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    1、2020 年东莞市初中生毕业考试年东莞市初中生毕业考试英语英语试题试题 一、语法选择(本大题共一、语法选择(本大题共 10 小题小题,每小题每小题 1 分分,共共 10 分。 )分。 ) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案将其字母编 号填写在题号前的括号内。 I was a teacher at a kindergarten three years ago in the city of Atlanta. One day, a little boy ran fast on the playground. Then I saw him 1 into a lit

    2、tle girl and she fell down. Like many other common stories, the story 2 go on like this. The girl began to cry, but the little boy just looked at the little girl 3 . Then the girl ran to me and complained about the boy. She would ask me 4 _the boy. Then let me tell you what 5 next. The little boy la

    3、id himself down on the floor quickly. Then 6 stood up and walked to the little girl. He pulled 7 _the little girl and said, “Im sorry. It seemed that we knocked into each other. I hope it didnt hurt you. “ The little girl looked surprised, 8 she still stood up and said, “Oh, sorry!“ Then they walked

    4、 away. _9 surprised I was when I saw what the boy did! Though he was just 10 little boy, he stopped a bad result from happening in a very simple way. The wisdom(智慧)of children always surprised me. 1. A. knock B. knocks C. knocked D. to knock 2. A. will B. would C. wont D. wouldnt 3. A. quiet B. quie

    5、tly C. Quieter D. more quietly 4. A. punish B. punishing C. punished D. to punish 5. A. happens B. is happening C. happened D. has happened 6. A. himself B. him C. he D. his 7. A. out B. in C. up D. down 8. A. and B. though C. so D. but 9. A. How B. What C. What a D. What an 10. A. a B. an C. the D.

    6、 / 二、完形填空(本大题共二、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题小题,每小题每小题 1 分分,共共 10 分。 )分。 ) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案将其字 母编号填写在题号前的括号内。 My dad left my family when I was 6 years old. I had to live with my mom from then on. As a single mother, my mom had to work for 11 of us in the city. She worked hard to 12_ our rent(租

    7、)and my school. As a result, there wasnt much money left for 13 things. One day, my best friend 14 me to his birthday party. My mom had just paid the rent and we didnt have much money left, so I could not afford a 15 I just brought a birthday card. I was old enough to understand, but sill felt sad.

    8、To show my 16 , I arrived at my friends house early. My friends mom knew my familys predicament(窘境), so she took me to a room 17 and showed me some new toys. She let me 18 one and write my name on it. I was 19 and touched by her kindness. Im 37 now. 20 my mom is no longer single and our family isnt

    9、poor anymore, I am still grateful to my friends mom for what she did. That act had a big influence on m 11. A. all B. both C. either D. neither 12. A. look for B. send for C. ask for D. pay for 13. A. other B. another C. others D. the other 14. A. sent B. invited C. took D. brought 15. A. gift B. bo

    10、ok C. house D. card 16. A. politeness B. sadness C. happiness D. business 17. A. hardly B. secretly C. seriously D. sadly 18. A. pick out B. point out C. put out D. look out 19. A. worried B. scared C. surprised D. bored 20. A. But B. Because C. Although D. So 三、阅读理解(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分。 )从每小题

    11、所给的四个选项中, 选出 能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。将其字母编号填写在题号前括号内。 A 21. How many kinds of waste do people sort in Shanghai? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 22. We should put unwanted books in the _bin. A. recyclable B. dangerous C. wet D. dry 23. Which of the following should be put in the wet bin? A. plastic b

    12、ottles. B. Paper cups. C. Fruit. D. Shells. 24. The following is a kind of recyclable paper EXCEPT _. A. newspapers B. magazines C. books D. postcards 25. The passage mainly tells us _. A. how to sort waste B. how to use recyclable things C. what to do with the dry waste D. what kind of waste is dan

    13、gerous B Many people dream of traveling into outer space. However, spending too much time in space may cause health problems, according to NASA. Thats why astronauts shouldnt spend more than six months on the International Space Station(ISS)at a time. Muscle(肌肉肌肉)and bone loss In a weightless enviro

    14、nment, astronauts dont need to use their muscles to support themselves, so their muscles start shrinking. To keep their muscles strong, astronauts need to exercise about 2 hours each day on the ISS. Sleep disorder(混乱混乱) In space, the sun rises every 90 minutes. It is hard for astronauts to get used

    15、to this light-dark cycle when they sleep. Also, they need to sleep in a sleeping bag that is fixed to a wall, and it is uncomfortable. Astronauts now have individual sleeping pods(分离仓)that help shut out some of the light. Still, studies have found that most astronauts only sleep about six hours each

    16、 night, even though they should have eight and a half hours. Brain changes Scientists have found that the position of the brain changes during spaceflight. It can affect how the brain deal with how we see, stay balanced and move around. Thats why some astronauts cant control their movement and balan

    17、ce after returning to the Earth. Scientists have also found that astronauts may get used to this change after going on more spaceflights. But they still need to do more research. 26. According to the passage, astronauts may have the following health problems EXCEPT _. A. bone loss B. brain changes C

    18、. sleep disorder D. headache 27. Astronauts may have muscle problems after returning to the Earth because _. A. they seldom walk while in space B. they are too busy to exercise in space C. they dont have enough room to exercise in space D. they dont need to use their muscles to support themselves in

    19、 space 28. Astronauts sleep in individual sleeping pods to _. A. stay warm at night B. shut out light C. enjoy a quiet place D. avoid moving around 29. The underlined word “shrinking“ in the second paragraph means_. A. 萎缩 B. 改变 C. 消失 D. 膨胀 30. The best title of this passage is _. A. Sleep Disorder i

    20、n Space B. Brain Changes in Space C. Muscle and Bone Loss in Space D. Health Problems in Space C Do you know a saying about the sawn feather(天鹅羽毛)? This saying comes from a historic book called Lu Shi. According to the story, a Tang Dynasty official(唐朝官员)in Yunnan wanted to show his respect to the e

    21、mperor. He sent a man named Mian Bogao to bring some gifts to the emperor. One of the gifts was a beautiful swan, and it was a very valuable gift at the time. Mian took good care of the swan on his way to the emperor. One day he passed by a lake and wanted to let the swan drink some water. But as so

    22、on as he set the swan free, the swan flew away, leaving only some feathers on the ground. Mian was very worried, but he didnt run away. He decided to tell the emperor what happened. He picked up a feather and kept going on his trip. When Mian met the emperor, he told him what happened and said, “Thi

    23、s swan feather is light, but it carries my deep respect for you. “The emperor was happy with Mians honesty and sincerity (真诚). He forgave Mian. People now use the saying to show that a good gift doesnt have to be expensive. What matters is the sincerity it carries. 31. The saying about the swan feat

    24、her is from _. A. a famous poem B. a historic book C. a popular novel D. a latest newspaper 32. The Tang Dynasty official in Yunnan sent many gifts to the emperor because _. A. he was afraid of the emperor B. he wanted to show the emperor he was rich C. he wanted to show his respect to the emperor D

    25、. he wanted to make good friends with the emperor 33. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage? A. Mian wanted the swan to fly away. B. Mian killed the swan and got its feather. C. Mian set the swan free to drink some water. D. Mian tried to run away after the swan flew away

    26、. 34. From the story, we know that Mian is a(n) _ person. A. careless B. rude C. honest D. proud 35. The Chinese meaning of this story is _. A. 礼轻情意重 B. 路遥知马力 C. 酒逢知己饮 D. 富贵险中求 D 阅读配对阅读配对 配对阅读 左栏是五个人遇到的问题,右栏是七则建议,请为每个人选择合适的建议, 并将其字母编号写在题号前的括号内。 36. Sarah has some problems in her English study. She t

    27、ries her best, but she is still poor at English. She doesnt know what to do. 37. John has trouble in falling asleep at night. He cant go to sleep though he is tired. This makes him tired and nervous. 38. Tim likes erring junk food very much, such as hamburgers. As a result, he becomes fatter and fat

    28、ter. 39. Grace is very sad because she has a quarrel with her best friend. She doesnt know whether they can be good friends again. 40. Tina is a shy girl. She is afraid of speaking in public. She becomes nervous when she speaks in front of other people. She doesnt know what to do. A. I think a good

    29、talk with your friend is necessary for you. If it is you who make the mistake, you should say “sorry“ to her. Communication is the best way to solve the problem. B. Practice makes perfect. If you want to learn English well, you should practice more. Watching English movies is helpful. And you can re

    30、member English words before sleeping or after getting up. C. You should drink much more water. Youd better have a day off and have a good rest. If necessary, a doctor can help you. D. Dont get too excited before going to bed. You can drink a glass of milk but not coffee. If it doesnt work, youd bett

    31、er go to see a doctor. E. Youd better have a good plan for your study. Make a good schedule according to all the subjects that you learn. Listen to the teachers carefully when you are having lessons. F. You should pay more attention to your eating habits. You shouldnt eat much junk food. Instead, yo

    32、u should eat more fruit and vegetables. Doing exercise every day can also help you. G. You should be more self-confident. Try to join some clubs, take part in some. parties, and make more friends. Im sure you will not he so nervous as before. 四、短文填空四、短文填空 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符请用适当的词完成下面的短

    33、文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符 的单词。 (本题共的单词。 (本题共 10 小题小题,每小题每小题 1. 5 分分,共共 15 分)分) One day, a mouse told the animals on the farm, “There 41 a mousetrap(老鼠夹)in the farmers house!“ The chicken said, “I really want to help you. 42 , I am not strong enough. “ The pig answered with 43 smile, “Oh really? Youd bett

    34、er leave here. “ The cow said happily,“ Its a big problem for you only. “ The mouse 44 away angrily. On that night, they all heard the sound of a mousetrap snapping(咔嚓一声)shut. It was so _45 that the farmers wife couldnt see things clearly. She thought it must be a mouse caught in the trap. But to 46

    35、 surprise, it was a snake and the snake bit her. The farmer took her t the _47 and the doctor said she was badly ill. The farmer wanted to take good care of her. He killed the chicken to make some soup, but she was still sick. Her friends came to visit her. The farmer killed the 48 to make dinner fo

    36、r them. Sadly, his wife died the next day. Many people came to her funeral(葬礼). The farmer _49_the cow to cook enough meat for all of them. When someone is facing a problem, dont think it has nothing to do 50 you. When one of us is in danger, we are all in danger because we are living under the same

    37、 sky. 41. _ 42. _ 43. _ 44. _ 45. _ 46. _ 47. _48. _ 49. _ 50._ 五、读写综合(本大题共五、读写综合(本大题共 25 分)分) A. 请阅读以下短文内容请阅读以下短文内容,根据所提供的信息根据所提供的信息,回答问题回答问题,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。(每把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。(每 小题小题 2 分分,共共 10 分分) How to Protect Yourself 2. 对如何做好日常防护提出建议(至少 3 点); 3. 呼吁大家远离病毒,保持健康。 How to Protect Ourselves from COVI

    38、D-19 The broke-out of COVID-19 has influenced our life and study a lot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 初中生毕业考试英语答案初中生毕业考试英语答案 一、语法选择(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。 ) 1-5 ABBDC 6-10 CCDAA 二、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。 ) 11-15BDABA 16-20ABACC 三、阅读理解(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分。 ) 21-25BACDA 26-30 DDBAD 31-35BC

    39、CCA 36-40BDFAG 四、短文填空 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的 单词。 (本题共 10 小题,每小题 1. 5 分,共 15 分) 42. However43. a44. ran/went 45. dark 46. her47. hospital/doctor 48. pig 49. killed 50. with 五、读写综合(本大题共 25 分) A. 51. To avoid being exposed to this virus. 52. For at least twenty seconds. 53. At least one mete

    40、r. 54. A mask. 55. Five. B. 参考范文 How to Protect Ourselves from COVID-19 The broke-out of CO/ID-19 has influenced our life and study a lot. The virus is very dangerous and it can be spread from person to person. How can we prevent the virus? Here is my advice. First, the best way is to avoid being ex

    41、posed to this virus. Second, we should wash our hands often and avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Whats more, we must wear a mask when we have to go out in public. Last but not the least, we should keep a healthy lifestyle. For example, we should have a healthy eating habit. All in all, I hope everyone can stay away from the virus and keep healthy.


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