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    2020江苏中考英语一轮满分攻略备考精练及答案:译林牛津版八年级(下)Unit 7

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    2020江苏中考英语一轮满分攻略备考精练及答案:译林牛津版八年级(下)Unit 7

    1、第一部分第一部分 教材知识研究教材知识研究 八八年级年级(下下) Unit 7 (限时:30 分钟 分值:40.5 分) Vocabulary & Grammar 一、单项选择(每小题 1 分) 1. (2019 北京)My advice on how to save paper _ by my class last Monday. A. accepts B. accepted C. was accepted D. is accepted 2. (2019 孝感)Im tired of cleaning the house. Sweeping robots _ more and more wi

    2、dely today. Why not buy one? A. are used B. were used C. are using D. used 3. (2019 贵港)The oil on the earth will _ one day. I think so. We should make good use of it. A. find out B. work out C. give out D. run out 4. (2019 遂宁改编)Traditional Chinese _ is helpful to patients and getting more and more p

    3、opular in the world. A. medicine B. custom C. treasure D. culture 5. (2019 盐城模拟)The children here can receive a good _ now. Yes. A great number of experienced teachers have been sent here. A. education B. decision C. opinion D. instruction 6. (2019 盐城模拟)Look, my father bought me a new iPad. I dont t

    4、hink we need too many expensive things though our parents can _ them. A. allow B. expect C. afford D. take 7. (2020 原创)Printing was developed in the Song Dynasty in China and it _ to Asian and European countries later on. A. spread B. pushed C. invited D. carried 8. (2020 原创)All the students in our

    5、class are _ in the eyes of our English teacher. Yes, all of us are treated in the same way. A. equal B. confident C. different D. changeable 9. (2020 原创)The Smiths sometimes eat in the restaurant, but _ they eat at home. A. simply B. hardly C. probably D. mostly 10. (2020 原创)I am so glad that we hav

    6、e settled the important _. Now, we dont need to worry about it any more. A. suggestion B. matter C. speech D. meeting 11. (2020 原创)Project Hope was _ in 1989 and it has helped many poor children. A. set up B. picked up C. looked up D. taken up 12. (2020 原创)These _ rules must be obeyed at work. We ma

    7、y be punished if we break them. A. wrong B. correct C. basic D. exact 13. (2020 原创)Its your _ to do whatever you want to do. Anyone can not stop you doing something you want to do. A. courage B. chance C. right D. advice 二、词汇运用(每小题 0.5 分) 1. (2019 金华改编)The old man takes good care of his dog and _(对待

    8、)it as a friend. 2. (2020 原创)Wed better _(发展) our interests widely to relax ourselves after school. 3. (2020 原创)Thomas Edison invented more than 2,000 things, _(包括) the light bulb. 4. (2020 原创)Everyone hopes to live in a peaceful world without _(战争). 5. (2020 原创)I know I can not change the whole wor

    9、ld, but I take_(proud)in trying my best to help people in need. Reading 三、完形填空(2020 原创)(每小题 1 分) I recently attended a special activity called Night of Kindness. This night was_1_ a project called Kindness Water, which was started by Phillip Wagner. One day, he was looking through the newspaper and

    10、read a story about Africa. When he learned that the short of clean drinking water kills 3.6 million people every year, he was very_2_. He knew he had to do something. He asked friends, family_3_ churches to help dig a well(井)in a Malawai village. Then he_4_ a bottled water company. 100% of the money

    11、 he made was used to build more_5_. Since then, Kindness Water has built 550 wells in 19 countries, _6_ more than 325,000 people. What a_7_ he has made! But here is what really touched me: It all started with one man, Phillip Wagner, and his_8_made a difference. He saw a need and at once_9_, “I have

    12、 to do something.” Thousands of others who read the same article that morning might have also been_10_ surprised when they learned the fact. They thought, “Oh well, thats too bad. Hope_11_ will help those people who dont have any clean water.” But all those people didnt act. Phillip Wagner made up h

    13、is_12_to be that somebody, and with the help of thousands of others who have_13_, he is making a difference to the world. He gave his all, did his best and brought_14_ to someone. You see, real change starts with_15_ people doing their part. I want to be one of those different makers. Lets make this

    14、 world a little better. 1. A. from B. about C. with D. for 2. A. surprised B. excited C. interested D. tired 3. A. so B. but C. and D. or 4. A. used B. bought C. sold D. created 5. A. companies B. wells C. projects D. houses 6. A. providing B. enjoying C. staying D. helping 7. A. luck B. mistake C.

    15、difference D. break 8. A. wish B. chance C. feeling D. mood 9. A. laughed B. practiced C. imagined D. decided 10. A. usually B. widely C. greatly D. heavily 11. A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody 12. A. mind B. dream C. promise D. confidence 13. A. gathered B. pushed C. joined D. cared 14

    16、. A. luck B. wealth C. health D. happiness 15. A. special B. common C. rich D. poor 四、阅读理解(每小题 2 分) 素材选自 English in Mind Book 2 喜剧救济基金会 The Comic Relief charity, an organization that helps people in need, uses laughter to raise money. Every two years in spring, many English people put on a red nose,

    17、 make a fool of themselves and do “silly” things to make themselves and others laugh. Here are examples of “silly things” you can do: Invite friends to your house to watch funny films. They have to pay to watch the filmsthose with the most comfortable chairs pay moreand for food and drinks. Hold a t

    18、alent show at school and ask your friends and teachers to sing, dance or tell jokes. Sell tickets for the show to the rest of the school. Have a “red nose party” at your house. All your friends come dressed in redincluding red noseand you serve red food and drinks. If they dont wear red, they have t

    19、o pay a fine. Get the students at your school to make funny sculptures (雕塑品), using all kinds of art materials. Sell tickets to your Red Nose Day exhibition (展览). People can buy a red nose at supermarkets, and part of the money goes to Comic Relief. The organization has helped people for 35 years by

    20、 2020. And how much money has it collected since the first Red Nose Day? More than 600 million! The idea of Red Nose Day has travelled to other countries, too. In New Zealand, for example, people have made big red noses which they put on the fronts of cars and even buildings! 1. What does the Comic

    21、Relief charity use to raise money? A. Laughter. B. Interesting programs. C. Touching films. D. Beautiful clothes. 2. How do people raise money in the example of holding a talent show? A. By watching films. B. By selling tickets for the show. C. By paying a fine. D. By buying a red nose. 3. Which of

    22、the following is TRUE about “silly” things according to the passage? A. Inviting friends to paint the wall for you. B. Holding a talent show at your home. C. Having a “red nose party” at your house. D. Getting the students to draw funny pictures. 4. The Comic Relief charity was set up in _. A. 1980

    23、B. 1985 C. 1990 D. 2010 5. In which part of a magazine can we read the passage? A. Society. B. Culture. C. Sports. D. Business. 参考答案参考答案 八八年级年级(下下) Unit 7 一、1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. C 二、1. treats 2. develop 3. including 4. war 5. pride 三、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. B 四、 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A


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