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    1、小升初刷题演练(四)一、听录音,选择你所听到的句子中含有的单词 1.听音,选出你听到的句子( ) A.Lets add numbers.B.Lets write numbers.2.选出你所听到的单词或词组( ) A.keep awayB.keep upC.keep out3.听问句,选出应答句( ) A.No, theyre different.B.No, theyre the same.C.They are different.4.5.When does the plane get to London? A.At 2:15.B.At the airport.C.At 8:50.D.In a

    2、 plane.6.选出你听到的句子 A.Happy New Year!B.Happy birthday to you!7.选择你所听到的句子中含有的单词或短语 A.worriedB.wrongC.well二、听录音,选择正确的图片。8.听录音, 判断句子与短文内容是否一致 (1)Winter is coming (2)They are going to the park (3)There are many pandas in the zoo (4)The tiger is not in the zoo (5)The monkeys like to eat bananas 9.根据听到的内容和问

    3、句,选择正确的答句( ) A.A rabbit.B.A dog.C.A cat.10.听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符 (1)Mary is a writer. (2)Mary doesnt work on Saturday. (3)Mary likes staying at home. (4)Mary drives for about fifty minutes to Janes house. (5)Mary and Jane often go shopping in the afternoon on Sunday. 11.12.When will Mr. Blair come bac

    4、k? A.Next Tuesday.B.Next Friday.C.Next Thursday.D.Next Wednesday.13.听短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符。 (1)Our school is about 80 years old. (2)There are three new teaching buildings on the left in our school now. (3)There is a swimming pool on the right in our school now. (4)The big playground is behind the libra

    5、ry. (5)The playground looks so beautiful with many trees and flowers all around. 14.选出所缺单词 Im Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag. Look! Its very _(nice/big). I can put _(some/many)books in it. Its black and _(red/white). Whats in it? Oh, there is an English book, a _(maths/storybook)book, _(two/three)

    6、notebooks and a blue pencil box in it.15.听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片( ) A.B.16.Whats in Grandmas suitcase? A.Some clothes and scarves.B.Some clothes and presents.C.Some T-shirts and scarves.D.Some clothes and food.三、听录音,将小朋友们的爱好所对应的序号填入表中相应的格子内。17.Lily: What are the rabbits doing? David: They are _.四、听录音,根据故事内

    7、容的先后顺序用数字给下列图片排序。18.根据听到的短文判断下列句子是否符合题意 (1)This is a picture of my friends. (2)There are six people in my family. (3)My brother is 21 years old. (4)My mother is an English teacher. (5)My parents work very hard. 五、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符19.How much rain was there in the whole day? A.30 millimeters.B.20 m

    8、illimeters.C.30 degrees.六、Lee收到4个笔友Julie,Max,Annie,James的来信,他准备送给他们每人一份礼物。20.听录音,将下列短文填写完整 I am a small bird. My name is Bobby. Im in the City Park. I am locked(被关) in the_I have no friends. I feel very lonely (孤独的). I want to go to the_house. I want to talk to the trees and flowers. The trees are t

    9、all and strong. The flowers_nice. I want to go to the _. I hope to swim in the water with the ducks. They are my relatives. I want to go to the _to find the prince and princess. The weather is_. I want to have a bath. I want to play near the fountain and_a cool bath with Jack. Look! Lisa is sitting

    10、on a swing. I want to play on the swing, too. Its so interesting. I want to do many things but I cant because I cant get out of the aviary. I am very sad.七、玲玲正在打电话订外卖。请听录音,将信息单填写完整21.Why are they going to visit John? A.Because John is ill.B.Because John didnt come to school.C.Because they want to he

    11、lp John with his lessons.D.Because John has moved into a new neighbourhood.八、选择正确答案22.May I come in? .A.Thats all rightB.Yes, pleaseC.I see23. is it?Its red.A.What colourB.WhatC.How24.On _, we like making cards for our teachers. A.Mothers DayB.Fathers DayC.Teachers Day25.奶奶患有糖尿病,她不宜多吃: A.sweet foodB

    12、.delicious foodC.fresh food26.I play basketball. I dont like it. A.alwaysB.oftenC.never27.old_ A.B.28.Whats _ with you? You dont look_. A.wrong; goodB.matter; wellC.matter; well29.Look! The little girl _ in class when the teacher is talking. A.playsB.playedC.is playing30.What you do last week? A.doB

    13、.didC.doesD.are31.The grape is . A.roundB.squareC.long九、情景交际,补全对话32.选择适当的选项补全对话。A. Help yourself.B. Yes, please.C. No, thanks. I can use chopsticks.D. Mum, I m hungry.E. Id like some beef and rice.Lucy:_Mum: What would you like for dinner?Lucy:_Mum: Would you like some vegetables?Lucy:_Mum: Dinners

    14、ready._Lucy: Thanks.Mum: Would you like a fork?Lucy:_十、阅读,判断正误33.读对话,判断下列句子与对话内容是否相符。 A: Hello, Sydney 8679132!B: Hello, Mum!A: Oh! Hello, Jack! How are you?B: Fine, thanks, Mum. What about you?A: Im fine, too. How is it going there?B: Its good. Whats the weather like in Sydney?A: Its very sunny her

    15、e. Here is summer now. Its very hot.How is the weather in Beijing?B: Oh, there is a lot of snow here. Its very cold. Because its winter here.A: Youd better wear warm clothes.B: OK, Mum. Dont worry. I like to play with snow.(1)Jack is in Beijing, but his mother is in Sydney. (2)Its cool and windy in

    16、Sydney now. (3)Jack doesnt know which season it is in Beijing now. (4)Jacks mother asks him to wear warm clothes. (5)Jack doesnt like to play with snow. 十一、阅读短文,在Lily的备忘录上填写相应的节日名称34.阅读短文,判断正误。 Lingling likes English very much. She works hard. She reads English every morning. She likes speaking Engl

    17、ish. She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Sunday evening. She likes dancing. But she doesnt like drawing. Her parents like her very much. All the teachers and her friends like her, too.(1)Lingling likes Maths very much. (2)Lingling likes speaking English. (3)Lingling often watches

    18、TV. (4)Lingling likes dancing. (5)All the the teachers like Lingling. 十二、阅读理解35.阅读短文,结合图片完成习题 Look at the school building model. This is my school. Our classrooms and teachers office are on the first floor. The teachers office is next to classroom 3. The art room, the music room , the computer room

    19、and the library are on the second floor. The library is next to the art room, The music room is next to the computer room. Is it beautiful?Read and write.(1)根据短文内容填写不同房间的名称。_(2)Complete the dialogue according to the passage. 根据短文内容完成下面对话。A:Look. Thats my school.B: It is beautiful. Where is your clas

    20、sroom?A: Its on the first floor. Its next to the teachers office.B:Youre in Class 3. Do you have a library?A: _Its on the second floor.B:_A:Its next to the library.B:Where is the music room?A:_B:Is it on the second floor?A: _B: I like your school.A: Me, too.十三、书面表达36.春节是我国最重要的传统节日,请结合下列图片和提示,向外国朋友介绍

    21、一下。(不少于8句话) 提示:春节时间(1月或2月),放鞭炮(set off firecrackers)拜年( visit relatives and friends),压岁钱( lucky money)参考答案 一、听录音,选择你所听到的句子中含有的单词。 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. 正确 5. A 6. A 7. A 二、听录音,选择正确的图片。 8. (1)正确(2)错误(3)正确(4)错误(5)正确 9. B 10. (1)错误(2)错误(3)错误(4)错误(5)正确 11. 正确 12. D 13. (1)正确(2)错误(3)错误(4)正确(5)正确 14. big;many

    22、;white;maths;two 15. B 16. B 三、听录音,将小朋友们的爱好所对应的序号填入表中相应的格子内。 17. jumping 四、听录音,根据故事内容的先后顺序用数字给下列图片排序。 18. (1)错误(2)正确(3)正确(4)正确(5)正确 五、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符。 19. A 六、Lee收到4个笔友Julie,Max,Annie,James的来信,他准备送给他们每人一份礼物。 20. aviary;plant;smell;pond;castle;hot;enjoy 七、玲玲正在打电话订外卖。请听录音,将信息单填写完整。 21. B 八、选择正确答案,

    23、 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. C 30. B 31. A 九、情景交际,补全对话. 32. D;E;B;A;C 十、阅读,判断正误。 33. (1)正确(2)错误(3)错误(4)正确(5)错误 十一、阅读短文,在Lily的备忘录上填写相应的节日名称。 34. (1)错误(2)正确(3)错误(4)正确(5)正确 十二、阅读理解 35. (1)art room;music room;teachers office(2)Yes, we do.;Where is the art room?;Its next to the computer

    24、 room.;Yes, it is. 十三、书面表达 36. The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is always in January or February. At the festival, all the family members get together to have a big dinner. After dinner, they watch TV together. People always set off firecrackers and visit relatives and friends. All the children love the Spring Festival because they can get lucky money from their parents, grandparents or uncles and aunts.


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