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    四年级上册英语单元训练Unit 4 情景交际(含答案)

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    四年级上册英语单元训练Unit 4 情景交际(含答案)

    1、人教版(PEP)英语四年级上册 Unit 4情景专项测试卷考试时间:40分钟满分:100分题号一二三四六七八九总分得分一、情景会话。将正确的选项填在题前括号内。(10分)( )1.当别人说:“Your eraser is nice.”时,你应说:( )A. Thanks. B. Wow! No. C. You speak well.( )2.当你把自己的妈妈介绍给怀特老师时,你可以说:( )A. Miss White. Hes my mom. B. Miss White, thiss my mom.C. Miss White, this is my mom.( )3.当你要借别人的尺子时,你会

    2、说:( )A. Thank you. May I borrow your ruler?B. Excuse me. May I borrow your ruler? C. Youre right. May I borrow your ruler?( )4.如果你是值日生,你会:( )A. Play computer games. B. Sweep the floor. C. Listen to the music.( )5.如果你想看书,你会:( )A. Go to the living room. B. Go to the bathroom.C. Go to study.二、读一读,选择正确答

    3、案。(10分)( ) 1. Is Ada in the bedroom?_A. No, she is.B. Yes, she is.C. Yes, it is.( ) 2. Look! The pens are _ the pencil box. A. onB. inC. under( ) 3. Are they near the desk?_来源:学科网A. Yes, they are.B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, he is.( ) 4. The chairs _ in the living room.A. isB. areC. do( ) 5. Where are the

    4、 pens?_ on the desk.A. ItsB. TheyreC. It is三、看图, 选择相应的单词, 并将序号写在括号内。(15分)() 1. Where is the _? 来源:学科网A. car B. boat () 2. My toy plane (飞机) is _ the desk. A. on B. in() 3. Its _ the box. A. on B. in() 4. Where is my ruler? Its _ the book. A. on B. in() 5. Look, the car is _ the chair. A. on B. under

    5、 四、根据情境选择恰当的答句。(15分) 来源:Z_xx_k.Com 五、情景选择。(10分)( )1当你想知道Ada的爸爸在哪里时,你应这样问Ada:_A. Where is your father? BWhere is the father?C. Where is your mother?( )2当你想知道它是不是在桌子上时,你应问:_A. Is it on the table? BIs it in the desk?C. Are they in the desk?( )3当别人问你小狗是否在卧室时,你应说:_A. Yes,they areBNo,she isnt.CYes, it is.

    6、( )4当你想告诉妈妈钥匙在门上插着时,你应说:_ALook! The key is on the door. BLook! The key is in the door.来源:学,科,网CLook! The key is under the door.( )5当你想让别人开门时,你应说:_ANo, they arent. BOK!COpen the door, please!六、情景交际。(10分) () 1. 某物在铅笔盒里, 应说:A.It is on the pencil box. B. It is in the pencil box.C. It is under the pencil

    7、 box. () 2. 你找不到你的书包了, 去问妈妈, 你应说:A. Where is my ruler, Mum B. I cant find my pen.C. Mum, where is my bag?() 3. 当别人猜某物在某个地方, 你觉得是个不错的猜测, 你应说:A. Sure. Here you are. B. Thank you. C. Good guess. () 4. 当你问钢笔是不是在桌子里时, 你应说:A. Do you have a pen. B. Is your pen in the desk?C. Where is your pen?() 5. 当你想和汤姆一

    8、起回家时, 你应说:A. Lets go to bed.B. Welcome back home.C. Lets go home. 七、连词成句(共10分)(1)has he glasses blue and are his shoes(.) (2)are the where keys(?) (3)on table are they the(?) (4)they arent in the kitchen(.) (5)in the she is living room (?) 八、找出与图片相对应的句子, 把序号写在图片下面的括号里(10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( )

    9、 ( ) ( )来源:Z#xx#k.ComA. The panda is in the cap. B. The dog is in the box. C. The ball is on the desk. D. The bird is under the umbrella. E. The pencil is in the pencil box. 九、情景阅读,完成短文。(10分)Welcome to my 1. _ . This is my living room. You can see a big 2. _ and a big 3. _ in it! Look! This is my be

    10、droom. I have a 4. _ and a chair in it. I have a small 5. _ , too.参考答案 一、ACBBC二、1-5 BBABB三、1. A2. B3. B4. B5. B四、1. A2. F3. E4. G5. C五、1A 2A 3C 4B 5C六、1. B2. C3. C4. B5. C七、(1)He has glasses and his shoes are blue.(2)Where are the keys?(3)Are they on the table?(4)They arent in the kitchen.(5)Is she in the living room?八、1. E2. D3. A4. B5. C九、1.home 2.door 3.window 4.desk 5.bed


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