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    1、 学科网(北京)股份有限公司 2022 宁宁波市初中学业水平考试英语波市初中学业水平考试英语模模拟试卷拟试卷 试题卷试题卷 I 一、完形填空一、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 15 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I had lost my wallet. There was some money in it, but far more _1_, there were two tickets to a World Cup football game in it! My _2_ gave me these as a specia

    2、l present. She worked for the organizers so she got the _3_ as a special gift. What was I going to say to her? I searched for weeks, but nothing. Months went by and I got a new wallet, but I didnt have the heart to tell my aunt that I had _4_ the tickets. “Only two months left to the World Cup!” She

    3、 counted down the days and she was very _5_. It was terrible. With less than a week until the World Cup was to start, I _6_ it was time for me to confess (坦白). I went over to her place. I guessed she could see that I was _7_. “I need to tell you . She stopped me. “Good, but before you do, I wonder i

    4、f you know anybody else who might _8_ some tickets to the big game! I have two more.” “This solves my problem!” I thought, so I didnt tell the _9_. “Sure,” I said. “I can find someone to give them to.” I took the tickets, _10_ as I saw my aunts smiling face, I could not lie any longer. “Aunt Kathy,

    5、I lost the tickets,” I said. She _11_ me with an understanding smile and said, “I _12_. Your mother told me. Its all right. I know how sad you felt about it. It was an _13_. It could happen to anyone.” I could not believe that my aunt was so _14_. She found two more tickets and gave them to me as if

    6、 she didnt know I had lost my tickets. “Now you can still take your best friend to the World Cup!” she laughed. “Yes, and Im taking _15_,” I looked at my favorite aunt and said. ( )1Astrangely Bimportantly Cclearly Dgreatly ( )2Amother Baunt Cfriend Dteacher ( )3Atickets Bfootballs Cmoney Dwallets (

    7、 )4Asold Bbrought Clost Dgot ( )5Arelaxed Bworried Csurprised Dexcited ( )6Aremembered Bpromised Crealized Dexplained ( )7Aproud Bsatisfied Cbored Dsad ( )8Ahave Breturn Cwant Dshare ( )9Atime Bstory Cjoke Dtruth ( )10Aor Bbut Cand Dso ( )11Alooked at Blooked after Clooked like Dlooked for ( )12Aima

    8、gine Bforget Cguess Dknow 学科网(北京)股份有限公司 ( )13Aaccident Bidea Caction Dexcuse ( )14Ahonest Bpolite Cgood Dlucky ( )15Ame Byou Cher Dthem 二、阅读理解二、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 (A) Here are some books about space travel. Take a trip to the Moon and beyond with these

    9、 encouraging books. Balloon to the MoonLong before anyone had designed a rocket, the Montgolfier brothers were making hot air balloons. In October 1783, they became the first people to experience controlled flight. Balloon to the Moon talks about it and helps people to learn about all the progress o

    10、f the space travel. The Extraordinary Life of Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong made history in 1969 when he became the first person to walk on the Moon. He is one of the most famous astronauts of all time. You can read the wonderful story of Neil Armstrongs life in this book. It has lots of facts and p

    11、ictures, and shows the key events in his life. To Space & BackSally Ride became the first American woman astronaut in space in 1983. In this book, Sally shares her personal experience of traveling into space. She also talks about how to live and work in space and explains how astronauts train and ad

    12、apt (适应) to their new environment. Counting on KatherinThis encouraging book tells the story of Katherine Johnson who is talented in math. She helped make the Apollo 11 land on the moon possibly. She also made sure that Apollo 13 returned home safely when the mission (任务) was in danger. ( )16_ first

    13、 experienced controlled flight in October 1783. ASally Ride BKatherine Johnson CNeil Armstrong DMontgolfier brothers ( )17If a girl is interested in women astronauts life in space, she can read _. ABalloon to the Moon BThe Extraordinary Life of Neil Armstrong CTo Space & Back DCounting on Katherine

    14、学科网(北京)股份有限公司 ( )18The text is probably from the column (栏目) of _ in a magazine. AScience BHealth CFood DSports (B) Many people are trying to learn a new language. Some of them consider it as a hobby, while others have to learn a language because it is required by their jobs or study. As a foreigner

    15、 who is really interested in Chinese culture, I like learning Chinese. It is thought that a person needs to know at least 3,000 Chinese characters (字) to understand most Chinese newspapers. The problem for most foreigners, however, is that knowing 3,000 characters sounds like an impossible task, for

    16、 many of the Chinese characters look the same. Thats why some people give up halfway. Its the most difficult part for me, too. But I manage to learn how to write each character by watching videos online. Whenever I saw a character I didnt know in the street or on a menu, I would just write it down o

    17、n my phone and then look it up. Slowly Ive learned the characters that are common in daily life. Its also important to listen to Chinese as much as possible. I downloaded (下载) a lot of listening materials onto my phone and listened to them on the way to school, work and even dates with my friends. I

    18、 also watched a lot of Chinese TV shows and films, where the words are not so difficult and there are always subtitles (字幕). In this way, Ive also learned how to express myself like a native. As for speaking, I practice talking about different topics in Chinese when I am cycling around, effectively

    19、talking to myself or in my head, thinking through different conversations and scenarios (场景). For example, whenever I was going to a shop, I would think how to say that in Chinese. It helps me to think in a Chinese way, which is really important. Learning a language is never easy. Basically, I just

    20、use every tool on hand and take my learning step by step, and Im still learning new things to this day! ( )19The reason why the writer learns Chinese is that _. Ahe hopes to move to Beijing, China Bhe has found a job in a big city in China Che wants to know more about Chinese culture Dhe would like

    21、to taste kinds of delicious Chinese food ( )20Whats the most difficult part for the writer to learn Chinese? AReading. BWriting. CListening. DSpeaking. ( )21Where can you read this passage? AIn a guidebook. BIn a science report. CIn a newspaper. DIn a movie review. ( )22What does the writer want to

    22、tell us in the last paragraph? AIt takes time to learn a language. BChinese isnt as hard as you think. CIts interesting to write Chinese characters. DIts impossible for a foreigner to master Chinese. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司 (C) The human population keeps growing, and all those people need to eat. But farmers

    23、already use up too much land. According to a 2019 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), people use 72% of the worlds ice-free land to produce food, clothing, and energy. When we clear land for these purposes, we worsen wild areas and the climate change. How can we feed ev

    24、erybody without using up more land? One answer is vertical farming. This is the practice of growing plants indoors. The plants get the nutrients(营养) they need from circulating water or fog. They get light from lamps(灯). The environment of growing plants indoors is so carefully controlled, vertical f

    25、armers dont have to deal with bad weather or diseases. They can grow food anywhere, in any season, and more quickly than normal. That sounds unbelievable. However, several big problems have stopped vertical farms from popping up everywhere. First of all, these farms need lots of electricity. Most of

    26、 it goes into lighting and temperature control. This electricity often comes from fossil fuels(化石燃料), which means that these farms may not be as environment-friendly as they seem. The high electricity use leads to another problem. These farms cost a ton of money to build and run. Only plants that gr

    27、ow very quickly in a small space produce enough food to cut down the high cost. Scientists want something that produces just as much food on a smaller plant and in shorter time. To succeed, they will likely have to use genetic engineering. That means theyd change the genes(基因) of the plant to make i

    28、t grow the right way. The resulting food would be a GMO. Science shows that GMOs are safe to eat. But some customers arent willing to buy them. Are you? Should people change food so it can grow indoors to free up valuable farmland? ( )23In Paragraph 1, the writer shows the farming problem is serious

    29、 by _. Atelling stories Blisting facts Casking questions Dmaking a survey ( )24What does the underlined phrase “pop up” in Paragraph 3 probably mean? Aappear Bdisappear Cvisit Dclose ( )25Which of the following are the advantages of farming indoors? Farmers dont have to deal with bad weather or dise

    30、ases. Food can be grown more quickly than normal. Farms may be as environment-friendly as they seem. GMOs are safer for customers to eat. A B C D ( )26Whats the best title of this passage? AHow is the indoor farm built? BHow can we choose healthy food? CShould people move farming indoors? DShould sc

    31、ientists change the genes of the plants? (D) 学科网(北京)股份有限公司 In March 2015, during one of the Operation Smile (微笑行动) activities, in a village in Ghana without electricity and water, we met a family with twins. The boy Kofi was strong with a round face and big eyes. However, the girl, Afia, was small,

    32、weak and ill. Afia was born with severe cleft lip (裂唇).She was so ill-fed that she seemed to be disappearing in front of our eyes. Being born with cleft lip makes it really difficult, sometimes, almost impossible to eat. Her parents, Christiana and Kwame, had never seen a cleft before and they didnt

    33、 know what to do. When she was found by Operation Smile staff, Afia, 4 months old, weighed only 1.2 kg. A healthy child should weigh around 6.4 kg at that age. Given the situation, the baby was rushed to a hospital in Accra, but her road to be treated was still long and difficult. Afias family knew

    34、that Operation Smile was their only hope. Christiana took Afia to three medical tasks, but the little girl was always too ill to be safely treated. Finally, when Operation Smile brought a medical task to Tamale in November 2016, Afia finally got her life changing surgery (手术). Dr Clive Duke, a UK do

    35、ctor and Operation Smile medical volunteer, took Afia back into the arms of her mother. “That moment was one of my most unforgettable experiences with Operation Smile. All who were watching had a huge smile and a tear in our eyes as we had the strong feeling that a life had just been saved,”. said C

    36、live. “I felt proud of our Operation Smile team and also proud of my work in helping Afia. She still needs further surgery, but the future is there for her now.” ( )27Why was Afia so small, weak and ill? ABecause her family was too poor. BBecause she didnt want to eat food. CBecause her brother ate

    37、the most of the food. DBecause her cleft lip made her difficult to eat. ( )28The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refers to _. Athe staff BAfias parents Cthe doctors DAfia and her brother ( )29Which of the following is the right order according to the passage? Afia was found by Operation Smile.

    38、 Afia was born with cleft lip. Afia was treated by Dr Clive in Tamale. Afia was taken to three medical tasks. A B C D ( )30The best title for the passage above might be “_”. ACleft Lip Makes a Family in Trouble BAfrican Girl Fights with Her Cleft Lip COperation Smile Helps People in Need DDoctors Do

    39、 Volunteering Work in Africa 三、任务型阅读三、任务型阅读(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 材料中的 AF 分别是六条建议。请根据下面五位同学不同的困扰,选择适合他们的建议。选项中有一项为 学科网(北京)股份有限公司 多余选项。 _31_ Nick:I have not met my friends for a long time. We are too busy with our studies and exams._32_ Gina: I treat my friends very well. For example, I pretend to

    40、 love dancing with them, but actually I dont like it at all. _33_ Helen:Im always ready to help others. But Im afraid to ask others for help when Im in trouble. _34_ Wendy:As a new student in this school, Im too shy to make new friends. I feel very nervous during the class break. _35_ Kevin:Im good

    41、at starting a conversation by asking a question. But after they answer it with “yes” or “no”, I dont know how to continue. AOffering help to others can bring a lot of pleasure. Remember youre allowing others to feel good when you ask others for help. BIt is the worst thing to force yourself to do wh

    42、at you hate to make friends. It may be great at first, but its not a right way to form a long and healthy friendship. You should show others your true self. CAny kind of relationships needs to be carefully maintained (维持). Although you are busy, you can talk with them online or make some phone calls

    43、. DA great way to start making friends is to be confident and say yes if you are invited to do something together. They may not all be people you will become close with but it is a great start. E. There are always something new to learn, no matter how much you already know. The more you learn, the m

    44、ore you want to learn. F. Just try to ask open questions. They encourage the other person to give a more in-depth (深入的) answer. After the other finishes talking, you can share the same amount of information about yourself. 试题卷试题卷 四、词汇运用四、词汇运用(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 15 分) A.根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写空缺处各单词的正确形式(每

    45、空一词)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空一词) 36Many teenagers regard the basketball players as _ (英雄) and want to be like them. 37The result shows even the closest friends may think _ (不同). 38Walk _(穿过)the forest and you will see the lake. 39Uncle Wang recommended me a few foreign movies, but _ (没有一个) was t

    46、o my taste. 40There are two _ (千) students waiting in line to enter the exam hall. 41The astronauts have recently made a couple more _ (发现) about the space. 42The _ cars there are, the less pollution we have. (少) 43Do you know that girl who is speaking to Mr. Wang? Yes, shes Tina. Im a friend of _(她

    47、的). 44How much is the lovely Bing Dwen Dwen _ (值钱)? 45Themed “Together for a shared future”, Beijing Winter Olympics have _ (传播) the spirit of Chinese 学科网(北京)股份有限公司 players. B.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词) die stop ask see cause Dear Dad,Im writing this email because I wan

    48、t you _46_ smoking, and its too difficult to talk about it face to face. Ive looked up a lot of information about smoking and Ive found out about its dangers. Do you know thousands of people _47_ from smoking every year in our city? I dont want you to be one of them. Every time Mum _48_ you to smoke

    49、 outside, you think shes just being difficult. Well, I dont think so. Not many people like the smell of smoke in their house or on their clothes. Also, doctors have found that more and more people who dont smoke are falling ill. It _49_ by secondary smoking, which can make Mum and me ill too. I know

    50、 it is very difficult to stop smoking, but you must try. Please _50_ the doctor and ask him for help. We will do anything we can to help you. Please dont smoke! Your loving daughter, Anna 五、语法填空五、语法填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Boys and girls, what do you usually


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