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    1、 1 100100 天突破新高考英语天突破新高考英语 30003000 词词(十六)(十六) (记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 46 (hurry-improve) 一、记忆背诵 1 hurry hr vi. 赶快;急忙 n. 匆忙;仓促 hurry up 快点;(使)加快 in a hurry 匆忙;急于 in no hurry 不急 2 hurt (hurt, hurt) ht vt. 伤害,受伤;伤人感情 3 husband hzbnd n. 丈夫 4 hydrogen hadrd()n n. 氢 5 I a pron. 我 6 ice as n. 冰 7 ice-cr

    2、eam as- krim n. 冰淇淋 8 idea ad n. 主意,意见,打算,想法 9 ideal*adil adj. 完美的; 理想的; n. 理想; 看似完美的思想 10 identical* a dent kl adj. 完全同样的; 相同的; 同一的 11 identify* a dent fa v. 确认; 认出; 鉴定; 找到 12 identity adentt n. 身份,特征 13 idiom dm n. 习语,成语 14 if f conj. 如果,假使,是否,是不是 15 ignore n(r) v. 忽视,对不理会 16 ill l a. 有病的;不健康的 17

    3、illegal li()l a. 非法的 18 illness lns n. 疾病 19 illustrate* lstre t v. 加插图于; 给(书等)做图表; (用示例、图画等)说明,解释 20 image*md n. 形象; 印象; 声誉; (心目中的)形象; 画像 vt. 反映; 想像; 作的像 21 imagine mdn vt. 想像,设想 22 immediately midtl ad. 立即 2 23 impact*mpkt , mpkt n. 巨大影响; 冲击力 v. (对某事物)有影响,有作用 have an impact on 对产生影响 24 imply*mpla

    4、v. 含有的意思; 暗示; 暗指 25 import mpt v. 特性- identical (adj.)完全相同的- identically (adj.)完全相同地, 同样地- identify (vt.) 确定; 辨别-identification (n.)鉴定; 识别 2. ignore (vt.) 忽视; 忽略-ignorant (adj.)无知的; 愚昧的- ignorance (n.)愚昧; 无知 3. ill (adj.) 生病的- illness (n.)疾病 4. illegal (adj.) 非法的- illegally (adv.) 非法地 (反) legal (adj

    5、.) 合法的;法律的 5. illustrate (v.) 给作插图-illustration (n.) 图解;图示- illustrator (n.) 插图画家 6. imagine (v.)想象- imaginary (adj.) 想象中;虚构的- imaginative (adj.)富于想象力的- imaginable (adj.) 可想象的 -imagination (n.) 想象力 7. immediate (adj.)立刻的; 立即的-immediately (adv.)立刻; 马上 8. immigrate (v.)移居 - immigration (n.)移居; 外来移民 9.

    6、 important (adj.)重要的- importance (n.)重要性 10. impossible (adj.)不可能的-impossibly (adv.) 不可能地- impossibility (n.) 不可能;不可能的 事 (反)possible (adj.) 可能的 11. impress (vt.)使印象深刻-impression (n.)印象-impressed (adj.)印象深刻的;钦佩的- impressive (adj.) 给人印象深刻的-impressionist (n.) 印象派艺术家 12. improve (v.)提高; 改善- improvement

    7、(n.)改善; 改良 3 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 1 I really love the area and see it as an _(理想的) place to start my managerial career. 2 There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can _(证明) a Hollywood epic. 3 His lack of experience may _(损害) his chances of getting the job. 4 Her stat

    8、ement _(暗指) a lack of confidence in the management of the company. 5 After spending her lunch hour shopping, she _(匆忙) back to work. B. 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 She imagined herself _(sit) in her favourite chair back home. 2 Id just like to stress the _(important) of neatness and politeness in

    9、this job. 3 It seems _ (possible) that I could have walked by without noticing her. 4 That was an impressive _ (perform) from such a young tennis player. 5 Let me give another example _ (illustrate) this difficult point. 6 Many people are worryingly _ (ignore) of the facts about global warming. 7 It

    10、 is _(legal) to drive a car that is not registered and insured(买保险). 8 The anti-smoking campaign had made quite an impact _ young people. 9 We were asked to show some _(identify) before the security guards would let us in. 10 Many people suffer from some form of mental _(ill) during their lives. C.

    11、根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1 Kate was _(急于长大), eager for knowledge and experience. (in a hurry) 2 Li Kang _(对老师印象很深) and the technology in his new school. (impress) 四、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 The Internet has brought us great 1 (convenient). To a certain extent, we can hardly live without it

    12、. However, it also 2 (raise) all sorts of questions: when surfing the Internet, 4 how can we protect ourselves? How can we use the Internet 3 (responsible)? The following guidelines may show you how to live in the digital world. Above all else, you should use the Internet 4 a safe way. You must alwa

    13、ys be careful about which sites to trust. One wrong click may damage your computer and remove all your computer files! Therefore, before visiting a web page, always check for signs 5 warn people of danger. Another tip is to keep your personal information private, including your phone number, address

    14、 6_ email account. You also need to show respect when 7 (comunicate) with other online users. Leave comments politely and treat others the way you would like 8 (treat). Though the majority of online users are nice and friendly, there might be some users who make you feel 9_ (comfortable) online. In

    15、such cases, be aware that you always have the right to say no and cut off contact. Remember that relationships you establish in the digital world are just the same as 10 (that) you have in real life. 100 天突破新高考英语 3000 词(十六) (记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 47 (in -insight) 一、记忆背诵 1 in n prep. 在里(内);在 ad. 在

    16、家,在内,向内 2 inch nt n. 英寸 3 incident nsd()nt n. 事件 4 include nklud vt. 包含,包括 5 income nkm n. 收入,所得 6 increase nkris v. 难以置信的 8 indeed ndid a. 确实;实在 5 9 independent ndpendnt a. 独立的,有主见的 10 India nd * n. 印度 11 Indian ndn a. (美洲)印地安人的; 印度人的 n. 印地安人;印度人 12 indicate ndket v. 表明,象征,暗示 13 individual* ndvdul

    17、adj. 单独的; 个别的; 独特的 n. 个人 14 industry ndstr n. 工业,产业 15 infection* n fek n n. 传染; 感染; (身体某部位的)感染; 传染病 16 infer* n f (r) v. 推断; 推论; 推理 17 influence nflns n. 有支配力的 19 information nfme()n n. 信息 20 initial n()l a. 开始的,最初的 21 initiative* n t v n. 倡议; 新方案; 主动性; 积极性 22 injury ndr n. 受伤处 23 inner*n(r) adj. 里

    18、面的; 向内的; 内部的; 接近中心的 n. 内部; 里面 24 innocent nsnt a. 无辜的,清白的 25 innovation* n ve n n. 创新; 改革 26 input* npt n. 输入的信息; (电、数据等的)输入端 v. 输入(信息) 27 inquire*nkwa(r) v. 调查;查究;审查 28 insect nsekt n. 昆虫 29 inside nsad prep. 在里面 ad. 在里面 30 insight* nsa t n. 洞察力; 领悟; 洞悉; 了解 二、词性转换 1. include (v.)包含- including (prep

    19、.)包括在- inclusion (n.)包含 2. increase (v. 难以置信的-incredibly (adv.) 极其; 令人难以置信 4. independent (adj.) 独立的,有主见的-independence (n.) 独立,自主-independently (adv.) 独 立地 (反)dependent (adj.) 依靠的; 依赖的 5. indicate (vt.)象征; 暗示 - indication (n.)指示; 象征 6 6. individual (adj.) 单独的; 个别的; 独特的 (n.) 个人 -individualism (n.) 个人

    20、主义 -individuality (n.) 个性;特征 7. industry (n.)工业; 产业- industrial (adj.)工业的; 产业的- industrially (adv.)工业上 8. influence (vt. 告知 - informed (adj.) 消息灵通的;见多识广的- information (n.)信息 10. initial (adj.)开始的; 最初的- initially (adv.)最初地 11. injure (vt.)伤害- injured (adj.)受伤的-injury (n.)受伤; 伤害 12. innocent (adj.)无罪的

    21、, 清白的; 天真的- innocence (n.)无罪, 清白; 单纯-innocently (adv.) 故 作天真地 13 innovation (n.) 创新; 改革-innovate (v.) 创新;革新-innovative (adj.) 创新的;革新的 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 1 The final technical report into the accident reinforces the findings of _ (最初的) investigations. 2 The government is trying to attract _(

    22、工业) to the area . 3 She appears to actually like the man, which I find _(不可思议). 4 A youth was seriously injured in a shooting _(事件) on Saturday night. 5 His latest _(创新) is a theater company that will perform for schools. B. 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 It took me twenty minutes to get to Jaimes ho

    23、use, _(include) a quick stop at my mothers house on the way. 2 Houses near _(industry) sites often do not sell so quickly because they are regarded as undesirable. 3 His urgent pleas(请求) of _ (innocent) made no difference to the judges decision. 4 When the company was informed _ the problems we were

    24、 experiencing, it took extraordinary steps to help us. 5 We live in an increasingly secular society, in which religion has less and less influence _ our daily lives. 6 The injured _(take) to several nearby hospitals immediately. 7 7 The government has been encouraging _(individual) to opt out of(选择退

    25、出) the state pension scheme. 8 He was finding it _(increase) difficult to make decisions. 9 Several train passengers received serious _(injury) in the crash. 10 Hundreds of small _(depend) shops will be forced to close by the opening of this superstore. C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1 The school promised _(让家长

    26、随时了解 有关情况). (keep sb. Informed of) 2 My physics teacher was my role model, _ (他对我的影响) had a lot to do with my decision. (influence) 四、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 The forest area in the world 1_ (decrease) from 4.12 billion hectares in 1990 to 3.99 billion hectares in 2015, according

    27、to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Meanwhile, Chinas forest coverage rate increased 2 _10 percent since 1999 when China started returning farmland to forest. The forest coverage rate of Wuqi County in northwest Chinas Shaanxi province increased from 19.2 percent in 1997 to 72.9 perce

    28、nt this year. This area had 3_ (previous) been identified by the FAO as not possessing the basic 4 _ (condition) for sustaining human life. In the projects new round 5_ (launch) in 2014, Chinas vast central and western regions have not only grown greener but found new ways to develop 6_ (they) econo

    29、mies. Trees have become 7_ (value) resources and are named “green gold. In Chishui City of southwest Chinas Guizhou Province 8_ used to be a national-level poverty-stricken county, farmland was returned into bamboo forests. The forests are used to develop papermaking, furniture and food industries.

    30、Herbs are grown and chickens are raised under the bamboo trees 9_ (produce) more income. Farmers there have found a sustainable source of income and 10_ county became the first in Guizhou to get rid of poverty. 8 100 天突破新高考英语 3000 词(十六) (记忆背诵、词性转换、同步检测和能力提升) Day 48 (insist-introduction) 一、记忆背诵 1 ins

    31、ist nsst vi. 坚持;坚决认为 insist on /upon 坚持 2 inspection*nspekn n. 视察; 检查; 查看; 审视 3 inspire nspa(r) vt. 鼓舞;激励 4 instance*nstns n. 例子; 事例; 实例 5 instant nst()nt a. 瞬间;刹那 6 instead nsted ad. 代替,顶替 7 institute nsttjut; (US) nsttut n. (研究)所,院,学院 8 institution nsttju()n; (US) nsttun n. (慈善、宗教等性质的)公共机构;学校 9 in

    32、struction nstrk()n n. 说明,须知;教导 follow te instructions 听从指令 10 instrument nstrmnt n. 乐器;工具,器械 11 insurance nrns n. 保险 life/accident insurance 人寿/意外保险 12 integrate* nt re t v. (使)合并,成为一体; (使)加入,融入群体 13 integrity*nterti n. 诚实正直; 完整; 完好 14 intelligent* n tel dnt adj. 有才智的; 悟性强的; 聪明的 15 intend ntend vt.

    33、想要,打算 intend to do sth 打算做某事 be intended for 打算供用; 想 用于 16 intense*ntens adj. 很大的; 十分强烈的; 严肃紧张的; 激烈的 17 intention nten()n n. 打算,计划,意图 with the intention of 怀着的目的 18 interaction*ntrkn n. 相互影响(作用,制约,配合);交互作用(影响) 19 interest ntrst n. 兴趣,趣味;利息 9 have /develop an interest in 对产生兴趣 places of interest 名胜古迹

    34、 in the interest of 为了的利益 20 interesting ntrt a. 有趣的 21 internal*ntnl adj. 内部的; 里面的; 体内的 22 international ntnn()l a. 国际的 23 internet ntnet n. 互联网,英特网 24 interpret ntprt v. 解释 interpret sth. as sth. 把翻译/理解为 25 interrupt ntrpt v. 打扰,打断 26 intervention* nt ven n n. 干涉; 干预 27 interview ntvju n. 检查-inspe

    35、ct (v.) 视察;检阅 - inspector (n.) 检查员;督导员 2. inspire (vt.)鼓舞; 激励- inspiring (adj.) 鼓舞人心的- inspired (adj.) 备受鼓舞的- inspiration (n.)鼓舞;灵感 3. instant (adj.)立刻的 - instantly (adv.)立刻 4. institute (n.) (研究)所; 院; 学院-institution (n.) (慈善、宗教等的)公共机构;学会,协会 5. instruct (vt.)指示; 指导- instructive (adj.) 有教育意义的-instruc

    36、tor (n.) 指导者;教练- instruction (n.) 指示; 说明 6. insurance (n.)保险- insure (v.)给投保 7. intelligent (adj.)聪明的-intelligence (n.)智力 8. intend (v.)打算-intended (adj.) 有意的-intention (n.)目的; 意图 9. intense (adj.) 强烈的;紧张的-intensify (v.) 使强烈,增加强度-intensity (n.) 强烈,紧张;强 度 10. interest (vt.)使感兴趣-interested (adj.)感兴趣的-

    37、interesting (adj.)令人感兴趣的 10 11. internal (adj.)内部的; 里面的; 体内的- external (adj.) 外部的;外面的 12. interpret (v.)翻译;解释;阐述-interpreter (n.)口译者-interpretation (n.) 解释;口译 13. interrupt (v.)打扰;打断(讲话)-interruption (n.)中断; 干扰 14. intervention (n.)干涉; 干预- intervene (v.) 干涉;干预 15. interview (n./v.)采访; 面试-interviewer

    38、 (n.) (面试时) 主考官-interviewee (n.)参加面试者; 接 受采访者 16. introduce (v.)介绍-introduction (n.)介绍 三、同步检测 A. 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 1 She arrived to carry out a health and safety _(检查) of the building. 2 The Davis Cup is an important _(国际) tennis championship. 3 Hes full of good _(意图), but he never does anything abo

    39、ut them! 4 In a television _(访谈) last night she denied she had any intention of resigning. 5 He is a fitness _(教练) aged 20 so has a body to die for. B. 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 Children are often very good at _integrating into a new culture. 2 Its difficult _ (interpret) these statistics withou

    40、t knowing how they were obtained. 3 Shes at that age where shes starting to get _(interest) in boys. 4 Tourists are instructed _(not travel) to the region unless absolutely necessary. 5 This medicine is for external use only and should not be taken _(internal). 6 She tried to explain what had happen

    41、ed but he kept _(interrupt) her. 7 The course is intended _ intermediate-level students. 8 When my bike was stolen, I claimed on the _(insure) and got 150 back. 9 Id like to help but I dont have the power _ (intervene) in this dispute. 10 She handled the situation with great _(intelligent) and matur

    42、ity. C. 根据中文及所给单词,完成句子。 1 This money _ (是用来发展旅游业的). (be intended for) 2 You will_(鼓励他人追逐梦想), even if they know 11 nothing about you. (inspire sb. to do sth.) 四、能力提升 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。 If you want to start exercising, you should follow the steps below. First of all, you ought to h

    43、ave a better 1 (understand) of the benefits of exercise. Not only can regular exercise make your heart and lungs grow 2 (strong) over the long term, but it can also be beneficial to your mental health. In addition, you should plan your exercise routine, of 3 the first thing is what you expect to imp

    44、rove. Different types of exercise play different 4 (role) in a healthy routine. Moreover, like cars 5 (run) on petrol, your muscles burn carbohydrates for energy, so what to eat and when to eat 6 (be) also of great importance. Last but not least, to avoid injury, make sure that you do exercise 7 (we

    45、ar) proper clothes and equipment, remember to warm up before beginning a difficult activity and stretch 8 the end of your workout. In a word, only when you know the benefits of exercise and how to do it safely and 9_ (effective) can you enjoy 10 (you) to the fullest. 答案: Day 46 同步检测 A 1 ideal 2 identify 3 hurt 4 implies 5 hurried B 1 sitting 2 importance 3 impossible 4 impressive 5 to illustrate 6 ignorant 7 illegal 8 on 9 identification 10 illness C 1 in a hurry to grow up 12 2 is very impressed with the teachers 能力提升 1 con


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