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    1、20202020 年秋绵阳外国语年秋绵阳市高新区二校联考学校七七年级年级英语英语上册上册期中期中模拟试题模拟试题 .单项选择单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 1.(2020 陕西西安铁路一中月考)Tina is English girl, but she is in China now. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.(2020 广西防城港港口区期中)Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. Hi, Jim. . A.Fine,thank you B.Nice to meet you,too C.Good morning D.How do you do 2.(

    2、2020 广西防城港港口区期中)Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. Hi, Jim. . A.Fine,thank you B.Nice to meet you,too C.Good morning D.How do you do 4.(2019 黑龙江尚志月考)Are the model planes yours? No. They are my . A.brother B.brothers C.brothers 5.(2020 独家原创试题)Look! The two pink bags are Liu Yans. I like their . But they are

    3、 not yours. A.name B.color C.number D.card 6.(2019 陕 西 宝 鸡 扶 风 绛 帐 中 学 月 考 )You can call your English teacher 563-7896. A.up B.in C.of D.at 7.(2020 重庆西川中学月考)Linda, whats this in English? . A.This is a pen B.Its a pen C.Its pen 8.(2019 湖南永州柳子中学期中)You must your English book. A.to find B.finding C.find

    4、 9.(2019 黑龙江牡丹江十五中期中) is my dictionary and are my books. A.This;that B.This;this C.This;these 10.(2020 广东汕头潮南区月考)David is my mothers brother. He is my . A.uncle B.aunt C.cousin D.father 11.(2019 安徽蚌埠十二中期中)Here pencils; four are green, and five are pur-ple. A.is six B.is seven C.is nine D.are nine 12

    5、.(2020 四川南充嘉陵区期中联考) is Lily? She is my cousin. A.How B.What C.Who D.Where 13.(2020北 京 四 中 期 中 )This boy is my best friend, Wang Hui. English name is Henry. A.He B.His C.She D.Her 14.(2020 山东济南市中区期末)Peter is not a boy. His things are everywhere in the bedroom. A.tidy B.healthy C.happy D.dirty 15.(202

    6、0 独 家 原 创 试 题 )I can see a rainbow ( 彩 虹 ) in the picture. about you? Er, I can see a dog. A.When B.What C.Where D.Who .完形填空完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Hello, everyone! I am 16 student of Sunshine Middle School. Here is a photo 17 my classroom. You can see some desks and chairs in it. This is Ginas desk. 1

    7、8 likes reading. So many 19 are on her desk. That is Pauls desk. His schoolbag and pencil box are black, because 20 is his favorite color. 21 my desk? Its here. I like ball games and I have three 22 . Theyre from my dad. Oh, 23 under my chair. That big desk over there is our 24 Ms. Millers. She is n

    8、ice. We all like 25 . 16.A.an B.the C./ D.a 17.A.of B.in C.on D.for 18.A.She B.I C.He D.You 19.A.photo B.CDs C.rulers D.books 20.A.red B.green C.black D.yellow 21.A.Whats B.What C.Wheres D.Where 22.A.watches B.rings C.cards D.baseballs 23.A.its B.theyre C.youre D.Im 24.A.teacher B.friend C.brother D

    9、.cousin 25.A.she B.hers C.her D.him .阅读理解阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A (2019 河南驻马店泌阳期中) Hi, Im Anna. This is my grandmother, Kelsey Clark. She is kind(和蔼 的). She is 70. She has(有)two sons and a daughter. My father is her first son. His name is Mike. He is 42. My mothers name is Sally. David is my uncle. Em

    10、ma is my aunt. My uncle has a son. His name is Jim. He is my cousin. My aunt has a daughter and a son. They are Kim and Tony. I like Kim. She is my good friend. 26.Mike Clark is Annas . A.son B.grandfather C.father D.cousin 27.Annas mother is . A.Emma B.Kelsey C.Kim D.Sally 28.Anna has cousin(s). A.

    11、one B.two C.three D.four 29.Emma is . A.Annas sister B.Sallys daughter C.Jims mother D.Tonys mother 30.Which is TRUE(哪一个是正确的)? A.Annas grandparents are 70. B.Annas uncles son is Jim. C.Anna has a brother and a sister. D.Tony and Kim are good friends. B (2019 广东河源紫金期中) Lost and Found case Found Is th

    12、is your book? Please call Tony at 495-3456. Found Is that your schoolbag? Please call Mary at 476-5639. Lost My pencil box. Blue and white. Call Tom at 456-8700. Lost My school ID card. My name is Mike. Please call 487-2349. Found A set of keys. Please call Jane at 498-2456. Found A cat. Black and w

    13、hite. At the school gate. Call Jenny at 412-9856. 31.Here are notices(启事)in the Lost and Found case. A.3 B.4 C.6 D.5 32.If(如果)you lost your keys, you can call . A.487-2349 B.498-2456 C.476-5639 D.456-8700 33.You found a pencil box. Maybe it belongs to(属于) . A.Tom B.Jenny C.Tony D.Jane 34.Jenny found

    14、 . A.a blue and white cat B.a black and white case C.a black and white cat D.a yellow and blue bag 35. found the book. A.Jane B.Mary C.Mike D.Tony C (2020 河南焦作温县期中) Here are two pictures. Who are they in the pictures? Mr. White and his son Bill are in the first picture. Now they are in Bills room. W

    15、e can see some English books on the desk. And on the bed there is(有)a watch. Its Bills. His notebooks are on the bed, too. What about the next picture? You can see a woman and a girl in it. The woman is Bills mother and shes in her daughter Anns room. You can see a photo of the Whites on the white w

    16、all(墙). Next to the bed is a desk. A clock is on the desk. What is that under the bed? Is it a yellow hat? No, its Anns pet dog. 36.In the two pictures, we can see people. A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 37.Whose(谁的)notebooks are on the bed? A.Bills. B.Mrs. Whites. C.Mr. Whites. D.Anns. 38.Who is Mr. White? A.He is

    17、 Anns brother. B.He is Bills father. C.He is Anns teacher. D.He is Bills teacher. 39.What can we see in Anns room? A.A hat. B.A ball. C.A boy. D.A clock. 40.What color is Anns dog? A.Black. B.White. C.Yellow. D.Brown. .根据句意及提示完成句子根据句意及提示完成句子(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 41.I can s (说) my ABCs. 42.This is my good

    18、 f (朋友), Alice. 43.Three and s is nine. 44.Are t (那些) her brothers? No, they arent. 45.The g (女孩) are Alice and Jane. They are my friends. 46.Frank is in the n (下一个) picture. 47.My mother is (健康的). Thanks. 48.T (他们) are good friends. 49.S (一些) books are on the desk. 50.What is on the (椅子)? Do you kn

    19、ow? .按要求完成句子按要求完成句子(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 51.The quilt is brown.(对画线部分提问) is the quilt? 52.My name is Kim.(改为同义句) Kim. 53.Its a ruler. Its red.(合并为一句) Its ruler. 54.Is he Jack?(作肯定回答) , he . 55.(2020 独家原创试题)I think the radios are on the shelf. (改为 否定句) I the radios are on the shelf. .从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话从方框中选择

    20、恰当的选项补全对话(选项中有两项为多余选 项)(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) Kate:Hello! Betty:Hello! Kate: 56 Betty:My name is Betty. Kate:Im Kate. 57 Betty:Nice to meet you, too. Kate: 58 Betty:Brown. Kate:So your full name is Betty Brown, right? Betty:Yes. And you? Kate:My last name is White. Betty: 59 Kate:W-H-I-T-E. Betty: 60 Kate:

    21、86318358. Betty:My phone number is 82596431. A.Spell it, please. B.Whats your name? C.Whats your phone number? D.Where are you? E.Nice to meet you! F.Is this your friend? G.Whats your last name, Betty? 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. .选词填空选词填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) (2020 河南辉县冠英学校期末) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,每 空限填一词,每

    22、词限用一次。 girl,she,color,who,photo,cousin,too,last,one,be Hi, I 61 Jack Smith. Jack is my first name, and Smith is my 62 name. Here are two 63 . In the 64 photo, you can see two girls. The 65 in a red jacket is my sister. 66 name is Jane. The girl in a yellow jacket is my 67 . Shes my aunts daughter. I

    23、n the next photo are a girl and a boy. The girl is my cousin, 68 . She is in a blue jacket. 69 is the boy? He is my good friend. His name is Mike. What 70 is his jacket? Oh, its black. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. .任务型阅读任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) (2019 黑龙江绥滨农场学校期中) Im an English boy. My first

    24、name is Eric. Miller is my last name. Whats this in English? Its a kite. Its blue. Its my kite. I like it very much. Look! Thats my jack-et. Its black and white. Where is my family photo? Oh, its on the wall(墙). In the photo, you can see my parents, my sister Jane, my brother Tom and me. 根据短文内容,回答下列

    25、问题。 71.Whats the boys full name(全名)? 72.What color is the kite? 73.How many people are there in the photo? 74.Is the jacket blue? 75.Where is the family photo? .书面表达书面表达(共 20 分) (2019 辽宁灯塔一中期中) 琳达是一个爱整洁的女孩。请你根据下面的提示信息,写一篇不 少于 50 词的英语 短文,介绍一下她房间里的物品及其位置。 物品 位置 全家福照片 墙上 被子、玩具熊 沙发上 棒球 床下 电脑、磁带播放机 桌子上 书

    26、、磁带、笔记本 书柜里 提示词汇:玩具熊 toy bear;墙 wall 参考答案 1.答案答案 B English 是以元音音素开头的单词,前面的冠词用 an。 2. 答案答案 B Nice to meet you.是初次见面的问候语,答语是 Nice to meet you, too. 3. 答案答案 A How are you?意为“你(身体)好吗?”,其答语常用 Im fine, thanks./Fine, thanks./Im OK, thanks.等。根据答语可知疑问词用 how。 4. 答案答案 B 句意:这些飞机模型是你的吗?不是。它们是我哥 哥的。表示“某人的”要用名词所有格

    27、形式,故答案选 B。 5. 答案答案 B 根据前一句中提到的 pink bags“粉色的包”,可知说的是喜 欢包的颜色,故答案选 B。 6. 答案答案 D “call sb.+at+电话号码”意为“拨打找”,是固定用法。 7. 答案答案 B Whats this/that in English?意为“这个/那个用英语怎么 说?”,答语是 It is + a/an +单数可数名词或直接说出是某物。 8. 答案答案 C 句意:你必须找到你的英语书。情态动词 must 后面跟动词 原形。故答案选 C。 9. 答案答案 C 句意:这是我的词典,这些是我的书。根据句中的 is 可知第 一空的代词用 th

    28、is;根据句中的 are 可知第二空用代词 these。 10. 答案答案 A 妈妈的兄弟是我的舅舅,故答案选 A。 11. 答案答案 D here 位于句首时句子常用倒装句式,且句中的系动词要 和主语保持一致。根据后面的 pencils 可知空格处 be 动词要用 are。故 答案选 D。 12. 答案答案 C 根据答语“她是我的表妹。”可知问句询问 Lily 是谁,故用 疑问词 who 来提问。 13. 答案答案 B 句意:这个男孩是我最好的朋友,王辉。他的英文名字是 Henry。指“他的”,要用形容词性物主代词 his。 14. 答案答案 A 根据后一句“卧室里到处都是他的东西。 ”可知

    29、 Peter 不 是一个爱整洁的人,故答案选 A。 15. 答案答案 B What about.?意为“怎么样?”,是固定用法。故答案 选 B。 16.D student 是以辅音音素开头的单词,前面的冠词用 a。 17.A a photo of 意为“一张的照片”,是固定用法。 18.A 此句缺少的是主语,联系上文可知说的是 Gina 喜爱阅读,故人称 代词用 she。 19.D 根据后面的 are 可知此处是复数名词,由前一句可知答案选 D。 20.C 前面提到了他的书包和文具盒都是黑色的,所以此处说的是黑色 是他最喜欢的颜色。 21.C 根据后一句“它在这儿。”可知是询问地点,故答案选

    30、C。 22.D 根据前面的 ball games 可知此处选 baseballs。 23.B 此处用代词 they 来指代前面的 three baseballs。 24.A 根据后面的内容可猜测那张大书桌是老师的,故答案选 A。 25.C 此处指的是老师,作宾语,要用人称代词的宾格形式,故答案选 C 26.C 根据文中句子“My father is her first son. His name is Mike.”可知 Mike 是 Anna 的爸爸。 27.D 由文中句子“My mothers name is Sally.”可知Sally是Anna的妈妈。 28.C 根据短文内容可知Anna

    31、的叔叔有一个儿子,她的姑姑有两个孩子, 故答案选 C。 29.D 根据文中句子“Emma is my aunt.My aunt has a daughter and a son. They are Kim and Tony.”可知 Emma 是 Tony 的妈妈。 30.B 由短文中的句子“My uncle has a son. His name is Jim.”可知 B 项说 法与短文内容相符。 31.C 表格中寻物启事和招领启事共有 6 个,故答案选 C。 32.B 根据表格中第五个启事可知是Jane捡到的钥匙,故可拨打Jane的 号码 498-2456。 33.A 根据表格中第三个启事可

    32、知是 Tom 丢的文具盒,故答案选 A。 34.C 由表格中的第六个启事可知 Jenny 捡到的是一只黑白相间的猫, 根据表格中的“Black and white.”可知答案选 C。 35.D 根据表格中的第一个启事可知是 Tony 捡到的书。故答案选 D。 36.C 根据短文第二段的第一句话和第三段中的第二句话可知两张照 片中共有四个人。 37.A 根据短文第二段中的句子“Its Bills. His notebooks are on the bed, too.”可知答案选 A。 38.B 根据短文第二段中的句子“Mr. White and his son Bill are in the f

    33、irst pic-ture.”可知怀特先生是比尔的爸爸。 39.D 根据短文第三段可知有 a desk,a clock 和 a dog 等。 故答案选 D。 40.C 根据文中最后两句“Is it a yellow hat? No, its Anns pet dog.”可知 狗是黄色的。 41.say 42.friend 43.six 44.those 45.girls 46.next 47.fine 48.They 49.Some 50.chair 51.What color 52.I am 53.a red 54.Yes;is 55.dont think 56.B Whats your n

    34、ame?是用来询问姓名的,常用于初次见面。 根据答语 可知设空处是询问姓名的。 57.E Nice to meet you 是两人初次见面的打招呼用语,其答语是:Nice to meet you, too。 58.G 根据后文内容可知此处是询问对方姓什么,故答案选 G。 59.A 由答语内容可知是要求拼写出 White 这个单词。 60.C 联系下句可知此句是询问电话号码,故答案选 C。 61.am 主语 I 是第一人称单数,be 动词用 am。 62.last 英美国家的人常把名放在前,姓放在后,故 Smith 是姓,即 last name。 63.photos 根据前面的 two 可知此处

    35、用复数名词,photo 的复数形式是 直接加-s。 64.first 由句意可知此处是介绍第一张照片,故用序数词 first。 65.girl 根据后面的 sister 可知说的是女孩。 66.Her 此处说的是“她的”名字,要用形容词性物主代词 her,首字母大 写。 67.cousin 根据后面的“Shes my aunts daughter.”可知填写 cousin。 68.too 根据短文内容可知此处提到的女孩也是作者的堂姐(妹),故填 写 too。 69.Who 根据后面的答语可知此处是提问那个男孩是谁,故用疑问词 who。 70.color 根据后面的答语可知此处是询问颜色。 71

    36、.Eric Miller. 根据文中句子“My first name is Eric. Miller is my last name.”可知他的名字是 Eric Miller。 72.Blue./Its blue. 由文中句子“Its a kite. Its blue.”可知风筝是蓝色的。 73.Five. 根据短文最后一句话可知照片里有五个人。 74.No, it isnt. 由文中句子“Look! Thats my jacket. Its black and white.” 可知夹克衫不是蓝色的。 75.Its on the wall. 根据文中句子“Where is my family

    37、photo? Oh, its on the wall.”可知照片在墙上。 书面表达书面表达 One possible version: Linda is a girl. She is tidy. Look! This is her room. Her family photo is on the wall, and you can see her grandparents, her parents and her brother in it. A quilt and a toy bear are on the sofa. Where is her baseball? Oh, its under the bed. A computer and a tape player are on the table. A tape, a notebook and some books are in the book-case.


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