctor , too. _ Lisa _ Eliza _ doctors.8. Tina is ten years old. Tara is twelve years old. Tara is _ _ _ than Tina.课堂反思1 我们可以从哪些方面描述两个人的异同?_2 通过本课的学习,你还有哪些疑问?家庭作业:1 仿照 3a ,写一段话来描述自己和好朋友的异同点。2 依据下一个

    22、学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。Period 3 Section B la-1e学习目标:知识目标:1 口、笔头掌握下列句型I think a good friend makes me laugh. For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me.Thats not important for me to do sth.2 熟练掌握以下词汇:talented truly care 3 掌握并能正确使用本课时的重点短语:make sb do sth, do the same things as sb. care about技能目标:能

    23、够读懂听懂谈论朋友特点及异同点的对话,并能用相关的句式表演该对话。情感态度:通过和他人的比较,培养学生正确选择朋友的能力。课前准备 完成下面的对话,可参考课本 20 页的 1aA: Li Ping_ my best friend. Shes a little_ outgoing than I.B: My friend and I are the _ . We are both good at sports.A: Do you _ the same. B: No, Im a little taller _ her.A: What _ Lucys friend?B: Lucys friend is

    24、 _ from her and much more athletic than her. Shes very _ in school. And she often makes her laugh.请用你学过的形容词描述一下你心中好朋友的形象1 _ 2 _ 3_学习过程 Before listening1 交流,检查课前准备,两人一组表演对话。2 完成 20 页的 1a,并结合课前准备 中你的观点,在表格第一行中写出你心中的好朋友应具备的特点,在小组内讨论,完成下面的调查表。Name A good friend观察与思考:1. He makes me laugh(1) make 意为“使,促使,

    25、迫使”其后跟动词_作宾语补足语,既 make sb. dosth.make 还常跟_,做宾语补足语,例如: He often makes me happy.(2) _作动词,表示“笑,因为。 。 。 。 。 。而 笑”短语_表示“嘲笑某人” 。2.the same .as.“和相同” , 多用来指同类的事物。 The same 与 as 可以合用,也可以分开。试着完成下列句子:他的观点和他的叔叔的一样。 His opinion is the _ _ his uncles.我买了一本和你一样的书。 I bought _ _ _ _ yours.3.be different from “和不同,有

    26、差别” 。根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(1)莉莉和露西不一样。 Lily and Lucy _ _ _ _ each other.(2).北京的天气与广州的天气不一样。The weather in Beijing _ _ _ that in Guangzhou.While listening温馨提示:听录音之前要先读句子,这样可以帮助你理解对话哦!1 听第一遍录音,Molly 与 Mary 喜欢好朋友的哪些方面?完成 1c 表格的第一栏。2 听第二遍对话,Molly 与 Mary 分别和她们的好朋友有哪些相同之处?完成 1c 表格的第二栏。温馨提示:先浏览 1c 表格中的内容,预测要填的信息,另

    27、外,千万不要忽略 1a,1b 中的内容,它们也会帮助你哦!3 听第三遍录音,Molly 与 Mary 分别和她们的好朋友有哪些不同之处?完成 1c 表格的第三栏。4、模仿秀,听录音,模仿录音中的精彩片段。After listening1 根据 1c 的表格,两人一组谈论 Molly ,Mary 和她们朋友间异同处。2 调查你们组的两位成员,谈论一下她们最喜欢的哪些特点及她们与其好朋友的异同点,完成下面的调查表。Name Likes about friend The same as best friend Different from best friendA: Who is your best

    28、 friend,? B:A: Why is a good friend? B:知识巩固 补全对话,每空一词A: Hi, Lucy. What kind of friends do you like?B: I like to have friends who are _ (1)me.A: Who is your best friend?B: Maria we _ (2) like singing, and she is good _ (3) sports.A: Do you like _ (4),too?B: _(5),I do. But Maria is_(6)athletic than me

    29、. She always beats me at table tennis.A: Are there any_(7)between you?B: Yes, she is smart_(8)me, and she is funnier. _(9)about you?A: My best friend is Jill. B: Why do you like her?A: Because she is funnier_ (10)more serious than me, and she is a good listener. 用所给动词的适当形式填空1 I think Lily is _ ( pop

    30、ular )than Mona in my class.2 We all enjoy_(stay)at home on weekends.3 This comedy makes me_(laugh)again and again.4 He is good at_(play)basketball.5 Its important for us_(learn)English well.III. 翻译句子,每空一词。1. 那个小男孩在扮鬼脸,这使我大笑。The little boy is making faces, and it _ me _.2. 那位护士擅长与病人打交道。 The nurse _

    31、_ _ patients.3. 在你们班谁擅长打乒乓球?Who _- _ _ _ ping-pong in your class?课堂反思 1 谁是你的好朋友?他、她有哪些特点?你们有哪些异同点?2 通过本课的学习,你还有哪些疑问?家庭作业1 根据今天所学到的知识,介绍一下你的好朋友,并比较一下你们之间的异同点。2 依据下一节学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。Period 4 Section B 2a-2e学习目标:知识目标:1 口、笔头掌握下列句型Im quieter and more serious than most kids. . Im shy so its not easy for me

    32、 to make friends.Larry often helps to bring out the best in me. Larry is much less hard-working.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.In fact, shes funnier than anyone I know.2 熟练掌握以下词汇: necessary, mirror, kid, both, grade, should, saying, reach, hand, loud, similar, laugh3 掌握并能

    33、正确使用本课时的重点短语:As long as, be different from, the same as, bring out, in fact, be similar to 技能目标:能够读懂一定深度的谈论个人特点的文章,并能运用相关知识写出有关表述个人特征,对人物进行比较的文章。情感态度: 学会在日常生活中比较身边事物,进而选择最佳方案。课前准备 试着理解 22 页 2e 中的谚语。 结合课本 20 页 1c 表格中的内容,说一说 Molly 和 Mary 与她们朋友之间的异同点。学习过程 Before reading1 交流,检测课前准备2.预习 2a,写出所给单词的比较级,并写出

    34、五个关于你和你的朋友的句子。While reading1 观察 2b 三幅照片,你认为来自不同国家和地区的人们在如何选择朋友这个问题上会有相同的观点吗?2 skimming(略读 ): 快速阅读 2b,找出含有比较级的句子观察与思考:一些表明观点的句子,看一看它们都出现在文章的什么地方呢?2.Scanning(找读)细读文章,他们与好朋友有什么异同点?请填写下表:Name The same things differencesJeff Green and Yuan LiHuang Lei and LarryMary Smith and Carol4.Careful reading:判断正误:2

    35、c5.Reading up(研读)(1) 自主学习-找出重难点。_(2) 合作探究-细读全文,提出疑难问题,小组讨论,相互解答。_6 模仿秀:听录音,模仿录音中的精彩片段。观察与思考:(1) Larry is much less hard-working, though.(2) We both like sports, but he plays tennis betterAlthough 与 though 常可互换,意为_,but 意为 _ 但注意 although, though 与 but 不能同时用于一句 话中(2) Its not necessary to be the same.本句

    36、话的意思是_。其结构是:“Its+_ +to do”通过学习,相信你一定会完成下面的练习:(1). Its very n_ for us to have good grades. (2). Therere some d_ between the twins. (3). _(虽然) I fail again, I will try it.7. 小组合作,根据前面的表格复述 2b.8.Writing:刘丽和刘英是双胞胎,她们有相同之处,也有不同之处,请根据表格内容写作。The same Different They look the same. Liu Lis hair is shorter th

    37、an Liu Yings.They both have black eyes. Liu Ying is more outgoing.They both have black hair. Liu Li works harder than Liu Ying.They both like sports. Liu Ying is more talented in music.They both enjoy going to the parties. Liu Lis favorite subjects are physics and English, Liu Yings favorite subject

    38、 is P.E.例如:Liu Ying and Liu Li are twins. In some ways they look the same, in some ways they look the different. They both have After reading:1. 你能用今天所学到的知识列出你和你好朋友间的异同点吗?2. 根据所列表格,仿照 2b 写一篇题目为 My friend and I 的短文。The same Differences My friendI 知识巩固:I.单项选择:1. Its necessary for me _ my homework on t

    39、ime. A. finish B. finishes C. to finish D.finishing2. _ he is tired, _ goes on working. A. Though,/ B.But, / C. Though, but, D./, and3.Our football team often _ theirs. A. win. B. beat C. beats D. wins4. Your must finish the _today. A. work B. works C. job D. jobs5. I like to have friends who are _

    40、me. A. different from B. difference from C.different of D. same asII.用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. There are some _ ( different ) between the two students.2 Tara talks _(much ) than Tom.3. My sister writes as _ (good ) as my father.4.Li Wei enjoy _ ( tell ) jokes.5. Laura is a little _ (funny ) than her brot her.

    41、6. Im getting _ ( good )at tennis than baseball.课堂反思:1. 你喜欢和你相似还是互补的朋友呢?请用一句话表明你的观点。_2. 朋友间的友谊,最重要的是什么? 你认为你和朋友的不同之处会影响你们的友谊吗?请写出 2b 中你最有感触的一句话。_家庭作业:1.小组互改作文后,抄在作业本上。2.尽可能的回忆我们前面学过的形容词和副词的比较级,并练习造十个句子。Period 5 Section B 3a-Self Check学习目标:知识目标:1 复习前面学过的含有比较级的句子并 口、笔头掌握下列句型A friend who is similar to

    42、me. A friend who is different from me.Call the English Study Center at 443-5667 for more information.Who do you think should the job, Jenny or Jill?2 熟练掌握以下词汇: wanted, information3 掌握并能正确使用本课时的重点短语:be similar to, English Study Center, be different from, primary school, be good with, be like技能目标:多阅读一

    43、些谈论个人特点的文章,并能运用相关知识写出有关表述个人特征及所熟悉的朋友、家人、老师等,对人物进行比较的文章。情感态度: 学会在日常生活中比较身边事物,通过与周围其他人的比较,学会欣赏自己。学习过程: I.自己独立完成 3a,3b.并相互检查答案。II.从班里选出两位志愿者,结合课本 24 页 4 中的内容,对比一下这两位同学,看哪位同学更适合这份工作。A: So who do you think should the job, Jenny or Jill?B: Well, I think .should get the job because.A: But I think.观察与思考:1.这是一则_ .“wanted”的意思是_, student helper wanted 意为_.广告中提出了要求并提供了联系电话,注意这些关键信息。2.information 为_ ( 可数 / 不可数)名词,可用_ 修饰。Can you tell me some _ ( information ) about Mr Zhang.3.A friend who is s


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