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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit3(第4课时)Section B 2a_2c课时练习(含答案)

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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit3(第4课时)Section B 2a_2c课时练习(含答案)

    1、Unit 3 Is this your pencil第四课时 Section B (2a2c)A 基础起航.翻译下列短语。1在学校图书馆 _in_the_school_library_2在 7E 教室 _in_Classroom_7E_3必须找到它 _must_find_it_4问老师要 _ask_the_teacher_for_5按照(邮件地址)发邮件给我_email_me_at._6按照(电话号码)打电话给我_call_me_at._.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1He _lost_ (lose) his yellow and brown pencil box that afterno

    2、on.2Is this school ID card _yours_ (you)?3This is my email address. You can _email_ (email) me at it.4Our school has two _libraries_ (library). They are so great.5Please come to the Lost and _Found_(find) to get your things back.6I must _find_ (find) the baseball. It is my friends baseball.7I have s

    3、ome _keys_ (key) in my schoolbag.8You can ask your parents for _it_(it).单项选择。( A )1.This is Janes telephone number. You can _her at the number.Acall BmeetCthank Dspell( C )2.The boys are in _. Aroom 384 B384 roomCRoom 384 D384 Room( B )3.You can ask the teacher _help.Ain BforCat Dabout( C )4.Please

    4、email me _ .Ain BforCat Dabout( D )5.He needs his ID card. So he must _ it.Alose Blost Cfound DfindB 语法扬帆 .句型转换。1Some keys are in Classroom 201.(改为否定句)Some keys_are_ _not_in Classroom 201.2The watch is white_and_black. (对画线部分提问)_What_ _color_is the watch?3That is a nice ring. (改为复数句)_Those_are nice

    5、_rings_4This is my notebook. (改为同义句)This notebook _is_ _mine_5Are those her keys? (作否定回答)No, _they_ _arent_C 提升冲浪 .请从方框内选出各题中所需的最佳用语完成对话。其中两项多余。Teacher: Hi, Anna. Are these your pencils? Anna: 1._G_ Teacher: And is this his green pen?Anna: No, it isnt. 2._A_ Teacher: What about this dictionary? Anna

    6、: 3._D_ And the green pen is hers, too. Teacher: And the eraser? Is that yours? Anna: 4._E_ Teacher: Thank you for your help, Anna. Anna: 5._B_ AThe blue pen is his. BYoure welcome.CIs this your book?DIts Helens.EYes, it is. FWhats this?GNo, they are Bobs. .用所给单词的正确形式填空或根据上下文填写合适的单词。(每空一词)Dear Chen

    7、Xi,I am at school now. Today I 1._lost_ (lose) my schoolbag. So can you help me and bring some school 2._things_(thing) to school? I need 3._a_ notebook. I have some 4._notebooks_(notebook)on the desk. I also need a pen 5._and_a pencil. They 6._are_(be) on my desk, too.Oh, the pen is white and the p

    8、encil is white, 7._too_. My eraser is in one of the notebooks. You can 8._find_(find) it easily(容易地). It is yellow and pink. Please come to 9._my_(I) school at one oclock this afternoon.10_Thanks_(thank)! Chen Gang.完形填空。Hello! My name is Paul. I am a student in Yuhua Middle School. Now Im in the sch

    9、ool Lost _1_ Found office. Here _2_ a pen. Is it mine? _3_. It is not my pen. It is my good friend _4_. She lost _5_ pen in the school library this morning. It is black. Now she can _6_ it. I can email her about it _7_ anna808 tom. com.I found some keys in Classroom 7C this afternoon. Are they yours

    10、? My phone _8_ is 7985546. Please _9_ me. You can _10_ the teacher for them, too.( B )1.A.but Band Cor Dso( C )2.A.be Bare Cis Dam( D )3.A.Hello BOK CYes DNo( D )4.A.Bob BAnna CBobs DAnnas( C )5.A.your Bhis Cher Dmy( B )6.A.meet Bfind Cspell Dsay( B )7.A.to Bat Cin Dfor( A )8.A.number Bcomputer Cboo

    11、k Dcup( D )9.A.see Bhelp Cexcuse Dcall( A )10.A.ask Bhave Cthank Dplease.阅读理解。Tom,A white and black baseball is on the playground. Is it yours? I know you like playing ball games. Ask your PE. teacher for it.JoyLostI lost my nice white watch and a set of keys.I must find them. You can call me at 887

    12、76438. Thanks very much.JudyFoundSome colorful books are in Classroom 102. Are they yours? If yes, you can email me at 5664322 .Lucas( B )1.Who lost a watch?ATom. BJudy.CLucas. DJoy.( C )2.Where are some books?AOn the playground.BIn PE teachers office.CIn Classroom 102.DAt qq zone( C )3.If you find

    13、the watch, you can _Aask the teacher for itBemail Lucas at 5664322 Ccall Judy at 88776438Dput it on the playground( B )4.What color is the baseball?AWhite.BWhite and black.CColorful.DWe dont know.( C )5.Lucas found _Aa baseballBa watchCsome booksDa set of keys猜出画线单词的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。读 后 词 汇 拓 展1zone _ n空间_2playground _ n操场_


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