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    1、2020 年四川省中考英语模拟预测试题(二)年四川省中考英语模拟预测试题(二) 第一节第一节 阅读理解(本题共阅读理解(本题共 15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,计分,计 30 分)分) 根据短文内容,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A Summer Culture “What is your teen doing this summer?“ Welcome a student from France or Spain into your family! Host a student from Spain or France and experience his/

    2、her life and culture. Exchange students from Spain and France are looking for welcoming warm, fun and loving hosts who will share life and culture with them for a few weeks in June, July and August. Stays can be from 3 to 6 weeks. What to do with your exchange student Movies / Museums / Beach / Cook

    3、ing / Baking / Community projects / Volunteering / Hanging out / Shopping / Disneyland/ anything you can think of. Requirements to host: Loving, active, outgoing family One stay-at home. Or part time host parent Teen in the home within 4 years of age of the exchange student Willing to take students

    4、to places or interest once a week (maybe visiting them next summer at their home countries) If you are interested and would like more information, please contact: Shirley Wentzell 909-918-6715 Email: Shirley ( )1. Exchange students from France or Spain will possibly stay for _ in host families. A. 1

    5、0 days B. 5 weeks C. 2 months D. 1 year ( )2. According to the passage, we can learn that _. A. exchange students will come back next summer B. exchange students have to cook dinner by themselves C. parents in a host family should have full-time jobs D. teens in host families can experience differen

    6、t cultures ( )3. The text above is probably a _. A. letter B. notice C. poster D. diary B The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern communication means (工具). Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the bi

    7、ggest problems is pollution. To pollute means to make things dirty. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it, smell it, drink it and even heart it. Man has been polluting the earth. The more people have, the more pollution becomes. Many years ago, the problem was nor so serious because there were not

    8、 so many people. When the land was used up or the river was dirty in one place, man moved to another place. But this is no longer true. Man is now slowly pollution the whole world. Air pollution is still the most serious. Its bad for all living things in the world, but it is not the only one kind of

    9、 pollution, Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us angry more easily. Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. They stop people from burning coal in houses and factories in the city, and from putting dirty smoke into the air. Pollution by

    10、sulfur dioxide (So2) is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution, I! is caused by heavy traffic. We are sure that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution. The earth is our home. We must take care of it. That means keeping the land, water and air clean. And we must pay

    11、 attention to the rise in pollution at the same time. ( )4. According the passage, _, our world is becoming much smaller. A.because of the rise in pollution B. thanks to science development C.because the earth is being polluted day and night D.because the earth is blowing away by the wind every year

    12、 ( )5. Hundreds of years ago, life was _it is today. A.as easy as B. much easier than C. as hard as D. much harder than ( )6. In paragraph 1, the underlined word “it” means _. A. rubbish B. noise pollution C.air pollution D. water pollution ( )7. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Many countries

    13、 are making rules to fight pollution. B. The pollution of the earth grows as fast as the world pollution does. C. The problem of pollution is not so serious because there are not so many people living on the earth. D. If people could go to work by bus or by bike instead of car or motorbike, it would

    14、 be helpful in fighting against the problem of SO2. C Everyone faces difficulties in their life. Daniel Kish was born with a special eye illness and lost his eyesight before he was only 14 months old. Soon after, however, he started to do an amazing thing. He learned to make clicks(咔哒声) with his ton

    15、gue to help him move around. Kish now moves about using sonar(声呐). He is so good at it that he can ride a bicycle by himself on public roads. And he started the organization World Access for the Blind (WAFTB) in 2000, teaching others how to use sonar. In the interview with National Geographic, he ex

    16、plains how the sonar works. “When I make a click sound, it produces sound waves. These waves reflect(反射) off surfaces all around and return to my ears. My brain then deals with the sound and turns it into pictures in my mind. Each click is like a camera flash, which helps me make a 3-D picture of my

    17、 surroundings for hundreds of feet. Its like having a conversation with the environment.” Kish feels it is exciting to ride a bike using a sonar, although he needs to click twice a second, much more than he usually does. “It may sound a bit dangerous to move around the world in this way,” he says. “

    18、But most people in the world live in fear of things that they imagine. I love hiking and mountain-biking. I go almost everywhere. And Ive never had an accident and hurt myself.” He is happy to be able to help more blind children to improve their life. “Weve served over 10, 000 students in nearly 40

    19、countries,” he tells the reporter. “Many students are surprised how quickly results come. Seeing isnt in the eyes. Its in the mind.” ( )8. Kish moves around using sonar because _. A. he is good at making clicks B. it make him “see” the world C. he has a great interest in science D. it is important f

    20、or him to keep healthy ( )9. Which of the following is the right order shoeing the sonar works? The sound waves reflect off surfaces. The person makes a clicking sound. The brain turns the sound into pictures. The sound waves reach the persons ears. A. B. C. D. ( )10. What can we learn about World A

    21、ccess for the Blind( WAFTB ) from the passage? A. It offers the blind free bicycles. B. It sells sonar products to the blind. C. It teaches the blind to use sonar. D. It helps the blind find more friends. ( )11. The best title for the passage might be _. A. Living without fear B. Travelling with the

    22、 blind C. Hoping for the future D. Looking around the world D A myth(神话) is something that is not correct, but many people believe. There are a lot of myths about the human brain. One of the biggest myths is that we only use 10 percent of our brains. The next part of the myth is that if we can learn

    23、 to use the rest of our brains, then well be much smarter. People say this all the time, but its absolutely not true! The truth is that although we dont know everything about the human brain, we know that each part of it has an important function. Modern scientists think the “10 percent myth“ ridicu

    24、lous (荒谬的) . The other most popular myth is about being “right brained“ or “left brained“. According to this myth, people who use the right side of their brains are more artistic and creative. People who use the left side of their brains are better at math and science. This is as popular as the 10 p

    25、ercent myth, and its also wrong. In 2013, a study at a university examined the right brain and left brain myth. According to the study, we use both sides of our brains equally(相等地). “ Its true that we use different parts of our brains for different things. We use our left side for language more, and

    26、 our right side when we need to pay attention. But there is no evidence (证据) that creative people use the right side more or that scientific people use the left side more. Weve talked about myths, so lets look at a few interesting facts about the brain. First of all, the brain feels no pain. Second,

    27、 about 75 percent of the brain is made of water. Its also the fattest organ in your body. Heres another interesting fact about the brain. Around the time you turn 18 years old, it stops growing. ( )12. The underlined word “This“in Paragraph 3 refers to _. A. the left brain myth B. the right brain an

    28、d left brain myth C. the use of human brains D. the study of an American university ( )13. According to the facts mentioned in the passage, _ may use the left brain more. A. Robert, who is learning English B. Kate, who is drawing pictures C. Jenny, who is designing clothes D. Jacob, who is doing res

    29、earch ( )14. Which of the following is TRUE about the human brain? A. It is growing all lifelong. B. The right side is used more by artists. C. Some parts of it are not used at all. D. Three quarters of it is made of water. ( )15. The passage mainly tells about _. A. the growing of the brain B. diff

    30、erent functions of the brain C. right brain and left brain D. myths and facts about the brain 第二节第二节 补全短文(本题共补全短文(本题共 5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,计分,计 10 分)分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从下面方框中的 A-F 选项中,选择适当的选项补全短文。 Experts in nutrition (营养) suggest that we should eat at least five different kinds of vegetables and fruit

    31、a day. They are very necessary for our health and help our bodies work well. They reduce(减少) the risk of getting ill. There are a lot of vegetables and fruit to choose from and they taste delicious, 16 Its easy to buy our food from the local supermarket, so why do we go to the trouble of growing our

    32、 own? Here are several good reasons: 17 You can pick and eat it at once. When you have tried it, you will agree that vegetables and fruit that are eaten straight from the garden taste better than anything you can buy in the supermarket. You may want to cut down on your “food miles”-the distance that

    33、 a product has travelled before it reaches your kitchen. Many food packages are flown halfway across the earth. 18 Homegrown food is likely to be healthier. Food producers often use fertilizers (化肥) and pesticides (农药) which can end up in your food. If you grow your own, things are different. 19 You

    34、 might also choose to grow some traditional vegetables and fruit. These often have more of the vitamins, mineral(矿物质) and protein(蛋白质) that keep you healthy. 20 And you can grow your own even if you only have a small backyard or a balcony (阳台). Some food can grow well in pots, including lettuce, tom

    35、atoes, potatoes and carrots. You can recycle plastic bottles and cups to grow something. Just make sure there are holes for drainage (排水) and a small plate under them to catch drops of water. Happy gardening! A. Best of all you can grow your own. B. But where grow your own is a problem. C. Thats not

    36、 so good for you, or for the planet. D. Food that you grow yourself is always fresh. E. If you have a large garden, growing your own is easy. F. You can control what goes on and into the food you eat. 16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._ 第三节第三节 完形填空(本题共完形填空(本题共 20 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1.5 分,计分,计 30 分)分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然

    37、后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选 出可以填人相应空白处的最佳答案。 A I have invented robots which improve the work of cars. My love of making things began 21 I was a kid. I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison. One day in fourth grade, our 22 gave us a project in class. We had to write

    38、to a company and learn about the products. I thought and thought. 23 I chose the Thomas A. Edison Company. Soon after, the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about his 24 ! I like the recorded sound and the electric light most. The inventions

    39、 were clearly printed on my brain. My dad noticed my interest in inventing and 25 me. He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things. Once, I surprised my dad 26 a model plane I made. Later, we found a 27 model plane in a store. I learned that different inventors often invent

    40、similar things. It is not unusual for this to happen. I also learned that not all great ideas 28 . Failure is a common part of the inventing. As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself. He was always 29 a better way to do a simple job. His guidin

    41、g hands, together with my 30 in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor. Of course, I also thank Thomas Edison. He is my hero. ( )21. A. before B. after C. when D. until ( )22. A. parent B. teacher C. inventor D. engineer ( )23. A. Easily B. Finally C. Safely D. Quickly ( )24. A. lig

    42、hts B. projects C. suggestions D. inventions ( )25. A. mistook B. refused C. chose D. encouraged ( )26. A. with B. about C. into D. from ( )27. A. different B. similar C. large D. small ( )28. A. work B. fail C. come D. end ( )29. A. looking at B. looking for C. looking after D. looking through ( )3

    43、0. A. habit B. story C. interest D. plan B Right after lunch, Mother found she had got a cold. She did need a rest in bed. But first she had a few things to do. Prepare the meat for 31 . Leave a note for the cleaners. At last, she fell into bed, soon asleep. Then the door banged(砰地一声) open as the 32

    44、 came home from school. “Mom! Mom! Where are you?” “Didnt you even get up yet?” “What about dinner?” “Im sick. And I cant do anything. Ill have to leave all to 33 . Cook the potatoes. Take care of the baby. Put plates, spoons and forks on the table.” “Wonderful! “ “ No problem! “ The children ran of

    45、f 34 . Mother was left in her quiet room. She felt terrible! But everyone else seemed great. In fact, there seemed to be a party going on with loud laughs 35 the children. There was a sudden crash(破碎声). Then a voice shouted, “Get the baby out of the way 36 he cuts himself. Don break Moms rest!” Anot

    46、her crash came! The younger girl rushed in with news. “They 37 your plate and the dog ate all your dinner.” The girl ran off. There was more noise, finally, the children appear, 38 . They were proud of what they brought. There is a glass of water, three beans, a cold boiled potato and a small piece

    47、of burned meat. Suddenly, Mother felt 39 . As the children watched carefully, she ate her cold dinner. “Everything 40 so good,” Mom smiled. “Thank you, my kids. I feel better now.” ( )31. A. tea B. breakfast C. lunch D. dinner ( )32. A. father B. cleaners C. children D. dog ( )33. A. you B. me C. her D. him ( )34. A. excitedly B. sadly C. quietly D. angrily ( )35. A in B. with C. from D. under ( )36. A. after B. before C. when D. until ( )37. A made B dropped C. sold D. changed ( )38. A. crying B. smiling C. cooking D


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