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    1、 2020 年四川省中考英语模拟预测试题(一)年四川省中考英语模拟预测试题(一) 第一节第一节 阅读理解(本题共阅读理解(本题共 15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,计分,计 30 分)分) 根据短文内容,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A Many kids help their parents with chores, such as doing the dishes, cleaning the living room and taking out the rubbish. And some kids get money or other rewards(奖赏)

    2、 such as more computer time by doing chores. But some people do not think that kids should get rewards by doing chores. Susie Walton. an expert, believes that by rewarding kids, parents are sending a message that work isnt important unless you can get something.“Running any kind of family is a team

    3、work,” Walton says. “A home is a living place for everyone in the family. Its important for kids to see that we all have responsibilities in the house.” Other people believe that getting money or other rewards makes kids do chores happily and it also teaches them real world lessons about what we nee

    4、d to do to make money. There are also now apps(应用软件). With the Chore-Monster app, kids can get points and online gifts by doing chores. Kids can change them into real life rewards either online or in the real world. “We hope kids can do more chores so they can get more rewards,“ one man says. What d

    5、o you think? Should kids get rewards for doing chores? Or should kids help do chores without getting anything? Write a 200-word reply and send it to us. The last day for reply is April 10th. If you want to read more ideas about topic, you can click here. ( )1. Susie Walton agrees that _. A. kids sho

    6、uld do more chores than parents B. Parents should make their kids do more chores C. Kids shouldnt get rewards by doing chores. D. Kids should do chores as young as possible ( )2. How does the Chore-Monster app help parents? A. By making kids like doing chores. B. By telling parents good ways. C. By

    7、teaching kids to do chores. D. By telling parents how to change. ( )3. You can send your reply on_. A. March 23rd B. April 18th C. May 28th D. June 24th B It was Day 1 of our vacation on Cortes, a beautiful quiet island. “iPhone, iPhone, iPhone,” my son kept moaning(呻吟). In front of him was a big wi

    8、ndow of facing the blue ocean. And a cool gentle wind was coming in from the door. Clearly, he saw and felt none of it. Back at home, Id soon give up and hand the phone over to him after five minutes of listening to this kind of moaning. But not here. Before we left, I had told my 10-year-old son th

    9、e ruleno e-mails, no Facebook, no video games, and no iPhone. We came here to get away from them all. Here we were on our first day and already, he couldnt stand it. _ I walked down the grass road to the beach and looked out to the sea. My 6-year-old daughter and my husband were drawing on pieces of

    10、 wood. They were doing just fine. On Day 2, we spent the whole morning digging for shells(贝壳). This time, my son joined us. He collected shellfish and other sea treasures. When we got back to our little wood house. I gave my son a book, and put him on the lovely garden chair. It almost dinner when h

    11、e looked up. The next few days passed in peace. On Day 6, my son was lying beside me on the beach, watching the sun going down. He was playing with the sand. And there was something shining in his eyes. I realized how time slowed down for both of us. It was exactly what I wanted. Finally, we were ab

    12、le to sit quietly without thinking about screens, phone calls and e-mails. A week away from all the electronics and life is good. ( )4. What is the special rule for the writers vacation? A. They couldnt use their electronics. B. They must keep quiet and stay in the house. C. The had to spend their v

    13、acation on an island. D. They should collect as many shells as possible. ( )5. Which of the following can be put in “_” in Paragraph 4? A. I felt really tired and went to bed. B. I closed the door and stayed with him. C. I just walked outside to leave him alone. D. I gave him iPhone and let him stay

    14、 inside. ( )6. The change of the sons feelings can be described as _. A. angrysurprisedproud B. excitedpeacefulbored C. worriedangryhopeful D. boredpeacefulpleased ( )7. The best title for the passage can be _. A. A Terrible Life on the Island B. A Special iPhone for My Son C. A Fight between Mother

    15、 and Son D. A Vacation Away from Electronics C When Justin Tong was a child, other kids felt sorry for him. His parents always had him doing lots of housework such as carrying out the rubbish and sending newspapers. But when he grew up, he was better off than his childhood friends and lived a happie

    16、r and healthier life. This is the finding of a 40-year study that followed the lives of 456 children in London. It showed that the children who had worked hard in childhood had a richer and a happier future. “Children who worked in the home or community gained competence(能力) and came to feel they we

    17、re worthwhile members of society,” said Daniel Brown, the psychologist(心理学家) who made the discovery. “And because they felt good about themselves, others felt good about them.” Browns study followed these children in great detail. Interviews were repeated at ages 25, 31 and 47. Under Brown, the rese

    18、archers compared the childrens mental-health scores with their childhood-activity scores. Points were awarded for part-time jobs, housework, effort in school, and ability to deal with problems. Working at any age is important. Childhood activities help a child develop responsibility, independence, c

    19、onfidence and competence-the underpinnings (基础) of emotional health. They also help him understand that people must cooperate and work toward common goals. The most competent adults are those who know how to do this. Yet work isnt everything. As Tolstoy once said, “One can live magnificently in this

    20、 world if one knows how to work and how to love, to work for the person one loves and to love ones work.” ( )8. What do we know about Justin Tong? A.He enjoyed a happy life. B.He felt sorry for the other kids. C.He always sold newspapers. D.He seldom collected rubbish. ( )9. Who will probably succee

    21、d in the future according to Paragraph 2? A.Children who enjoy happier and richer lives. B.Children who work in the home or community. C.Children who take part in Daniel Browns study. D.Children who feel good about people around them. ( )10. How did Brown follow the children in his study? A.By givin

    22、g housework and praise. B.By interviewing and giving scores. C.By setting goals and showing love. D.By solving problems and testing them. ( )11. Whats the purpose of the passage? A.To talk about an interesting study. B.To introduce Justin Tongs success. C.To tell us about childhood activities. D.To

    23、encourage children to work hard. D On March 19, 2019, eight-year-old Tani won the New York Championship(纽约象棋冠军赛) of his age group. But the boy, who was homeless at the time, began learning the game less than a year ago. Tani and his family arrived in New York City from Africa in 2017. A church helpe

    24、d him enter the primary school, P. S. 116. Here the gifted boy was first introduced to chess by a part-time teacher Makofsky, owner of a chess club. Interested in the game, the seven-year-old asked his mother to allow him to join the club. Not able to afford the chess classes, she emailed Makofsky.

    25、To her surprise and joy, Makofsky agreed that Tani could learn it for free. Though the chess club helps, its largely believed that Tanis success lies in hard work. The boy practices the game for many hours a day on the floor with his board. Every Saturday, Tani goes to a free 3-hour class to improve

    26、 his game skills. Not surprisingly, Tanis story, first reported by The New York Times, has brought him great support from the public. Soon after the young boy won the New York Championship, Makofsky began a GoFundMe activity for Tani and his family so that he could continue his chess journey. It rai

    27、sed $200,000 in just ten days, far more than they expected. And the money keeps coming. But the family donates(捐赠) most of the money to the church and to those poor family! Tani has also received offers from three famous private schools in New York. However, the family have politely refused all of t

    28、hem and chosen to continue Tanis education at P. S. 116. While excited about his new life, Tani is ready to meet great challenges. He is busy preparing for the 2019 National Primary Championships. Winning the competition will bring the chess player closer to his dream of becoming the worlds youngest

    29、 chess grandmaster(大 师). The record has been 17 years by the Russian chess player Karjakin, who won the title at the age of 12. ( )12. Tani began to learn chess at the age of _. A. seven B. eight C. nine D. twelve ( )13. Paragraph 3 is mainly about _. A. where Tani practices chess B. how bard Tani w

    30、orks at chess C. what Tanis mother does for him D. how much the chess club helps ( )14. After winning the New York Championship, Tani _. A. hoped to see Bill Clinton B. went to a famous private school C. became the richest boy in New York D. got much support from society ( )15. The writer mentions t

    31、he Russian chess player Karjakin to _. A. call on young people to learn chess B. introduce his great achievements in chess C. show its a big challenge for Tani to realize his dream D. tell people Tani has been the worlds best chess player 第二节第二节 补全短文(本题共补全短文(本题共 5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,计分,计 10 分)分) 阅读下面短

    32、文,根据短文内容,从下面方框中的 A-F 选项中,选择适当的选项补全短文。 People travelled to see the buildings, the food, the national dresses in foreign countries because they thought they would not be the same as those of their own countries in the past. 16 They all have their Hilton or Sheraton Hotels everywhere. They all have the

    33、ir McDonalds, their KFCs and their Pizza Huts. Office buildings look the same everywhere, and most city centers are full of office buildings. And of course, people are driving the same brands of Japanese or European cars. Then why is the foreign travel more popular nowadays? What do tourists hope to

    34、 experience a foreign country that they cant experience at home? The answer could be that people could be very interested in the past. 17 Most people travel overseas to find out what foreign countries history and culture used to be like, not what they are like today. Tourists visit different kinds o

    35、f museums in foreign countries so that they can learn their history and culture. Every country also has its own beautiful places for tourists to visit. 18 19 It is not just its old buildings, its works of art or beautiful places, but also the people who live in it. This is why a country such as Thai

    36、land attracts millions of people. The tourists come mainly because of the friendliness of the people there. It is why the Pacific islands are also so popular. 20 A. Its a nations history and culture that are main attractions. B. The friendly people make visitors feel welcome. C. Finally, another att

    37、raction is its food. D. At present, however, one large city is similar to another. E. Their own special scenery would certainly attract tourists from other countries. F. The culture of a country means a lot. 16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._ 第三节第三节 完形填空(本题共完形填空(本题共 15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,计分,计 30 分)分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握

    38、其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选 出可以填人相应空白处的最佳答案。 A A little girl walked to and back from school every day. One day, wind blew hard and trees shook from side to side in the wind on her way home after school. It rained 21 . and rain poured down, the girls father worried that his daughter would be scare

    39、d because of flashes of lightning. So he drove to his daughters school in a hurry. To his surprise, he saw her 22 alone in the rain. When a flash of lightning came, she stopped, looked up and smiled. 23 followed, she stopped, looked up and smiled. With the coming of the following flashes of lightnin

    40、g, she repeated the 24 thing again and again. After she got into the car, he wondered why she stopped, looked up and smiled when a lightning came. She replied with a bright smile, “Dad, when a flash of lightning came, I felt a bit scared. Seeing this, God would 25 me. I knew he was playing an intere

    41、sting game with me to drive my fear. “ You see, if you look at the world from a different view, the world is really amazing. ( )21. A. hardly B. slow C. heavy D. heavily ( )22. A. walks B. walking C. to walk D. walked ( )23. A. The other B. Other C. Another D. The others ( )24. A. same B. different

    42、C. second D. opposite ( )25. A. take after B. take a photo of C. take off D. take the place of B Can you imagine that we could build a beautiful city with rubbish? Maybe you will think it is 26 . However, it can be true! Nothing is a waste if we have a creative mind. Let me show you something about

    43、27 rubbish. Sometimes we can see tons of rubbish in the streets, on the roads, near the buildings. here and there. Many large cities became so ugly 28 it. Nobody likes rubbish, but in fact, some rubbish can be used again. All of us want to solve the problem, we must do something to 29 rubbish. We sh

    44、ould take action from now on. 30 , some good things will not be wasted. Do you often throw away things you dont need any more? Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use? For Example, when a car gets too old, it may not run any more. But we can use the metal of the

    45、car to make something else. When a bottle is empty, it 31 as waste. You dont know bottle glass can be made into sand and used to build streets. Rubbish 32 food can be changed into fertilizer to make plants grow better. It is cheap and safe. And other rubbish can also be used to make building blocks.

    46、 Now, 33 machines are designed for that. 34 , people will watch films in a beautiful cinema which is built out of rubbish. Besides buildings and roads, cities may be made from rubbish. But so far, building beautiful cities made from rubbish is only 35 . ( )26. A. important B. understanding C. unbeli

    47、evable D. possible ( )27. A. returning B. reusing C. reflecting D. repeating ( )28. A. because B. because of C. instead of D. as for ( )29. A. make a living as B. make promises to C. make up our mind to D. make use of ( )30. A. On the way B. By the way C. In this way D. Out of the way ( )31. A. will

    48、 be thrown away B. will throw away C. threw away D. was thrown away ( )32. A. from B. in C. on D. to ( )33. A. fewer and fewer B. less and less C. more and more D. more and less ( )34. A. Some day B. The other day C. Nowadays D. In the day ( )35. A. a symbol B. a letter C. a lesson D. a dream 第第 II 部分部分 词汇运用(共三节,满分词汇运用(共三节,满分 50 分)分) 第一节第一节 词汇运用(本题共词汇运用(本题共 10 小题,每小题小题,每小题


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