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    1、7BU17BU1:Dream homesDream homes 单元重难点提优训练整理单元重难点提优训练整理 一、一、单项选择:单项选择: 1. The big fire in the town made more than three_people lost their lives. A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred D. hundred of 2. Please ask Jack_me. My number is 43522720. A. call B. calling C. to call D. calls 3. What kind of hou

    2、se do you_? A. live B. live in C. live on D. live with 4. My dream home is a large house a big garden and a swimming pool. A. there is B. has C. have D. with 5. We will arrive_Beijing_the afternoon of March 16. A. at; in B. in; on C. in; in D. at; at 6. The baby cant wait_ his mother. A. see B. seei

    3、ng C. saw D. to see 7. -Where do people usually cook dinner? -In the_. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. dining room D.sitting room 8. There are_ months in a year. December is the_ month in a year. A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelfth C. twelve; twelfth D. twelfth; twelve 9. There is a small river_my house.

    4、 A. in the front of B. in front of C. at the front of D. from front of 10. How many floors_your building_? A. do; have B do; has C. does; have D. does; has 11. I like to chat_friends_the phone at the weekend. A. withwith B. withon C. toby D. toin 12. Look! Theres an old woman_on the road. Lets move

    5、her away. A. is lying B. lies C. is lieing D. lying 13. You have finished the work. _do you have to do today? A. What thing B. What others C. What D. What else 14. -_ is your telephone number? - Its 84865621. A. How many B. How much C. What D. How 15. The balcony flowers. It looks . A. is full with;

    6、 beautiful B. is full with; beautifully C is full of; beautifully D. is full of; beautiful 16. -Is Miss Green in the classroom now? -No, she is out. If you have something to tell her, I can for you. A.go for it B. take a message C.talk about you D. chat with you 17.Sunday is the day of a week. A.six

    7、th B.last C.seventh D.first 18.The teacher asked us to listen to her_. A.carelessly B.carefully C. more careful D.careful 19.Before you start to work, Ill show you_ the office so that you can meet everyone. A.up B.around C. out D. in 20. I live_ my family_ a flat_ a busy street. A. in, in, on B. in,

    8、 with, on C. with, in, on D. with, with, on 21.The swimming pool is . A.50-metre long B.50 meters long C.long 50 meters D.long 50-metre 22. -Which city is the capital of Russia? -_. A. London B. Paris C.Moscow D.Ottawa 23. Dont forget_when you get home. A. to call back him B. to call him back C. cal

    9、ling him back D. calling back him 24. This is the best room we have. You can_the sea if you_out of the window. A. look; look B. look; see C. see; look D. see; see 25. -How do you like my new flat? -_. A. I like the balcony. B. Its big and clean. C. Its on the top floor. D. I like the sitting room. 二

    10、、词汇运用:二、词汇运用: 1. My uncle has a (方形的) face and big eyes. 2. He has a big room _(有)two showers and four baths. 3. It is one of the most beautiful (海滩) in China. 4. Now many schools in_(俄罗斯) have Chinese classes. 5. Please write down my telephone number: Five. eight. six. _(双的) nine. 6. Is there a was

    11、hing_(机器) in the bathroom? 7. Which (国家) do you come from, China or the UK? 8. We can see_(百万) of stars in the sky on a fine summer day. 9. My father is talking with my teacher about my English in the_(书房). 10. Do you want to live in a restaurant or a_(宫殿)? 11. We often watch TV after dinner in the

    12、(live) room. 12. Many (Japan) women are good at making tea. 13. Paris, the (首都) of France, has only about 2,140,000 people. 14. The (消息) is important. You must tell him soon. 15. After a (淋浴), I will start my work. 16. There are two forks and two _(小刀) on the table. 17. The_(十二)lesson is my favorite

    13、 in the book 18. All of the students are very_(interest) in the game. 19. -How far is it from your new flat to our school? -About three_(英里). 20. There is much milk in the _(冰箱). You can drink some if you like. 21. We want to go to the shopping_(中心) to buy something for the party. 22. Jacks uncle li

    14、ves on the _(四十) floor of the tall building. 23. -Where is your mother, Kate? - Shes cooking in the_ (厨房). 24. My English teacher often lets us watch some _(录像) before class. 25. Can the little boy write the numbers from (零) to thirty? 三、完成句子三、完成句子 1. 会议室里挤满了人,他们正在开会。 The meeting room _ _ _ people a

    15、nd they are having a meeting. 2. 法国面积有 26 万多平方英里。 France _ _ _ _ _ 260,000 _ _. 3. 我们学校有四千多个学生。 There are _ _ _ _ students in our class. 4. 在那个小山脚下有一座漂亮的小楼。 There is a small beautiful building _ _ _ _ _ hill. 5. 法国的首都是巴黎(Paris) 。 Paris is _ _ _ _. 6. 那儿总是有很多很多的食物。 There is always _ _ _ _there. 7. 谢谢

    16、你的视频。 Thanks _ your _ . 8. 你愿意和我合住一间卧室吗? _ you _ _ _ a bedroom _ me? 9. 他喜欢坐在那儿,享受一杯茶。 He _ _ there and enjoys a _ _ _. 10. 这个镇的房子和我们镇的不一样。 The houses in this town the ones in our town. 11. 他和他弟弟共享一个卧室吗? he a bedroom his brother? 12. 他在数学考试中得了 98 分,取得了第二名。 He got 98 in the Maths exam and . 13. 我有我自己

    17、的卧室和书房。 I have . 14. 你可以坐在阳台上眺望海滩。 You can sit on the balcony and at the beach. 15. 每个女孩应该拥有自己的房间。 Each girl should have bedroom. 四、阅读理解四、阅读理解 When we buy a house, we all want to have nice neighbours, because most of us think that it is helpful to live with some good neighbours. But what kind of nei

    18、ghbour is good? The answers are different from people to people. Here are my answers. First, it is very important to respect (尊重) each other. If our neighbour tries to know more about our life, what will we feel? He or she may also talk with others about our life. Do you want to live with him or her

    19、 any more? The answer is “No”. We will feel very sad to have this kind of neighbour and move away quickly. Next, a good neighbour is always ready to give us a hand when we need him or her. For example, if we are not at home, our good neighbour will watch our house for us. Finally, a good neighbour s

    20、hould love the environment (环境). He or she never puts rubbish here and there. Good neighbours should keep the place clean, because the good environment can make us comfortable and happy. I think we all should learn to be good neighbours, and I also hope everyone will have good neighbours and live a

    21、happy life. ( ) 1.We want to have nice neighbours because . A. they can share food with us B. they can tell interesting stories C. they can make us feel happy D. it is helpful to live with good neighbours ( ) 2.Well feel in the good environment. A. tired and sick B. comfortable and happy C. warm and

    22、 free D. strong and busy ( ) 3. What wont your good neighbour do? A. He or she will keep the place clean. B. He or she will respect your life. C. He or she will try to know more about your life. D. He or she will watch your house when you are not at home. ( ) 4. Which of the following is right? A. P

    23、eople are all good neighbours. B. People all have good neighbours. C. People should learn to be good neighbours. D. People all know how to be good neighbours. ( ) 5.What is the best title (标题) for this passage? A. What kind of neighbour is good B. I have some good neighbours C. How to be good neighb

    24、ours D. My neighbours 参考答案参考答案 单项选择单项选择 CCBDB DBCBC BDDCA BDBBC BCBCB 词汇运用词汇运用 1.square 2.with 3.beaches 4.Russia 5.double 6.machine 7.country 8.millions 9.study 10.palace 11.living 12.Japanese 13.capital 14.message 15.shower 16.knives 17.twelfth 18.interested 19.miles 20.fridge 21.centre 22.fortiet

    25、h 23.kitchen 24.videos 25.zero 完成句子完成句子 1.is full of 2.has an area of over; square miles 3.more than four thousand 4.at the top of that 5. the capital of France 6.more than enough food 7.for; video(s) 8.Would; like to share; with 9.likes sitting; cup of tea 10.are different from 11.Does; share; with 12.points; came second 13.my own bedroom and study 14.look out 15.their own 阅读理解阅读理解 DBCCA


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