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    1、 Unit2Unit2 单元综合测试卷单元综合测试卷 一、单项选择一、单项选择 1Would you like to add _ to the salad? Amany more honey Bmany honeys Cmore honey Dmuch honeys 2The shoes are 30 _. Adollar Bdollars CDollar DDollars 3 The kid is clever. He _ the banana first before he ate it. Do you eat so? Yeah, I agree with you. Apeeled Bcu

    2、t up Cboiled Dput 4The long necks(颈) make giraffes _ from other animals. Aimportant Bdifficult Cinteresting Ddifferent 5Must I wash my cloth? I am afraid you _. You should learn to do something by yourself. Aneed Bhave to Cwill Dcan 6Dad, Im hungry (饥饿的) now. Can I eat some _? Sure, dear. Let me get

    3、 them for you. Acandles Bwater Cpancakes Dpotato 7Who _ buy a new sweater for her father? Mary will. Ais Bis going to Cwill Dshall 8Bill likes bananas, and he likes_, too. Astrawberry Bstrawberrys Cstrawberries Dstrawberryes 9My parents will take me to the park if they _ free. Ahave Bwill C/ Dare 10

    4、Zhang Dingyu, the President of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, has great _ to face the difficulties though he suffers from ALS (渐冻症). Acharacters Bdisadvantages Chumors Dcourage 11Do you have this T-shirt in a small _? Im afraid not. It only comes in medium. Asize Bcolor Cmaterial Dtaste 12What would you

    5、like for breakfast? Id like _. Atomato noodle Btomato noodles Ctomatoes noodle Dtomatoes noodles 13 Have you travelled on the Airport Express _? No, I havent. Astill Byet Calready Dtoo 14 I cant find my phone anywhere. You have lost it while shopping. Amay Bcan Cshould Dwould 15Victor has a relaxing

    6、 _. He doesnt have a lot of _ and he only _ on weekends. Awork; works; works Bwork; work; work Cjob; work; works Djob; works; work 16Excuse me, what time does the next train to Shanghai leave? Just a minute. I _ it for you. Acheck Bchecked Cwill check Dchecking 17 This kind of grapes sell well. I th

    7、ink we should order more for our store. You really have a(n) _. We can make more money by selling them. Aeye Bidea Cend Dpoint 18We havent got meat for dinner. Lets buy_chicken. Asome; some Bsome; any Cany; any Dany; some 19Im leaving now. Its rainy. Better stay here. Call a taxi if you _. Awill Bma

    8、y Chave to Dcould 20Tom and I belong to a team. If he doesnt agree on the plan, _. Aneither do I Bneither I will Cnor do I Dneither will I 二、阅读单选二、阅读单选 The food British eat in Britain is very different from Chinese food. For example, the British eat a lot of potatoes. They like eating them every day

    9、. They eat bread for breakfast and usually for one other meal. They eat their bread with butter, cheese, or jam, the things we dont eat much in China. Cheese and butter are made from milk. They drink a lot of milk, too. And they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their tea as well. They like Chi

    10、nese tea, but mostly they drink strong black tea from India and Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡) .They dont eat much rice. For their main meal they like meat or fish with potatoes and one or two other vegetables. They serve (供应) all these together. Later they always have something sweet. They call this “dessert” .

    11、They dont have jiaozi in Britain. 21The British food is _ Chinese food. Athe same as Bas well as Cdifferent from Dbetter than 22In Britain, they usually eat bread with _ , butter or jam. Asugar Bmilk Ccheese Dtea 23Cheese is made from _ . Amilk Bbutter Cjam Dsweet 24They don t have _ in Britain acco

    12、rding to (根据) the passage (文章) Amilk Btea Ccoffee Dporridge (粥) 25After the meal they like to have some _ . Aapples Bdessert Cpizza Dtea My name is Tina. I get up at seven oclock every morning. Then I have a good breakfast. Eggs are my favourite. I go to school at half past seven. I dont play sports

    13、 at school. Im Dale. I get up at 7: 30 in the morning. I eat lots of vegetables for lunch. Tomatoes are my favourite. After lunch, I have a good sleep at home. Im Alan. I have got a brother Mike. We get up at six thirty in the morning, and then play basketball. We have dinner with our parents. Fish

    14、is Mikes favourite and beef is my favourite. After dinner, we do our homework at 7: 30 pm. 26What time does Tina go to school? AAt 6:30 am. BAt 7:00 am. CAt 7:30 am. DAt 8:00 am. 27Whose favourite food is eggs? AAlans. BDales. CMikes. DTinas. 28What does Dale like to do after lunch? ATo read. BTo sl

    15、eep. CTo play. DTo work. 29Who is Mike? AAlans brother. BDales brother. CAlans cousin. DDales cousin. 30What sport do Alan and Mike play in the morning? AFootball. BTable tennis. CBasketball. DBadminton. 三、语法三、语法填空填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Mmm chocolate smells so good. They make our mout

    16、h water. Where does chocolate come _31_? Chocolate is made of cacao (可可豆). Scientists thought cacao came from Central America _32_ Mexico about 3,900 years ago. But now scientists from Canada found that people in some _33_ (place) of South America grew cacao. They firstly _34_ (grow) over 5,000 year

    17、s ago. Chocolate is popular around the world. Lets learn more about this snack (零食). The color of dark chocolate is dark brown. It has more cocoa butter (可可油). Cocoa butter is good for _35_ (we) teeth (牙齿). White chocolate is very sweet. There _36_ (be) not any cacao in it. Many people think it is n

    18、ot a _37_ (really) chocolate. Milk chocolate has a mild flavor (淡味). It is light brown. It _38_ (taste) sweet. Some scientists say chocolate has too much sugar (糖) and this can give people bad teeth, _39_ others say eating chocolate makes people feel happy. Also, dark chocolate has less sugar and fa

    19、t. It is good for the heart. Guess what? I want to have _40_ box of dark chocolate now! 阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 In China,therere many different _41_ (kind) of food.Some of them are very popular.The real Chinese food is _42_ (dumpling)Now lets talk about t

    20、hem,OK? Everyone in China _43_ (like) dumplings very much,and there are many different kinds of dumplings. Some have meat and _44_ (vegetable) in them,and others have sugar,eggs and so on.Dumplings _45_with vegetables and pork are my favorite. Usually people make dumplings at home. _46_ you have no

    21、time to make them,you can buy them from any supermarket.Then you take them home and eat them with vinegar(醋) Spring Festival is very important in China.When _47_ comes,we make dumplings.Usually we put a coin(硬币) in a dumpling.If one eats the dumpling with the coin in it,he _48_she will be _49_ (luck

    22、) in the year. In the old days,people couldnt often eat dumplings _50_ they were poor(贫穷的)Now our country is getting stronger and stronger(更强大), and our people are richer(更富裕) We can eat them very often.Now tell me, do you like dumplings? 四、补全对话四、补全对话 7 7 选选 5 5 Waiter:Morning!_51_ Eric:Im not sure

    23、yet. _52_ Waiter:Yes. The noodles in our restaurant are very delicious. Eric:Great. _53_ Waiter:We have beef,mutton,chicken and vegetable noodles. _54_ Eric:Well,Id like chicken noodles. Waiter:_55_ Large,medium or small? Eric:Large,please. Id also like a glass of orange juice. Waiter:OK.A large bow

    24、l of chicken noodles and a glass of orange juice. Eric:Yes,thats right. AWhat size would you like? BWhat kind of noodles do you have? CWould you like some dumplings? DMay I take your order? EHow much are they? FWhat kind would you like? GAre there any specials in your restaurant? 五、多句选词填空五、多句选词填空 用方

    25、框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。 would like too many twice a week learn a lot about interest be good for in the world swim get ready for spend 56Are there any _ stories in this book? 57I write to my parents _. 58I _ to go boating with my friends. 59He wants _ the country. 60Morning exercises help you _ the day. 61

    26、Its fun _ in the sea in summer. 62It _ your eyes. 63China is one of the biggest countries _. 64Look! There are _ beautiful butterflies dancing in the garden. 65His father _ an hour watching TV every day. 六、材料作文六、材料作文 66假如下表显示的是你三餐喜爱的食谱,请以“My favourite food”为题写一段话,不得少于 4 句。 Favorite meal Favorite foo

    27、d lunch hamburger, cola, French fries breakfast coffee, chicken supper salad, vegetables, meat, broccoli, dessert _ 参考答案参考答案 1-10CBADB CCCDD 11-20ABBAC CDDCD 21-30CCADB CDBAC 31from 32and 33places 34grew 35our 36is 37real 38tastes 39but 40a 41kinds 42dumplings 43likes 44vegetables 45with 46If 47it 4

    28、8or 49lucky 50because 51-55DGBFA 56interesting 57twice a week 58would like 59to learn a lot about 60get ready for 61to swim 62is good for 63in the world 64too many 65spends 66例文 My Favorite Food I have three meals a day. They are breakfast, lunch and supper. For breakfast, I like coffee and chicken. I have hamburger, cola, French fries for lunch. For supper, I like eating salad, vegetables, meat and broccoli dessert.


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