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    1、2021 北京北京大兴大兴初三(上)初三(上)期末英语期末英语试卷试卷 2021.1 考生须知 1.本试卷共 10页,满分 60分,考试时间 90 分钟。 2.在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 4.在答题卡上,选择题用 2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。 5.考试结束,请将本试卷、答题卡和草稿纸一并交回。 知识运用(共 14分) 一、单项填空(共 6分, 每小题 0.5分) 从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. My role model is Zhong Na

    2、nshan. _was given the title “the Peoples Hero”. A. He B. Him C. She D. Her 2. Where was Change-5 launched, Kate? _Hainan Province. A. At B. On C. In D. To 3. Jimmy ,you were late for the first class. _ happened? I got up late and missed the first bus. A. Where B. When C. How D. What 4. Can you go sh

    3、opping with me, Jack? Sorry , I_. l have to finish my homework first. A. cant B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. neednt 5. It is very cold outside. Put on warm clothes, _you may get sick. A. and B. so C. or D. but 6. The invention of mobile phones makes our life much_ than before. A. easy B. easier C. easies

    4、t D. the easiest 7. Tinas grandmother _a walk with her after supper every day. A. have B. has C. had D. has had 8. We_ our English if we read more English books. A. improve B. improves C. improved D. will improve 9. My father _ English for twenty-five years in Beijing. A. teaches B. taught C. has ta

    5、ught D. will teach 10. What is your sister doing, Li Lei? She_ a letter to her pen pal in English. A. writes B. is writing C. wrote D. was writing 11. The first paper _in the second century B.C. in China. A. invents B. invented C. is invented D. was invented 12. Could you tell me _, Daming? In 2022.

    6、 A. when Beijing will hold the 24th Winter Olympic Games B. when will Beijing hold the 24th Winter Olympic Games C. when Beijing held the 24th Winter Olympic Games D. when did Beijing hold the 24th Winter Olympic Games 二、完形填空(共 8分, 每小题 1 分) 阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 How Does a

    7、 Person Become Great One day, a little boy asked his father, “What does the word Great mean?” Boy said, “I have read many times that this person is great, he did this and that. Please_13_ me who are these great people and how they become great?” Father said, “Okay.” Father thought of an idea to teac

    8、h his son about being great. Father asked his son to bring two_14_ and then told him to plant one of them inside house and the other outside house. Boy did as his father said. Now, father called his son and asked, “Do you think which one of these two plants will be _ 15_ and safer?” Boy replied, “Pa

    9、pa, the plant which is inside our house will be safe, therefore it will grow big whereas the plant outside house is not safe at all , it will have to withstand(禁得起)many seasons and no one will be there to lake care of it. It can be eaten by animals _16_.” Father smiled and said, “We will know this a

    10、t right time and at that same time I will give you the answer for your question.” Boy left for higher studies and after four years he came back to his house. When he saw the plant which he had planted there before _17_ , he said to his father, “See, told you that nothing will happen to this plant an

    11、d it will be safe and grow big.” Father smiled and said, “You should go outside and see the other plant.” When boy went outside, he saw a big tree. Boy couldnt _18_ his eyes. He couldnt understand how the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the plant inside house! Then father explained t

    12、o his son that the plant outside was able to grow bigger because it faced every season and many difficulties. Because the plant inside was safe, it didnt face any weather, nor did it_19_ proper sunlight, therefore it didnt become big. The boy realized the answer: To become a great person, one failed

    13、 many times, had to face many _20_ and overcome them with their will power and determination(决心). Only after that, they were able to become great. 13. A. praise B. promise C. explain D. encourage 14. A. flowers B. plants C. objects D. tools 15. A. bigger B. smaller C. shorter D. longer 16. A. natura

    14、lly B. carefully C. proudly D. easily 17. A. returning B. leaving C. saying D. realizing 18. A. believe B. reach C. open D. cover 19. A. offer B. avoid C. get D. serve 20. A. expectations B. competitions C. complaints D. difficulties 阅读理解(共 36分) 三、阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。(共 2

    15、6分,每小题2 分) A Here are some good apps for you. Have a try at once! The best way to learn a new language is to take an “immersive approach”(沉浸方式). Fluent U is a learning app around this idea. Fluent U takes real-world videoslike music videos, news and talks and turns them into language learning lesson

    16、s. It introduces you to authentic (真实) videos with the help of subtitles, flashcards and tests. Fluent U If youre not a native speaker, learning how to pronounce correctly may not come naturally to you. EISA can be your best friend. ELSA uses the best voice recognition(识别) technology to give instant

    17、 feedback(快速反馈)on your pronunciation. With over 1,200 lessons and an interactive dictionary, you can spend just 10 minutes a day on this app and sec the results quickly. ELSA Its normal to make grammatical mistakes. But there are ways to reduce the grammar mistakes you make while you write, and one

    18、of the best is Grammarly. You can get instant checks of your grammar and punctuation(标点) and even feedback about why youre wrong. In short, youll get two benefits : * Youll learn English grammar from your own mistakes. * You wont have to worry about sending a grammatically incorrect email to your En

    19、glish teacher, ever again. Grammarly 21. Fluent U cannot offer the learners the _according to the passage. A. subtitles B. flashcards C. tests D. dictionaries 22. ELSA uses the_ technology to give instant feedback on the pronunciation. A. voice recognition B. video production C. spell checking D. ph

    20、oto recognition 23. Fluent U, ELSA and Grammarly are good apps to improve your_ skills. A. language B. computer C. memory D. sports B Once Confucius heard two of his pupils quarreling(吵架). One, Nou-Wui, was called by all the students a peaceful man. The other, Tsze-Lu, had a good brain and a kind he

    21、art, but was given to great anger. One day, after he got angry, the blood came from his mouth. In great fear, he went to Confucius. “What shall l do with my body?” he asked, “I fear I shall not live long. Tell me what to do for my body.” “I will help you to see this. You remember when you and Nou-Wu

    22、i quarreled, he was at peace and happy again in a little time, but you spent a very long time overcoming your anger. You will surely die if you do not use more self-control. Now I want to ask you some questions.” “How many teeth do you have?” “l have twenty-eight ,teacher.” “How many tongues(舌头)?” “

    23、Just one.” “How many teeth have you lost?” “I lost four when I was about twenty-six years old.” “And your tongueis it still perfect?” “Oh, yes.” “You know Mun-Gun, who is quite old?”“Yes,1 know him well.” “How many teeth do you think he had at your age?”“I do not know.” “How many has he now?” “Two,

    24、I think. His tongue is perfect, though he is very old.” “You see the teeth are lost because they are strong and determine to have everything they desire. They are hard and hut the tongue many times, but the tongue never hurts the teeth. Yet, it endures(忍耐)until the end, while the teeth are the first

    25、 to decay(腐坏). The tongue is peaceful and gentle with the teeth. It never grows angry or fights them, even when they are in the wrong. It always helps then prepare mans food for him, although the teeth never help the tongue. And so it is with man. The strongest lo resist(对抗) , is the first lo decay.

    26、 And you, Tsze-Iat, will be even so if you dont learn the great lesson of self-control.” Tsze-Lu nodded and thanked his teacher. 24. Tsze-Lu went to Confucius because _. A. he wanted Confucius to talk with Nou-Wui B. he wanted Confucius to help him live long C. there was something wrong with his mou

    27、th D. there was too much anger in his heart 25. How does the tongue get on with the teeth according to Confucius? A. Patient and cheerful. B. Nervous and bored. C. Peaceful and gentle. D. Curious and satisfied. 26. What would Tsze-Lu do after talking with Confucius? A. To use more self-control in th

    28、e future. B. To keep his teeth peaceful and gentle. C. To quarrel with Nou-Wui until he wins. D. To protect his tongue from hurt. C As online schooling took effect during the coronavinus pandemic(新冠疾病),parents across the United States noted that many children did not have their own learning areas at

    29、 home. So, they got busy. They built, collected, and donated desks. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of students in the U.S. now have workspaces to call their own. Parents say this is helping their children get through long days of online learning at home. One father, named Mitch Couch, lives in cent

    30、ral California. His children are both studying at home. And they kept taking over the kitchen table for their online school lessons. He said this gave him an ideahe would make them their own desks. After seeing how it helped his family, he had a thought : Why not provide other children with their ow

    31、n desks? His idea was to show others how to build desks for their children. He made a quick YouTube video to guide parents in desk-making. The desks he made were child-size, simple and not costly. Couch said that he built his childrens desks for about $20. He made them from plywood(胶合板).A single pie

    32、ce of plywood,1.2 meters by 2.4 meters, makes four desks. He also added a built-in(嵌入的) area for books and papers. It was a simple structure, but it worked. The first order was for around 20 desks. But it quickly increased at least 50more. On a recent day, Couch was building more than 10 desks in an

    33、 area outside of his house. Neighbors stop by to shake his hand. He has received many thank-you messages and pictures from parents. Some parents said that their children were doing better and focusing(关注)more because they had their own space. Another father, this time in Omaha, Nebraska, also began

    34、making desks for his own family. Marcus Holley has eight children and does not have strong building skills. So, he searched online and found a simple design for desks that cost about $24 to build. After his familys needs were me, he began making more for others. In Gaithersburg, Jessica Berrellez wa

    35、s already involved in a project with other moms. They were providing virtual(虚拟)educational materials for children from poor families. The next step was supplying other tools for online learning, such as headphones, whiteboards, and desks. So, they started a Facebook group, Desks by Dads. Now, other

    36、s give suggestions on how to improve the design. Money now comes from donations. Also, there are about 60 desk-building helpersfrom older people to other thankful parents. The group has built and delivered 138 desks to kids in need. The number of orders might be growing in the future. 27. Mitch Couc

    37、h made his children their own desks because _. A. his children had no desks for online school lessons at home B. his children loved the desks their father made for them C. the teachers asked parents to make desks for the students D. the desks were so expensive that he couldnt afford them 28. Paragra

    38、ph 5 is mainly about _. A. the price of the desks B. the size of the desks C. where to get the desks D. what the desks are like 29. Which of the following is True according to the passage? A. Marcus Holley made desks for others before he made them for his children. B. The desks made by Mitch Couch w

    39、ere popular with many people. C. only young fathers got involved in making desks to help children. D. The desk-building helpers wont help other families any more. D Scientific experts have warned that deadly pandemics(流行病) are likely to keep happening if people dont take actions to protect natural e

    40、nvironments. Future pandemics will happen more often, spread faster and kill more people than COVID-19, the experts said. Such events are also expected to cause lasting harm to the world economy(经济). The warning came in a report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform, an international ex

    41、pert group that advises governments. The group has more than 130 member states. The experts called for major efforts which are aimed at preventing pandemics instead of trying to contain them after they happen. People around the world need worldwide efforts to stop habitat destruction(生态栖息地破坏) becaus

    42、e it can lead viruses to jump from wild animals to humans. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated(预计) that three out of every four new infectious(传染)diseases in people come from animals. Scientists have said COVID -19 probably started in bats and began spreading among humans. I

    43、n their report, the experts predict that about half of 1.7 million undiscovered viruses in nature might be able to infect people. Activities such as poaching(偷猎)or clearing forests can bring humans and diseases closer together. Deforestation, urbanization(城市化) and other land-use changes are responsi

    44、ble for about one-third of all new diseases that have appeared since 1960,the report says. The $100 billion global wildlife trade is also responsible for the spread of new and existing diseases. Peter Daszak, the reports lead writer, said that even though the experts call for immediate action,” This

    45、 is not a doom and gloom report which is saying the worlds going to end and its too late. “Instead, Daszak said it should be seen as “an optimistic(乐观的) call for action”. He noted that the current method for dealing with pandemics is to wait for them to appear and then try to identify(识别) them befor

    46、e they spread. COVID-19 has proved the problems with that plan. Officials planned to contain COVID-19 after the disease was discovered last year, but it was already too late. “And here we are waiting for a vaccine(疫苗) and drugs to work,” Daszak said, “its not a good way. We need to do more.” If we r

    47、eally want to nurse nature, we cant depend on a pandemic to do it for us. 30. What can we learn from the passage? A. Pandemics have no influence on the economy. B. Most of new diseases in people are from animals. C. More wildlife trades can limit the spread of new diseases. D. None of the experts ex

    48、pects people to take immediate action. 31. The underlined word “contain” in Paragraph 4 means “_” . A. save B. increase C. control D. produce 32. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. The Relationship between Pandemics and Nature B. More Money Waste if Pandemics Not Stop

    49、ped C. More Deadly Pandemics if Nature Not Protected D. The Future Prediction about Deadly Pandemics 33. What is the writers purpose in writing this article? A. To tell people to pay more attention to coVID-19. B. To introduce how the experts finished the report. C. To stress the importance of preve

    50、nting cOVID-19. D. To call on people to protect natural environments. 四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 10分,每小题 2 分) Seven Tips to Protect the Environment We all want to protect our planet, but were mostly too busy or too lazy to put up big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment. These


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