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    1、2021 年江苏连云港中考英语一轮复习课时训练:八年级上册 Units12 . .单项选择单项选择 1.Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others? A.before B.spend C.eraser D.honest 2.Betty has a beautiful . She wants to be a singer in the future. A.voice B.look C.noise D.sound 3.Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? Either. Tea co

    2、ffee are my favorite. A.Not only; but also B.Both; and C.Neither; nor D.Either; or 4.Ken was late for school. The bell rang right after he entered the classroom. A.still B.always C.already D.almost 5.Andy, would you please the report for me and see if there is any mistake? Of course I will. A.look a

    3、round B.look through C.look up D.look after 6.If you keep English every day, youll be better at it. A.practice speaking B.practice to speak C.practicing speaking D.practicing to speak 7.Do you enjoy yourself at the concert? Yes. I have never been to one before. A.a better B.the best C.a worse D.the

    4、worst 8.Helen is the person in her family. Her two elder sisters are both married. A.older B.oldest C.younger D.youngest 9.I like the TV program The Reader best. I think we should spend as much time as we can in our spare time. A.read B.to read C.reading D.reads 10. ? He is clever and humorous. A.Wh

    5、at does he like? B.What is he like? C.How does he like? D.What does he look like? .完形填空 Sam was very nervous. It was his first day in a new 11 , and lunch was only thirty minutes away. For most students, lunch is the 12 part of the school day. It is time when you talk with your friends, get to know

    6、what interesting things everyone is doing, and of course, 13 . Sam, however, didnt know anyone or anything, like where to sit or with whom to sit at lunch. Sams 14 was in the army, so his family moved a lot. He had really liked his old school and 15 leaving his two best friends. They still talked to

    7、 each other through phone calls and emails, 16 he couldnt see them every day. He wondered if their 17 would continue. He didnt want to lose them, but he knew it would be 18 for them to stay close. “I know this is hard on you,” his mother said as he got ready for school this morning, “and Im really 1

    8、9 you have to keep changing schools.” Sam could see regret in her eyes, but he didnt want her to feel that way. 20 had always been ready to defend(保卫) not only the family but also the country. Sam loved her so much. He gave her a smile and told her not to 21 . He had wanted to mean it, but there was

    9、 still always worry in him when they moved. The 22 time came quickly. As Sam was walking to the dining room, a voice behind him said,“Excuse me.” Sam 23 and saw five friendly faces. “Would you like to join us?” asked one of them. This 24 invitation was exactly what he needed. Sam nodded yes 25 and j

    10、oined them. He was sure about his future school life now. 11.A.company B.family C.factory D.school 12.A.best B.longest C.shortest D.worst 13.A.eat B.learn C.run D.sleep 14.A.brother B.father C.mother D.sister 15.A.hated B.imagined C.tried D.suggested 16.A.so B.or C.but D.if 17.A.discussion B.dream C

    11、.business D.friendship 18.A.safe B.hard C.natural D.terrible 19.A.proud B.sorry C.excited D.surprised 20.A.He B.I C.She D.We 21.A.forget B.move C.return D.worry 22.A.breakfast B.lunch C.tea D.dinner 23.A.sat down B.got up C.ran away D.turned around 24.A.unexpected B.creative C.funny D.popular 25.A.b

    12、ravely B.happily C.nervously D.patiently .阅读理解 Some people think that the debate(辩论) about school uniforms is just about whether students look cool. In fact, this problem is connected with other topics, such as student performance(表现), money, and personal choices. The school uniform debate is very i

    13、mportant to parents, teachers, and school officialsand to students, too! Many students argue that school uniforms would save their parents money. According to Nahla, an eighth grader, “Kids whose families dont have a lot of money wouldnt be teased for their unfashionable clothes.” Besides, some stud

    14、ents think that uniforms would help them give much attention to learning. “I think its a great idea. Wearing uniforms would teach students that schoolwork is more important than looking good,” argues tenth grader, Heba. Others believe that school uniforms would help students study better. In the wor

    15、ds of a twelfth grader named Aziza, “If all students have to wear the same uniform, they will try to impress others with their schoolwork and grades, not their clothes.” Some students are against school uniforms. They argue that uniforms would cost their parents more money. “Uniforms are expensive a

    16、nd can only be worn at school. My parents would still have to buy me other clothes to wear on weekends and after school,” explains ninth grader, Sherine. According to a twelfth grader named Susan, “School uniforms dont allow personal choices.” She feels that uniforms dont allow students to be creati

    17、ve or express their own decisions about what to wear. Finally, many students, like eleventh grader Reema, say that uniforms are uncomfortable. “Students like to wear comfortable clothes,” she says. In a word, there are strong arguments on both sides of the school uniform debate. Whatever the result

    18、is, one thing is important: before making a decision about whether to require uniforms, school officials must consider the opinions of everyoneespecially the students. 26.Who agrees to wear school uniforms? A.Heba. B.Sherine. C.Susan. D.Reema. 27.Read the sentence: “School uniforms cant be worn for

    19、long and have to be changed often.” We can most probably put this sentence in . A.Paragraph 1 B.Paragraph 2 C.Paragraph 3 D.Paragraph 4 28.The underlined word “teased” in Paragraph 2 means “ .” A.羡慕 B.拒绝 C.嘲笑 D.观看 29.Which of the following sentences can summarize(总结) the article? A.Some students are

    20、 against wearing school uniforms. B.The school uniform debate is mostly about personal choices. C.Many students think that school uniforms would save parents money. D.There are strong arguments on both sides of the school uniform debate. .根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 30.Some (外国的) students will come to

    21、our school for a visit next Friday. 31.On May 27, 2020,a Chinese surveying team successfully reached the top of Mount Qomolangma to get the latest (高度) of the worlds highest mountain. 32.The twin boys are of the same (重量). 33.A stranger (主动提出) to give her a ride on the street, but she refused polite

    22、ly. 34.My brother loves table tennis very much. And he (赢) two games last week. .根据短文意思和所给首字母,写出一个完整正确的单词。 Su Ning is one of my 35.b friends. He is as old as I. He is tall and strong. He is a very 36.f boy. And everyone likes him. Su Ning is very 37.h . When someone is in trouble in our class, he al

    23、ways gives a helping hand. He is 38.g , too. He often shares his umbrella with others when it rains. He does everything politely. He never goes into the teachers office before 39.k at the door. He does a lot of things for others. He is good at dancing and he hopes to be a dancer in the future. 答案 .1

    24、.B 2.A 表示“有一副好的嗓音”,应用 have a beautiful voice。故选 A。 3.B 4.D 根据下一句“他一进教室铃就响了”可知,肯差一点就迟到了,故选 D。 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 根据范围状语 in her family 可知,使用形容词最高级;根据第二句“两个姐姐”,可知她是最小的。故选 D。 9.C 10.B .主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。萨姆的母亲在军队服役,所以他们经常搬家,因此他也需要经常转到新的学 校学习。这是他在新学校的第一天,他非常紧张,不了解新学校的一切,但他的同学主动关心他,使他对未来的学 校生活有了信心。 11.D 根据下文中的“Fo

    25、r most students”可知这里是在学校,故选 D。 12.A 根据下文中的“It is time when you talk with your friends, get to know what interesting things everyone is doing”可知,在这段时间学生可以和朋友聊天,了解每个人都在做什么有趣的事情,所以可推知这是最好的时 间。故选 A。 13.A 根据上文中的“For most students, lunch is the 12 part of the school day.”可知此处指吃午饭,故选 A。 14.C 15.A 根据上文中的“He

    26、 had really liked his old school”可知,萨姆很喜欢他的旧学校,因此可推知他不愿意离 开两个最好的朋友。根据前半句中的 liked 可知空格处填 hated,故选 A。 16.C 前后两个分句之间是转折关系,故填 but,表转折。故选 C。 17.D 根据上文中的“leaving his two best friends”可知,此处指的是友情。故选 D。 18.B 根据上文中的“He didnt want to lose them, but”中的“but”可知,虽然萨姆不想失去朋友们,但也知道他 们很难保持紧密联系。故选 B。 19.B 根据下文中的“Sam co

    27、uld see regret in her eyes”可知,萨姆看见了母亲对他的愧疚,所以可以推知母亲对 萨姆不停转学这件事感到很抱歉。故选 B。 20.C 根据下文中的“Sam loved her so much.”可知此处指萨姆的母亲。故选 C。 21.D 根据上文中萨姆和母亲的对话可知,由于母亲在军队服役,萨姆不得不一直转学,所以母亲很担心萨姆,故 选 D。 22.B 23.D 根据上文中的“a voice behind him said, Excuse me.”可知声音出现在萨姆身后,所以萨姆想看见他们需 要转身。故选 D。 24.A 根据第一段中的“Sam, however, did

    28、nt know anyone or anything, like where to sit or with whom to sit at lunch.”和第三段中的“He had wanted to mean it, but there was still always worry in him when they moved.”可知,萨 姆离开了朋友,来到新学校没有朋友,不适应这里,所以在学校受到同学的邀请,他感到很意外。故选 A。 25.B 根据上文中的“invitation was exactly what he needed”以及下文中的“He was sure about his f

    29、uture school life now.”可知,萨姆需要这样的邀请,这使他对未来的校园生活充满了信心。所以他高兴地点头。故选 B。 .主旨大意 本文是一篇议论文。 有些人认为关于校服的争论只是关于学生是否看起来酷。 事实上,这个问题 与其他话题有关,例如学生的表现、金钱和个人选择。有关校服的争论对家长、老师、校方官员和学生都很重 要!许多学生争辩说校服能节省父母的钱。总之,在校服辩论中,双方都有强有力的论据。然而,有一件事很重要: 在决定是否需要校服之前,学校官员必须考虑每个人,特别是学生的意见。 26.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Wearing uniforms would teac

    30、h students that schoolwork is more important than looking good, argues tenth grader, Heba.”可知,十年级学生 Heba 说,穿校服会让学生知道学业比好看更重要。 故选 A。 27.C 信息还原题。给出的句子的意思为:校服穿不了很久,而且经常要换。这是校服的一个缺点。文章第一段 是介绍话题,第二段是正方观点,第三段是反方观点,第四段是总结双方观点。因此,缺点应该出现在第三段。故 选 C。 28.C 29.D .30.foreign 31.height 32.weight33.offered 34.won .35.best 36.friendly 37.helpful 38.generous 39.knocking


    本文(2021年江苏省连云港中考英语一轮复习课时训练及答案:牛津译林版八年级上册Units1—2)为本站会员(理想)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

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