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    1、 完成对话完成对话专题专题 成都市石室教育集团 2019-2020 学年上期九年级半期英语考试试题 二、完成对话。在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词) (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分:计 10 分) (Mrs. Li, a psychology(心理) teacher in our school. Mary, a student in Grade Nine ) A: Good morning, Mrs Li I wonder if you can spare some time for me ? I hope you can help me out. B: No

    2、problem. There is no_1_. Please sit down and tell me slowly. A: Thank you. I find it hard to get used to the stressful life in Grade Nine . We always have endless homework every day. Sometimes, I have no choice but to copy others answers. B: Being a ninth grader isnt easy but you should realize that

    3、 copying others homework will lead you nowhere but make the situation worse. Why dont you use your free time in school wisely by doing some of the homework? I believe you will be happy and _2_with the results. A: OK, I will._3_ the stress from school, I have too much pressure from my parents . Becau

    4、se they want me to get into No.4 high School, which seems impossible for me now. B: There is no_4_ that they just hope that you can have a better future. You should believe yourself. Nothing is impossible, if you really put your whole heart in it. A: Thanks for your encouragement. I do want to go to

    5、 No.4 High School. I am just afraid I may _5_ to meet their expectation B: Actually, the result is one thing we care about. What _6_ most is the attitude(态度) you hold along the way to achieve the goal. Just like the Iron Hammer” Lang Ping once said The spirit of Chinese womens volleyball team is nev

    6、er about winning the game; its about never giving up even if you know you cannot win And thats the reason why they have moved our Chinese for years and why they are the_ _7_ of our country. A: I got it. I know what I should do now . One last problem is that I am also weak in P.E . You know I am a li

    7、ttle heavy. So, running kills me._8_ we are asked to run in P.E class, I try to find an excuse. I do know I must do something to change the situation, so I have started to keep a diet to lose some weight first. B: Thats great but, keeping a diet_9_ wont work well. You must change your attitude towar

    8、ds exercising. Both are necessary if you really want to improve your P.E grades. More importantly, you should never give up. Remember: Nothing can be achieved _10_, small progress takes time. A: Thanks for your advice. B: You are welcome to come to me for help any time. Hope things work out for you.

    9、 1. 1. hurry rush 2. pleased satisfied 3. Besides 4. doubt 5. fails 6. matters 7. pride 8. whenever 9. alone 10. overnight 四川成都树德实验中学九年级上 2019-2020 半期试卷 二、完成对话:在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词).10 小题,每题 1 分: 计 10 分:请将所使用的单词直接填写.) A: H. Tony! You didnt hand in your homework and seemed so tired and sle

    10、epy today as usual. What happens? B: Sorry, sir. I, I. A: You played computer again last night? B. I do that till midnight every day. I know its bad for both my studies and health, but I just cant. A: It seems that playing games too much _1_your life, and the big test is coming just in less than eig

    11、ht months. B: I know what I should and must do. And actually I have tried to give it up, but I_2_ every time. A:I used to be a heavy smoker. When I first decided to give up smoking, I told myself it is bad to my heath, dangerous to my family, even my money. I stopped for a while, but several days la

    12、ter, I would wake up again and forgot my decision _3_. B: Ha ha! The same thing also happened to me. Then I found an_ 4_ that if not all my time is spent on it, I can still get on well with my subjects. So I started again. A: Yeah. I kept giving it up but picking it up again and again. B: I _5_a sim

    13、ilar situation, but how did you finally succeed A: I told myself that smoking _6_isnt so dangerous and it makes me happy, but I have to stop! B: I think the reason you succeeded is that you chose to _7_your thirst for things you like. A: Absolutely true. Only after realizing the importance of doing

    14、that, we will possibly achieve our dreams. 1 have not smoked ever since. B: How I _8_ you ! Now I know I have to be _9_ with myself. I cannot lie that I dislike computer games or fast food. Instead tell myself these things are all fine only if I do not expect more. A. Sure. But its impossible to mak

    15、e it overnight, so take your time and keep reminding yourself during the long_10_ . B: Thank you, sir. I will try my best and start now to make a quick change. 二、1.influence 2.failed pletely 4.excuse 5. met 6. itself 7control 8. admire 9.honest 10. process 四川省成都市 2019-2020 学年度第一学期九年级英语上册期中测试题 二、完成对话

    16、:在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词) 。 (共 10 小题,每 题 1 分;计 10 分;请将所使用的单词直接填写。 ) A: Hi, Tony! You didnt hand in your homework and seemed so tired and sleepy today as usual. What happens? B: Sorry, sir. I, I A: You played computer again last night? B: I do that till midnight every day. I know its bad for

    17、both my studies and health, but I just cant A: It seems that playing games too much 1 your life, and the big test is coming just in less than eight months. B: I know what I should and must do. And actually I have tried to give it up, but I 2 every time. A: I used to be a heavy smoker. When I first d

    18、ecided to give up smoking, I told myself it is bad to my health, dangerous to my family, even my money. I stopped for a while, but several days later I would wake up again and forgot my decision 3 . B: Ha ha! The same thing also happened to me. Then I found an 4 that if not all my time is spent on i

    19、t, I can still get on well with my subjects. So I started again. A: Yeah. I kept giving it up but picking it up again and again. B: I 5 a similar situation, but how did you finally succeed? A: I told myself that smoking 6 isnt so dangerous and it makes me happy, but I have to stop! B: I think the re

    20、ason you succeeded is that you chose to 7 your thirst for things you like. A: Absolutely true. Only after realizing the importance of doing that, we will possibly achieve our dreams. I have not smoked ever since. B: How I 8 you! Now I know I have to be 9 with myself. I cannot lie that I dislike comp

    21、uter games or fast food. Instead tell myself these things are all fine only if I do not expect more. A: Sure. But its impossible to make it overnight, so take your time and keep reminding yourself during the long 10 . B: Thank you, sir. I will try my best and start now to make a quick change. 1. 2.

    22、3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 二、1. influences/affects/troubles 2. fail/failed 3. completely/totally 4. excuse 5. experience(d)/meet(met) 6. itself 7. control/manage 8. admire 9. honest 10. process 四川省成都市青羊实验 2019-2020 学年九年级上半期试卷 二、完成对话。在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩 写词)。(共 10 小题, 每小题 分;计 10 分) A: How time f

    23、lies! Weve been in Grade 9 for a month. B: Yeah. Everyone seems to have a new beginning this term. A: Although most of us try hard to study, the_ 1_ weve made is so different. Some become the top students while the others are still behind. B: Our teacher tells us learning is like a long journey, so

    24、success cant happen _2_. We need to keep on going ahead. A: Also I discovered that learning_ 3_are important. Recently, a girl named Sophia, who is from Harvard (哈佛) University shares her learning experience on her blog. B: Have you read it yet? A: Of course. Her article called “How to Study Like a

    25、Harvard Student has_ 4_ widely through Internet. She tells us how to learn_5_ ? You see, she has learned hard but comfortably. One of her suggestions is to take notes by hand She believes it is a god way of carving(难刻) something into your _6_so that you can remember for a long time. B: Im used to un

    26、derlining instead of writing notes. Maybe Ill try to change me way. Whats more? A:Guss what? She says that study less, but study well. _ 7_, our parents or teachers want us to study more. I wonder why she says so. B: I agree with her. Dont always think about how much youve learnt, think how well you

    27、ve learnt instead. A:Oh. I see. Shes so helpful. She is_ 8_what shes found with what we junior high school students need to pay attention in our study. B:Learning seems the most important part in our life now. A: Not really._ 9 _tries to be a top student should care about others like his families or

    28、 friends. They always love and help us. B: You really teach me a lot . You remind me that I often argue with my parents recently. The busy study cant be the excuse for being _10_ to our families. A: Hope we can be a better man. 二、1.progress 2. overnight 3.ways 4. spread 5.wisely 6.mind 7.HoweverNorm

    29、ally 8.connecting 9.whoever 10.impolite 成都实验外国语学校西区 2019-2020 学年九年级上半期试卷 II. Complete the dialogue with only one word in each blank (10 scores) A: Lucy, what are you doing? B: Im washing my clothes. A: Why dont you_6_ the waste water? Then you can use it_7_ to clean the toilet so that you can protec

    30、t the environment by doing some small things. B: Youre right. Ive never_8_about protecting the environment before . Can you tell me more about it? A: There are many_9_ ways. You know, bottles, cans and paper can be easily _10_ .For example, coke cans are sent to a factory where they are smashed flat

    31、 and melted. Then the melted things are made for _11_ coke cans. Besides, when you buy a box of apples there may be some rotten(腐烂的) apples. You have two_12_ : one is to throw the whole apple away, or you could cut off the rotten parts and eat the good parts. In this way, you are saving the rest par

    32、t of food. B: Ugh! I think its a little _13_. Maybe I will never try this way. A: How about this one? If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can_14_it instead of throwing it away. If you want to buy better ones youd better _15_ the old thing at a low price or give them to other people who c

    33、an use them after doing some repairs. B: Its easy to do like this. I must think about how to protect the environment in my daily life from now on A: 1 believe every single step can make a big difference ! II 6. reuse 7.wisely 8.learned 9.different 10. recycled 11.new 12. choices 13. awful 14.repair 15. sell


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