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    1、2021 年山东省济南市中考英语一模试卷年山东省济南市中考英语一模试卷 一、一、.选择填空从每题选择填空从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 (四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 (15 分)分) 1 (1 分)Leap is_film on the Chinese womens national volleyball team_film is directed by Peter Ho sun Chan ( ) Aa;A Ba; The Cthe; The Dthe;A 2 (1 分)Have you heard about the book Learn English Tell

    2、 Chinas stories? Of course! Its a_ book because it helps English learners spread Chinese culture ( ) Atraditional Bmeaningful Csocial Dprivate 3 (1 分)HiJack Our Tshirts are the same Yes,But _ looks newer ( ) Ahis Byours Cyou Dhim 4 (1 分)What kind of noodles do you like better? I prefers noodles _ be

    3、ef and cabbage.( ) Ato Bat Cwith Dfor 5 (1 分)It is helpful to _ a good habit of reading in language learning ( ) Adevelop Bshow Cteach Dgrow 6 (1 分)Whose textbook is this,Tony? Look!Anns name is on it!It be hers ( ) Acant Bmust Cmay Dmustnt 7 (1 分)Last night, Lucy told a lie to his father. Yes. But

    4、her _ was to make her mother happy.( ) Aidea Badvice Cpurpose Dreason 8 (1 分)Can you join us to amusement park this weekend, Ella? _ I have to go to the basketball training ( ) AOf course BIm afraid not CGood idea DThats a deal 9 (1 分)Would you like tea or coffee? Id like some coke ( ) ANeither BEit

    5、her CBoth DEach 10 (1 分)To achieve a bright future,we should_ study hard_ keep in good health I agree with you ( ) Anot; but Bnot only; but also Cneither; nor Deither; or 11 (1 分)Our government has tried many ways to _ the environmental problemMaybe well have a clear sky in the near future ( ) Aput

    6、out Bwork out Cblow out Dgive out 12 (1 分)_good weather today! Lets go hiking!( ) AWhat a BWhat CHow DHow a 13 (1 分)My father has for two weeksI miss him so much ( ) Aleft our home Bgot there Cgone abroad Dbeen away 14 (1 分)Each different part of China has its own special forms of _ art.( ) Aacciden

    7、tal Btraditional Cmusical Dhistorical 15 (1 分)Would you please tell me _? Bus No. 3 will take you there.( ) Awho will we go with to Henglong Square Bwhat we can see in Daming Lake Cwhen will we leave for Qianfo Mount Dhow we can get to the Furong Street .完形填空阅读知文,从每完形填空阅读知文,从每题人、题人、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能

    8、填入文章中相应空四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空 白处的最佳答案。白处的最佳答案。 16 (15 分) Poor Jennie sat at her window She wasnt able to go to school because an illness made it difficult for her to walk She(1) out at the street with a look of tiredness on her face Oh, dear, what a long and (2) day it will be! She looked sad and bore

    9、d She put her pale face against the(3) of the window He took off his hat and gave her a bright and friendly smile What a nice boy he is ! Jennie said to (4) , as he ran out of her eyes I am so glad he goes down this road on his way to school every day When he smiles, it seems like having the sunshin

    10、e The boy didnt know how much (5) he had done in making a pleasant day out of a lonely one for a sick little girl Mother, said the boy, George West, (6) he came home from school the other day, I cant help thinking about that poor little girl that I told you about She looks so tired I smiled at her a

    11、gain and talked with her today I wish I could do something for her She told me they used to live on a farm But her father died, and her mother was ill for so long that the (7) was all gone Then her mother had to sell the farm and(8) to our city (9) didnt the girl go to school? Mother asked in surpri

    12、se Because she cant walk said the boy, (10) , My father must give them some money, so they can go back to their(11) No, said the mother, he cannot do that, and they would not want him to But maybe we can find some other ways to (12) them Tomorrow I am going to take Jennie some grapes the boy said I

    13、will put some of pears into your basket, and go with you But there is one thing we can (13) give, and sometimes it does more good than nice things to eat, or(14) money What is that, Mom? Then he guessed, Smiles! Yes ,answered his mother, and it is a good plan to throw in a kind word or two with thos

    14、e(15) when you can (1)A found B looked C hung D went (2)A boring B interesting C exciting D relaxing (3)A door B wall C glass D desk (4)A myself B herself C himself D yourself (5)A upset B terrible C serious D good (6)A unless B if C before D after (7)A money B water C animal D car (8)A built B pass

    15、ed C moved D sent (9)A Who B Why C When D How (10)A early B sadly C luckily D truly (11)A farm B city C school D street (12)A cheat B thank C teach D help (13)A hardly B never C always D seldom (14)A yet B still C even D almost (15)A smiles B clothes C games D letters IV.补全对话阅读对话,从每是人、补全对话阅读对话,从每是人、

    16、B、C、D 四个洗项中,选出一个最住答案完成对话。四个洗项中,选出一个最住答案完成对话。 17 (5 分)Ben: Hi, Im glad to see you again, Fred! Fred: Me, too! Ben: How wasyour vacation, Fred? Fred: (1) I went to the USA with my parents Ben: Cool! Could you please tell me something interesting? Fred: (2) Ben: Where did you go in the USA? Fred: First

    17、, we went to Los Angeles My uncle lives there Then we went to New York to see my cousin Ben: (3) Fred: It is interesting I really like Disneyland there Ben: (4) Fred: No, but I saw Julia Roberts in New York She was at a restaurant! Ben: (5) Fred: She is a super movie star Ben: Thats great! What othe

    18、r things did you do in New Yrk? Fred: Oh yeah, I went to Central Park I played baseball with my cousin and his friends (1)A Im tired B It was great CI like it very much D I dont like it at all (2)A Sure B Of course not C No, I cant D Yes, I can (3)A Where is Los Angeles? B What is Los Angeles famous

    19、 for? C What do you think of Los Angeles? D Is Los Angeles a big city? (4)A Who did you meet in Los Angeles? B What did you do in Los Angeles? C Did you see any movie stars in Los Angeles? D Where did you visit in Los Angeles? (5)A What was she doing? B Where was she? C What does she do? D How was s

    20、he? 一、一、V.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题 或完成所给句或完成所给句 子的最佳答案。 (子的最佳答案。 (40 分)分) 18 (10 分)More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise It is fun, healthy and good for the environment(环境) Maybe thats why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400

    21、million cars on roads worldwide today Bikes can take you almost anywhere,and there is no oil cost! Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighborhood You may discover something new all around youStopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your carYou can bike to work a

    22、nd benefit(受益)from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environmentYou dont even have to ride all the way Folding(可折叠的)bikes work well for people who ride the train Just fold the bike and take it with youYou can do the same on an airplaneA folding bike can be packed in a suitcaseYou can also

    23、 take a common bike with you when you fly But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites Not all airlines are bicyclefriendly to travelers Health Benefits of Bicycling: It helps to prevent heart diseases Bicycling helps to control(控制) your weight A 15minute bike ride to and from

    24、work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year Bicycling can improve your mood(心情) Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and selfconfident Bicycling is healthier than driving (1)From the passage,we know that bicycling is becoming very A surpri

    25、sing B exciting C expensive D popular (2)When you are riding your bicycle around your neighborhood,you may A pollute the environment around B find something you didnt notice(注意) C go everywhere and use a little oil D get off your bike and begin to work (3)If you travel with a folding bike,you can fo

    26、ld it and A get out of the car B take it onto a train C put it in your purse D go on airline websites (4)One of the benefits from bicycling is that A you can fold the bicycle B you will be friendly to others C you will be more relaxed D you may get fatter and fatter (5)Which is TRUE according to the

    27、 passage? A Bicycling is enjoyable exercise for people B Driving cars is healthier than riding bikes C Riding a bike pollutes your neighborhood D Common bikes are welcomed by all airlines 19 (10 分)In our class there are many interesting characters. I would like to introduce some of them here. A is a

    28、 fat girl with a highpitched (尖厉的) voice. She often gives a sudden exclaim (惊叫) which is likely to scare the whole class to death. And she has got so many words like Oh and Ah that her listeners always find themselves covered with gooseskin (鸡皮疙瘩) from head to toe. B is a nervous boy. He is always h

    29、ighstrung (神经紧张的) all the time. When the test or exam comes, he can nowhere be found except in the rooftop of our school. That is why he is so thin and has to wear a pair of extra thick glasses. Oh, poor boy! C is a chatterbox (话匣子). Because she always finds out others secrets and spreads them as so

    30、me sort of important news. If we want anything to be known by all, we just tell her and within a few minutes, everyone in the school knows it. D is the most gluttonous (贪吃的) person I have ever met. Nobody dares to invite him to lunch, for he always sweeps away all the food and leaves others nothing.

    31、 E is the most argumentative (好争论的) girl in the class. No wonder she wants to be a lawyer. But I think she would be a headache to the judge, since she stamps heavily on the floor when she is arguing. Are these characters common in your class? (1)When we hear A shouts Ah, we feel . A. uncomfortable B

    32、. excited C. nervous D. sad (2)If we want to make all the classmates know something, we will just . A. tell them one by one B. ask the teacher to note it C. tell C and she will spread it as soon as possible D. ask C for help because she would like to help others (3)Why does nobody dare to invite D t

    33、o lunch? A. Because he has lunch very fast. B. Because he always orders the cheap dishes. C. Because he eats too much to leave us nothing. D. Because everybody is afraid of his action of having breakfast. (4)What does character mean in the passage? A. Stories. B. Students. C. Letters. D. Odd or unpl

    34、easant persons. (5)Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. B studies very hard because he is very poor. B. C is named chatter because she likes talking with others. C. D always eats too much and he is very fat. D. E is an argumentative girl and she wants to be a lawyer. 20 (10 分)A robot is tak

    35、ing part in a popular TV show in China which tests peoples brainpower. The smart AI (人工智能) robot, Xiaodu, will challenge humans to recognize faces and voices. The TV show Super Brain will spend the whole Season Four on the topic of supercomputers vs. Humanbrains. The AI robot Xiaodu built by search

    36、engine giant Baidu becomes one of the contestants. Baidu Company first showed off a small version of Xiaodu in 2015. In Super Brain IV, he will complete against four people and other clever computer programs. Besides, Xiaodu, Sun Yiting, an eightyearold boy with amazing hearing ability also stands o

    37、n the stage of the show. He says he can correctly tell the height from which a balloon was dropped by listening to the sound of the balloon landing. Another contestant, Wang Feng, is a memory master who broke the world record for speed memorization of cards in a poker game. In the first competition

    38、of Super Brain IV, both the humans and Xiaodu will be shown photos of two women when they were fouryearold babies. They must then pick out the right two adults from a lineup of 20 women who are dressed similarly and have similar haircuts. The listening competition is even more difficult. The contest

    39、ants need to choose the right person from 21 singers as they are all singing together, just according to a threesecond mp3. Baidu is confident that Xiaodu has the ability to do well in this difficult TV test, because the company has paid a huge amount of money for the study of AI robot and supercomp

    40、uters, as well as speech, image, and facial recognition. In addition, it is not the first time that Chinese AI robot has become a contestant and final winner of a quiz show. Months ago, Wangzai, Sogos AI robot, beat a Harvard graduate in a Chinese quiz show Yi Zhan Dao Di. All of these make it possi

    41、ble that AI vs. AI will be shown on TV in the future. (1)What will Xiaodu do in Super Brain IV? A. Take part in competitions. B. Be the host of the TV show. C. Help people search for information. D. Introduce AI robot to people for the first time. (2)The underlined word They in Paragraph 4 refers to

    42、 . A. The AI robots. B. The two women. C. The fouryearold babies. D. The human contestants and Xiaodu. (3)What makes Xiaodu have the ability to do well in the TV test? A. Another AI robot Wangzai. B. The help from Sogo Company. C. Baidus efforts on developing AI. D. The Chinese quiz show Yi Zhan Dao

    43、 Di. (4)Which of the following is TURE according to the passage? A. Sun Yiting is an adult contestant. B. Wang Feng has broken a world record before. C. Xiaodu used to be the winner of a quiz show on TV. D. Pictures of babies will be shown in the listening competition. (5)The passage can best be des

    44、cribed as a/an . A. story B. news report C. letter D. advertisement 21 (10 分)We choose food to eat every day. We might know some of the reasons for the choices, but food scientist Dr. Brian Wansink has found that we are unaware of 90% of our food decision. Here are some big ideas in his research on

    45、the hidden power that drives our eating. Food for thought In one of the studies, Dr. Wansink made volunteers eat chocolate yogurt in a dark room. He told them the yogurt was with a taste of strawberry even though they were all eating chocolate. Finally, 65% of volunteers described the yogurt as havi

    46、ng a nice strawberry flavor! The research shows that our imagination has an effect on our taste. If you expect a food to taste good, it will. So take a moment before you eat your unpleasant healthy food to remind yourself that you are eating delicious fish and chips. Our eyes eat first How your food

    47、 looks is just as important as how it tastes. Dr. Wansink gave cakes to three groups of people. The cakes were exactly the same but served in different ways. Group one got the cake on a nice plate. Group two got the cake on a paper plate. Group three got the cake on a piece of paper. Dr. Wansink the

    48、n asked the people how much they would pay for each cake. Group one who got the cake on a nice plate would pay 1.27. Group two who got the cake on a paper plate would pay 76 cents. Group three who got the cake on a piece of paper would pay 53 cents. Take some time to make your healthy food look amazing. Cut your fruit into a flower shape and put your colorful vegetables on nice plates.


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