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    1、23 23 地方介绍地方介绍 20212021 年中考英语书面表达高分作文攻略(全国通用版)年中考英语书面表达高分作文攻略(全国通用版) 相关话题解读与写作指导相关话题解读与写作指导 【话题解读】 地点介绍类的写作对象涉及公园、博物馆等具体的场所,也包括城市、国家等。对一般性的场所进行 介绍,首先要注意安排好介绍顺序。空间顺序使用居多,常用的有:从外到内,从左到右,由远及近,由 高到低,从整体到局部等。也可以以参观者的行踪为顺序进行介绍。而对于城市、国家等,介绍层面通常 包括位置、历史、名胜古迹、今昔变化等。不论是哪种类型,最后在结尾处通常都需要作者发表一下个人 观点或意见。 【实例讲解】 假

    2、如下图是你学校的平面建筑示意图。请你根据所给提示,以My School 为题,写一篇 80 词左右的 英语短文,介绍你学校的建筑布局情况并谈谈你对学校的看法。 【分析】 该写作任务要求介绍学校的建筑布局,属于地点介绍类的说明文。写作前先确定介绍顺序,可以从校 门开始,按照从前到后、从左到右的顺序依次介绍。谈谈对学校的看法是写作任务中明确要求的,可以表 达自己的喜爱之情,也可以表达不满或意见等。 My School This is a map of my school. Walking into the school gate, you can see a big playground in t

    3、he middle of the school. Behind it is the teaching building. On the left side of the playground, you can see the office building. A stadium is to the north of it.In the northwest corner is the dining hall. On the right side of the playground,there is the science building. And the library is located

    4、in the northeast corner. I love my school. Its the best school I have ever seen. 高分突破高分突破: My School This is a map of my school. The school gate faces the south. Two lines of big tall trees stand on each side of the gate, welcoming every student. Right in front of the gate is a big playground. It is

    5、 a center for fun. Behind the playground is the teaching building where I study. On the left side of the playground, you can see the office building. And a stadium is to the north of it. In the northwest corner stands the dining hall. Now lets turn to the right side of the playground. As you can see

    6、, there are two buildings. The science building is near the school gate and the library is located in the northeast corner. I love my school. It is not only a place for learning, but also a place for fun. 【高分揭秘】 1. 习作按照从前到后、从左到右的顺序依次介绍了学校的建筑布局,结构紧凑,层次合 理。 2. 习作中用了不同的词语来描写位置关系,避免了单调和重复,如 in front of,

    7、 behind, to the north, in the northwest corner, near the school gate 等。 3. 习作不仅介绍了建筑布局,也穿插了一些个性化的、情感化的表达,使习作生动有 趣,如 welcoming every student, a center for fun 等。 【素材积累】 1. 词汇 位置:on the right / left, in front of, behind, at the foot of, on the top of, near, next to, close to, inside, outside, across,

    8、through 存在:be, lie, stand, locate 特征:large, small, huge, deep, long, modern, ancient, popular, attractive 2. 句子 I like my school very much and I am proud that I belong to it. My favorite thing about my city is the fact that it has so many wonderful parks. The museum is just like a huge book to tell

    9、you the history of China. My hometown has left many soft and sweet memories in my heart. Its beauty is beyond words. I really hope you could get a chance to come and experience it for yourself. 相关话题写作相关话题写作模拟练习模拟练习 (一)(一) 每年的六一儿童节都会有很多孩子前往上海迪斯尼乐园游玩。假如你是一名乐园的志愿者,请你根据 下列表格中的要点提示,用英语向孩子们介绍乐园并提醒他们文明游园。

    10、注意:注意: 1. 词数 90 左右。短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数; 2. 短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词解释,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺; 3. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 参考词汇参考词汇:theme n.主题;firework n.烟火 Good morning, children! As a volunteer from Shanghai Disneyland, Id like to say something about the park and tell you how to behave well in it. The park is worth yo

    11、ur visit. I hope you will have fun. 习作范文习作范文 Good morning, children! As a volunteer from Shanghai Disneyland. Id like to say something about the park and tell you how to behave well in it. The Disneyland is in the east of Shanghai. You can get there by underground. Its made up of six theme parks. Yo

    12、u can join in different kinds of activities there, such as enjoying wonderful musicals or plays. Also, there re lots of nice presents in the shopping area for you to choose. At night, you can watch fireworks. However, its important to behave well in the park. Littering isnt allowed. You should keep

    13、the park clean. Remember to wait for your turn anytime. Moreover, its impolite to shout loudly in public. The park is worth your visit. I hope you will have fun. (二)(二) 假如你是李强,有一天在上学路上,你看到赵王河公园河岸边的道路损坏严重,一些彩砖不见去向, 影响人们的出行。 请用英语给 China Daily 山东菏泽频道写一封信, 反映这一问题, 并提出你的看法和建议。 (一一)参考词汇参考词汇 destroy 毁坏; co

    14、lor bricks 彩砖; disappear 消失; repair 修复; take measures 采取措施; protect 保护;public facilities 公共设施 (二二)其他要求其他要求:100 字左右,开头和结尾己给出,不计入总字数。 Dear Editor, Im a high school student. _ _ _ _ Li Qiang 习作范文习作范文 Dear Editor, Im a high school student. Im writing to tell you something bad about Zhaogonghe Park. One

    15、day, on my way to school, I found that the road along the bank of Zhaogonghe Park was destroyed badly. Some color bricks disappeared. It is said that some bricks were thrown into the river and some were taken home by villagers nearby. The road has had a bad influence on peoples coming and going. I t

    16、hink it should be repaired as soon as possible. We should take measure to protect the road. It is important and necessary to take good care of the public facilities in the park. I hope China Daily can care about the matter and give us some advice on how to protect the park. Li Qiang 相关话题满分作文解析相关话题满分

    17、作文解析 (一)(一) Dear Laura, Thanks for your letter. Now Ill tell you something about our school and our school life. Our school is very big, with over 2, 500 students and about 200 teachers. There are many high buildings in it. On the campus, you can see many green trees and beautiful flowers. In our sc

    18、hool, there are many clubs. Every afternoon, we can take part in all kinds of activities, such as basketball, table tennis, and painting. We can read newspapers and books in the school library. And we can also go online in the school computer labs. Ive been in the school for more than two years. I a

    19、m deeply attracted by everything in the school. Yours, Vera 参考译文参考译文 亲爱的劳拉: 谢谢你的来信。 现在我将跟你说说我们的学校和校园生活。我们的学校很大,有超过 2500 名学生和大约 200 位老师。 学校里有很多高的建筑物。在校园里,你可以看到很多绿树和美丽的花朵。在我们的学校,有很多社团。 每天下午,我们可以参加各种各样的活动,比如说篮球、乒乓球和画面。我们可以在学校图书馆里看报纸 和书。我们还可以在学校的电脑房上网。我已经在这个学校超过两年了。我被学校里的一切深深地吸引着。 你的, 薇拉 亮点词汇亮点词汇 buildi

    20、ng 建筑物 campus .校园 take part in 参加 go online 上网 出彩句型出彩句型 Ill tell you something about.我要告诉你一些关. There are many buildings in it.校园里有很多高的建筑物。 We can take part in all kinds of activities. 我们可以参加各种各样的活动。 I am deeply attracted by.我被.深深地吸引着。 高分点评高分点评 本文采取动静结合的描述手法,向读者展现了“我” 的校园的美丽风光以及丰富多彩的校园生活,条理 清晰,清楚具体。此

    21、外,句式、短语的多样运用,也是一大成功之处。 (二)(二) Australia Australia lies on the west of the Pacific Ocean. It covers an area of 7.6 million square kilometers. And it has a population of over 10 million. Most of them live in the east of the country by the sea,because the weather in those places is more favorable and c

    22、omfortable. In the center of Australia, there is a large area of desert, Canberra, the capital of Australia, is a beautiful city. Sydney is one of the biggest cities in Australia. It has many places of interest. The Sydney Opera House is famous all over the world. If you ever visit Australia, you wi

    23、ll be fascinated by it. 参考译文参考译文 澳大利亚澳大利亚 澳大利亚位于太平洋的西边。它有着 760 万平方公里的面积。它还有着超过一千万的人口。 很多人住在澳大利亚东面的海边,因为那些地方的天(更加适宜和舒服。在澳大利亚的中部,有很大面 积的沙漠。堪培拉,澳大利亚的首都,是一个漂亮的城市。悉尼是澳大利亚最大的城市之-。它有很多风景 名胜。悉尼歌剧院就闻名于全世界。 如果你游览过澳大利亚,你就会被它吸引。 亮点词汇亮点词汇 Pacific Ocean 太平洋 cover 覆盖 favorable 讨人喜欢的 desert.沙漠 places of interest 凤景

    24、名胜 出彩句型出彩句型 It covers an area of.它有.的面积。 It has a population of.它有.的人口 The weather in those places is more favorable and comfortable.那些地方的天气更加适宜和舒服。 In the center of Australia, there is.在澳大利亚的中部,有. Sydney s one of the biggest cities in Australia.悉尼是澳大利亚最大的城市之一。 高分点评高分点评 本交选取了澳大利亚作为介绍的主体,其中采取了由面到点的叙述手法,将澳大利亚的位置、面积、 气候、人文风情一呈现在了我们面前。 值得提的是, 作者的写作语言非常地道,原汁原味,如面积的表 达“covers an area of.,又如人口的表达“It has a population of over 10 million等。


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