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    1、人教新目标八年级人教新目标八年级 Unit 6单项选择专练单项选择专练 Name_ Grade_ 第一节第一节 单项选择。单项选择。 从每小题所给的 A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1.My father works in_ university in the city? Yes. My best friend is studying in _ university now. Aan;an Ba;the Ca;a Dan;the ( )2._ you able to play the piano? Yes,I _.Its very easy for me.

    2、ACan;can BCan;am CAre;can DAre;am ( )3.What do you plan to do this weekend? We _ volleyball.We _ it once a week. Aplay;play Bplay;played Care going to play;play Dplay;are going to play ( )4.Did they have a good time at the party? Yes.They enjoyed _. Athemselves Bmyself Cyourselves Dherself ( )5._ yo

    3、u make a resolution,you must try to keep it. ABecause BIf CAlthough DBefore ( )6.You need to take notes at the meeting,so make sure _ a pen and some paper with you. Abring Bbringing Cto bring Dnot bring ( )7.Mark _ an email to his parents after he arrived in London. Alost Bsent Creached Dcooked ( )8

    4、.Its not good to ask questions about someones _ life. Abusy Bsimple Cpersonal Dhealthy ( )9._ are you going to be a good actor? Im going to watch more movies. AHow BWhy CWhen DWhere ( )10.I _ my uncle in Shanghai this summer vacation and I want to have a cool vacation there. Avisit Bvisited Cvisits

    5、Dam going to visit ( )11.Do you like playing _ piano? No. I like playing _ basketball. Athe;the B/;/ Cthe;/ D/;the ( )12.My parents want me _ a movie actor. Abe Bbeing Cgoing to be Dto be ( )13.I think the answer is right,but Im not quite _ it. Asure about Bsimilar to Cafraid of Dbusy with ( )14.Li

    6、Yuns father kept on _ although he was tired. Ato sleep Bsleeping Cto work Dworking ( )15.We _ our holidays in Hong Kong next year. Avisited Bspend Care going to visit Dare going to spend ( )16.Sorry,I _ help you clean the classroom yesterday. Acould Bcouldnt Cam able to Dcouldnt able to ( )17.You mu

    7、st _ speak Russian if you want to do this job. Acan Bcould Cbe able to Dare able to ( )18.She is going to study _ because she wants to be a doctor. Amusic Bhistory Cart Dmedicine ( )19.How will you spend your summer vacation? My mother _ to take me to Mount Huang three days ago. Aasked Bpromised Can

    8、swered Dmoved ( )20.Mike,I have to tell you that I will use my bike tomorrow. Dont worry about that!I _ to return your bike on time. Apromise Bkeep Cask Dimprove ( )21.Alan is studying in _ university and he wants to be _ engineer. Aa;a Ba;an Can;a Dan;an ( )22.Julies birthday is coming. I plan to _

    9、 her a pen as a gift. Areach Btell Csend Dmake ( )23.Sally has a new dress. She _ it to the party. Awears Bwore Cis wearing Dis going to wear ( )24.How are you going to be a scientist? Im going to _ from now on. Abuy a fast car Bstudy harder Cgo to a music club Dtake acting lessons ( )25.Is he going

    10、 to study computer science? _.Its his favorite subject. AYes,he is BNo,he isnt CYes,he does DNo,he doesnt ( )26.I wont have time to go shopping with you this afternoon. But you _ me yesterday. Aordered Bknew Clet Dpromised ( )27.What are they doing? Theyre _ the question. Atalking Bfighting Cdiscuss

    11、ing Dlosing ( )28.The police are _ how to save the people from the tall building. Adiscussing Bacting Cstanding Dsharing ( )29.Lets _ together how to get to the top of the mountain. Adiscuss Bact Cstand Dhope ( )30.The information is very important.You should _. Thank you.I will. Awrite it down Bwri

    12、te them down Cwrite down it Dwrite down them ( )31.What is her New Years _? Shes going to study a lot. Asubject Beducation Cexercise Dresolution ( )32.Lily loves music. She is going to _. Aplay sports Bexercise more Ceat more vegetables Dtake guitar lessons ( )33.Chengdu _ a beautiful place to live

    13、in. Asounds Bsound like Csounds like Dsounds as ( )34._ are you going to be a pianist? Im going to practice the piano every day. AHow BWhy CWhat DWhere ( )35.Im going to join a soccer club to practice soccer next year. _. ANo problem BSounds great CThank you DHave a good day ( )36.How about having a

    14、 surprise party for Jane? Good idea.Lets _ when to have the party now. Aexpect Bdescribe Cdiscuss Dquestion ( )37.If you try your best,Im sure you will be able _ the work in a week. Ato finish Bfinish Cfinishing Dto finishing ( )38.They are Larrys and Beckys phone numbers.Please _,John. Awrite it do

    15、wn Bwrite down it Cwrite them down Dwrite down them ( )39.He may come to the party,but Im not quite _ it. Asure about Bafraid of Cfamous for Dready for ( )40.I feel bored with working all day. Why not _ some sports to relax yourself? Amake up Btake up Cstay up Dgrow up ( )41.You should try your best

    16、 to improve your _ with Paul. You should become good friends. Aculture Beducation Crelationship Dreason ( )42.I like taking photos of cats when Im free. Oh,thats an interesting _. Aarticle Bexample Chobby Drule ( )43.We cant decide where to go for the trip. Why not _ it with your parents? Aask Bdisc

    17、uss Chope Dsell ( )44.Sometimes the resolutions may be _ difficult _. Aso;to keep Bso;keeping Ctoo;keeping Dtoo;to keep ( )45.He left the job in the city to _ farming in the countryside. Atake up Bgrow up Cmake up Dget up ( )46.I think she has something to do _ the thing. Aabout Bfor Cwith Dto ( )47

    18、.Whats your friends _? She likes to listening to music. Ateam Bhobby Crelationship DEducation ( )48.To be a great _like Lang Lang,my cousin practices playing the piano every day. Apianist Bengineer Cviolinist Dpilot ( )49.I think being a teacher is great. _ you want to be a teacher,you must be good

    19、with kids. ABut BIf CSo DAnd ( )50.There _ an important meeting tomorrow afternoon. Ais going to have Bare going to have Care going to be Dis going to be ( )51.Who _ dinner for you,Frank? My father,because my mother wasnt at home. Acooked Bcooks Cis cooking Dis going to cook ( )52.What did your uncl

    20、e say just now? He promised _ me a new bike. Abuy Bbought Cbuying Dto buy ( )53.Is Mary going to study science? _.She thinks it is too boring. AYes,she is BNo,she doesnt CNo,she isnt DYes,she does ( )54.Why are you going to join an English club this year? Because Id like to _ my English. Aquestion B

    21、promise Cimprove Dwin ( )55._ your telephone number on a piece of paper,please. APut down BWrite down CWrite to DListen to ( )56.Grandma needs to _ what she wants to buy,or she may forget something. Atake up Bmake up Cwait for Dwrite down ( )57.If we want to get good grades,we should work hard. _. ANo,it doesnt BSounds funny CWell,dont worry DYes,youre right 人教新目标八年级人教新目标八年级 Unit 6单项选择专练单项选择专练 参参 考考 答答 案案 15 BDCAB 610 CBCAD 1115 CDADD 1620 BCBBA 2125 BCDBA 26-30 DCAAA 3135 DDCAB 3640 CACAB 4145 CCBDA 4650 CBABD 5155 ADCCB 5657 DD


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