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    1、20192020 学年五年级第二学期期末试卷及答案 (本卷考试时间为 50 分钟,满分 100 分) 听力部分(听力部分(4040 分)分) 一Listen and choose. 听音,把与你所听到的意思相同或相近的单词或词组的标 号写在括号内。 (10 分) ()1. A. a few B. many()2. A. doggy ()5. A. holidayB. birthday B. kitten ()3. A. a.m.B. p.m.()4. A. summerB. winter 二Listen and choose. 听音,选出正确的图片,把标号写在括号内。 (10 分) 三List

    2、en and choose. 听问句,选择正确的答句。 (4 分) ()1. A. Yes, its in May.B. No, its jumping. B. He is Zhang Peng. B. I often do morning exercises. ()2. A. Its Zhang Pengs. ()3. A. Im listening to music. ()4. A. I like autumn best.B. Because I can pick pears in autumn. 四 Listen, judge and draw. 听音,判断对错,在圆圈内画或。 (6 分

    3、) 五Listen and finish. 听音,选择合适的单词或短语(填序号) ,完成表格。 (10 分) play sportsJun. 1stgo for a walkautumnNov. 21st 笔试部分(笔试部分(6060 分)分) 一Read and write. 结合图文,选择合适的字母组合,填到横线上,完成单词。 (5 分) 1. Look at the fi_ . Its so big.(ch/sh) 2. Yifan is a _ everboy. Hes good at science.(cl/pl) 3. My cute dog is dri_ ing water n

    4、ow.(ng/nk) 4. Our classroom is on the th_d floor.(ur/ir) 5. My grandpa often does sp_ts at 7:00.(al/or) 二选出每组中不同类的一项。 (5 分) ()1. A. goB. take C. pick D. playing D. white D. springB. summerC. winter ()2. A. whoB. why C. where ()3. A. season ()4. A. fourth B. first C. five D. third ()5. A. mine B. you

    5、rsC. hisD. her 三Read and choose. 将正确答案的标号写在括号内。 (10 分) ()1. October is the _ month of the year. A. tenB. tenth C. ninth A. theirsB. their C. them My mum worked last night, so I am shopping today. A. WhatB. Why A. AugustB. February C. When C. May () 4. When is Mothers Day?Its on the second Sunday in.

    6、 ()2. Whose rabbits are those?They are _ . ()3. _ are you shopping today? ()5. If Sarah is talking in the library, you should say “_ ” to her. A. Talk quietlyB. Take turnsC. Keep your desk clean 四Read and choose. 读对话,选择字母代号填空。 (10 分) A. Ill go with him. B. What are you doing? C. When is your fathers

    7、 birthday? D. Its my fathers birthday, too. E. Whose birthday? Amy: Hello, this is Amy. Sarah: Hi, Amy!This is Sarah. Amy: 1_ Sarah: I am making a birthday card. Amy: Good job! 2 _ Sarah: My fathers. Amy: 3_ Sarah: His birthday is on June 17th, just this Sunday. Amy: Really? 4_ Sarah: Wow!What will

    8、you do for your father? Amy: My father likes climbing mountains very much. 5_ Sarah: Sounds great!Can we go with you? Amy: Sure. 五给下面单词选择合适的动词。 (5 分) A. doB. washC. eat ()1. dinner()2. homework()3. breakfast ()4. clothes()5. morning exercises 六选词填空。 (10 分) WhenWhatWhereWhichWhy 1. _ do you do on the

    9、 weekend?I often go for a walk. 2. _ is your pencil?Its on the desk. 3. _ do you like winter?Because I can sleep all day. 4. _ do you go to school? I often go to school at 7 oclock. 5. _ season do you like best? I like spring best. 六、问答句配对。 (5 分) ()1. When is the sports meet? ()3. Why do you like wi

    10、nter? ()5. Which season do you like best? A. I often read books. C. Its in April. E. No, theyre climbing. ()2. What do you do on the weekend?B. Summer. ()4. Are these monkeys eating?D. Because I can make a snowman. . Read and judge. 阅读,判断正(T)误(F) 。 (10 分) Hi, Linda! How are you? Whats the weather li

    11、ke in Australia? Its summer here. Because its in June, the weather is not so hot. June is my favourite month. We often have a lot of fun on Childrens Day. My birthday is also in June. My family will have a birthday party for me. And we will have an English test on June 26th. After that, the summer v

    12、acation is coming!We can get together! When you come, you can visit the West Lake. Its near my home. It has beautiful sights. Please come here soon and I am sure you will have a good time! Best wishes, Betty ()1. Betty likes June best. ()2. The English contest is on June 26th. ()3. Childrens Day is

    13、after Bettys English test. ()4. The West Lake is far from Bettys home. ()5. Betty will ask Linda to come to her birthday party. 参考答案: 听力材料 一听音,把与你所听到的意思相同或相近的单词或词组的标号写在括号内。 1. some2. baby cat3. in the morning4. a cold season in China5. vacation 二听音,选出正确的图片,把标号写在括号内。 1. Childrens Day is on June 1st.

    14、2. I often get up at 7:00 a.m. 3. Look! The pandas are playing. 4. Keep to the right. 5. Zhang Peng is playing sports. 6. I like spring best because I can fly kites outside. 7. This is Johns sweater. 8. Shh, talk quietly. 9. My birthday is on July 12th. 10. I often clean the room on Saturdays. 三. 听问

    15、句,选择正确的答句。 1. Is the rabbit eating? 2. Whose pen is this? 3. What do you often do? 4. Why do you like autumn best? 四 听音,判断对错,在圆圈内画或。 1. Look at the puppy. Its eating. 2. Christmas is on December 25th. 3. I often listen to music on the weekend. 4. The English class starts at 10:00. 5. I like autumn b

    16、est. 6. The elephants are drinking water. 五听音,选择合适的单词或短语(填序号) ,完成表格。 1. Im Zhang Peng. Im 12 years old. My birthday is on December 3rd. I often play sports on the weekend. I like swimming best. My favourite season is summer. 2. Im Amy. Im 11 years old. My birthday is on June 1st. I often read books

    17、on the weekend. My favourite season is spring. 3. Im Sarah. Im 12 years old. My birthday is on March 6th. I like going for a walk on the weekend. I like winter best. 4. Im Wu Yifan. Im 13 years old. My birthday is on November 21st. I like playing ping-pong. Autumn is my favourite season. 笔试部分 一 1. s

    18、h2. cl3. nk4. ir5. or 二1. D(解析:playing 是动词-ing 形式)2. D(解析:white 白色)3. A(解析:season 季节,是统称)4. C(解析:five 五,基数词)5. D(解析:her 形容词性物主代词,其 余是名词性物主代词) 三1. B(解析:the tenth month of the year一年中的第十个月)2. A(解析:theirs 是名词 性物主代词, 后不加名词, 单独使用, their 是形容词性物主代词, 后加名词) 3. B (解析: why 为什么)4. C5. A 四 1. B(解析:What are you d

    19、oing? 你正在做什么?)2. E(解析:下句 My fathers. 我爸爸的。 上句应提问 whose 谁的) 3. C(解析:when 什么时候)4. D5. A 五15. CACBA 六1. What2. Where3. Why4. When5. Which 七、1. C(解析:when 什么时间)2. A(解析:What do you do on the weekend? 你周末做 什么?) 3. D (解析: why 为什么)4. E (解析: Are 开头的一般疑问句回答Yes.或 No.) 5. B(解析:which season 哪个季节) 八T(解析:June is my favourite month.)2. F(解析:And we will have an English test on June 26th.)3. F4. F(解析:Its near my home.)5. F


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