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    1、 1 8A Unit 1 Friends 单元知识梳理单元知识梳理 重重 点点 词词 汇汇 1. thirsty 口渴的 2.honest 诚实的;正直的 3. secret 秘密 4. joy 欢乐;乐趣 5.yourself 你自己 6.teenager(13 至 19 岁)青少年 7.magazine 杂志 8.good-looking 好看的 9.humorous 幽默的 10. polite 礼貌的 11.tidy 爱整洁的,整洁的 12. make 成为;适合 13.trust 信任 14. lie 谎言 15.joke 玩笑 16.true 确实的;的确 17.voice 嗓音

    2、18. singer 歌手 19.almost 几乎,差不多 20. round 圆形的 21.sense 感觉;观念,意识 22.bored 无聊的 23.fat 胖的 24.knock 碰,撞; 25.smile 微笑 26straight 笔直的 27.sweet 惹人喜爱的 28.patient 耐心的 29.choose 选择;挑选 30.worse(bad 的比较级)更差 31. weight 重量 32.height 高,高度 33.handsome 英俊的 34. hard-working 勤奋的 35.test 测试,考查 36.swimmer 游泳者 37.plan 打算,

    3、计划 38.social 社会的 39.humor 幽默 40. shy 害羞的 41.excellent 杰出的 42.smiling 微笑的 短短 语语 归归 纳纳 1. something to drink 一些喝的东西 2. have some more food 再吃一些食物 3. keep a secret 保守秘密 4. make me happy/ laugh 使我开心/ 大笑 5. have problems 有问题 6. care about 关心,关怀 7. tell lies 撒谎,说谎 8. one of my best friends 我最好的朋友之一 9. be

    4、willing/ ready to do 愿意做 10. share things with sb.与某人分享东西 11. grow up 长大,成人 12. make him look smart 使他看起来神气 13. someone in need 某个需要帮助的人 14. have a good sense of humour 富有幽默感 15. in the future 在未来 16. make an excellent teacher 成为一名优秀教师 17. bothand 两者都 18. say a bad word about sb.说某人的坏话 19. share one

    5、s joy 分享快乐 20. tell funny jokes 说笑话 21. a true friend 一个真正的朋友 22. something worries me 某事困扰着我 23. help people with their problems 帮助人们解决问题 24. listen to sb carefully 仔细倾听 语语 语法:语法: 形容词比较级和最高级形容词比较级和最高级 比较级常用结构:比较级常用结构: 1 ) not as asA 不如B; 比较级+ than he is taller than me / i am. 2 法法 要要 点点 2) Which /

    6、Who is+比较级,A or B ? 3) 比较级+and+比较级 / more +and more+原级 China is stronger and stronger. China is more and more powerful. 4) the+比较级,the+比较级 越, 越 The more , the better. 越多越好。 The higher you stand, the farther you will see.站的越高看得越远. 形容词最高级的常用句型形容词最高级的常用句型: 1) the+最高级最高级 +比较范围比较范围 最的 I am the tallest of

    7、 / among the three. 2) 最高级最高级+范围范围 =比较级比较级+than +any other +单数名词单数名词 =比较级比较级+than +the other +复数名词复数名词 Jim is the tallest student in class= Jim is taller than any other student. =Jim is taller than the other students. 3) One of+the+最高级最高级+名词复数名词复数 最的之一最的之一 English is one of the most important langua

    8、ges in the world. 4) the + 比较级比较级 + of the two 表示在两者中较表示在两者中较 He is the tallest of the 3 students. / He is the taller of the 2 students. 典典 句句 积积 1Can I have something to drink?我可以喝点东西吗? something to eat 一些吃的东西;something to read 一些可读的东西。 2Do you believe what he/she says?你相信他她说的话吗? believe what he sa

    9、ys=believe his words=believer him 意为“相信他的话”. believe in sb. =trust sb.意为“信任某人”。如:I believe in/trust you.我信任你。 3Betty is one of my best friends.贝蒂是我最好的朋友之一。 one of 后接复数名词,如果复数名词前有形容词修饰时,则形容词多用最高级。 此结构 作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: 4. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真正的朋友。 5voice,noise 与与 sound 的区别:的区别:

    10、(1) sound 意为“声音;音响”,指人能听到的任何声音,多指悦耳动听的声音。 如:I can hear the sound of running water. 我能听到流水的声音。 (2) noise 意为“声音;噪音;喧闹声”,指不悦耳的、不和谐的喧闹声,或令人讨厌的声音等。 如:Will you please make less noise, boys and girls? 孩子们,能不能小点声? (3) voice 意为“说话声;歌唱声;噪音”。如: 如:Dont speak in such a high voice. 说话声音不要这么大。 6. He is the tallest

    11、 boy in our class. = He is taller than any other student in our class. = He is taller than the other students in our class. 3 累累 7. Max has a good sense of humour.= Max is humourous 马克斯很有幽默感。 have a good sense of humour 意为“很有幽默感”,相当于 be very humorous。 8. I never feel bored with him.与他在一起我从不感到无聊。 bor

    12、ed 主要描述人的感受,boring 修饰物。如:The boring film makes us feel bored. 9. Whats he like? 他这个人怎么样? What islike 可询问天气情况;可要求对方对特写事物进行描述;用于人时,既可指人 的外表,也可指人的性格、品质。如: -What is he like? 他是怎样一个人? -He is very kind and humorous. 10. She is willing to share things with her friends. 她乐意跟她的朋友分享东西。 形容词比较级和最高级构成规律(不规则变化)形容

    13、词比较级和最高级构成规律(不规则变化) 8A Unit 2 School life 单元知识梳理单元知识梳理 4 重重 点点 词词 汇汇 1. British adj. 英国的 2. American adj. 美国的 3. rubber n. 橡皮 4. eraser n. 橡皮 5. biscuit n. 饼干 6. cookie n. 饼干 7. vacation n. 美)假期 8. fall n.(美)秋天 9. store n. (美)商店 10. truck n. 卡车 11. yard n. (美)院子 12. movie n. 电影 13. French n. 法语 14.

    14、foreign adj. 外国的 15. language n. 语言 16. during 在期间 17. discuss v. 讨论,议论 18. offer vt. 主动提出,自愿给予 19. end v. 结束 20. baseball n. 棒球 21. win v. 赢得;赢,获胜 22. least adj. 最少的;最小的 23. through 自始至终,从头到尾 24. chess n. 国际象棋 25. spend 花费(时间或金钱) 26. finish vt. 完成;结束 27. real 真实的,真的 28. daily adj. 每日的,日常的 29. weekl

    15、y 每周的 30. quick adj.快的 短短 语语 归归 纳纳 1. be like watching TV 像在看电视 2. fewer advertisements 更少的广告 3. British English 英式英语 4. buy sth for sb 为买 5. see a film 看电影 6. a mixed school 一所混合学校 7. do some reading 阅读 8. borrow from 向借 9. bring in 带进来 10. keep doing sth 一直做某事 11. in class 在课堂上 12. learn more abou

    16、t 更多地了解 13.do sports together 一起做运动 14. have an important match 进行一场重要比赛 15. seem to do sth 似乎要去做 16. look through 浏览、快速查看 17. practice hard 努力学习 18. at most 最多 19. discusswith 与讨论 20. have to work harder 不得不努力学习 21. offer me help = offer help to me 主动给予我帮助主动给予我帮助 22. in the 8th grade/ in Year 8/ in

    17、 Grade 8 在八年级、初二 23. among the three of us 在我们三人当中 24. come first/second / third in the race 在赛跑中获得第一第二名第三名 25. the number of students / teachers 学生老师的数量 26. have more/fewer weeks off 有更多更少周的假期 5 27. have a good time doing sth 做很开心 28. keep (on) doing sth. 继续做某事 29. among all my subjects : 在我所有的学科中

    18、30. near the end of 接近的末尾 语语 法法 要要 点点 语法语法:用 morethan,fewer than 和 lessthan 结构比较两个事物的数量, 用 the most,the least,the fewest 比较两个以上事物的数量。 1) 比较级 morethan,fewerthan 用于比较可数名词的数量可数名词的数量; 2) 比较级 more. than,lessthan 用于比较不可数名词的数量不可数名词的数量。如: Nancy has more free time than John. / John studies more subjects than

    19、 Nancy. Nancy has less free time than John. / John studies fewer subjects than Nancy. 典典 句句 积积 1. Why dont dogs go to school? =Why not go to school?为什么狗不去上学? 这是个提建议的句型,类似的还有:Shall we? / Lets do. What about doing .? = How about doing ? Would you like to do? 对建议的回答常有:Good idea! Why not? Great!Id like

    20、to.等。 2. Whats school like? = What does school look like? 学校是什么样的? Whatslike?的用法: (1)用于询问人的情况时,既可指人的外表,也可指人的性格、品质等用于询问人的情况时,既可指人的外表,也可指人的性格、品质等。如: -What is his brother like? 他弟弟是怎样一个人? -He is very kind and warm-hearted.他很友好,是个热心肠。 (2)对想了解的事物进行描述对想了解的事物进行描述。如: -What was the football game like? 足球比赛怎么

    21、样? -It was great. We won the game.棒极了。我们赢了。 3. Its like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements.它就像看电视,但是广告更少。 (1)此句中的 like 是介词,其反义词是 unlike(不像),后可接名词、代词 或动名词作其宾语。 -His new hat is like a cat on the chair. 他的新帽子像一只猫在椅子上。 (2) few,a few,little,a little 的用法: few,a few 修饰可数名词的复数可数名词的复数形式; little,

    22、a little 修饰不可数名不可数名词词。 6 累累 a few,a little 表示肯定意义,few,little 表示否定意义。如: I have few friends in the new school. 在新学校里我几乎没有朋友。 There is little milk in the bottle, is there? 瓶子里没有牛奶了,不是吗? 4.Learning foreign languages is fun.学外语是有趣的。 此句中的主语是一个动名词短语.作主语时,不能用动词原形。动名词一般是在动词后加 ing. 一个动名词短语作主语时看作单数,故谓语动词用单数; R

    23、unning is good for our health. / Learning English well is not difficult for me. 5. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. seem 作连系动词,意为作连系动词,意为“似乎;好像似乎;好像”。其用法如下: (1)“主语主语+seem+不定式不定式”,此句型中的 seem 与不定式一起构成复合谓语。如: The young man seemed to change a lot. 这个年轻人看起来变化很大。 (2)“主语主语+see

    24、m +(to be)+表语表语”,表语多为名词或形容词,以说明主语的特征或状态。如: Mr Black seemed to be quite happy.布莱克先生好像十分快乐。 (3)“It seems+ that 从句从句”,其中 it 是形式主语,that 引导主语从句。如: It seems that Millie is very happy. 米莉似乎很开心。 My ideal school Now let me tell you something about my ideal school. It is very beautiful. There is a park on one

    25、 side and a river on the other side. The trees are green and The school is like a garden. The playground is big. There is also a basketball court and a swimming pool. There are many kinds of books in the library. Our school life is colorful. There are many clubs in our school. We spend half an hour

    26、doing my homework every day. We have a lot of time for after-school activities. 7 8A Unit 3 A day out 单元知识梳理单元知识梳理 重重 点点 词词 汇汇 1ourselves 我们自己 2Australia 澳大利亚 3coffee 咖啡 4top 顶部,(物体的)上面 5president 总统,国家主席 6wide宽的;宽广的 7ton 吨 8fine 够好,蛮不错 9join 加入,参加 10. ticket 票,入场券 11shine 照耀,发光 12clear 晴朗的;清晰的 13sk

    27、y 天,天空 14journey 旅行,旅程 15boring 乏味的 16finally 最后 17arrive 到达 18interest 令人感兴趣的事(或人);兴趣 19main 主要的 20culture 文化 21Internet 网络 22page 页,页面,页码 23. yourselves 你们自己 24themselves 他们自己 25itself 它自己 26. keep 留着;不退还 27rock 岩石 28. luckily 幸好,幸运的是 29climber 登山者,攀爬者 30support 支持 31cheer 欢呼,喝彩;欢呼声,喝彩声 32reach 到达

    28、 33. cost 费用,价钱 34rest 休息,歇息 35free 免费的 36. helpless 无助的 37useful 有用的,有益的 38hope 希望 39. meaning 意思 40. taste 味道;品味 短短 语语 归归 1climb a hill 爬山 2come on 来吧;赶快 3as high as a real one 与真的一样高 4enjoy oneself 玩得愉快 5take a boat trip 乘船旅行 6have a great time 玩得开心 7take care 保重 8the top of的顶部 9. take place 进行,发

    29、生 10be made of 由制成 11do fine 过的很好 12. join their school trip 加入他们学校旅行 13on the way 在路上 14a little boring 有一点乏味 15arrive atin 到达 16cant wait to do sth 迫不及待地去做某事 8 纳纳 17. get onoff 上下车 18more than= over 超过,多于 19. place of interest 景点 20all over the world 全世界 21not believe ones eyes 不相信自己的眼睛 22on the I

    30、nternet 在网络上 23cheer for 为欢呼 24.for yourselves 为你自己,你亲自 25by oneself 独立地,独自 语语 法法 要要 点点 语法语法 反身代词表示“我自己,你自己,你们自己”等代词就叫作反身代词。 反身代词的构成构成: myself yourself itself herself himself themselves 1. help oneself to 请吃 2. say to oneself 自言自语 3. teach oneself=learnby oneself 自学 4. dress oneself 为自己穿衣 5. look af

    31、ter oneself 照顾自己 6. do sth. by oneself =do sth.alone = do sth on ones own 独自(亲手)做某事 典典 句句 积积 1You need to exercise and keep fit.你需要运动来保持健康。 (1) need 作名词时,构成短语 in need。 Eg We should help people in need. (2)作行为动词时有人称和数的变化,后接不定式、名词或代词作宾语, He needs to study hard.他需要认真学习。 (3)作情态动词时无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,这种用法多用于

    32、否定句。如: You neednt finish it today.你无需今天完成它。 keep fit = keep healthy =stay fit = stay healthy 意为意为“保持健康保持健康”。 2. Come on, Hobo. Lets enjoy ourselves!快点,霍波。咱们玩得开心点吧! (1) enjoy oneself=have a good time=have fun=play happily 意为“玩得高兴,过得愉快” 3The bridge is made of steel,isnt it?这桥是用钢造的,是吗? be made of 意为“由制

    33、成”,后接可看得出来原材料的物质。如: Our desks are made of wood and metal.我们的书桌是用木头和金属制成的。 be made from 意为“由制成”,但其后接看不出来原材料的物质。如: A book is made from wood书是由木头制成的。 4. join 意为“参加”,多指加入某组织或某些人当中去某组织或某些人当中去,如政党、社会团体等,并成为其 中的一员。 join sb. in/doing sth.指和某人一起做某事。 join intake part in 指参加某活动指参加某活动。 9 累累 -He joined the tenni

    34、s club.他参加了网球兴趣小组。 Come and join us. 来加入我们吧! -He joined in the game.= He took part in the game 他参与了这个游戏。 5. It took us about two hours to get there by bus.乘汽车去那大约花了我们两个小时。 (1) It takes sb. some time to do sth.意为:做某事需要花费某人一些时间。这个是一个固 定搭配, it 作形式主语, 真正的主语是 to do sth., 此句型可与 sb. spends some time doing

    35、sth.替换。所以此句就相当于:We spent about two hours getting there by bus 6. There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring.在途中交通拥挤, (1)a lot of traffic= heavy traffic= busy traffic 意为“交通拥挤”,作主语时谓语动词用单数。 7. All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus.我们所有人都迫不及待地下了公共汽车。 (1) cant wait to

    36、do sth.意为“迫不及待地去做某事”。如: The children cant wait to eat the whole cake.孩子们迫不及待地要吃了整个蛋糕。 (2) get onoff 意为意为“上、下(车、船等)上、下(车、船等)” The bus is coming. Lets get on it. 公共汽车来了,咱们上车。 而而“上、下上、下”小汽车或电梯,则用小汽车或电梯,则用 get into 和和 get out of。如: get into the car. 上小汽车 get out of the car : 下小汽车 8. places of interest=i

    37、nteresting places 意为“有趣的地方;名胜,景点”。常用的短语有: showhave an interest in sth./doing sth. =be interested in sth. /doing sth.对做某事感 兴趣。I was interested in collecting stamps when I was a child.我小时候就对集邮感兴趣了。 9. It is made of steel and is really tall. 它是钢做的,而且它真的非常高。 be made of : 由制成(看得出原材料) The desk is made of

    38、wood. be made from: 由制成(看不出原材料) The paper is made of woo. be made in: 在某地制造 (后接地点) The bike is made in China. be made by : 由制造(后接某人) The car is made by tom. 8A Unit 4 Do it yourself 单元知识梳理单元知识梳理 10 重重 点点 词词 汇汇 1. exactly adv. 确切地 2. repair vt. 修补 3. decorate vt. 装饰 4. crazy adj. 疯狂的 5. terrible adj.

    39、 可怕的 6. once adv. 曾经;一度 7. mistake n. 错误 8. fill vt. 使充满 9. advise vt in order not to do sth; so as not to do sth;not to do sth; in order not to do sth; so as not to do sth; 二二 动词不定式作宾语补足语动词不定式作宾语补足语: : 常见的带常见的带 toto 的不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:的不定式作宾语补足语的动词有: ask sb (not)not) to do sh: 要求某人不做某事 invite sb to do

    40、sth: 邀请某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth: 鼓励某人做某事 order sb to do sth: 命令某人做某事 tell sb to do sth : 告诉某人做某事 want sb to do sth: 希望某人做某事 advise sb to do sth: 建议某人做某事 need sb to do sth: 需要某人做某事 不带不带 toto 的常见动词有:的常见动词有: hear; let; make; have; see; watch; notice; hear; let; make; have; see; watch; notice; speak

    41、speakerer 演讲者 winwinnerer 获胜者 paintpainterer 画家 dance-dancer 舞蹈家 play-player 运动员 farm-farmer 农民 actactoror 演员 visitvisitoror 游客 inventinventoror 发明家 19 sciencescientistist 科学家 pianopianistist 钢琴家 tourtouristist 游客 artartistist 艺术家 8A Unit 7 Seasons 单元知识梳理单元知识梳理 Chinese English 1. 把某物带给某人 bring sb st

    42、h = bring sth to sb 2. 看起来酷 / 感觉凉爽 look cool / feel cool 3. 什么都不穿 with nothing on 4. 装满/充满 be full of =be filled with sth 5. 醒来 , 叫醒 / 叫醒我 wake up / wake me up 6. 忘记生长 forget to grow 7. 飞往远方 fly far away 8. 大雾 thick fog 9. 大雨 heavy rain 10. 大风 strong wind 11. 躲避 (四月的阵雨) hide from ( the April showers

    43、) 12. 夏日甜蜜的回忆 sweet memories of summer days 13. 有好记忆力 have a good memory 14. 打雪球仗 have snowball fights 15. 秋天的落叶 autumn leaves ( leaf ) 16. 变成褐色 /红色 turn brown / red 17. 落地成堆 fall into piles upon the ground 18. 引起很多问题 cause a lot of problems 19. 收割庄稼 harvest crops 20. 从早到晚 from morning till night 21

    44、. 与押韵 rhyme with 22. 在下雨天/下雪天/大雾天 on rainy / snowy / foggy days 23. 在炎热的夏日下午 on a hot summer afternoon 24. 覆盖整个地面/地球 cover the whole earth 25. 在每年的这个时候 during this time of the year 26. 最高/低气温 the highest / lowest temperature 20 27. 有一点冷 a bit cold=a little cold=a little bit cold 28. 在安静的小溪旁玩 play by

    45、 quiet streams 29. 你最近怎么样? How are you doing? 30. 忙于某事 / 忙于做某事 be busy with sth / be busy doing sth. 31. 我是(打电话时打电话时) This is speaking. 32. 再度,又一次 once again 33. 尝起来味道好 taste nice ( taste +adj.) 34. 感冒 发高烧发高烧 have / catch a cold have a high fever 35. 咳嗽厉害 cough a lot 36. 糟糕的一天 an awful day 37. 降到零度以

    46、下 drop / fall below zero 二、重点句子及句型:二、重点句子及句型: 典典 句句 积积 1. I bet youll look cool and feel cool with nothing on. 我敢说你不穿衣服看上去酷而且感觉凉爽。 2. Which season do you like best? =Which is your favourite season? 你最喜欢哪个季节? 3. Its the best time to play football outside. 这是在外面踢足球的最佳时期。 4. Winter days are full of sno

    47、w. 冬天的日子充满雪。(be) full of=(be) filled with sth装满/充满 5. The birds fly far away to find a warm and sunny day.为了找到温暖而晴朗的日子,鸟儿飞向远方。 6. What a perfect time to fly a kite!正是放风筝的好时节! 7. The days are shorter and the temperature drops.白天变短了,温度下降了。 8. How do people feel on a hot summer afternoon? 在一个炎热的夏日下午人们感

    48、觉如何? 9. The leaves turn green and the temperature rises quickly. 树叶变绿,温度迅速上升。 10. A windy day is perfect for flying a kite. 有风的日子是最适合放风筝。 11. Farmer are busy harvesting crops. 农民正忙于收割庄稼。 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事忙于做某事 12. I saw some kids kicking the ball in the park. 我看见一些孩子正在公园踢球。 see sb doing sth 看

    49、见某人正在做某事看见某人正在做某事 I saw them cleaning the street when I walked past the market. 13. Snowstorms from the north will arrive in the late afternoon. 从北方来的暴雪将在下午晚些时候到 14. The temperature will drop below zero, to -10. 温度会降到零度以下, 到-10。 15. It rained heavily last night.= There was a heavy rain last night. 昨

    50、天晚上下了大雨 16. It will be snowy tomorrow. = It will snow tomorrow.= There will be snow tomorrow. 明天将会下雪 17. Hows the weather in Nanjing?=Whats the weather like in Nanjing? 南京的天气怎么样? 18. The wind is blowing hard. 风刮的很大 21 累累 19. The sudden heavy rain causes a lot of problems. 突如其来的大雨引发了很多的问题。 20. We thr


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