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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit1(第3课时)Section B 1a_1f课时练习(含答案)

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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit1(第3课时)Section B 1a_1f课时练习(含答案)

    1、Unit 1 My names Gina第三课时 Section B (1a1f)A 基础起航 .根据句意和首字母提示填写单词。1Nine and zero_ is still nine.2Can you spell_ “pen”? Yes, PEN, pen.3Look at the girl. Her_ name is Gina Miller.4Whats one and three? Its four_5I can see two numbers_on the blackboard. They are 1 and 9.6Whats your telephone_number, Nick?

    2、Its 5790832.7Six and two is eight_8Can I use the phone_? I want to call(打电话) my father.9What is 6 times 1?It is six_10We have seven_classes on Friday, five in the morning and two in the afternoon. 完成下列等式。1two_five_ seven2_four_ twotwo3eightone_nine_ 4nine_three_ six5_two_ foursix6nine_two_ seven7fiv

    3、e_one_ six8_seven_ onesix9fourfour_zero_ 10eightthree_five_ .单项选择。( D )1.Whats your phone number? _ 6996096.AThis is BImCWere DIts( B )2._ is your grandfather? Hes fine.AWhat BHowCWhere DHow old ( A )3.What color is _ jacket? _ white.Ayour; Its Byou; ItsChis; Its Dher; Its a( C )4.This is _ map and

    4、its _ map.Aan; I Ba; youCa; his Dan; my ( B )5._ two and six?Its eight.AHowre BWhatsCHows DWhatre ( A )6._the girls name Kate?Yes, _AIs; it is BIts; it isCAre; they are DIs; it isnt( A )7.Whats your car number?_ 78B69.AIts BImCCar numbers DShes( B )8.My name is Alice White. Please call me _AWhite BA

    5、liceCWhite Alice DMs. Alice.根据汉语意思完成句子。1你的电话号码是多少?_Whats_ your telephone _number_?2这是你妈妈的电话号码吗?_Is_ this your _mothers_ telephone number?35 加 6 等于多少?What _is_ five _and_ six?4我很好,谢谢你!I _am_ fine, _thank_ you!5你是史密斯先生吗?_Are_ _you_ Mr. Smith?B 语法扬帆 .用 be 动词的适当形式填空。1What _is_ your name? 2_Are_ you Tom?

    6、3John Brown and his son _are_ from America.4_Is_your mothers name Lucy? 5My phone number _is_ 2836579.6They _are_students in this school.7_Are_these pencils Jims?Yes, they are.8Gina and I _are_from England.9Sandy Miller _is_her English name.10_Is_eight your lucky (幸运的) number?. 句型转换。1His name is Ada

    7、m. (对画线部分提问)_What_ _is_ his name?2Im Jenny. (改为同义句)_My_ _name_ _is_ _Jenny_3James is fine. (对画线部分提问)_How_ _is_ James?4The ruler is white. (对画线部分提问)_What_ _color_ is the ruler?5My telephone number is 2819716. (对画线部分提问)_What_ _is_ your telephone number?C 提升冲浪 .根据上下文语境填空。Good morning! I 1._am_ Eric. Lo

    8、ok at this ruler. What color is it? 2._It_is red. Its Bobs ruler. That is 3._a_jacket. Do you know what 4._color_ the jacket is? Its green. This is a key. It 5._is_ Franks key. 6._Its_ yellow. My pen is blue 7._and_ white.I like it. Oh, 8._whats_ that? Its an orange. It is orange. Its 9._not_ mine.

    9、It is Helens 10._orange_. 阅读理解。AI am a 12yearold girl. I am Linda Brown.I am from Canada. Now I am in China. I study(学习) Chinese here. I am in Changjiang Middle School. I am in Class 1, Grade 7. My father and my mother are in China, too. They are teachers in a university (大学). My father is fortyfive

    10、 years old. My mother is forty. I have a brother. He is in a primary school. He is nine years old. My fathers cell phone number is 13987765645. My mothers is 13789009761. I dont have a cell phone. We all like China. People here are very friendly.( B )1.Where is Linda?AShes in Canada.BShes in China.C

    11、Shes in a university.DShes in a primary school.( C )2.Linda is in Grade _AOne BTwoCSeven DNine( A )3.Lindas father and mother are _Ateachers BstudentsCworkers Ddoctors( D )4.How old is Mrs. Brown?A12. B9.C45. D40.( D )5.Whats Lindas phone number? A13987765645. B13789009761.C87760976. DWe dont know.B

    12、I am Jack. I am thirteen. I am from America. Now I am a student in China. I have three good friends. They are Li Ting, Amy and Fred. Li Ting is twelve. Amy is twelve, too. Fred is thirteen. Li Ting is from China. Amy and Fred are from America. Amy is in China now. She is in Class 1, Grade 7. She and

    13、 Li Ting are in the same class. Amys telephone number is 85677746. Li Tings telephone number is 88865421.Fred now is in America. He loves sports but I dont. I like my friends very much.( B )1.Jack has _ good friends.Atwo BthreeCfour Dfive( A )2._ are 13 years old.AJack and FredBLi Ting and FredCAmy and Li TingDJack and Amy( C )3.Whats Amys telephone number? Its _A88865421 B85675421C85677746 D88867746( D )4.Amy and Li Ting are _Ateachers BpolicewomenCsingers Dstudents( B )5._ loves sports.AJack BFredCAmy DLi Ting猜出画线单词的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。读 后 词 汇 拓 展1sports _ n运动_ 2.like _ v._喜欢_


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