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    1、Unit3 一一. .单项选择单项选择 1. Last month Shirley advised her father to buy her brother _ MP4 as a birthday present. _ useful advice it was her brother thought! A. a; How B. an ; What a C. an ; What D. / ; How an 2. When I was a kid _ your age, I never cared _ what others thought. A. in; about B. of; about

    2、C. of; for D. at; for 3. Youd better _ some popcorn or soft drinks before the film begins. But I think its better _ anything while watching the film. A. buy; not have B. buy; not to have C. to buy; not have D. to buy; not to have 4. Tony is still in bed. He may miss the early bus. Last night he _ la

    3、te to watch the final of the World Cup. A. stayed up B. put up C. got up D. caught up 5. I never doubt _ I am enough clever. A. that B. whether C. weather D. if 6. I cant understand why so many people buy smuggled cellphones (水货手机). Because they are cheap. A smuggled cellphone is _ half the price of

    4、 a licensed one (行货). A. spent B. cost C. worth D. paid 7. Jim can hardly understand _ the singer is singing. Can you? _ But the music is really beautiful. A. who; No B. what; No C. when; Yes D. where; Yes 8. How soon will you start your journey? Im not sure. I havent decided _. A. when shall I ask

    5、the boss for leave B where I will go to spend the holiday C. wether I would go by train or by plane D. who could invite me to go 9. Have you worked out the math problem? No, I havent. Its worth _. A. talking B. being talking C. to talk about D. talking about 10. Many students don t know how to _ str

    6、ess and become worried. I think they d better ask their teachers for help. A. argue with B. deal with C. do with D. come up with 11. Our parents are strict _ us. Playing computer games _. A. with; isnt allowed B. with; doesnt allowed C. in; arent allowed D. in; dont allow 12. What was the weather li

    7、ke yesterday? It was terrible. It rained so _ that people could _ go out. A. hardly; hard B. hardly; hardly C. hard; hardly D. hard; hard 13. I am afraid I have to give up Chinese chess. I have made _ in the past few weeks. Youd better not. It takes time and patience, you know. A. little progress B.

    8、 much progress C. few progresses D. great progresses 14. _ try your best to help people in need? It will be an experience you will never forget. A. What about B. Youd better C. Why not D. Why dont 15. I am really grateful for your help. _ I am so glad that I can share some of your worries. A. Dont m

    9、ention it. B. Why so grateful? C. For what? D. Forget it. 二二. .完形填空完形填空 Some kids need to repeat a grade in school. This means if youre in the _16_ grade, you have to do the third grade again next year _17_ moving on to the fourth grade. Repeating a grade can be a(n) _18_ thing, though, because you

    10、get another chance to complete your schoolwork. For example, a kid might have _19_ reading. Other kids might have been _20_ and absent (缺席的) for a long time, so they missed a chance to learn _21_ they needed to learn. If its you who _22_ repeat a grade, you might be thinking, “Is everyone really mov

    11、ing on without me?” Repeating a grade might make you sad, angry, or _23_ . It can be stressful. You might be upset _24_ you wont be in class with all of your friends. You might feel _25_ about repeating a grade. You may think that people are talking about you or _26_ you. You can be really hurt if s

    12、omeone makes fun of _27_ about repeating a grade. Try talking _28_ your mum or dad, a teacher, or a friend advisor when youre having these feelings. School can be hard work, but there are strategies (策略) you can learn to help it go a little _29_ for you. Set a goal for yourself and _30_ working towa

    13、rd it bit by bit. Ask for help if you need it, and youll get there! 16. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 17. A. except B. besides C. for D. instead of 18. A. wrong B. right C. easy D. difficult 19. A. trouble B. fun C. practice D. secret 20. A. ill B. afraid C. healthy D. silly 21. A. much B. e

    14、verything C. none D. anything 22. A. can B. cant C. must D. mustnt 23. A. neither B. all C. each D. both 24. A. so B. because C. but D. though 25. A. shy B. excited C. happy D. afraid 26. A. caring about B. looking after C. laughing at D. replying to 27. A. himself B. him C. yourself D. you 28. A. w

    15、ith B. for C. about D. against 29. A. worse B. better C. later D. earlier 30. A. stop B. give up C. keep D. make up 三三. .阅读理解阅读理解 A In Western society, especially in the English-speaking world, the chance for young people to see the other countries and experience life is considered important. Many y

    16、oung people, when they finish school at the age of 18, take a gap year before they go to university. Parents often want their children to grow up a little and see what the real world is like when they finish school. Although they are worried about their safety, many think that the advantages of inde

    17、pendence and experience are worth the worries. Children are encouraged to be brave, independent and to explore the world on their own or with friends. Young people also want to experience freedom and see what life is like on the other side. This other side could be the other side of the world or jus

    18、t the other side of life. For example, if they have a rich life, they may want to see how people in poor areas live. A gap year after school is also an important chance for young people to spend time thinking about what they want to do with their lives. A little bit of growing up and experience will

    19、 help them make their important career decisions, especially when they are unsure about what they want to study. Another reason for going straight after school is to get a break from studying before they start the next few years of university. So anywhere you travel in the world, you will meet young

    20、 European people exploring the world. So much of the world has been travelled and explored. The young people are now looking for more worthy experiences. Some of them work as volunteers to do something for the country they are visiting. Many gap year volunteers are now spending a few months teaching

    21、 English in Thailand, helping feed giant pandas in China or building a well(井) in a village in Africa. These young peoples wish to explore the world is an expression of the values of the societies that they are part of. Both discovering the world and making a positive difference in it are important

    22、parts of the Western mind. 31. Which is NOT a reason for young people to take a gap year? A. Young people want to take a break from studying. B. Young people want to be sure about what to study. C. Parents encourage them to be brave and independent. D. Parents encourage them to live a free and wealt

    23、hy life. 32. Now a gap year volunteer might do something more valuable like_. A. experiencing different cultures B. helping protect rainforests in Brazil C. making friends with more people D. enjoying traditional local food 33. By taking a gap year young people may_. A. stay with their parents all t

    24、he time B. make money for their further study C. help change the world for the better D. change the Western mind completely 34. The purpose of writing this article is to_ A. show different opinions about gap year B. offer readers information about gap year C. discover new ways to take a gap year D.

    25、tell young people when to take a gap year B Dear Amy I think I hurt my friend Sandy. Yesterday I told my friend Lucy a secret of Sandy. And then Sandy heard about this. She was very angry. I feel really guilty (内疚的). What should I do, please? Yours Elizabeth Dear Elizabeth We all make mistakes. You

    26、should remember that most people can be in the same trouble as you are. Here is some advice for you: Make a sincere apology (道歉). It takes courage to say what you have done is wrong. The important thing about an apology is sincerity (诚意). When you apologize, you should do it sincerely because you re

    27、ally feel sorry. Let the person know youre not going to let it happen again. Apologizing in person is the best. If you cant say sorry to your friend face to face, you can write a note. You should let your friend know what you are thinking, even if your friend doesnt accept it. For some people, it ta

    28、kes time to forgive someone else. Forgive yourself. We can learn from mistakes. Dont think it over again and again after you apologize. Being too sorry all the time cant help you. Just make things right and move forward. Yours Amy 35. Who needs help? A. Amy. B. Lucy. C. Sandy. D. Elizabeth. 36. What

    29、s her problem? A. She has no close friend and often feels lonely. B. She hurt her friend Sandy and doesnt know what to do. C. She argued with her friends Sandy and Lucy. D. Her good friend Lucy told her secret to Sandy. 37. How does Elizabeth feel now? A. Angry. B. Bored. C. Guilty. D. Happy. 38. Ho

    30、w many suggestions are given? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5. 39. Which of the following is TRUE? A. When you apologize, you need to be sincere. B. Amy has no courage to say sorry to Lucy face to face. C We should think it over again and again after we apologize. D. Dont say sorry to someone if she or he do

    31、esnt accept your apology. 四四.词汇填空词汇填空 40 Dont _ (打扰) your father. He is thinking about something about his company. 41. I am pleased that he gladly a_ our invitation. 42. As students, we should have the c_ to go into the teachers office to ask questions. 43. The place has lots of amazing things. Its

    32、 _ (值得) a visit. 44. The tourists had no _ (选择) but to wait for the next train. 45. You must tell the _ (true). Dont tell a lie any more. 46. Your _ (spell) must be paid more attention to. 47. The film provided us with a _ (value) record of the earthquake. 48. It is a _ (please) for me to stay with

    33、you. 49. Would you like to give me some _ (suggest) on how to keep fit? 五五.完成句子完成句子 50. We all think that music _ _ _ _.(值得一听) 51. It seems that his parents are _ _ him in his study. 52. He has _ _ but to study hard. (别无选择) 53. _ _ is bad for your health. (熬夜) 54. I always _ _ _ _ and tell them _ to

    34、 do. (给他们一些建议) 55. 他们认为约翰是最好的演员。 They consider John _ _ _. 56. 请你算出你需要多少时间花在做作业上。 Please _ _ how_ time you need to spend _ your homework. 57. 实际上,我这个年龄的许多学生经常感到压力。 _ _, many students _ _ _ often feel _. 六六.书面表达书面表达 58. 书面表达 中学生普遍面临着很多烦恼,请用英语描述下面表格中列出的问题,并提出自己的建议。 烦恼 1 整天有做不完的作业,经常熬夜学习,无暇顾及个人爱好; 烦恼 2

    35、 父母太忙,没有时间陪自己; 烦恼 3 几乎没有亲密的朋友可以交流,经常感到孤独; 烦恼 4 对自己的体重不满意,不知如何改变; 建议 要求: 1、条理清楚,语句通顺; 2、80 词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Now, many middle school students face some problems. Unit3 单元检测卷单元检测卷 一一. .单项选择单项选择 1.【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:上个月雪莉建议她爸爸给她弟弟买一台 MP4 视频播放器作为生日礼物。她弟弟想,这是多么有用的建议啊! 考查冠词和感叹句。根据“MP4 as a birthday present

    36、”可知,此处表泛指“一个 MP4”故要用不定冠词 a 或 an,由于 MP4 是以元音音素开头, 故要用不定冠词 an, 故排除选项 A 和 D。 结合句意可知, 第二个空为感叹句。感叹句的表达方式有以下两种形式:What+(a/an)+名词或名词短语+(主语+谓语)或 How+形容词/副词+(a/an)+(主语+谓语) 。根据“useful advice”可知,这是一个名词短语,且“advice”为不可数名词,故要用What。故选 C。 2. 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:当我是个处在你这个年龄的孩子时,我从不关心别人想什么。 考查介词辨析。in“在里面;在时(月份、季节、年份)等”;

    37、for“对于;为了”;of“的”;about“关于, 大约”; at“在地 (小地点) ; 在时 (时间点) ”。 根据语境可知第一空考查固定短语 of ones age“与某人同龄”,第二空考查固定短语 care about“关心、在意”,care for 表示“照顾”,不合句意。故选 B。 3. 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:你最好在电影开始前买些爆米花或软饮料。但我认为看电影时最好什么都不要吃。 考查句型搭配用法。had better do sth.最好做某事,为固定搭配,had better 后跟动词原形,故第一空填 buy;而 Its better to do sth.表示更

    38、好做某事,否定形式在 to 前面加 not,所以第二空填 not to have。故选 B。 4.【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 :句意:托尼还在床上。他可能会错过早班车。昨晚他熬夜很晚看世界杯决赛了。 考查动词短语辨析。 stayed up 熬夜;put up 张贴; got up 起床;caught up 追上。根据“Tony is still in bed. ”可知他还在床上, 又根据“Last night he.late to watch the final of the World Cup. ”进而推测他熬夜看世界杯了,从而没起床。故选 A。 5. 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意

    39、:我从不怀疑我足够聪明。 考查宾语从句连接词。that 无实际意义;whether 是否;weather 天气;if 是否。根据 never 可知是从不怀疑,说明后面是一个陈述的事实,应用 that 连接,故选 A。 6. 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:我不明白为什么这么多人买水货手机。因为它们很便宜。水货手机的价值是行货手机的一半。 考查“花费”表达。spend 花费,人作主语,动词;cost 花费,物作主语,动词;worth 值得的,形容词; paid花费,人作主语,动词。本空前有 be,构成“be worth sth.”意为“某物价值多少钱”,故选 C。 7. 【答案】B 【解析】

    40、 【详解】句意:吉姆几乎听不懂歌手在唱什么。你能吗?不能。但是音乐真的很美。 考查宾语从句和一般疑问句答语。分析句子可知,此句为宾语从句,句中缺宾语,指代物,所以用 what 引导;根据“But the music is really beautiful.”可知,表示转折,所以对方也听不懂,所以用“no”。故选 B。 8. 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:你多久之后开始你的旅程?我不确定。我还没有决定去哪儿度假呢。 考查宾语从句。宾语从句为陈述语序,排除 A;根据上文,你多久之后开始你的旅程?可知下文从句描述的是将来发生的动作,故选 B。 9. 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:你解出这

    41、道数学题了吗?不,我没有。它值得讨论。 考查非谓语动词。短语“谈论”“talk about”,又因为空前有“worth”,“值得做某事”为“be worth doing”,所以“talk”要用动名词形式。故选 D。 10. 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:许多学生不知道如何处理压力,变得担心。我认为他们最好向老师寻求帮助。 考查动词短语。argue with 和争吵;deal with 处理;do with 对付,处理;come up with 想出。根据“Many students don t know how to . stress and become worried. ”可知学生不

    42、会处理压力才会担心,又根据 how可知与它搭配的“处理”应用 deal with。故选 B。 11. 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:我们的父母对我们很严格。玩电脑游戏是不允许的。 考查形容词短语和一般现在时的被动语态。 be strict with sb 对某人严格; be strict in sth 对某事严格。 根据“us”可知,第一处用 with,排除 CD。第二处主语是动作的承受者,需用被动语态。故选 A。 12.【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:昨天的天气如何?很糟糕,雨下得很大,人们几乎不能出去。 考查副词辨析。hard 努力地,猛烈地、困难地;hardly 几乎不;第一空

    43、处表达的是“雨下得大”,用 hard,此处是一个副词,修饰动词;第二个空表达的是“几乎不”,用 hardly,故选 C。 13. 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:恐怕我将不得不放弃中国象棋。在过去几星期我几乎没有进步。你最好不要放弃,你知道的,这需要时间和耐心。 考查名词。“progress 进步”不可数,所以排除 C、D 选项;根据语境可知,因为没有进步,所以要放弃,结合选项,little 有否定意义,表示几乎没有,故应选 A。 14. 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:为什么你不尽力帮助需要帮助的人呢?那将是你永远难忘的一次经历。 考查提建议的句型。Why not+动词原形表示提建议

    44、。What about+动词-ing,Youd better+动词原形为陈述句形式,Why dont +主语+动词原形+其它?根据题干可知选 C。 15. 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:我真的很感谢你的帮助。别客气。我很高兴能与您分享一些担忧。 考查情景交际。Dont mention it 别客气;Why so grateful 为什么如此感激;For what 为了什么;Forget it 算了。根据“I am really grateful for your help.”可知,对于别人表达感激,应该说不客气。故选 A。 二二. .完形填空完形填空 【答案】 16. C 17. D 1

    45、8. B 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. C 【解析】 【导语】本文主要介绍了复读人的一些心理活动,复读的滋味也许太难受了,但对于有的同学来说却是必须的,也是无可厚非的;也不要自卑,晚开的花一样鲜艳。 【16 题详解】 句意:这就意味着如果你在三年级,明年你不得不又呆在三年级,而不能继续升到四年级。 first 第一; second 第二;third 第三;fourth 第四,根据“ you have to do the third grade again”和句意可知,此处指“三年级”,

    46、故选 C。 【17 题详解】 句意:这就意味着如果你在三年级,明年你不得不又呆在三年级,而不能继续升到四年级。 except 除了; besides 除了; for 为了; instead of 代替, 反而, 根据“you have to do the third grade again next year . moving on to the fourth grade.”可知,此处表示“代替,反而的意思,故选 D。 【18 题详解】 句意:留级可能是一件正确的事情,因为你能获得完成学业的另一次机会。 wrong 错误的;right 正确的;easy 容易的;difficult 困难的。根据

    47、“because you get another chance to complete your schoolwork.”可知,留级是一件正确的事情。故选 B。 【19 题详解】 句意:例如,一个孩子可能阅读困难。 trouble 困难;fun 高兴;practice 练习;secret 秘密。“有困难做某事”have trouble doing sth.,故选 A。 【20 题详解】 句意:其他孩子可能因为生病离校很长时间,因此他们失去了学习他们需要学习的全部东西。 ill 病的;afraid 害怕的;healthy 健康的;silly 傻的,根据“absent (缺席的) for a lo

    48、ng time”可推知,是“生病”了,所以没去上课,故选 A。 【21 题详解】 句意:其他孩子可能因为生病离校很长时间,因此他们失去了学习他们需要学习的全部东西。 much 太多; everything 所有东西; none 没有; anything 任何事情, 根据“so they missed a chance to learn. they needed to learn”可知,是他们需要学的全部东西,故选 B。 【22 题详解】 句意:如果是你必须留级你可能会想。 can 能;cant 不能;must 必须;mustnt 不准,根据“you might be thinking,”及所给

    49、选项可知,此处是“必须”思考,故选 C。 【23 题详解】 句意:留级可能是你伤心、生气或两者都有。 neither 两者都不; all 三者或三者以上都; each 每一个; both 两者都, 根据“Repeating a grade might make you sad, angry”可知,此处指两种情绪都有,故选 D。 【24 题详解】 句意:你可能会悲伤因为你不能和你所有朋友一起上课。 so 因此;because 因为;but 但是;D. though 虽然。前后句为因果关系,用 because 来连接,故选 B。 【25 题详解】 句意:你可能对留级感到害羞。 shy 害羞的;ex

    50、cited 激动的;happy 高兴的;afraid 害怕的,根据“You might feel . about repeating a grade.”及语境可知,此处是感到害羞,故选 A。 【26 题详解】 句意:你可能认为人们在谈论你或嘲笑你。 caring about 关心;looking after 照看;aughing at 嘲笑;replying to 回答,根据“You may think that people are talking about you or . you.”及语境可知,此处是“嘲笑”的意思,故选 C。 【27 题详解】 句意:如果有人对你留级的事情开玩笑,你可


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