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    人教版(新目标)中考英语复习课件:中考题型集训 单项填空+补全对话+单词拼写

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    人教版(新目标)中考英语复习课件:中考题型集训 单项填空+补全对话+单词拼写

    1、第三篇 中考题型集训,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,.单项填空 ( )1.Shall we go to the city museum this Sunday evening? We have to make it another day. It is closed _ Sunday evening. Aat Bon Cto Din,B,表示在某一天的晚上用介词on。,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )2. 2014襄阳You cant improve your spoken English _ you practice it

    2、 every day from now on. Aas soon as Bunless Cif Dsince,B,句意:除非你从现在开始每天练习,否则你无法提高你的英语口语。unless意为“除非”。,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )3.You _ finish the report today. Any time before Friday is OK. Amustnt Bmust Cneed Dneednt,D,根据“在周五前的任何时间都可以”可知“不必”今天完成报告。故选D。,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )4.You have found your lo

    3、st umbrella, havent you? Yes. I _ it behind the door this afternoon. Ahave found Bwill find Cfound Dfind 13873723296,C,根据时间状语this afternoon可知用一般过去时。,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )5. 2014孝感Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? _ is OK. Im free today and tomorrow. AEither BNeither CBoth DNone,A,根据答语中

    4、“今天和明天我都有空”可知任何一天都可以,又因为谓语动词是is,故选A。,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )6.Few students can understand the sentence until it _ twice or three times. Aexplains Bis explained Cwill be explained Dhas explained,B,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,. 2014眉山补全对话 Jane: Linda, what are you worried about? Linda: I will go to a concer

    5、t with my teacher next weekend. I want to dress smartly. 1._ Jane: Certainly. Do you have any nice clothes? Linda: No. I dont. 2._ Jane: Its not good to wear such clothes to the concert.,B,E,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,Linda: 3._ Jane: You are tall and thin. I think a dress will be nice on you. Linda: Wher

    6、e should I buy a dress? Jane: Marys Clothes Store in the neighborhood. 4._ Lets go and choose one. Linda: Great.,G,D,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,AIll bring it to you next weekend. BCan you give me some advice? CYes, its wonderful. DAnd the prices there are cheap.,Jane: If you wear my necklace (项链), you wil

    7、l be more beautiful. 5._,A,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,EI only have Tshirts and jeans. FCertainly, I agree with you. GThen what clothes should I wear?,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,.单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 12014宿迁改编She hopes to be an excellent d_ (舞蹈家) like Yang Liping. 22014乐山改编Olivia likes to play t

    8、he p_ (钢琴)to relax herself after doing homework.,ancer,iano,题型集训(一) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,32014漳州改编Young people should m_ (掌握) English and computer technology. 42014常州改编The cat is lying c_ (舒适地)under the tree with her eyes half closed. 52014贺州改编Li Lei often helps others, so he is very p_ (受欢迎的) in our school

    9、.,aster,omfortably,opular,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,.单项填空 ( )1. 2014蚌埠三中模拟You must be careful while you are driving the car, or you will have a car _ Afactory Btraffic Caccident Dmessage,C,考查名词辨析。句意:开车时要当心,否则会发生车祸。故选C。,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )2.You _ be thirsty after a long walk. Sit

    10、 down and have a cup of tea. Ashould Bmust Cmay Ccan,B,句意:走了一段长路之后你必定口渴了,坐下来喝杯茶吧。 must意为“必定”。故选B。,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )3.Did you watch the football match yesterday? Yes, I did. You know, my brother _ in the match. Ais playing Bwas playing Chas played Dwill play,B,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )4._ diffi

    11、cult questions the teacher asked! Only a few students could answer them! AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a,A,感叹句的中心词是名词时,应用what,且questions为可数名词复数,故选A。,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )5.Alice, mother says we can have a pet! How about a dog? I prefer a cat. It is _ to take care of. Aeasy Beasier Ceasiest Dthe easiest

    12、,B,两个事物之间进行比较用比较级。故选B。,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )6.Your coat is so cool. Could you tell me _? Awhere do you buy it Bwhere you buy it Cwhere you bought it Dwhere did you buy it,C,宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,要用陈述语序,由句意可知应用一般过去时。故选C。,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )7.Bob, you cant go out to play with your friends until your hom

    13、ework _ Awill finish Bis finished Cwill be finished Dis being finished,B,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )8.Do you like the part played by Li Yapeng or that by Sun Honglei? _ AThats a good idea BIts very nice of you CIm sorry to hear that DI like both,D,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,. 2014包河区二模补全对话 M: Mary, have I sh

    14、own you my pictures? W: No, you havent. Are these your pictures of Shanghai? M: 1._ I took them last month while I was in Shanghai with my parents there. W: They are so beautiful. 2._ M: Of course. 3._,F,C,D,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,W: You took wonderful pictures! Did you have a good time in Shanghai? M

    15、: Yes. Ill never forget the experiences there. 4_ M: Never. 5._ W: I wish your dream will come true.,A,G,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,AHave you ever been there before? BHow lucky you are! CDid you take any photos of the new buildings there? DHere they are. EWhat about going there together next time? FYes, t

    16、hey are. GHow I wish I could go there this summer!,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,.单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 1After a long d_ (讨论) with her father, she decided not to take the job. 2Wang Yang said he had something p_ (个人的) to discuss with Miss Zhang. 3Anna enjoys almost all sports,and she e_ (尤其)

    17、likes tennis and basketball.,iscussion,ersonal,specially,题型集训(二) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,4This kind of illness s_ (传播)quickly and we must do something to prevent it. 5Christmas is one of the most important festivals in w_ (西方的) countries.,preads,estern,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,.单项填空 ( )1. 2014

    18、蚌埠7中模拟Which city would you like to live in, Beijing or Shanghai? _. I think Kunming is a good place. AEither BBoth CNone DNeither,D,表示“两者都不”用neither。,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )2. 2014黄山10中模拟You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking, _ youll get better soon. Abut Bafter Cor Dand,D,句意:你应经咳嗽了

    19、好几天了,比尔。停止吸烟,你就会很快好起来的。这里表示顺承关系,故用and。,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )3. 2014阜阳9中模拟Why didnt you come and open the door for me, dear? Sorry, Mike. I _ TV in the bedroom and didnt hear you. Awas watching Bhave watched Cwill watch Dwas watched,A,根据答语句意可判断因为我当时“正在看电视”,所以没听到敲门声,故用过去进行时。,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,(

    20、)4.Mr. Wang has decided to _ smoking. Thats good news. I hope he can make it this time. Agive up Btry out Cturn off Dclean up,A,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )5.Why does Dave look so sad? Because all the students passed the exam _ him. Abesides Bwith Cwithout Dexcept,D,答语句意:因为除了他之外,所有的学生都通过了考试。表示仅有某人不包括在内用

    21、介词except。,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )6.This skirt is too expensive. I cant a fford it. How about this one? Its much _ Athe cheapest Bcheaper Ccheapest Dcheap,B,考查形容词的比较等级。根据句意可知是对两件衣服进行比较,所以用比较级。故选B。,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )7. 2014陕西Every day, too much water _ in our school. We should save it. Ais wast

    22、ed Bwastes Cwas wasted Dwasted,A,water是动作的承受者,作主语时,谓语动词用被动语态。由every day可知用一般现在时的被动语态。故选A。,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )8.I think Jim will get good grades this term. _. He studies harder than before. AI agree BI disagree CIts my pleasure DNo way,A,根据答语“他学习比以前努力了”可知应该是赞同对方的意见。故选A。,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,.补全对

    23、话 A: To the airport, please. BAny particular route(特别路线)? A: 1._ Whats the traffic like? B: 2._ Were in rush hour. A: I need to get there by 12 oclock. B: Thats going to be hard.,B,G,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,A: 3._ B: Off on holiday, arent you? A: 4._ How long do you think its going to take to get there

    24、? B: About half an hour. A: Good. 5._,E,A,D,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,ANo, business. BThe quickest. CI dont know. DI should make it. EDo your best, please. FPlease drive more slowly. GIts a bit heavy.,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,. 单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 1The girl was so s_ (困倦的) in class that she

    25、 couldnt keep her eyes open. 2The d_ (死) of his grandpa made Li Bin feel very sad.,leepy,eath,题型集训(三) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,3Our math teacher thinks this book is quite h_ (有帮助的) to us. 4Mr. Smith often says that s_ (安全) is the most important thing. 5He put on his coat and went away q_(迅速地) as soon as he hear

    26、d the ring.,elpful,afety,uickly,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,.单项填空 ( )1. 2014阜阳3中模拟Miss Wang is a _ teacher. We always ask her many questions, but she never feels bored. Astrict Bsmart Cpatient Dlively,C,由第二句句意“我们总是问她很多问题,但是她从不感到厌烦”可知她是一个“有耐心的”老师。故选C。,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )2. 2014合肥37

    27、中模拟Turn the computer off, Peter! You _ play games so late any more. Amustnt Bneednt Chave to Dmight,A,句意:彼得,关上电脑,你千万不能再玩电脑玩到这么晚了。故选A。,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )3. 2014阜阳9中模拟Have you packed the camera for your trip? _. Ill do it right away. ANo problem BId like to CNot yet DYes, I have,C,根据答语“Ill do it

    28、 right away.”可知“仍然没有”准备相机。 故选C。,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )4. 2014六安裕安区模拟What was the _ of the volleyball match last Friday? The American team beat the Chinese team. Aresult Bpurpose Creason Dprogress,A,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )5.Can I see Mr. Wang now? Sorry, you have to wait. He _an important meeting

    29、now. Ahas had Bhas Cwill have Dis having,D,根据答语中的now可知“他现在正在开一个重要的会议”。故用现在进行时。,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )6. 2014合肥45中二模Be sure to turn off the lights _ you leave the room. Aunless Bafter Cuntil Dwhen,D,句意:当你离开房间的时候,务必关上所有的灯。故选D。,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )7.I tried to _ to him that it was not my fault bu

    30、t he still couldnt understand. Apress Bprepare Cexplain Drealize,C,句意:我尽力向他解释不是我的错,但是他仍然不能理解。故选C。,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )8.Although he is a new student, he gets along well _ his classmates. Aon Bwith Cat Din,B,get along well with sb.意为“与某人相处得好”。故选B。,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,.补全对话 (Debby is going on a t

    31、rip to Japan. Now she is talking with her best friend Amy.) A: I love traveling very much. I really cant wait to go to Japan. B: I know. I am also excited when I go traveling. By the way, when is your flight? A: 1._,F,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,B: Wow, then you have to pack up your things well tonight. A:

    32、 Oh, right. Can you help me? 2._ B: OK. Make sure your luggage (行李) isnt too heavy. A: I surfed the Internet for the luggage weight. 3. _,A,D,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,B: Cool, then you shouldnt let your luggage overweight. A: How much money should I exchange? B: Sorry! 4._ What are you looking for? A: 5

    33、._ Oh, wait! Here it is. I found it!,G,C,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,AYou can give me some suggestions. BThats a good idea. CI am looking for my yellow Tshirt. DEach person can take 23 kilograms of things. EI am listening to music. FIt is at 8:35 tomorrow morning. GI know nothing about this.,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全

    34、对话单词拼写,.单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 1Stop playing computer games! You are w_ (浪费) your time. 2Yesterday, we found their house e_ (容易地) enough.,asting,asily,题型集训(四) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,3Most of the children like m_ (猴子), because theyre very clever. 4Larry is only fifteen years old, but he is much

    35、b_ (更勇敢的) than many adults. 5Class was beginning. The students began to take out the books from their s_ (书包),onkeys,raver,choolbags,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,.单项填空 ( )1.Excuse me, I want to buy some salt. Where can I find a store? I know one not far from here. You can find _ without

    36、 difficulty. Athis Bthat Cit Done,C,it指代前面提到的某物,二者为同一个物体;one指代与前面相同的东西,二者不是同一个物体。答语句意:我知道离这里不远有一个,你能很容易地找到它。指代同一物体用it。,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )2.The doctor _ work in this hospital. The name of the hospital is on his uniform. Acant Bmustnt Cmust Dcan,C,根据“他的制服上有这个医院的名字”可知“他必定在这个医院工作”。故选C。,题型集训(五) 单项填

    37、空补全对话单词拼写,( )3.I think you can _ my surprised look when they told me the news. Abelieve Brefuse Cimagine Dlook,C,句意:我认为你能想象到当他们告诉我这个消息的时候,我那惊讶的表情。故选C。,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )4. 2014合肥38中一模Our classroom _ last month, so it looks new now. Ais painted Bhas painted Cpainted Dwas painted,D,句意:我们的教室上个月装修

    38、了,因此它现在看上去很新。强调动作的承受者用被动语态,又根据时间状语last month可知选D。,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )5. 2014淮北实验中学一模Id like to watch the London Olympic Games in July. Could you tell me _ to London? I think you have to take a plane. Ahow to get Bwhen to get Cwho to get Dwhere to get,A,由答语可知是对方式进行提问。故用how。,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,

    39、( )6. 2014宿州二中模拟The food in that restaurant looks delicious but _ bad. Atastes Bbecomes Cturns Dfeels,A,句意:那个饭店里的食物看上去是很美味,但是品尝起来却很糟糕。故选A。,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )7.Has he finished his composition? Yes, he has. He _ it this morning. Ais writing Bwrote Cwas writing Dhas written,B,答语句意:是的,他已经完成了。他上午写的

    40、。由句意可知用一般过去时,故选B。,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,( )8.I was watching TV at this time of yesterday. What about you, Lily? _ ASo was I BSo I was CSo did I DSo I did,A,A 根据上句句意可判断答语意为“我昨天这个时间也在看电视”。表示“也是如此”用“so谓语主语”结构。上句谓语动词是be,答语的谓语应保持一致。故选A。,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,. 2014安庆一模补全对话 M: Good morning.Can I help you, m

    41、adam? W: Yes, please. 1._ M: OK.Qingdao is a nice place to visit. 2._The weather is neither hot nor cold. W: Sounds good. 3._ M: You can get there by train.,D,G,C,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,W: Shall I visit places of interest by bus in Qingdao? M: Sure. 4._ W: Good. 5._ M: 1280 yuan each person. W: Well.

    42、Its nice. Id like to book the tour for two.,B,F,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,A. Why not take a taxi to go there with your friend? B. Our sightseeing bus will take you around the city. C. How can I get there?D. Could you introduce me a nice place to go over the weekend?,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,E. I hope you wil

    43、l have a great time there. F. How much does it cost? G. Its the right time to go there.,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,.单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 1Uncle Wang enjoys drinking milk with h_(蜂蜜). 2After an hours walk, they f_ (最后)arrived at the top of the mountain. 3Ann is always late for class. It makes her teacher very a_ (生气),oney,inally,ngry,题型集训(五) 单项填空补全对话单词拼写,4When the little boy heard the noise, he jumped up and r_ (冲) out of the door. 5Im sure I can do better if I have another c_ (机会),ushed,hance,


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