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    1、2023年辽宁省抚顺市顺城区中考一模英语试卷第一部分 选择题(共50分).单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1. Its my last _. Ill never ask you for anything again.A. styleB. relativeC. requestD. corner2. Its difficult to _ some hot words such as neijuan, fanersai and wude in English.A. educateB. boilC. heatD. translate3. Listen! There

    2、is _ walking towards the door.Oh, Ill go and see who it is.A. somebodyB. everybodyC. anybodyD. nobody4. Mrs. Brown is a _ woman. Whenever others ask her for help, she is always ready to help.A. silentB. painfulC. helpfulD. strange5. To help my parents live a better life is _ what I want.A. widelyB.

    3、politelyC. exactlyD. wisely6. Is the woman Miss Wang?It _ be her. She has gone to Qingdao for a meeting.A. mustntB. cantC. needntD. shouldnt7. Do you know anything about Chinese knots(中国结)?Yes. They are usually seen _ a symbol of good luck.A. byB. withC. forD. as8. Many students dont know how to _ d

    4、ifficulties and become worried.I think they should ask the teacher for help.A. help withB. deal withC. talk withD. play with9. Pingyao lies in central Shanxi Province. It _ its old city walls and streets.A. is popular withB. is good atC. is known forD. is patient with10. Tom cant go to the party wit

    5、h us because he has to stay at home and look after his sister. _, we wont wait for him anymore.A. For exampleB. In that caseC. Once in a whileD. All of a sudden11. If you want to stay healthy, you should _ junk food.A. keep away fromB. fall in love withC. get in the way ofD. stick to12. Jenny looks

    6、up to his elder brother. She is always _ him wherever he goes.A. thinking back toB. talking back toC. running afterD. getting mad at13. The box is heavy for me to _. Mum. Can you help me?Im coming, Linda.A. make it upB. give it upC. take it upD. lift it up14. Jack wants to know _. I tell him knowled

    7、ge comes from questioning.A. where he can buy a dictionaryB. when he needs to make mooncakesC. how he can be on the school soccer teamD. why he needs to ask questions during or after class15. I dont think students should use mobile phones at school._. They really have a bad influence on our study.A.

    8、 No problemB. Its my pleasureC. I agree with youD. Not at all.补全对话(共5分,每空1分)从所给的句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话。A: You look upset, Bob. _16_B: We lost the basketball game. _17_A: Cheer up! _18_ Its not bad to go through this failure.B: Maybe youre right. But Jim, dont you think the referee (裁判) was a little unfai

    9、r to us?A: No, I dont think so. It is clear that they worked together very well through the whole game.B: _19_ Although we have some very good players, we dont have good teamwork.A: In fact, _20_ I think you should learn something from them.B: Yes. Also we need more training. I will call out our tea

    10、m and start training this afternoon.A: Good idea. I believe you will do better next time.B: Thanks.A. Whats wrong?B. I thought we would win.C. The result doesnt matter.D. Everyone shouldnt try their best.E. It seems that you have a point.F. We have to learn the rules of the game.G. their performance

    11、 was really wonderful.完形填空(共10分,每空1分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。The Little Stream Choir(小溪流合唱团) was started at a primary school in Dongcun, a small town in Jiangxi Province. Of the schools 282 students, 215 are left-behind children whose _21_ work hundreds of miles away and only come back once or

    12、twice a year.Dongcun is surrounded(环绕) by green hills and natural caves(洞穴), with clear streams flowing out of the caves. That is _22_ the choir got its name. “We hope that the children, like a running stream, will flow along the mountains in their hometown to big rivers and seas outside,” said Zhon

    13、g Linshan, head of the choir. But the road to starting the choir was not _23_. Until 2017 there were no full-time music teachers. In May 2017, a pair-up project started between the school and Xinyu University. Under the project, the university would _24_ student volunteers to the school twice a week

    14、 to give music lessons.Four months later, the children welcomed Zhong, their first full-time music teacher. When Zhong first came, she found that the children in the school knew _25_ about music, and she had to teach them from the very beginning, “Do-Re-Mi.” To keep the children interested, Zhong tr

    15、ied hard to make the training fun, _26_ she also prepared some gifts for them.Zhongs hard work _27_ paid off(回报). The choir is getting more professional and has _28_ at the New Year music show of Xinyu University since 2018. Whats more, the children have taken on a new look. They are confident(自信的)

    16、and brave. Sixth-grader Yan Jiaxin is a member of the choir. _29_ she joined the choir in Grade 2, the once shy child has grown into a confident, sunny girl.The Little Stream Choir makes us _30_ the power(力量) of music. Best wishes to the choir and the children!21. A. friendsB. classmatesC. teachersD

    17、. parents22. A. whenB. howC. whatD. where23. A. difficultB. tinyC. easyD. general24. A. sendB. avoidC. remainD. mention25. A. fewB. muchC. littleD. more26. A. andB. butC. orD. so27. A. badlyB. carefullyC. loudlyD. finally28. A. createdB. performedC. tradedD. punished29. A. SinceB. WhenC. BeforeD. Af

    18、ter30. A. failB. mailC. layD. see.阅读理解(共20分,每小题1分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Passage1Fried Chop Rice Cake, also called L Da Gun in Chinese, is one of the most popular snacks in Beijing. The name of this snack is very interesting, isnt it? But it has nothing to do with donkeys (驴). It is a kind of cake that taste

    19、s sweet, soft and delicious. Why do Chinese people call it L Da Gun?Here is a story about it. It is said that in the Qing Dynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi was tired of having the same kind of food every day. So, one day, she ordered a chef (厨师) to cook something different. It was really hard for the ch

    20、ef because he didnt know how to meet the needs of Cixi. After thinking carefully, he made a new kind of cake by using rice powder and red bean paste (糯米粉和豆沙馅).However, a boy came to the kitchen and he dropped the cake into soybean powder (黄豆面) by accident. The chef was very worried for it was too la

    21、te to make a new one. He had to take the cake to Empress Dowager Cixi nervously.To his surprise, Cixi liked his cake very much. She asked the chef what the name of the cake was. The chef had never thought about that. Suddenly, he thought of the name of the boy. “Xiao Lr”. So he said that the cakes n

    22、ame was L Da Gun.Since then, L Da Gun has become more and more popular for its special taste and funny name. Would you like to try it?31. L Da Gun is _ .A. a cookB. a kind of cakeC. an English nameD. a kind of animal32. The chef felt hard to cook something different because _.A. a boy came to the ki

    23、tchenB. there wasnt enough foodC. he wasnt good at making cakesD. he didnt know how to meet the needs of Cixi33. We need some things to make L Da Gun EXCEPT _.A. rice powderB. soybean powderC. corn powderD. red bean paste34. Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “nervously”?A. 开心地B. 紧张地C.

    24、 兴奋地D. 自豪地35. L Da Gun has become more and more popular for its _.A. ownerB. colorC. storyD. special taste and funny namePassage2In recent years, people have started a new trend(趋势) of “reading” books in China.According to one report on Chinese peoples reading habits last year, around 32.7 percent o

    25、f Chinese adults have the habit of listening to audio(音频的) books. So, just like having parents read bedtime stories to us when we were little, we are now reading by listening. Some think this is goodpeople can finally put the books down when they read. They can get away from tables and chairs and re

    26、ad in a fun way. Its great, its interesting, and its very cool.“I think its entertaining(使人愉快的) my kid can now learn in a fun way,” a young parent said. “I dont have to worry about him having back problems like I did when I was a kid. And listening to audio books also takes some pressure off his eye

    27、s. So Im all for it.”But there are quite a number of people who hold a different opinion. They say this could work with adults, but it might be a bad idea for teenagers.“People need self-control when listening to audio books, and we dont see it in teenagers,” they said. “How can we know that whateve

    28、r it says in a book can get into their heads and stay there? How do we make sure they are learning something when they listen?”“We have been reading books in the old-fashioned(老式的) way for thousands of years,” an elderly scholar(学者) said. “Why not start listening for a change?36. When have people st

    29、arted a new trend of “reading” books in China?A This year.B. Since last year.C. In recent years.D. Long time ago.37. About 32.7 percent of _ have the habit of listening to audio books.A. studentsB. Chinese adultsC. kidsD. young people38. What do some people think of reading by listening?A. Cool. B.

    30、Boring. C. Relaxing. D. Awful.39. Quite a number of people worry about _.A. teenagers eyesB. teenagers back problemsC. if teenagers are learning something when they listenD. an elderly scholar wont change the old-fashioned way of reading40. Whats the best title of the passage?A. Reading books is imp

    31、ortant.B. Listening to audio books becomes popular.C. Reading by listening is like reading bedtime stories.D. Listening to audio books takes some pressure off his eyes.Passage 3Just up the road is a field with two horses in it. They look the same from a distance. But if you take a closer look at the

    32、 two horses, you will notice something very interesting.One of the horses is blind. Instead of abandoning (抛弃) the poor horse, his owner has made a safe and comfortable barn (畜棚) for him to live in. If you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell. It comes from the smaller horse in

    33、 the field. The bell is on the horses halter (笼头). It helps the blind horse know where his friend is, so he can follow.As you stand and watch these two friends, youll see that the smaller horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse, and that the blind horse will listen for the bell and

    34、 then slowly walk to where the smaller horse is. When the smaller horse with the bell returns to the barn each time, he will stop to look back from time to time. He wants to make sure that the blind friend isnt too far behind to hear the bell.In our life, we get help from others when we are in need.

    35、 Sometimes we are the blind horse, being guided by the ringing bell of our companions. At other times, we are just the guide horse, helping others to find their way.41. The first paragraph tells us _.A. two horses are the sameB. two horses always work togetherC. two horses are playing on the roadD.

    36、there is something interesting between the two horses42. From the second paragraph, we can know the owner of two horses is _.A. meanB. poorC. kindD. rich43. The blind horse know where his friend is by _.A. living with his friendB. standing nearby his friendC. hearing the sound of a bellD. working wi

    37、th his friend in the field44. What does the smaller horse with the bell do when he returns to the barn each time?A. He walks faster.B. He listens for the bell.C. He looks for food for the blind horse.D. He always stops to look back from time to time.45. What can we learn from the passage?A. We shoul

    38、d be friendly to animals.B. Helping others is helping ourselves.C Dont lose our heart when we are ill.D. We can be the guide when we grow up.Passage 4If youre looking for a new dining experience, Dinner in the Sky can make your next meal possible to forget!With the help of a crane(起重机), people are l

    39、ifted about 50 meters above the groundlong with their table, cooks and waiters.The idea began in Belqium in 2006, when two companies worked together to create a special dinner for a group of young European cooks and restaurant owners.The dinner was a success, and the organizers started receiving cal

    40、ls from all over the worlds people wanted to try it themselves. _ and offer the experience to even more people.Dinner in the Sky is now available in over 60 countries around the worldalthough it only has to be booked for a special event. Over the years, Dinner in the Sky has arranged (筹备) more than

    41、5,000 events in a great many cities. All these events were unique (独一无二的) ,one of a kind.The standard Dinner in the Sky table can hold up to 27 people. It weighs 3.4 metric tons (吨) and requires three hours to set up, as well as a space thats large and strong enough to hold a huge crane.While some p

    42、eople might worry about eating high in the air, the company says its very careful about safety, and has never had an accident.46. Dinner in the sky can make you have _.A. a special eventB. an expensive dinnerC. two companiesD. a new dining experience47. Which of the following can be put into “_” in

    43、the fourth paragraph?A. This let them lose lots of friendsB. This made them lazier than beforeC. This brought them a lot of waitersD. This gave them the idea to start a company48. Which of the following is RIGHT?A. The crane can be put everywhere.B. Dinner in the Sky requires 2 hours to set up.C. Pe

    44、ople can book Dinner in the Sky for any day.D. Dinner in the Sky has arranged more than 5,000 events in a great many cities.49. The standard Dinner in the Sky table can hold up to _ people.A. 6B. 27C. 50D. 6050. The _ is the question that some people might worry about.A. priceB. foodC. safetyD. spac

    45、e 第二部分 非选择题(共70分)V.补全对话 (共5分,每空1分)在下面对话的空白处填入恰当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整。A: Excuse me, Han Bing. _51_B: Of course. Im happy to help you. Whats up, Linda?A: One of my Chinese friends invited me to her house. But I dont know much about the customs.B: _52_A: Im supposed to get there at 10:00 a. m.B: Well

    46、, the first thing is that you should get there on time. Otherwise(不然), they will worry about you.A: _53_ What am I supposed to do when I meet her family?B: You are supposed to greet everyone in her family no matter whether you know them or not.A: Well, oh, _54_B: You should take some flowers or fruit as gifts.A: _55_B: Not at all.句子翻译(共15分)(A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(共11分。局部翻译,每小题1分;整句翻译,每小题2分)56. 老师为学生们的成就感到骄傲。Teachers _ their students achievements.57. 告诉孩子们不和父母顶嘴。Children _ to talk back to their parents.58. 好的宾馆服务


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