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    1、七年级(上)期末综合测试题(六)第一卷选择题(60 分)I.词汇测试。 ( 15 分)i)从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共 8 小题,每小题 1 分)()1. When did you leave school yesterday afternoon?At 4:30 p.m. Because Lily wanted to go shopping with me.A. play in B. go toC. go away from()2. There will be a quiz next week. Are you nervous?No. I thi

    2、nk it must be very easy.A. test B. picnicC. trip()3. Sam is weak because he never takes exercise. He should do sports and eat fruit and vegetables.A. not happy B. not worriedC. not strong()4. The air here is dry. We should drink much water.Yes. Drinking water is good for our body.A. not clean B. not

    3、 wetC. not dirty()5. We can use water to make energy.Yes, its a good idea.A. soil B. airC. power()6. In the north of our country, it is usually snowy in winter.Children there like making snowmen.A. often snows B. never snowsC. seldom snows()7. Lisa, what time did you go to bed last night?At 10 p.m.

    4、At that time, I just finished my homework.A. get up B. go to sleepC. go swimming()8. Is your home close to that park, Leo?Yes. It usually takes me ten minutes on foot.A. far from B. behindC. nearii)根据句子意思,从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共 7 小题,每小题 1 分)()9. To go after someone means to _ him or her.A

    5、. follow B. watchC. stop()10. A _ is a notebook. People usually write down their daily life in it.A. magazine B. diaryC. newspaper()11. Who _ you to sing?I learn to sing from my sister.A. asks B. tellsC. teaches()12. How lovely these _ are!They are also helpful. They make honey for us.A. bees B. but

    6、terfliesC. birds()13. When I go to a strange place, I always lose my _. Oh,its good for you to go outside with a map.A. information B. directionC. question()14. The lights on the top of the building _ the sky around it.They look very beautiful.A. turn up B. put upC. light up()15. Are you _ drawing?N

    7、o, I am not. I like singing.A. interested in B. angry withC. nervous aboutII.完形填空。 (15 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选 项。 (共 10 小题.每小题 1.5 分)The weather was very hot. Allan and his friend Henry went swimming in a river. How 16 they were in the river! After they got out of the water, they

    8、17 games for a while.On their way back, Henry saw some 18 . He liked flowers very much and ran into the green field to look at them. Allan 19 on the road by himself. Then he heard Henry 20 out, “A snake! Help! Help!”“Whats 21 with you?” asked Allan.“A snake bit me on the leg. Come here!”Allan ran ov

    9、er and saw a small red wound on Henrys leg.“The snake was in the grass. I didnt 22 it.” “Sit down 23 !” Allan told Henry.Allan put his mouth at the little red wound and began to suck (吹吸).In this way he saved Henry.“Oh, Allan, its very kind of you to 24 me.”“Thats all right. We are 25 and we should

    10、help each other.”()16. A. bored B. happyC. sad()17. A. watched B. wantedC. played()18. A. flowers B. fruitsC. vegetables()19. A. studied B. sleptC. walked()20. A. get B. workC. call()21. A. right B. wrongC. special()22. A. watch B. lookC. see()23. A. brightly B. slowlyC. quickly()24. A. leave B. hel

    11、pC. choose()25. A. parents B. teachersC. friendsIII.阅读理解。 (30 分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的 A、B、C 、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分)AMr King comes from Sydney and now he is the headmaster of a language school in Canada. It is a new school year. He is making a speech to his new foreign students from different co

    12、untries. Some are from Japan; some are Chinese; some are Germans and some come from Italy.“Hello, everyone. My name is Robert King. Welcome to our school. I hope you all will enjoy your time with us. Every morning from 8:30 to 11:30,you will be in the classroom learning English. In the afternoon and

    13、 evening, you are free to do what you want to do. You can stay at the library. You can do sports. You can surf the Internet. You can visit some places of interest. And youll be able to speak English. There will be lots of time for speaking. Next, here is some news about your exam. You will take it a

    14、fter three weeks. You may use a dictionary in the exam. Dont be too worried about this. The exam is not very difficult. We will send your results to your home address about four weeks later. Thats all, thank you.”()26. Where does Mr King come from?A. Australia. B. Italy.C. Canada. D. Germany.()27. H

    15、ow long will the students be in the classroom learning English every morning?A. For half an hour.B. For one hour and a half.C. For two hours.D. For three hours.()28. When will the students take the exam?A. One week later.B. Two weeks later.C. Three weeks later.D. Four weeks later.()29. What does the

    16、 underlined word “this” refer to (指代) ?A. The dictionary. B. The exam.C. The address. D. English.()30. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The students have to learn Maths in the afternoon.B. They cant use a dictionary in the exam.C. The exam is very difficult.D. The students dont have any classes in

    17、the evening.BFrom a plane we can see the fields, cities, mountains or the sea. The sea looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it. But it can be very terrible when there is a strong wind.The sea nearly covers three quarters of the Earth. The sea is also very deep in some places. It is said t

    18、hat the deepest (最深的)place in the sea is about 11 kilometres. The highest (最高的)mountain in the world is about 9 kilometres high. If we put that mountain into the sea, there will be still 2 kilometres of water above it!In most parts of the sea, there are many kinds of fishes and plants. Some live nea

    19、r the top of the sea. Others live deep down. There are also a lot of small living things, and lots of fish live by eating them.The sea can be very cold. When people go down, the sea becomes colder and colder (越来越 冷的).Only some people can go down into the deep sea. But, in 1970, five women scientists

    20、 lived in the deep sea for fourteen days.()31. The sea covers about _ of the Earth.A. one half B. one quarterC. two quarters D. three quarters ()32. Which is NOT mentioned (提及)in this passage?A. Fish. B. Plants.C. Islands. D. Living things.()33. Five women scientists lived in the deep sea for _ in 1

    21、970.A. five days B. twelve daysC. thirteen days D. fourteen days()34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The deepest place in the sea is about 10 kilometres.B. The sea can be terrible when the wind blows hard.C. A lot of fish live in the sea by eating plants.D. The sea become

    22、s warm when people go down.()35. This passage is most probably from _.A. a radio program B. a science reading C. a storybook D. a newspaperCAbout CollectorIm John Brown. I was born in 1972, and I teach in a middle school. I live in Sydney. I have a special hobby. I like collecting things! Do you kno

    23、w what I collect? Signs! I got some bulletin board signs (公告栏标志 )in 1984. Then two years later, I started collecting signs.The Site Overview (网站概述)I built (建立)this site to show my collection. In the past, I took photos of my signs and put them in a photo album (相簿)to share with friends and family. A

    24、fter I had 300 signs and 300 photos, I took my collection to the website. I also hope that this site is helpful to other collectors, or to visitors if they just want to learn more about street signs and traffic lights.()36. When did John Brown start collecting signs?A. At the age of 10.B. At the age

    25、 of 12.C. At the age of 14.D. At the age of 16.()37. Why did John Brown build this site?A. To make others know him.B. To make others know his collection.C. To help others collect traffic lights.D. To sell his collection.()38. What did John Brown do after he had 300 signs and 300 photos?A. Put them i

    26、nto a photo album.B. Asked his friends for help.C. Put them online.D. Sold some of them to other collectors.()39. Which of the following is NOT true?A. John Brown is from Australia.B. John Brown has some bulletin board signs.C. John Brown only works as a collector.D. John Brown shared the photo albu

    27、m with friends and family.()40. Where may we read this passage?A. On the website.B. In the newspaper.C. In a storybook.D. In a notebook.DWinter is the best season of the year. During the winter months, the weather is usually cold and there are a few hours of daylight. The winter months in North Amer

    28、ica are December, January and February.Animals have special ways of preparing (准备) themselves for winter. Some animals, like birds and butterflies travel a long way to warm places during the winter months. Other animals such as bears go to sleep during the winter. But ants dont go to warm places or

    29、go to sleep. They collect food during the fall months, so they have plenty of food to eat during the winter.In some areas, winter is a time when snow falls onto the ground. People can make snowmen. And when the water in lakes and ponds freezes (结冰), people can go skating and play other activities on

    30、 the ice. Some people even cut a hole in the ice and go ice fishing!()41. Which month is NOT the winter month in North America?A. November.B. December.C. January. D. February.()42. What animals spend their winter months in warm places according to the passage? A. Fish. B. Butterflies.C. Bears. D. An

    31、ts.()43. Which of the following is TRUE about ants?A. They travel long for their winter.B. They always sleep for their winter.C. They collect food for their winter.D. They eat nothing during the winter.()44. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?A. Snow falls in winter.B. The water freezes in

    32、 winter.C. People can go fishing in winter.D. What people do in winter.()45. We can know from the passage that the writer _.A. likes winterB. hates winterC. lives in ChinaD. hates ice fishing第二卷 非选择题(25 分)IV.语法填空。 ( 10 分)根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)Hello, everyone! Would y

    33、ou like (46) _ (eat) desserts? Do you enjoy (47)_ (share) them with your friends? Come and have a look at our Dessert House (甜品屋)! Dessert House is not big, (48) _ it is a great place. There (49) _ (be) six waiters (服务生)in it. Theyre friendly. The (50) _ (chair) and tables there are green. It is eas

    34、y to make people feel (51) _ (hunger). You can also listen to music at Dessert House. If you dont like to eat desserts, (52) _ can have some drinks like coffee, tea and orange juice.Every day there is a great special (特价)at Dessert House, such as fruit ice creams (53) _, apples or strawberries. Spec

    35、ial fruit ice cream is only five yuan for two. Sometimes they put (54) _ small dumpling in the ice cream. If someone (55) _ (have) this kind of dumpling ice cream, he or she will get the ice cream for free. Its really very lucky.V.书面表达。 (15 分)假如你是一名导游,请根据提示写一篇英语作文,向来中国旅游的外国游客介绍一下北 京。要求 60 词左右,可适当发挥。

    36、提示:1、 历史悠久;2、 名胜古迹众多,有故宫、颐和园和天安门;3、 自己的祝福。_第一卷I. 1-5 CACBC 6-10 ABCAB 11-15 CABCAII. 16-20 BCACC 21-25 BCCBC III. 26-30 ADCBD 31-35 DCDBB 36-40 CBCCA 41-45 ABCDA第二卷 (One possible version)IV. 46. to eat 47. sharing 48. but 49. are 50. chairs 51. hungry 52. you 53. with 54. a 55. hasV.Beijing is a cit

    37、y with a long history. There are many places of interest in it. Now let me tell you some of them.The Forbidden City is one of the most popular ones for visitors. It is very big and you can learn a lot about the history of China from it. The Summer Palace is very beautiful and famous too. It is also a wonderful place to go. And Tiananmen is a good place for people to visit.I hope you will have a good time in Beijing.【书面表达写作指导】本次书面表达要求根据信息提示写一篇作文。写作时要注意以下几点:1、时态主要用一般现在时;2、书写正文时,要围绕提示展开,最后祝福时需自由发挥;3、文章完成之后,要通读全文,检查语法是否正确、文章是否连贯。


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