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    1、中考英语动词辨析整理 一、动词辨析一、动词辨析 1. accept, receive accept 一般指主观上接受或同意,而 receive 表示客观上收到某东西。 She received his invitation yesterday, but she didnt accept it. 她昨天收到了他的请柬,不过她没有接受。 2. appreciate, thank 这两个词都可以表示感谢的意思,但是 appreciate 后接 something, thank 后接 somebody。 I appreciate your timely help. 我感谢你及时的帮助。 I thank

    2、 you for your timely help. 3. borrow, lend 这两个词都可以表示借, 但 borrow 用于 borrow sth from sb.向某人借某物, 而 lend 用于 lend sth. to sb.把某物借给某人。 I borrowed two books from him. 我向他借了两本书。 I lent two books to him. 我借了两本书给他。 4. carry, take, bring, fetch 这几个词都可以表示拿, 带的意思, 但 carry 不强调方向, 多指负重的感觉, 其它三个都有方向性; take 表示带走,由近及

    3、远,bring 表示拿来,由远及近,fetch 表示去拿来,一个来回。 He is too young to carry the heavy box. 他太小,拿不动这个沉重的箱子。 Dont forget to take all your things away. 不要忘了把你们所有的东西都带走。 Remember to bring your dictionary tomorrow. 明天记住把你的词典带来。 After school we fetch water first. 放学后我们先打水。 5. congratulate, celebrate congratulate 表示祝贺,后接

    4、人作宾语,而 celebrate 表示庆祝,后接物作宾语。 6. effect, affect, influence 这三个词都可以表示影响的意思,但 effect 是名词,affect 一般用作动词,而 influence 既可以用作名 词,又可以用作动词。 7. look, glance, glare, stare, 这几个词都可以表示看,但 look 指一般的看,glance 指匆匆一看,glare 指生气地看,stare 指目不转 睛地盯着看。 8. include, contain 这两个词都可以表示包含之意,但是 include 侧重包含者是整体中的一部分,contain 强调含有

    5、。 What does the price include? 这个价钱都包括什么? What does beer contain? 啤酒包含有什么? 9. injure, hurt, wound 这几个词都可以表示受伤,但 injure 多指以外受伤,hurt 既可以指肉体上的受伤,也可以指精神上的 伤害,wound 多指刀伤和枪伤之类的外伤。 10. insist, stick 这三个词都可以表示坚持, 但 insist 后接介词 on, stick 后接介词 to; insist 后接从句时, 从句中的谓语 动词要用虚拟语气。 11. laugh, smile 这两个词都可以表示笑,lau

    6、gh 强调出声的笑,大笑,而 smile 表示不出声的笑,微笑。 12. listen, hear 这两个词都表示听,但 listen 强调听的过程,而 hear 强调听的结果,听见。 He listened carefully, but could hear nothing. 他仔细听,可什么也听不见。 其它类似的用法还有:look 看 / see 看见,look for 找 / find 找到。 13. look, seem, appear 这三个词都可以用作连系动词,look 强调从视觉得出的印象,seem 表示有一定的根据,较接近事实, appear 表示外表上如此,但事实未必如此。

    7、14. pause, stop 这两个词都可以表示停,但 pause 强调暂停,稍后还会继续下去,而 stop 表示最后停下来。 15. win, beat 这两个词都有赢的意思,但 win 后接比赛等,而 beat 后接人作宾语。 16. advise, suggest 这两个词都可以表示建议,后面都可以接动名词和宾语从句,而且接从句时,从句中的动词都要用 should + 动词原形(should 可省略) ;但是,advise 可以接复合宾语,而 suggest 不可以。 I advised her to stay at home instead of going with us. 我劝她

    8、呆在家里,不要跟我们去。 17. attend, join, take part in 这三个用法都可以表示参加, 但 attend 后面一般接 a meeting /school/class/wedding 等,join 表示参加 组织,后面一般接 the Party/the League/the army 等,而 take part in 等于 join in, 表示参加活动。 18. cost, spend, take, pay cost用于sth. cost (sb.) money, spend用于sb. spend. time/money (in)doing sth. / on st

    9、h., take用于It takes (sb.) time to do sth., pay 用于 sb. pay money for sth. This book cost me ten yuan. 这本书花了我十元钱。 I spent ten yuan (in) buying this book. 我买这本书花了十元钱。 I spent two hours reading this book. 我花了两小时读这本书。 It took me two hours to read this book. 读这本书花了我两小时。 I paid ten yuan for this book. 我买这本书

    10、花了十元钱。 19. get, arrive, reach 这几个词都可以表示到达的意思,get 是一个不及物动词,后带 to 接名词作宾语;arrive 也是一个不 及物动词,后带 at(小地方)或 in(大地方)接名词作宾语;reach 是及物动词,直接接名词作宾语。 20. happen, take place 这两个用法都有发生的意思,但 happen 强调偶然发生,而 take place 一般指按计划或有组织发生。 21. invent, discover invent 表示发明以前没有过的东西,而 discover 表示发现已经存在的东西。 22. separate, divid

    11、e 这两个动词都可以表示分的意思, 但 separate 表示把两个相对独立的部分分开, 常和介词 from 连用; 而 divide 表示把一个整体分成若干部分,常和介词 into 连用。 23. watch, look, see, read 这几个词都可以表示看的意思,但 watch 一般用于观看电视或比赛,look 侧重于注意力,强调动作, see 侧重于视觉,强调结果,read 强调文字性的东西。 24. hope, wish 作动词时,这两个词都可以表示希望,都可以跟从句,但 hope 后宾语从句中谓语动词用陈述语气, 而 wish 后宾语从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气;wish 后面可以

    12、跟带不定式的复合宾语,而 hope 不能;这两个 词都可以直接跟带 to 的不定式作宾语。 25. put on, wear, dress 这三个表达法都可以表示穿,但 put on 用作及物动词,后接具体的衣服,强调穿的动作;wear 是一 个及物动词, 后接具体的衣服, 指经常性的动作, 表示状态; dress 可以用作不及物动词, 可单独用, 表示穿 衣,也可用作及物动词,表示给穿衣服,后接人等穿的对象,或者用于be dressed in,后接具体的衣 服或衣服的颜色。 26. rise, raise, lift 这几个动词都有上升, 提高之意, 但 rise 是一个不及物动词, 不能用

    13、于被动语态, 经常用来指太阳、 月亮、物价、体温、气温、河水、潮水以及职位等的上升;raise 是一个及物动词,表示举起, 提高, 提出, 饲养,种植等意思;lift 也是一个及物动词,表示举起,抬起,搬起,强调物体的沉重, 含有举起要费力气的意思。 27. lie, lay 这两个词在意思上没有什么关系,但它们的形式容易弄混。 原形 词义 过去式 过去分词形式 现在分词形式 lie 说谎 lied lied lying lie 躺,放,位于 lay lain lying lay 产卵 laid laid laying 28. know, recognize know 的意思是知道,认识,表示

    14、认出讲时,常与介词 from 连用, 构成 knowfrom词组,表示 把和分辨开来;recognize 的意思是认出,认识到,是建立在原先就认识的基础上的。 29. join, connect 这两个动词都可以表示连结的 意思,join 一般指结合,联合,把两者连成一体,常与介词 to 搭配, join A to B 把 A 连到 B 上,join+地点,表示在某地连接, join sth. with sth. 用某东西连结某物;connect 指 衔接,联系,两者还保持各自的独立性,常用于 connect A with B,把 A 和 B 连在一起,be connected with 与有

    15、联系。 30. learn, study 这两个动词都可以表示学, 但 learn 指学会, 学到, 表示通过用功或被教授从而获得知识和技能, 强调学习的结果,而且多用于初级阶段的学习,后面可接不定式或名词,如果接从句就表示了解得知的意 思;study 指学习,研究,表示较深入的学习或研究,强调学习的过程,后面不能跟不定式,可接名词 或代词作宾语。 31. grow, plant 这两个动词都有种,植的意思,但 grow 意思是养殖,指使某种植物在某地生长并使其发展下去, 是一个及物动词;而 plant 的意思是移植,移栽已经长成秧苗的植物,是一个及物动词。 32. answer, reply

    16、 这两个动词都有回答,答复的意思,但 answer 是一个及物动词,后面可接人或信或问题,还常表示 (听到声音去)接电话或应门;而 reply 是一个不及物动词,后面要先接介词 to,然后再接人或信或问题。 33. forget, leave 这两个都可以表示遗忘的意思,但 forget 表示记忆中遗忘了某事或某物,后面接名词或代词作宾语, 而 leave 则表示把某物遗忘在什么地方,在宾语后面必须要加上地点。 34. lose, miss 这两个动词都有丢,失的意思,但 lose 一般指不会再找回来的遗失或丢掉,是一个及物动词,其分 词形容词用 lost, be lost 也可指迷路; mi

    17、ss 指可能是暂时的失踪, 或者是遗失, 其分词形容词用 missing。 二、二、 常用一词多义词常用一词多义词 A 1. about (prep) 关于 Why not talk about the Chinese culture for tomorrows lecture? (ad) 到处,四处 Watch out! Bears about! 大约 Lets meet at about 4 oclock at the school gate. 2. absent (a)缺席的-Who is absent today?-Daming. He had an accident on the s

    18、chool trip. absent-minded 健忘的 My grandpa became absent-minded with age. 心不在焉的 He was so absent-minded in class that the teacher became angry with him. 3. against (prep)倚在上 The piano is against the wall. 对 We played against a team from the No.2 Middle School and won the game. 反对 Dont do anything agai

    19、nst the law. 4. agree with You look well- The mountain air must agree with you. 适合 5.address vt. 处理问题 address the problem ;vt. 对.演讲 n.地址 6. around 大约 See you around 7:30. 向各处 I like to travel around the world someday. 环绕 The earth moves around the sun. 7.as(ad)像一样,如同 He is as tall as his father. as

    20、(conj)由于,因为 As you werent there, I left a message. 在期间,当的时候 Then she drove me over to Bobbie Decers house, explaining as we went that I was now one of Santas helpers. as(prep)作为,当作 He had a job as a teacher three years ago, but now he worked in a company. B 1. bear (n)熊 He ran away as quickly as pos

    21、sible when he saw the bear in the forest. bear (v)忍受 He cant bear to be laughed at. 2. bill(n)账单;-Have you paid the bill? 钞票,纸币 -Yes, I paid the bill with a ten-dollar bill. 3. book (n) 书,本子 There are a lot of boos in the library. book (v) 预订 Youd better boo tickets if you want to watch the movie. 4

    22、. break (n) 休息 Its time to take a break. break(v) 打破 Its really bad to break the valuable china vase. 终止 She broke the silence by coughing. 已坏 I dont think my watch is broken. 5. buy vt 购买;买通收买;相信 They wont buy your story.他们不会相信你说的。 6.burn (v) 着火 The house was burned to the ground.(ie completely des

    23、troyed by fire) 使晒黑 His face was badly burnt by the hot sun. (他的脸被烈日晒伤了) Her sin burns easily. (她的皮肤不禁晒) (n) 烧伤,晒伤 8.but (conj)但是 Its not cheap, but its good. (prep)除了 I want nobody but you to finish the work. 9. by (prep)靠近,在旁 We had a picnic by the lake. 通过 He entered the room by the back door. 经过

    24、(某人、某物)He walked by me without speaking. 不迟于 Can you finish the work by five oclock? 由 The play is written by Shakespeare. 乘(车)Lets travel to Shanghai by car. 通过.的方式 He earns his living by writing. C 1.can 能够,可以 He can speak English very well. (n) 金属或塑料的容器;罐头 a can 2. cap (n) 帽子 British schoolboys s

    25、ometimes wear caps. (钢笔、瓶子等的)帽、盖 When I saw the bottle, the scene of Dad trying to remove the cap and in desperation(绝望) breaking it with the stone flashed before my eyes. 3. capital(n)首都 Beijing is the capital of China. 大写字母 The world BIG is in capitals. 资本 He set up a business with a starting capi

    26、tal of100,000. 4. care (n) 照料 She watered the flower with great care. 小心 Care is needed when crossing the road. (v) 介意,在乎 He failed the exam but he didnt seem to care at all. 关心 His parents really cares about him. 5.carry (v) 携带,搬运;She carried her baby in her arms. 持有,带有;I never carry much money wit

    27、h me. 6. catch (v)接住 I threw a ball to her and she caught it. 捉住 We tried our best to catch the thief. 赶上 He got up too late to catch the early bus. 染上(疾病)-Whats wrong with you?Oh, I catch a cold. 听见(某事物) ,理解 Sorry,I didnt catch what you said. 7. change (n) 零钱,找头 I have no small change. 改变 Are you f

    28、or or against change? (你是赞同还是反对改动?) (v) 改变 It is not easy to make him change his mind. 8. class (n)班级 I am happy I study in Class Si. 等级 This is a second-class compartment. 课 I have a math class at 9 oclock. 9. close (v) 关闭 Dont forget to close the door when you leave the room. (a) 亲密的 I have a clos

    29、e friend called Joy. 接近 The church is close to the school. (ad) 接近,靠近 They quite close. close by 离(某人或某事物)不远 After Mother died years later, he insisted on staying in the small house with the garden and a few farm animals close by . 10. cold (a)寒冷的 Its so cold in winter in Beijing. 冷却的 Id like a cold

    30、 drink. 不友好的 The cold look on her face made me sad. (n) 寒冷 Dont stand outside in the cold. 伤风,感冒 He didnt come to school because he had a bad cold. 11. cover (v) 覆盖 The ground is covered with snow. 够付(费用) Thirty dollars will cover the beef hamburger and the cola. 涉及 The talks are expected to cover o

    31、ther international issues. 会谈估计还会涉及到其他一些国际问题。 掩盖 Dont try to cover your mistakes. (n) 盖子; 罩; 封面 the cover of the novel 12. cross (v)横穿 Dont cross the road when the traffic light is red. 交叉 He crossed his leg and sat down. (n) 十字架; 十字形或叉形记号 Mark the place with a cross on the map. (a) 生气 I was cross w

    32、ith him for being late. D 1. date(n) 日期 Whats the date today? 约会 Tonight Ill have a date with Mike. up to date 时新的,现代的 out of date 过时的 2. draw (v) 绘画 He can draw a horse in ten seconds. 向某方向移动 Christmas is drawing near.(圣诞节日渐临近) 拉,拖 I drew my chair up to the table. 获取(知识经验等)At the end of the class I

    33、 drew a conclusion. (得出结论) 提取(金钱)I drew 50 pounds in the ban last Sunday. 3. dress (v)穿衣 Hurry up and get dressed! Is she old enough to dress herself ? (n)连衣裙 4. drive (v) 驾驶 He can drive very well and he drives to work every day. 使或逼(某人)处于某种状态或做某事 He almost drives me crazy. (n) 乘汽车等之行 He took her o

    34、ut for a drive. 5. drop (v)使(某物)意外地落下 The bottle dropped and broke. 放弃 I found it difficult to learn physics so I decided to drop it. (n)(液体的)珠,滴 ;rain-drops E 1. earth (n)地球; 泥土 on earth 究竟,到底 on the earth 地球上 2. easy(a) 容易的 The exam yesterday was really easy. 舒适的,安心的 Now I am leading an easy life.

    35、 Take it easy 别着急 3.excuse(v) 原谅 Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the airport? (n)借口,辩解 There is no excuse for his mistake. 4. express (v)表达; It is hard for him to express himself in English. 用快邮寄出(信、邮包等) (n)快车 The 8:00 am express to Beijing is always crowed. 快邮,速递 He sent the boo to me by

    36、 express. F 1. face(n) 脸 face to face (v) 面对 He faced the difficulties bravely. 2.fail v. I fail to see why you show such a great interest in this film. 不明白 Several banks failed during the great depression. 倒闭 He has been failing in health for the last two years. 衰退 n. He calls me every Sunday night

    37、 without fail. 必定 3. fan (n) 迷 The famous singer has millions of fans. 扇子 Most old people prefer fans to air conditioners. 4. fat (a) 肥胖的 If you eat too much chocolate, you will get fat. (n) 脂肪 This ham has too much fat on it. 5. film (n) 电影 This is my favorite film. 胶卷 develop the film 洗胶卷 6. fit (

    38、a) 健康的 He always do exercise to keep fit. (v) 适合 The jacket fits him well. 7. fly(v) 放飞; 飞行 Its good to fly a kite on windy days. (n) 飞行; 苍蝇 8. for (prep) 为 I bought some flowers for my mother on Mothers Day. 对.说 Its easy for me to play the piano. 达到(引导时间段)We have learned English for a long time so

    39、we can speak a little English. (conj)因为,由于 He didnt come to the party, for he lied to stay alone. 8. free (a) 免费的 The coffee is free here. 自由的,空闲的 I am free this afternoon. What about going shopping with me? 9. fresh(a) 新鲜的 fresh water 淡水 10. full (a) 满的 The room is full of people. 饱的 Im full and I

    40、cant eat anything . G 1. gift (n) 礼物;a birthday gift 天赋 I have a gift for music. 2. green (a) 绿色的;a green dress (指水果)未成熟的,生的 green bananas 新的,无经验的 You must be green to believe that. 3. grow(v)生长 I want to be an astronaut lie Yang Liwei when I grow up. 种植 My grandparents grew a lot of flowers behind

    41、their house last year. 变成 It began to grow dark. 天色渐渐暗下来。 H 1.hand (n) 手 To give somebody a hand means to help somebody. 指针 There is something wrong with the hour hand of the clock. (v) 递给 As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars. 2. hang (v) 悬挂; hang hung hung Hang your coat on

    42、 that hook. (把你的外套挂在那个钩上) 处以绞刑 hang hanged hanged He shouldnt be hanged for such a crime. (他不应该因为这样的罪被处以绞刑) 3. hard (a) 困难的 It is hard to know whether it will be clear soon. 硬的 The ground is as hard as stone. (ad) 努力地 Work hard, or you will fall behind. 猛烈地 It is raining hard. Dont go out until it s

    43、tops. 4. have (v) 有 I have a lot of hobbies. 从事,进行 Lets have a talk. 吃 He usually has a sandwich for lunch. 5.head (n) 头 He fell and hit his head. 领头部分 At the head of the queue stands an old woman. 首脑 Report to the Head immediately! (v) 往去 Where are you heading? (你往哪儿走?) 6. hero(n)英雄,勇士 Liu Xiang is

    44、 my hero. 男主角 The hero of the play is Peter. 7. hold(v)拿,抱 The girl was holding her fathers hand. 握住 She was holding an umbrella. 举行 Well hold a meeting to discuss it. 承受的重量 Is that table strong enough to hold you? 可容纳,包含 I dont think the room can hold so many people. 不挂电话 Please hold the line. I wi

    45、ll be back in a minute. 8. hot(a)热的 Its too hot in the room. Why not open the door? 辣的 Pepper is hot. (胡椒是辣的) I 1. if(conj) 如果 I will go to Shanghai if I have time in May. 是否 I dont know if you are right. 2. interest (n) 兴趣,好奇心 Now he has grown up and he no longer takes any interest in his stamp col

    46、lection. 爱好 Her main interests in life are music, tennis and cooing. 利息 When you borrow money from the bank, you need to pay interest. (v)对有兴趣 The topic he is talking about interests me greatly. 3. iron (n)铁 This material is as hard as iron. a steam-iron 蒸汽熨斗 (v)熨烫 She was ironing a shirt when I wen

    47、t to visit her. J 1. join(v) 加入 He joined the League last June. 加入某人行列 They are playing basketball. What about joining them? 连接 The teacher asked us to join the two parts together. 2. just (ad) 刚才 I have just seen John。 恰好 Its just my size. 不过,仅 After all, he is just a child. (a) 公平的,公正的 It is a jus

    48、t sentence. (这是合法的判决) K 1. key (n) 钥匙 I cant find my key. Can you help me? (打字机、钢琴等的)键 You need to press the keys hard, for the piano is quite old. 答案 Tell me the keys to the test. 关键,要诀 Diet and exercise are the key to good health. 2. kind (n)种类 There are all kinds of books in the library. (a)和蔼的 Would you be kind enough to help me? L 1. last (v) 持续 How long do you think this fine weather will last? (a)最后的 December is the last month of the year. 最近的,上一个的 I thought her last book was one of the best


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