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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit5(第1课时)Section A 1a_2d课时练习(含答案)

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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit5(第1课时)Section A 1a_2d课时练习(含答案)

    1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?第一课时 Section A (1a2d)A 基础起航 .根据图片写出短语。1 2._two_basketballs_ _four_tennis_balls_3 4._three_volleyballs_ _a_soccer_ball_5 6.four_pingpong_balls_ _a_baseball_and_a_baseball_bat_.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。1Lets play volleyball. Do you have_ a volleyball? Yes, I do.2Zhang Mei can

    2、 play pingpong. She has a pingpong ball and two pingpong bats_. 3He does_(做) his homework every day.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1_Do_ you _have_ (have) a pen? Yes, and I _have_(have) a pencil. 2What _do_ you _think_(think) of those two bags?3Mona _has_(have) a pingpong ball.4_Does_ Susan _help_ (help) her mother

    3、 with the housework?5My father _knows_(know) everything.6We _dont_have_(not have) a model plane, but our cousin _does_(do)7This room _doesnt_have_(not have) a window.8I have two _balls_(ball) under the table.B 语法扬帆 .在横线上填入合适的单词,使句子完整。(每空词数不限)1_Do_you_have_a soccer ball?Yes, I do.2Where are the baske

    4、tballs?_They_are_behind the door.3_Are_these/those/the_volleyballs yours?No. They are his.4Does Chen Lin have a pingpong bat?Yes, _she/he_does_5_Does_your_friend_lose_his pen?Yes, he often asks, “Where is my pen?”6_Is_this_your tennis racket?Yes, its mine.单项选择。( A )1.Do you have_ baseball?Yes, I do.

    5、 Aa BanCthe D/ ( B )2._ you know that girl under the tree?AAre BDoCDoes DIs( D )3.Nancy _have a computer.Aisnt BdontCarent Ddoesnt ( C )4.Do you have pingpong bats?_, and I have baseball bats, too. AYes, I am BNo, I dontCYes, I do DNo, Im not ( B )5.Do you have a basketball?No, I dont. Bill_ one.Ais

    6、 BhasChave Dgo ( C )6.I dont have a baseball, but Jason _Ais BhasCdoes Ddoesnt .用 have或 has填空。1I _have_ three friends in England.2They _have_ a big room.3Harry _has_ two cats.4Jeff and Jean _have_ a son.5We _have_ much homework today.6She _has_ a red pencil.7Bobs brothers _have_ nice watches.8The sm

    7、all table _has_ 4 legs. 9My father _has_ a basketball.10Jim and I _have_ many friends.C 提升冲浪 .完形填空。My name is Li Lei. I have a good friend._1_ name is Jim Brown. He is_2_ English boy. His family are_3_ Shanghai. He_4_ a sister. Jim has a nice_5_A table, a bed, a bookcase and four chairs are in_6_A p

    8、hone and a key_7_ on the table. He has_8_ photos on the wall. One is of him, and the other two are his family photos. Jim has a tennis racket_9_ the bed.He_10_ tennis every afternoon.( B )1.A.My BHis CHer DTheir( A )2.A.an Ba Cthe D/( A )3.A.in Bat Con Dunder( B )4.A.helps Bhas Cthinks Dasks( C )5.A

    9、.school Bclub Croom Dbox( A )6.A.it Bhere Cthem Dhim( B )7.A.is Bare Cam Ddo( B )8.A.two Bthree Cfour Dfive( A )9.A.under Bto Cof Dfor( B )10.A.likes Bplays Cmakes Ddoes.阅读理解。Tom and I are good friends. Tom is an English boy, but I am a Chinese girl. My name is Li Hua. He is 12 and I am 13.He is in

    10、Class One. Im in Class One, too.Tom has a nice soccer ball. He can play it very well. I have a computer. I can play computer games, but I cant play soccer. It is difficult. Tom teaches me to play soccer, and I teach Tom to play computer games. Now I can play soccer and Tom can play computer games.(

    11、B )1.Li Hua is_, but Tom is _AChinese; ChineseBChinese; EnglishCEnglish; ChineseDEnglish; English( B )2.Tom and Li Hua are_. AEnglish Bin Class OneCboys D13( C )3.Li Hua is_ years old. A11 B12C13 D14( A )4.Tom can play_ very well. Asoccer BbasketballCcomputer games Dvolleyball( A )5.Which of the following is TRUE?ATom has a soccer ball and Li Hua has a computer. BLi Hua cant play soccer now. CTom cant play soccer. Its difficult. DTom and Li Hua are teachers. 猜出画线单词的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。读 后 词 汇 拓 展wall _n墙_


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