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    1、海曙区海曙区2020年初中毕业生模拟考试英语试题年初中毕业生模拟考试英语试题 考生须知:考生须知: 1. 全卷分试题卷和答题卷。试题卷共全卷分试题卷和答题卷。试题卷共8页,有页,有6个大题。满分为个大题。满分为120分,考试时间为分,考试时间为100分钟。分钟。 2. 请将姓名、考号分别填写在试题卷和答题卷的规定位置上。请将姓名、考号分别填写在试题卷和答题卷的规定位置上。 3. 答题时,把试题卷第一至第三的答案在答题卷对应的选项位置用答题时,把试题卷第一至第三的答案在答题卷对应的选项位置用2B铅笔涂黑、涂满。将试铅笔涂黑、涂满。将试 题卷第四、五、六大题的答案用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔书写,答案必

    2、须按照题号顺序在答题题卷第四、五、六大题的答案用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔书写,答案必须按照题号顺序在答题 卷各题目规定区域内作答,卷各题目规定区域内作答,做在试题卷上或超做在试题卷上或超出出答题区域书答题区域书写写的的答答案无效。案无效。 一、一、完形填空(本题有完形填空(本题有20小题,每小题小题,每小题1分,共分,共20分)分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 In my school life, I have been taught by many teachers. But one that influenced my 1 most was a sub

    3、stitute teacher (代课教师) One windy morning, our headmaster introduced a small,young and modestly (朴素地) dressed 2 teacher. She would be our new English substitute teacher. We were so excited because substitute teachers were 3 easy-going and could be made fun of. “My name is Jenny Jiang. Nice to meet yo

    4、u.” She 4 her class with the usual introduction. We immediately nicknamed (取绰号) her “Double J” and told 5 to each other in class. She tried to stop us. 6 we didnt follow her. Not knowing what to do, her face turned 7 immediately. Then she said “Excuse me” and left the classroom angrily. The classroo

    5、m was in chaos (混乱) and we knew 8 substitute teacher would come soon. To our surprise, “Double J” came back in a few 9 with smiles. She said that she liked the name “Double J”, which made her 10 like a famous star. She went on sharing smiles and encouraging us to 11 We could hardly find any hopeless

    6、 expression 12 her face. That was so amazing! The results were also 13 The classroom soon changed. We 14 chatting and joking. Everyone was listening and learning carefully. It seemed that the 15 and modest young teacher looked so appealing (吸引 人的) that all of us were attracted together by a magic po

    7、wer. We 16 the rest of the class and learned a lot. As we know, there is no flat road in life. When challenges come, how will you 17 with them? Do you try to avoid them or face them 18 ? While for those who stick to their dreams, they just adjust themselves and keep going. They know in their minds t

    8、hat every challenge is a time to be 19 and better. Take the 20 to perfect yourself. Such is what I learnt from “Double J”. ( )1. A. health B. hobby C. life D. family ( )2. A. man B. woman C. art D. math ( )3. A. hardly B. never C. always D. too ( )4. A. began B. helped C. checked D. filled ( )5. A.

    9、news B. stories C. jokes D. lies ( )6. A. so B. if C. when D. but ( )7. A. excited B. surprised C. red D. yellow ( )8. A. one B. another C. the other D. any ( )9. A. years B. months C. weeks D. minutes ( )10. A. sound B. touch C. taste D. smell ( )11. A. give up B. work hard C. play chess D. dress u

    10、p ( )12. A. beside B. after C. on D. inside ( )13. A. worrying B. amazing C. regretting D. frustrating ( )14. A. enjoyed B. repeated C. doubted D. stopped ( )15. A. small B. tall C. heavy D. strong ( )16. A. canceled B. ended C. escaped D. enjoyed ( )17. A. deal B. live C. fight D. play ( )18. A. sa

    11、dly B. bravely C. carelessly D. hopelessly ( )19. A. sweeter B. heavier C. slower D. stronger ( )20. A. chance B. risk C. goal D. stone 二、阅读理解(本题有二、阅读理解(本题有20小题,每小题小题,每小题2分,共计分,共计40分)分) 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 (A) DANFIELD SCHOOL NOTICEBOARD Saving Water Week 14-18 May Enter the Danfield Sc

    12、hool student competition By designing a poster that encourages everyone to save water. Two prizes will be given for each Year level-Prep to Year 6. Judging for prizes will be based on ideas for saving water exciting use of color good design. Entrance fee is $1. Collect your paper from your teacher.

    13、Completed posters to the Office by 10 May. Pasters must be on white s A3 or A4 paper. All entries displayed in the libaray from 1-16 lay. Winners announced at Assembly on 18 May in the Gym. Winning posters shown in the Torn Hall from 21-25 May. Prizes include caps, drink bottles and books. ( )21. Th

    14、e Saving Water Week is in _. A. January B. March . y D. August ( )22. The school notice introduces all information EXCEPT the _. A. entrance fee B. winner prizes C. poster size D. poster pages ( )23. Dot points (独立点) have been used in this text to show _. A. who can enter the competition B. how winn

    15、ing posters will be chosen C. what the next competition will be D. where the posters will be shown (B) Music plays an important role in life. Some people might like to listen to music while studying. What kind of music is your favorite? What kind of music could be helpful? An experiment done with Br

    16、itish workers found that listening to classical music at work can improve ones efficiency (效率) by 15 percent. A previous survey of 2,000 British workers found that half of them usually listen to music on the job. Some of their bosses encourage them to do so, while others are against it, believing it

    17、 hurts work performance. British psychologist (心理家)Becky Spelman did an experiment to find out if background music hurts or improves efficiency. In the experiment, four office workers were asked to copy two 600-word sets of song lyrics The group worked on the first set with no music playing and work

    18、ed on the second set with classical music playing in the background. It took them an average (平均)time of 20 minutes and 59 seconds to finish the first set. The average time for the second set was 17 minutes and 42 seconds. The difference was three minutes and 17 seconds, or 15 percent. Classical mus

    19、ic can work as a kind of white noise, according to Spelman. White noise is a mixture of sounds with different frequencies (频率). It can help people stay focused (精力集中的). In fact, as long as the music has a regular beat,it can help us slow our heart rate and stay calm. This makes it easier for us to f

    20、ocus on what were doing, Spelman said. ( )24. How many British workers in the survey like listening to music on the job? A. 59. B. 2000. C. 1000. D. 600. ( )25. What did Becky Spelmans experiment find out? A. Pop music is more helpful than classical music. B. Classical music could improve efficiency

    21、 on the job. C. Background music has no effect on the working team. D. There is no difference between two teams in the experiment. ( )26. According to the passage, what kind of music can help people stay calm? A. The music which has a regular beat. B. The music which is loud and noisy. C. The music

    22、which has the same beat. D. The music which is cheerful and soulful. ( )27. What is the overall tone of this passage? A. Upset and persona. B. Personal and scientific. C. Informative but silly. D. Scientific and informative. (C) How will people travel in the future? Hollywood movies have considered

    23、about a future of flying cars which might not be too far from reality. By 2030, 1/4 shared passenger miles traveled on Americas roads could be in self-driving cars. Its believed eight out or ten people will be using Robo-taxis in cities where available by 2035. Sharing journeys will also be more pop

    24、ular. All these could reduce the number of cars on city streets by 60%, emissions (排放) by 80%, and road accidents by 90%. Uber (优步) spends much money in the flying cars. Los Angeles, Dallas, and some states in Australia could see test flights within a couple of years-but these cross-city flights nee

    25、d changes to air traffic control systems, which will probably take longer to develop than the flying cars themselves. Traveling across country could be much quicker, too. China is leading the world in high-speed bullet trains that are able to travel over 400 kilometers per hour. But for high-speed t

    26、ravel, the Hyperloop could leave bullet trains in the dust. The lack of air resistance (阻力) means pods could reach speeds of over 1, 000 kilometers per hour. In the air, the makers of supersonic jets (超音速射流) are promising to reduce travel times, too. Arion wants to carry 12 passengers at 1. 4 times

    27、the speed of sound-about 60%faster than typical aircraft today, and rival Boom hopes to be flying its supersonic airliner by 2023, carrying 55 passengers up to 2.2 times the speed of sound. Although some people think these ideas are not practical and expensive because there are many technical challe

    28、nges, tech and engineering companies are still trying to solve the problems and promise to propel us into the future. ( )28. How fast can the high-speed bullet trains in China travel? A. 60%faster than typical aircraft. B. Over 400 kilometers per hour C. Less than 1,000 kilometers per hour. D. 1.4 t

    29、imes the speed of sound. ( )29. Which word is similar to the underlined word “propel” in the last paragraph? A. Push. B. Divide. C. Lift. D. Throw. ( )30. How does the writer show that travel times will be reduced? A. By giving examples. B. By using a chart. C. By explaining the meaning. D. By compa

    30、ring numbers. ( )31. In which column could you probably find the above passage? A. Home News. B. Local Culture. C. Science & Technology. D. Art & Entertainment (D) Mel found a wallet on her way back home. She picked it up and looked inside. There was five hundred dollars in it. Five hundred dollars!

    31、 Mel thought about the bike she wanted. She had asked her mum for one, which would cost 460 dollars, but her mum said they had no money. Mel looked around. No one had seen her with the wallet. She put it into her school bag and ran home fast. When she got home, she put the wallet in her treasure box

    32、. However, there was one problem. How could she tell her parents where she got the money? Then Mel remembered the prize of the science competition was five hundred dollars. She was good at science. She would tell her parents she had won it. The next day, Mel rushed home from school. She was just abo

    33、ut to tell her mother the good news when her mother said, “I had enough money left over this week for a treat. I bought some strawberries. You can have one.” Mels news darted back inside her, like a moth into a dark corner. What if her mother had lost her wallet and someone had kept it? They might n

    34、ot have any food for weeks! Mel ran to her room. She opened the treasure box and took the wallet to her mother. “I found this.” she said. “It has five hundred dollars in it.” “Wow!” said her mother. “Five hundred dollars!” She looked inside the wallet. “It could be Mrs Makas.” she said. “She lives d

    35、own the road. Well have to take it to her right now.” Mrs Maka was very pleased to get her wallet back. “This money is to get my eyes fixed, or I will go blind.” she said. She gave twenty dollars to Mel, but Mel refused After that, Mel and Mrs Maka were good friends. Mel helped Mrs Maka make a garde

    36、n and Mrs Maka showed Mel how to make clay pots (粘土堝). One day, Mrs Maka said, “Mel, my clay pot won a prize. 1000 dollars and a red bike! I cant ride a bike. Would you like it?” ( )32. How much money did Mel find in the wallet? A. $460. B. $500 C. $700. D. $1000. ( )33. What can you infer about Mel

    37、 from the underlined sentence? A. Mel was worried. B. Mel was afraid. C. Mel was embarrassed. D. Mel was interested. ( )34. What kind of writing is the above passage? A. An email. B. A news report. C. An advertisement. D. A short story. ( )35. What can you learn from the above passage? A. Seeing is

    38、believing. B. Do well and have well. C. No pains, no gains. D. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (E) Because of the new coronavirus pneumonia (新冠肺炎NCP), most of people are familiar with a man called Zhong Nanshan. In 2020, NCP broke out in Wuhan. Zhong told the public not to go to Wuhan, but he w

    39、ent there immediately. Although he is very old, he is still struggling on the front line. He never seems to be afraid. Zhong Nanshan was born in Nanjing in 1936 and grew up in Guangzhou. In 1955, Zhong went to Beijing Medical College to study medicine. After graduating in 1960, he stayed at the scho

    40、ol to teach and returned to Guangzhou in 1971 to practice medicine. In 1979, . At that time, he had a chance to learn in the United Kingdom. He rushed to the University of Edinburgh Medical School and the Department of Respiratory Medicine at the University of London for further study. , the first p

    41、roblem he met was language. , he did a lot of hard work. In the first few months, , he spent one hour practicing English listening at night. Zhong recalled, “I listened to the tape over and over again and took a lot of notes. After listening and writing, my listening skills improved. After the most

    42、difficult problem was solved, the rest was easier to handle.” In an interview with CCTV, Zhong also shared a secret. To practice English, he wrote to his father in English. In addition to replying in English,his father also sent Zhongs letter back and marked each sentence with a red pen where the ex

    43、pression was not appropriate and where it was unclear. Lasting for more than a year, Zhongs listening and writing abilities were rapidly improved, and he could communicate with the foreigners fluently. “Never too old to learn.” Zhong has received many honors in his life, but he still has not stopped

    44、 his study and work. Until now, NCP has occurred, and Zhong has not stopped his research Life is limited, but learning is endless ( )36. What is the right order for the life of Zhong according to the above passage? a. Zhong returned to Guangzhou and practiced medicine. b. Zhong struggled in the fron

    45、t line to fight against NCP. c. Zhong went to Beijing Medical College to study medicine. d. Zhong was born in Nanjing and grew up in Guangzhou. e. Zhong went to the United Kingdom to study further. A. dceab B. deacb C. daceb D. dcaeb ( )37. What does the underlined phrase “the rest” in Paragraph 4 r

    46、efer to? A. The rest of skills. B. The rest of notes. C. The rest of problems. D. The rest of tapes. ( )38. Where can we best put “Zhong was in a turning point in his life.” in Paragraph 3? A. B. C. D. ( )39. What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. NCP broke up in Wuhan and expanded quickly in 2020. B. People should never stop learning in spite of their ages. C. Zhong Nanshan taught people how to protect against NPC. D. Zhong Nanshan did a lot to fight against NCP in 2020. ( )40. Which one could be the best title for the pass


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