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    1、 Unit3Unit3 综合测试卷综合测试卷 一、单项选择一、单项选择 1The colors on Chinese national flag (国旗) are _. Ared and blue Bpink and red Cred and yellow Dgray and pink 2The word “garden” is also called _ in American English. Asoccer Btruck Cyard Dvacation 3Lucys father works in No.1 Hospital. He is a famous . Ateacher Bdoc

    2、tor Cpostman Dpoliceman 4 My younger brother always bothers me while I am doing homework. Calm down, Henry! _ can bring you peace but yourself. ASomebody BEverybody CAnybody DNobody 5Now we can sleep longer on weekdays. I always fall _ at 9: 00 pm. Aawake Basleep Csleep Dsleepy 6Everyone is special.

    3、 Theres no need to compare yourself to _ else. Aeverybody Bsomebody Canybody Dnobody 7Do you think Tom can be a member of the Drawing Club? We need to talk about it. Not _ can be a member of us. Asomebody Bnobody Ceverybody Danybody 8From my _ on the top of the TV tower, I can have a perfect view of

    4、 our city. Atradition Bcondition Cposition Dsituation 9(2016安徽) For our own safety, its important to _ the traffic rules on the way to school. Afollow Bchange Cmake Dbreak 10Your _ is very helpful. I guess Ill take it. Asecret Badvice Cpromise Dpurpose 11What was the _ of the car accident? The drive

    5、r drove too fast so the car was out of control. Aproblem Bcause Cresult Dpurpose 12Mum, I dont have _ to play with. Can I have a pet? Asomebody Banybody Ceverybody Dnobody 13The doctors and nurses are real _ during the fight against the COVID-19, because they have saved so many people. Afriends Bvol

    6、unteers Cheroes Dleaders 14From March 23rd, 2013, anyone under the age of 14 go into Disneys U.S. parks alone. Acouldnt Bmustnt Cneednt Dmightnt 15There is _ in the classroom at the moment, is there? Im not sure. Lets go and have a look. Asomebody Bnobody Canybody Deverybody 16Dad, how about plantin

    7、g some trees in our yard? Good idea! Trees can _ the water from washing the earth away. Aaccept Bprevent Cdiscover Dchoose 17A detective is someone _ looks for clues to something important. Awho Bwhose Cwhom Dwhich 18Peter will you the building and you can meet everyone. Alend; to Bshow; around Ccom

    8、pare; with Dbrush; off 19A true friend will never _ from you when youre in trouble. Atake away Brun away Cput off Dget off 20The headmaster advises parents to _ the parents meeting with their children this Friday. Amanage Bdiscuss Ccontrol Dattend 二、语法选择二、语法选择 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给

    9、的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 A pizza restaurant is offering customers a “Talk to Each Other Discount(折扣)”. It requires customers to agree to have their smartphones locked up while they are in the restaurant _21_ simply talk to each other during their meal. The discount _22_ to groups of four pe

    10、ople or more. All the group members _23_ carry a working smartphone. If the customers can do _24_ the restaurant asks them to do, they will receive a free large pizza. They can enjoy _25_ pizza on their next visit or give it away to the homeless people. “Our goal is to get families or friends to sto

    11、p _26_ their phones while eating and talk to each other and communicate more,” Malhi, the owner of the restaurant, said. He said that he got the idea _27_ his own experience. Wanting to set a good example for his children, he _28_ to only use his phone for emergencies(紧急情况). After experiencing the a

    12、dvantages of a smartphone break, he wanted to encourage others to try _29_ as well. Malhi added that in order to be fit for the Talk to Each Other Discount, groups must have at least four people. When there are fewer than four people in a group, people would like to talk to each other _30_. To preve

    13、nt people from cheating to get a free pizza, a restaurant staff will make sure all the smartphones have service and are not just old phones. 21Aand Bor Cbut Dso 22Aoffers Boffered Cis offered Dis offering 23Amust Bcant Cmay Dwould 24Awhen Bwhat Cwhere Dwhich 25Aa Ban Cthe D/ 26Ause Buses Cto use Dus

    14、ing 27Ato Bby Cfor Dfrom 28Adecides Bdecided Cwill decide Dhas decided 29Ait Bits Cits Ditself 30Anatural Bmore natural Cmore naturally Dmost naturally 三、阅读单选三、阅读单选 (一) Once upon a time,a hippo (河马)lived in a river next to a big tree One day, a bird came and nested (筑巢) in the tree The songs of the

    15、bird filled the hippo with so much envy (羡慕)that he couldnt think of anything elseEvery day he would think why he wasnt born to be a bird even though the bird told him many times he was so lucky to be so big and such a good swimmer Finally, the hippo made up his mind that he would come out of the ri

    16、ver, climb the tree and start singing However,when he tried to climb the tree,it was very clear that the hippo didnt have wings,nor claws to climb with Realizing that he would never climb up the tree, he angrily hit the tree until it came crashing to the ground Then he stepped onto the leaves of the

    17、 fallen tree,and began singing Unfortunately,hippos cant sing,eitherAll that came from his mouth were terrible noises,and when the other animals heard this,they all came around to make fun of the hippo He was so ashamed by thisHe also felt bad about having knocked the tree overHe used all his streng

    18、th to raise the tree back up again,and look after it until it completely recovered(康复) 31The hippo envied the bird because Ahe could fly high Bhe could build a nest Che could sing well Dhe could live in the tree 32After reading this passage,we know Athe writer is telling us a true story Bthe story h

    19、appened on an autumn day Cthe bird thought he was luckier than the hippo Dthe hippo tried to do something against his nature 33The hippo in this story Awas happy all the time Bdid not respect his friends Cliked to talk a lot but did nothing Dcorrected his mistake when he realized it 34From the passa

    20、ge,we can infer(推断) that the hippo would after such an experience Abe a good singer Bbe good at climbing trees Cstop envying the bird Dnot make friends with other animals 35The best title of this passage may be“ ” AThe hippo that wished to sing BThe tree that was knocked over CThe bird that wished t

    21、o swim DThe animals that were in high spirits (二) Bennett Olson, an American young man, used a special way to make himself noticed when he was looking for a job. He bought some advertisement (广告) space near Minneapolis and made a billboard (广告牌) with a photo of himself on it. On the billboard, it sa

    22、id, “Hire me.” Bennett came up with this idea when he lost his job in March. Luckily, the idea worked. A lot of people sent Bennett messages to help him. After a months job hunting and several interviews, Bennett found a pleasant job in a company. Even though Bennetts method cost him a lot of money,

    23、 it was useful. According to a recent study, people spend only about six seconds reading a curriculum vitae (履历) before deciding whether to hire the person or not. And it is hard to find a job in todays job market. “You should do something special to make yourself stand out from so many people,” sai

    24、d Steve Hine, from Minnesota. “Bennetts great idea made him find the job successfully!” 36Bennett Olson put a photo of himself on a billboard because _. Ahis parents gave him the idea Bhe had no girlfriend Che wanted to find a job Dnobody knew him 37What did Bennett Olson write on the billboard? AHi

    25、re me. BIm Bennett Olson. CBelieve it or not. DNotice! 38Bennett Olson found a new job probably in _ according to the passage. AFebruary BMarch CApril DJuly 39Bennett Olsons way of finding a job was _. Avery foolish Bvery difficult Cvery easy Da bit expensive 40Which of the following is NOT true acc

    26、ording to the passage? ABennett Olson is a young man from the USA BSteve Hine didnt agree with Bennetts idea. CPeople usually read the curriculum vitae very quickly. DIt is not easy to find a job these days. 四、补全对话四、补全对话 7 7 选选 5 5 A:Hello,Jim!Have you seen Eric? B:No,I havent. Whats up? A:I found a

    27、 yellow jacket on the playground. _41_ B:It cant be his.The jacket is much too small for him. A: _42_I saw Tony on the playground just now. B:But Tonys jacket is black. A: _43_ B:Let me have a look.Oh,it must be Johns. A: _44_ B:Look!I found his school ID card in one of the pockets. A: _45_Lets go a

    28、nd give it to him. B:OK.He must be in the library.Lets go. AIt cant be his. BYou are right. CI dont think so. DThen it must be Tonys. EWhy do you think so? FI think it belongs to Eric. GWhose do you think it could be? 五、语法填空五、语法填空 (一) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式) 。 Now some women are spen

    29、ding a weekend at Mothers Camp. There a woman has a room for herself. They can do something to feel _46_ (relax). They can have _47_ good rest, watch TV and read magazines. No children or husbands are around _48_ (they) from time to time. Many women have full time jobs. And they are _49_ (work) very

    30、 hard. And after work they go home. They try their best to lake care _50_ their homes. In many families, women do most of the housework. They say plenty of housework is one of the _51_ (big) problems for them. Many of their husbands say they want to support their _52_ (wife) by sharing the housework

    31、. But they ask so many questions that the women decide it is easier _53_ deal with the job themselves. These women go to Mothers Camp just to relax away from home. They can avoid the _54_ (day) housework and have a happy time. They have a really _55_ (wonder) vacation at Mothers Camp. (二) Do you kno

    32、w Stephen Hawking? Hes one of the most well-known _56_(scientist)on space and time in the world. He was born in England in 1942. Hawking is _57_(study)how the universe began and how it ends. When he studied math and science at Oxford University, he fell _58_(serious) ill, which made him unable to sp

    33、eak or breathe. Till now, he cant move or feed _59_(him). however, he has a wheelchair with _60_ special computer, with which he can communicate with others._61_he was facing all these difficulties, he refused to give up his hope of living. Because _62_ his illness, it was difficult for him to draw

    34、diagrams or to write. So he started _63_(think) in pictures. With this new way of thinking, he is respected by people in the world. Once he _64_(invite) to China to give lectures. His self-confidence and humorous conversations impressed us deeply.He once said, “When something unfair happens, _65_ is

    35、 no need to worry about it! You just have to do the best in your own situation.” 六、短文选词填空六、短文选词填空 从下面方框中选出 10 个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次) 。 but, choice, color, direct, fly, high, important, it, much, slow One day, a father and his son went to a kite-flying festival. When they arrived, there wer

    36、e already many adults and their children playing in the park. When the son saw the sky filled with _66_ kites in different shapes, he was excited and wanted to get one too. His father agreed to buy one for him. So they went to a kite shop and _67_ a beautiful one.With the string (线) in hand, the son

    37、 started _68_ the kite. Soon, the kite was high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, “Father, it seems that the string is stopping the kite from flying higher. If we cut it, it will be free and fly even higer. Can we cut it?” The father didnt reply, but just cut the string off the reel (线轴).

    38、Suddenly the kite began to go _69_, which made the son much happier. However, to his surprise, the kite was coming down. They waited for quite some time. _70_, it fell onto the grass. The son felt upset and asked, “I thought that after cutting the string, the kite would fly higher. Why did it fall d

    39、own?” The father smiled and said, “The role of the string was not stopping the kite from flying higher, _71_ helping it stay in the sky, because the kite _72_ cant fly up. By using the string you help the kite go up in the right _73_. When you cut the string, it could not support the kite.” In our l

    40、ife, we may sometimes feel like there are certain things that are holding us back and stopping us from growing. But in fact, these might be the things that support us _74_. We can really grow up and become stronger by realizing the _75_ of these things. 七、看图作文七、看图作文 下列图片描述的是上周日下午,刘强和赵磊所经历的一件事,请根据这些图

    41、片写一篇英语作文。 要求: 1.字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,可适当发挥。 280100 词。 _ 参考答案参考答案 1-10CCBDB CCCAB 11-20BBCBB BABBD 21-30ACABC DDBAC 31-40CDDCA CACDB 41-45FDGEB 46relaxed 47a 48them 49working 50of 51biggest 52wives 53to 54daily 55wonderful 56scientists 57studying 58seriously 59himself 60a 61Though/Although 62of 63to think

    42、64was invited 65there 66colorful 67chose 68to fly#flying 69higher 70Slowly 71but 72itself 73direction 74most#the most 75importance 七、看图作文七、看图作文 Liu Qiang and Zhao Lei are good friends. They both like playing soccer very much. Last Sunday, they decided to play soccer to relax in their neighborhood in

    43、 the afternoon. They were both good at soccer and they played happily. Suddenly, Liu Qiang kicked the ball so hard that it flew to the window of Granny Mas house and broke the window. The pieces of the window fell onto the ground everywhere. Liu Qiang and Zhao Lei felt very sorry. So they went to Granny Mas house and said sorry to her. Granny Ma said although they did something wrong, they were still good boys, because they were honest. They were happy to hear these words. Everyone should try to be an honest person.


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