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    1、2020-2021 学年度学年度九年级九年级第一学期学业质量监测第一学期学业质量监测英语英语试题试题 第一部分第一部分 选择题(选择题(80 分)分) 一、听力部分(共一、听力部分(共 20 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分分, 计计 20 分)分) A. 听下面听下面 10 段对话。每段对话后有段对话。每段对话后有 1 道小题道小题, 从题中所给的从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (每段三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (每段 对话读两遍)对话读两遍) 1. What kind of films does the boy like? 2. Whats Janes animal si

    2、gn? 3. What instrument are they talking about? 4. How will the woman go for a holiday? 5. When should Susan go to meet Dr. Brown? A. At 10:00. B. At 10:30. C. At 11:00. 6, How much will the man pay for the books? A. $200. B. $150. C. $100. 7. What does the man have for breakfast? A. Tea, bread and s

    3、alad. B. Mills, cake and an egg. C. Coffee, bread and an egg. 8. Whats the boys problem? A. He doesnt get enough sleep at night. B. He doesnt get high marks in exams. C. He doesnt have any close fiends. 9. What does the man mean? A. He agrees with the woman. B. They shouldnt start now. C. He doesnt

    4、agree with the woman. 10. What is serious according to the woman? A. The report. B. The mans manner. C. The noise of the TV B.听下面听下面 3 段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题, 从题中所给的从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选三个选 项中选出最佳选项。 (每段对话或短文读两遍)项中选出最佳选项。 (每段对话或短文读两遍) 听一段对话, 回答第 u-12 小题。 11. How long has the man been

    5、away for a holiday? A.A week. B. A month. C.A year. 12. What language do the local people speak? A. French B. English. C. Japanese. 听第一篇短文, 回答第 1315 小题。请根据短文内容, 选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。 A talk on what to do with the teenage problems Time It will begin at 8:30 13 . Place It will be held 14 . Other informatio

    6、n Grade 9 students must attend it. Every student is asked to 15 during the talk. 13. A. this Friday B. next Sunday C. next Friday 14. A. in the playground B. in the school hall C. in the cinema 15. take notes carefully B. prepare one question C. answer one question 听第二篇短文, 回答第 1620 小题。 16. What type

    7、 of programme is it? A. It is a TV programme. B. It is a radio programme. C. It is a fashion show. 17. How many types of music are mentioned? A. one B. Two C. Three 18. Whats the first piece you will enjoy? A. Chinese folk music. B.A Beethoven piano piece. C. It is a fashion show. 19.What kind of fe

    8、eling does each piece of music express? A. Sadness. B. Happiness. C. Pride. 20. What will you find out in todays programme? A. How to choose music B. How to make music. C. How music expresses peoples feelings. 二、单项选择(共二、单项选择(共 15 小顺小顺, 每小顾每小顾 1 分分, 计计 15 分)分) 在下列各题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 21

    9、. Have you seen _film My people, my homeland recently? Of course, I have never seen such_ wonderful film before. A. a; an B. the; a C. a: / D. the; an 22. Though the job is _my ability, I want to have a try. A. beside B. beyond C. behind D. between 23. Teenagers of our age should know more about the

    10、 _ of our traditional culture. A. wealth B. result C. value D. progress 24. 一 Do you like Beijing Opera or Kunqu Opera? 一_ . I like Yangzhou Opera. A. Either B. None C. Both D. Neither 25. 一 Mr. Wu, I always feel worried before exams. What shall I do? 一 You should learn to _ yourself and prepare wel

    11、l. A. contact B. control C. confum D. consider 26. 一 Why do you always read poems aloud? 一 You cant feel the beauty of poems _ you read them aloud. A. since B. if C. although D. unless 27. Our school is _ admired for its excellent teaching around the city. A. heavily B. peacefully C. widely D. succe

    12、ssfully 28. 一 Heres only one copy of the magazine left Will you borrow _? 一 No. Id rather buy_ after work. A. one; it B. it; one C. one; one D. it; it 29. 一 Bed time! _ you _ your homework, honey? 一 Not yet. Im afraid that I cant go to bed until 11 oclock. A. Did; finish B. Have; finished C. Will; f

    13、inish D. Do; finish 30. 一 Did you hear that a terrible quarrel_ between the couple next door? 一 Yes, and the noise drove me almost mad A. broke into B. broke down C. broke up D. broke out 31. The strong are always _ in praise and encouragement. A. modest B. generous C. patient D. careful 32. 一 Jack,

    14、 why does your voice _ so high? 一 I _ my hands, but you didnt call me. A. raise; rose B. rise; raised C. raise; raised D. rise; rose 33. 一 I know all of you are interested in science. Could you tell me? 一 Sure. A. how horses know the way or not B. when will UFOs appear next time C. where was the kin

    15、d of plant found D. how beet find their way back home 34. A friend is someone _ knows all about you and still loves you. A. where B. which C. what D. who 35. 一 Im going to take the kids to see the movie this weekend. 一_, the COVID-19 is still spreading. A. Better not B. Good idea C. I think so D. No

    16、 problem 三、完形填空(共三、完形填空(共 15 小题小题, 每小题每小题 1 分分, 计计 15 分)分) 阅读下列短文, 从文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Gordon, a writer, shares a wonderful story of his own. It tells of a time he felt everything meaningless and _36 . He could hardly enjoy his daily life even _37_.Finally, he decided to see the doctor.

    17、Checking him carefully instead of giving him any medicine, the doctor required him to spend the following day in the place where he was the happiest as a(n) 38 . The doctor also wrote out four prescriptions(处方)and told him to open one at nine, 39 _, three, and six oclock. So the next morning, Gordon

    18、 went to the beach. As he opened the first prescription, he read _40 carefully. He thought the doctor was silly. How could he listen for three hours? He heard the usual sounds of the _41_ and the birds. After a while, he could hear the other unexpected sounds. As he listened, he began to 42 the less

    19、ons the sea had taught him as a child- patience, respect, and kindness, feeling peaceful. At noon, he opened the second prescription and read Try reaching 43_.Reaching back to what? he wondered. He thought about his past, about the many little moments of joy. He tried to _44_them with exactness. And

    20、 in remembering, he found a growing _45 inside. At three, he opened the third paper. Until now, the prescriptions had been easy to take._46_ this one was different; it said Examine your motives(动机).At first, he was unwilling to follow. As he considered his motives-success, recognition, security deep

    21、ly, he began to _47_ his past happiness. I realize if ones motives are _48_, nothing can be right. As long as you feel you are serving others, you do the job well. When you _49 _ yourself, you do it less well. When six oclock came, he opened the final prescription. Write your_50_ on the sand, it sai

    22、d. He wrote several words with a piece of broken shell; then he turned and walked away. He didnt look back; he knew the tide(潮水) would come in and wash away all the unhappiness. 36. A. interesting B. important C. boring D. amazing 37. A. teaching B. swimming C. dancing D. writing 38. A. man B. child

    23、 C. adult D. woman 39. A. one B. two C. eleven D. twelve 40. A. Work B. Write C. Listen D. Draw 41. A. park B. sea C. forest D. animal 42. A. think of B. talk about C. look through D. prepare for 43. A. out B. back C. over D. for 44. A. describe B. hide C. complete D. remember 45. A. pity B. warmth

    24、C. pain D. surprise 46. A. For B. Because C. Though D. But 47. A. hate B. harvest C. miss D. lose 48. A. proper B. wrong C. active D. clear 49. A. look after B. come to C. laugh at D. care for 50. A. worries B. secrets C. wishes D. joys 四、阅读理解(共四、阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,计分,计 30 分)分) 阅读下列内容,从每小题所给

    25、的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A Moonlight school has made a survey about different TV programme the students like and how much time they spend on them. 51. According to the diagram, students like watching _ most. A. Sports world B. Entertainment shows C. TV series D. Cartoons 52. How much time do the stu

    26、dents spend on watching News every month? A. About half an hour B. About two hours C. More than three hours D. About four hours 53. If you are interested in Exploring Science , you may be among _ of the students. A. 29% B.21% C.12% D.11% B 本题为课外阅读考查, 取材于扬州市“五个一百工程”指定阅读书目小王子, 请根据书本内容及问 题, 选择正确答案. 54.

    27、 Where did the little prince come from? A. The earth B. The moon C. Asteroid 326 D. Asteroid B-612 55. The little prince asked me to draw him _ when we met each other in the Desert of Sahara. A. a sheep B. an elephant C. a rose D. a mane 56. Who lives on the fifth planet? A. A king. B. A tippler C.A

    28、 lamplighter D.A businessman 57. Which is NOT the sentence that the fox said to the little prince? A. If you want a friend, tame me. B. Youre beautiful, but you are empty. C. Its only with the heart that one can see rightly. D. People have forgotten the truth, but you mustnt forget it. C The Year of

    29、 势 Ox is coming. In China, you will find various ox objects made of gold, wood, plastic, paper, shell and stone on sale in stores and on streets to celebrate the return. But why was the ox chosen to be one of the 12 Chinese animal signs? Centuries ago, most people earned their living through fanning

    30、. The ox was used to help plow, cultivate and carry heavy goods. The ox has long had an important place in Chinese culture. Ancient Chinese poets and writers frequently described the ox in literature. In the Classic of poetry ( 诗经 ) , the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry, the animal was

    31、mentioned in nine out of the 305 pieces. The ox is considered a symbol of diligence and earnestness in Chinese culture. To this day. the phrase the spirit of ox still refers to go over all the difficulties with its courage and brave. The spirit is highly praised and many people follow it as their wo

    32、rk rule. When someone gets a great achievement through hard work, people often use nip, meaning excellent, to describe him or her. Oxen seldom bully the weak or fear the strong. They work hard and make sacrifices (alt).This is reflected in lines from the poem by Lu Xun (1881-1936) Fierce-browed. I c

    33、oolly defy a thousand pointing fingers: Head bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children (横眉冷对千夫指, 俯首甘为孺子牛) , which fully expresses the poets loyalty to the people., which fully expresses the poets loyalty to the people. So naturally, those who were born in the Year of the Ox are often expected to

    34、 be hard-working reliable and loyal. They never seek to be the center of attention and do not look for praise. The website China Highlights noted. 58. Which CANNOT be known from the article? A. People make many kinds of ox objects to welcome the new year B. You can read about 9 poems about the ox in

    35、 the Classic of Poetry C. People speak highly of the ox because of its respectable spirits D. People born in the Year of the Ox are hard-working and modest 59. The underlined word bully means _. A. feel afraid of B. look down upon C. make friends with D. take care of 60. Which of the following shows

    36、 the structure(结构)of the passage? A B C D 61. In Paragraph 7, the writer uses Lu Xuus lines to _. A. show the readers a poem about the ox B. explain the readers the features of the ox C. tell the readers what kind of person Lu Xun is D. make the readers more interested in the passage D Kursat Ceylan

    37、 is blind. He was trying to find a hotel he booked and used an app to get directions. at me same time, he had to use his cane 拐杖)and also carry along his bag. He walked into a tree and bit his head and bled. This encouraged him and his partner to come up with a cane that had AI built-in. This would

    38、help find any object that might be above chest-level. They hope that this new tech could help people like him. Businessmen and tech investors who are interested in AI hope that it can not only help the blind but also better the world, especially when they look at health care and AI. Of course, it ca

    39、n try and gather information from the accelerometer(加速计)that has been built in, ,and then use data to try and find out how people with health problems use the product and how they behave so that a better product can be created in the form of advanced (先 进的)AI, including an AI voice service. However,

    40、 it should be noted that it isnt meant to be a smart cane. Its supposed to be connected with transport networks. They would also be able to alert buses so that they can then wait at a stop ahead of time. Innovations(创 新) like this would be more than welcome. Scientists once thought that AI would be

    41、able to form logical(逻辑)connections and even change the world. Right now it hasnt really done that, but they are working on it. They also believe that more can be done to try and help people even though they have a health condition. Only time will ell f this is ever going to be the case. 62. Why doe

    42、s the writer share Kursat Ceylanass story? A. To show his hopes. B. To introduce the topic. C. To learn from him D. To encourage others. 63. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us _. A. the way to create a better product. B. how AI influences the world. C. the way to use the advanced AI. D. how an AI product h

    43、elps the blind. 64. What does it in Paragraph 4 refer to? A. A cane to find any object above chest-level. B. A better product in the form of advanced AI. C. An app which can get the right directions. D. A product connected with transport networks. 65. The writers main purpose of writing the passage

    44、is _. A. to tell us how smart canes change blind peoples life. B. to warn buses to help us wait at a bus top ahead of time. C. to let us have a better understanding of AI development. D. to teach us to work hard on AI and better more people. 第二部分非选择题第二部分非选择题(60 分)分) 五、词汇运用(共五、词汇运用(共 10 小题小题, 每小题每小题

    45、1 分分, 计计 10 分)分) 根据句意, 用括号中所给的汉语提示或单词的适当形式填空, 使句意完整, 每空一词。 66. What great difficulty the girl had _ the words correctly!(发音) 67. It is said that Jack Ma is one of the _ men in the world.(富有的) 68. If you open your eyes, you will see the things_ seeing.(值得) 69. Do you know what the exact _ of China is?(人口) 70.1 wonder how I can make my class interesting and _.(活泼的) 71. Something is wrong with the fridge. Youd better have it _. (repair) 72. His grandmother still stays healthy in her _ . (ninety) 73. People in this area


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