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    1、24 24 物品介绍物品介绍 20212021 年中考英语书面表达高分作文攻略(全国通用版)年中考英语书面表达高分作文攻略(全国通用版) 相关话题素材储备与写作示例指导相关话题素材储备与写作示例指导 对物品物件的描写般包括物品本身的内容、功他、特点等基本信息,并且该物品住往和某个人或者某 次经历有关,对作者有着特别的意义和重要性。学生需要在写作中进行客观的描述和主观的评价。 实践案例实践案例 1 题目题目 Write a short passage in at least 60 words about the topic The best gift Ive received 审题审题 这是一篇

    2、全命题的说明文, 要求学生对“收到的最好礼物”进行描述说明。 写作时可以围绕 what is the gift, what is it like ,why do you like it和what make it special这几个问题展开。首先写明最好的礼物是什么, 该礼物来自谁等基术信息。其次,可以对礼物的特点进行简要描写。特别需要注意的是,本文非常重要的 内容应该是点明为什么这是最好的礼物,即说明该礼物的特殊意义和重要性。 段落结构段落结构 本文的结构相对灵活,建议采用三段式,即“总一分总” 的写作结构: 第一段(开头):引出话题,写明收到最好的礼物是什么。 .第二段(中心段):文章的中

    3、心部分。依次说明礼物的特点、对“我“的意义等。第三段(结尼):文章的结尾 段,对全文进行总结,对礼物的意义进行适当的升华。 mean a lot to sb.对某人很有意义 give me sth. as a birthday present 给我.作为生日礼物 .encourage sb. to do 鼓励某人做. the symbol of friendship 友谊的象征 remind sb. of sth.使.想起. keep and cherish sth. forever 永远保存珍惜. 参考句型参考句型 I have never received a better gift be

    4、fore.我从未收到过更好的礼物。 It has accompanied me for almost . years.它已经陪伴我.年. .Whenever look at he it, I will think of the old happy days. 每当我看到这个礼物,我就会想起过去的快乐日子。 Wherever I go, I always take it with me 无论我走到哪里,我都带着它。 习作习作 1 Among all the gifts I have received, the one I like best is a hand made calendar. It

    5、 was made by my best friend Jane. She was my my best friend in the junior high school. She gave it to me when we graduated. On each page of the calendar, there is a picture of lane and me with some words written by her. She tells me how she feels about our friendship and encourages me to try my bet

    6、and live a happy life. Whenever Ill look at the calendar. I am touched by something warm, and my heart is filled with love. The calendar is a memory of the wonderful time we spent together in junior high school. I will keep this special gift forever. 点评点评: 这篇习作行文流畅,感情真挚动人。对于礼物“日历”的描写比较详细具体,使更得读者能够体会

    7、作者的 情感。同时,这篇习作结构完整,句式较为丰富,作者使用了定语从人句、宾语从句、时间状语从句、被 动语态、非谓语等,使全文读来流畅生动。 习作习作 2 People give gifts to each other to show their love and friendship. For many years, Ive always kept a little puppet which was from one of my old friends, Jane. She was my next door neighbor and we became best friends soon.

    8、On the day when my family moved to a new apartment, she gave me a lovely glove puppet. The puppet is made of cloth and wears red clothes. She is a cute girl, so I name her Cutie. She has accompanied me ever since. So Cutie is just like my little sister. When I have some secrets, I just talk to Cutie

    9、 and she is like an old friend who understands me. I always share happiness with her.When I feel unhappy, Its a comfort to tell her my trouble. Wherever I go, I often take Cutie with me. This is my favorite gift, a common puppet,but she means so much to me that I will cherish her forever. 点评点评: 该生的这

    10、篇习作行文连贯,过度自然。结构完整,安排合理。写作思路清晰,内内容紧扣主题,有真 情实感。语言流畅生动,用词准确,句式丰富,多处使用定语从句、状语语从句、宾语从句等。 实践案例实践案例 2 题目题目 Write a short passage in at least 60 words about the topic My favorite book”. 审题审题 本文的标题“我最喜爱的本书二自了然,要求清晰明确。在写作时,首先需要说明这本书是什么,并可 对其内容、作者信息等进行简要介绍。其次,必须写明喜欢这本书的原因,比如书的精彩之处,从中的收 获等。 段落结构段落结构 本文可采用三段式,即“

    11、总一分一总”的写作结构: .第一段(开头): 引出话题,写明我最爱的书是什么。 第二段(中心段):文章的中心部分。在这里需要重点闸达为什么喜爱这本书,比如这本书的独特精彩之 处,我从书中学到了些什么。 第三段结用: 文章的结尾段,对全文进行总结,成是对书的意义进行适当的升华. 核心语汇核心语汇 be full of/ be fled with.充满. learn sth. from .从.中.学到. be worth reading 值得一读 make me laugh and feel moved 让我欢笑和感动 参考句型参考句型 It is the most interesting boo

    12、k that I have ever read.这是我看过的最有 趣的书。 I like it because it is full of .我喜欢它因为它充满. The reason why I like it best is that I can learn . from it.我最喜欢它的原因是,我能从中学到. The book consists of . and is about the story of .这本书包括.是关于.的故事。 习作习作 1 My favorite book is Harry Potter. I think it is the most interesting

    13、 and exciting book I have ever read. Im sure most people are familiar with the story, which is about Harry and his friends who study at a magic school. I like reading it because it is full of adventures and magic.have learned a lot from it. First, Ive learned that we should be confident and brave en

    14、ough to overcome any trouble and difficulty just like Harry. Besides, we should love and protect our friends, We all need friends and we need to get along well with our friends and give them a hand when they are in need. Flying and doing some magical tricks are always childrens dream. When Im readin

    15、g the book, I feel as if my dream came true. Thats why I like the book so much. Im pretty sure you will like it as well. 点评点评 这篇习作结构完整, 首尾呼应, 所举的例子也较为详细。 文章的正文两部分说明作者喜欢 哈利.波特 的原因,以及通过阅读该书学到的道理,但对小说相关内容的介绍偏少了一些。文章的结尾不落俗套,引 入了魔法这一主题, 也十分符合学生的年龄特点。 习作习作 2 So far, I have read numerous books. Yet the boo

    16、k that I like best is My Life Story. It was written by an American writer, Helen Keller, a blind and deaf person. In the book, she wrote that she hd not been able to see, hear or speak since she was a baby, which made her desperately sad. When she was seven years old, she met Miss Sullivan, her priv

    17、ate tutor. Then, Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words. Helen tried as much as possible to remember words and her efforts paid off. She was getting happier every day.After that, she wrote and published many famous works, among which is My Life Story. My Life Story describes her h

    18、ard struggle to become an outstanding writer across the world. The book shows us a universal truth: Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it!This is why I like it best. 点评点评: 这篇习作结构清晰明了,首尾呼应。正文部分主要围绕海伦.凯勒的生平故事和她的著作我的生活- -书,展开了详尽生动的描写,并在文章最后引出了喜欢该书的原因,但对作者和作品的介绍着墨过少,可 以适当联系自身实际情况加以说明。 相关话题满

    19、分作文解析相关话题满分作文解析 (一)(一) Chinese Food China is very famous for its food all over the world. There are all kinds of cuisines in Chin, such as Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Shanghai cuisine and so on. Cantonese cuisine is a bit light, but it is very delicious.Sichuan cuisine is very hot and spicy

    20、while Shanghai cuisine is rather oil. In the north of China, people are accustomed to eating noodles and dumpling. in the south of China, people are used to eating nice and seafood. Chinese food is good in color, smell and taste. So 1 like it very much. 参考译文参考译文 中国菜中国菜 中国菜在全世界都很出名。中国有各种各样的菜系,比如说广东菜、

    21、四川菜、上海来,等等。 广东菜味道较清淡,但是非常美味。四川菜非常烫和辣,而上海菜却较油腻。在中国的北方,人们习 惯于吃面条和饺子。在中国的南方,人们习惯于吃来饭和海鲜。中国菜色、香、味俱全。所以我非常喜欢 它。 亮点词汇亮点词汇 all over the world 全世界 cuisine 菜式;莱肴 delicious 美味的;可口 spicy 辛辣的 oily 多油的;含油的 be accustomed to doing.习惯于做. seafood 海产食品 出彩句型出彩句型 China is very famous for.中.著名。 There are all kinds of.有各

    22、种各样的. People are accustomed to ding.人们习惯于做. People are used to doing.人们习惯于做. Chinese food is good in color, smell and taste.中国菜色、香、味俱全。 高分点评高分点评 中国菜博大精深,种类繁多。作者在介绍时能很好地抓住中国菜最主要的特点进行展开,展示了中国 菜的多样性以及诱人的一面。 文章词句均较为新颖, 是一大出彩之处, 如短语be accustomed to be used to 等,可供读者借鉴学习。 (二)(二) Mini Cars The mini car is

    23、designed mainly for Chinese families. The car is in a popular and fashionable style with four seats, and it can travel for a long distance. In addition, the proper size of the car makes it easy to drive. Usually, its highest speed is 160 kilometers per hour. The price, RMB 100.000, is lower than tha

    24、t of the same kind both at home and abroad. It is certainly a wise choice to buy a mini car. Anyone who owns a mini car will enjoy it very much. 参考译文参考译文 迷你汽车迷你汽车 迷你汽车主要是为中国的家庭设计的。 这种车有四个座位,集流行、时尚的风格。它可以用于长途旅行(驾驶很长的时间)。除此以外,合适的 大小让它很容易驾驶。通常,它最高的速度为每小时 160 干米。价格为 100 000 人民币,比国内外同类的汽 车价格要低。 买一辆迷你汽车确实

    25、是明智的选择。任何拥有迷你汽车的人都会很喜欢它。 亮点词汇亮点词汇 design 设计 distance /距离 in addition 除此以外 proper 适宜的;适合的 speed .速度 at home and abroad 国内外;中外 speed .度 wise / 明智的 出彩句型出彩句型 The mini car is designed mainly for. 迷你汽车主要是为.设计的。 The cars. is in style. 这种车是.风格。 It can travel fora long distance. 它可以用于长途旅行。 The price is lower

    26、 than that of the same kind both at home and abroad.价格比国内外同类的汽车价格要低。 It is certainly a wise choice t. .确实是一个明智的选择。 高分点评高分点评 本文作者对迷你汽车作了细致入微的介绍,让我们对它的风格、形状、速度、价格等有了直观的认识, 显示出作者丰富的汽车知识。 除此以外, 作者的语言能力也较为出色, 遣词造句皆是拈手就来, 如be designed mainly for. It is certainly a wise choice to.等,均大大增加了文章的魅力。 相关话题满分作文必背相

    27、关话题满分作文必背 Write a short passage about the topic“I want to invent ” I want to invent a language machine Learning a new language takes lots of time and energy, so I want to invent a language machine to help us understand different languages. The language machine looks like a wrist watch. It contains t

    28、housands of digital dictionaries and a special Bluetooth which is connected with our brain. When we wear it, it can translate to our native language and then send signals directly to our brain. With this machine, we wont be afraid of causing misunderstanding anymore, especially when we are abroad. U

    29、sing different languages to communicate with foreigners will be apiece of cake. I am looking forward to the day when I will be able to invent my language machine and Im determined to study even harder and acquire more knowledge. 点评点评: 这篇习作展现了小作者丰富的想象力,同时又能基于现有的科技水平,如:数字词典、蓝牙技术等。作 者通过对比和效果展示的方法,为我们呈现了拥有此项发明的美好前景。


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