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    2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第一册Unit1 Teenage Life单元加餐练

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    2021年人教版(新教材)高中英语必修第一册Unit1 Teenage Life单元加餐练

    1、单元加餐练单元加餐练 【语基回扣练】 .单句语法填空 1For health reasons,I had to quit smoking (smoke) last year. 2Her shouting attracted (attract) some curious people walking in the street. 3Over the years we have had several debates (debate) about campus safety. 4If you want to speak English fluently (fluent),its important

    2、 to be confident. 5What the headmaster said at the graduation ceremony impressed (impression) me greatly. 6It is said that the movement (move) began in a small town in 1889. 7Obviously(obvious),the new school is badly in need of good teachers. 8If we want to learn the advanced(advance) strategy,we s

    3、hould start from ABC. 9 The man was so frightened that he refused to take up the challenging(challenge) job. 10I didnt think Id like the movie,but actually(actual) it was pretty good. .选词填空 be addicted to, be attracted to, be responsible for, be suitable for, clean up, focus on, prefer.to., sign up

    4、for 1Lindas father bought her a nice hat as a birthday present, but she didnt think it was_suitable_for her. 2 Mary likes dancing and her adviser recommended she should sign_up_for a ballet course. 3In my opinion, every adult should be_responsible_for what he said and what he did. 4My parents and I

    5、spent the whole morning cleaning_up our house for welcoming an important guest. 5Im Lucy, a student in Senior Two.Recently, I have_been_addicted_to the cosplay shows(动漫真人秀), so I often watch them and cant focus_on my studies. 6She prefers English to maths, for the latter is too difficult for her. 7

    6、He is_attracted_to the wonderful performance and has enjoyed it again and again. .翻译句子 1和最好的朋友谈谈你的忧虑确实是一件好事情。(动名词作主语) Talking_about_your_worry_with_your_best_friend_is_really_a_nice_th ing. 2她早早起床,以便为孩子们准备好早餐。(so that) She_got_up_early_so_that_she_could_get_the_breakfast_ready_for_th e_children. 3他第

    7、一次去北京时,就爱上了那个城市。(the first time) The_first_time_he_went_to_Beijing,he_fell_in_love_with_it. 4那次事故使他不可能参加比赛了。(it 作形式宾语) The_accident_made_it_impossible_for_him_to_take_part_in_the_game. 5他建议我们那天早点儿到达电影院。(recommend) He_recommended_that_we_(should)_get_to_the_cinema_earlier_that_day. .单元语法巩固翻译句子 1The_p

    8、oor_old_man lived there all the time. 那位可怜的老人一直住在那儿。 2He was as much_interested_in_music as ever. 他对音乐一直都非常感兴趣。 3Im sure you are far_too_clever to have done that. 我确信你很聪明,不会干出那种事的。 4In those days we worked day_and_night,but still couldnt get enough to eat. 那时候我们夜以继日地干活,挣的还不够吃。 5She read slowly_but_c

    9、learly她读得慢但清楚。 【写作专项练】 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短 文。 During lunchtime,Emma suggested going to the zoo to feed the animals and her mom agreed. “Well stop by the bakery and pick some bread up.Now hurry and eat and then well go.Its going to be a lovely day.Grandma is coming with us.Shell be he

    10、re any minute,” mom said. Emma ate her lunch and then ran into her room to get her shoes.The problem was that she could only find one of them.She looked under her bed,but all she could see were dirty towels and pants.She moved some of her toys out of the way,but still couldnt find her shoe.After she

    11、d checked everywhere in her room,she ran into the kitchen.“Mom,I cant find my shoe.Will you wait while I look for it?” she asked. Her mom thought about how many times shed told Emma to clean her room up.She whispered something to Emmas grandma and then said to Emma,“You will have to stay home.Your d

    12、ad and I will take Ryan to the zoo.Grandma will stay here with you.” “No!Please wait for me.I want to go to the zoo,”Emma cried. “Im sorry,Emma.Ive told you a dozen times to clean your room and you ignored me.You cant find your shoe now.Its your own fault for not doing as I asked.You will stay home.

    13、” Emma ran into her bedroom,crying.Her mom came to the door and said,“Emma, clean that room of yours before I get home.Ive told grandma not to give you any sweets until you finish the work.”She went out to the car with Ryan and Emmas dad and then they drove away. 【写作指导】 一、故事梗概 二、情节推断 根据已经给出的续写部分每段的开

    14、头语并展开合理想象和推断: 1 第一段应该说的是: Emma 哭过之后意识到了自己的错误, 开始认真打扫房间, 在打扫房间的过程中应该能找到那一只鞋子;奶奶看她打扫好了房间,应该是给 她糖果吃了; 2第二段应该说的是:爸爸妈妈和 Ryan 回来后,看到打扫干净的房间,应该是 表扬 Emma。 经过了这次的教训, Emma 从今往后应该是个讲卫生的好孩子了 可根据自己的想象构建故事情节。续写两段的四个要素如下: 第一段 第二段 (1)时间: After Emmas parents took Ryan to the zoo (2)地点:in Emmas house (3)人物:Emma and h

    15、er grandma (4)事件:Emma cleaned her room and her grandma gave her some sweets. (1)时间:When Emmas parents and Ryan came home (2)地点:in Emmas house (3)人物:Emma and her family (4)事件:Emmas parents came back and praised her for cleaning the room. 三、要素串联 将已确定的四要素串联,并增加细节描写,完成读后续写(只续写一段)。 【参考范文】 Emma_sat_on_her

    16、_bed_and_cried_for_a_long_time.And_then_she_w iped_her_eyes_and_started_to_clean_her_room.It_took_her_two_hours _to_clean_up_the_room.“I_did_it!”_She_said_proudly.She_even_f ound_her_missing_shoe.She_ran_into_the_living_room.“Grandma! Come_and_see.I_cleaned_my_room_and_found_my_shoe.”Grandma_lo oked

    17、_in_Emmas_room.“If_you_had_kept_it_this_way, you_wouldnt_have_lost_your_shoe.Come_and_have_some_sweets_now,”s he_said. Emma and her grandma were sitting at the table, eating when her mom, dad, and Ryan came home.“Well,look at Emmas room!Its clean,”her dad said.“How was the zoo?Did you have fun?I wish I could have gone there with you,”Emma said.“If you keep your room clean,we may go and see animals again,”her mom said.From then on,Emma tried her best to keep her room clean.


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