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    1、九年级英语试卷 第 1 页 共 8 页 20192019 学年第二学期九年级第一次学业水平检测(英语试卷)学年第二学期九年级第一次学业水平检测(英语试卷) 亲爱的同学:亲爱的同学: 欢迎你参加考试!请认真审题,积极思考,细心答题。答题时,请注意以下几点: 1. 全卷满分 90 分。考试时间为 90 分钟。 2. 答案必须写在答题卷答题卷相应的位置上,超出规定范围或写在试题卷上无效。 3. 试卷上打*的单词可在“小词典”里查找中文意思。 一、单项填空(本题有一、单项填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 请从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的

    2、最佳答案。 1. Its just _ short way from here to the restaurant. The best way to go is on foot. A. anB. aC. theD. / 2. Im very lucky to have my family around who always _ me no matter what decisions I make. A. expectB. controlC. supportD. remember 3. The prices of vegetables are higher in winter than in s

    3、ummer. Yes, thats because its much _ to grow vegetables in cold weather. A. harderB. betterC. fasterD. cooler 4. I take a walk after dinner every day. Wow! Thats such a good _ that you must be very healthy. A. matchB. taskC. habitD. dream 5. Yellow is one of the brightest colors which can be seen _.

    4、 A. slowlyB. carelesslyC. calmlyD. easily 6. My parents arent _ me when I travel alone. Theyre sure I can take good care of myself. A. pleased withB. afraid ofC. worried about D. proud of 7. _ will you stay at your grandparents house? It depends on when my parents will come to pick me up. A. How soo

    5、nB. How longC. How farD. How often 8.The show is going to start soon. But where is Mr. Watson? Just wait a few more minutes. He _ to come. Maybe there is so much traffic. A. promisesB. has promisedC. will promiseD. is promising 9. Helen, could you tell me _? Perhaps in summer. We hope to go swimming

    6、 in the sea. A. when you will visit QingdaoB. what you will do in Qingdao C. why you will visit QingdaoD. who you will go to Qingdao with 10. The weather report says itll be rainy tomorrow. _. Ive planned to have a picnic tomorrow afternoon. A. I hope soB. No dealC. Thats too bad D. Here we go 九年级英语

    7、试卷 第 2 页 共 8 页 二、完形填空(本题有二、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分。)分。) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 In my room, slowly I was getting ready for the play in the community theater, in which I would act with my whole family for the first time. “Kirstie, come here,” my mom called from downs

    8、tairs. “Did you put Henrys book in the 11 ?” She asked outside the bathroom, holding a wet book. “Not on purpose,” I said, “It was already on the edge, and it happened to 12 when I stepped out of the bathtub.” My mother looked at me angrily, 13 she had never done until I had a stepfamily. “It would

    9、be kind of you if you have picked it up,” she said. Being 14 had not been hard for me. But after Henry and his dad moved in with us, everything felt different. My mom handed the 15 to Henry and said, “Well get you a new one, Henry.” “This is our corner of the world now, Kirstie,” she added. “Lets tr

    10、y to make it a good one.” I 16 but sighed*. I had to admit she was right. The theater was busy when we got there. Henrys dad, who had arrived earlier to help, was 17 in his costume. My mom helped Henry find his while I looked for 18 on my own. Soon we were on stage, looking 19 such a large audience,

    11、 I couldnt help taking a deep breath and then I realized how poorly I had tied the drawstring* on my skirt. I should have asked my mom for 20 . The next minute, my drawstring came untied and my skirt began to 21 . In front of hundreds of people! My arms were 22 , full of books. Laughter filled the w

    12、hole theater, and 23 I was wearing shorts under my skirt, I still felt my face hot like fire. Then Henry came, tying the drawstring with a beautiful knot*. He made a joke about me “not” 24 knots, and the audience laughed again. This time, the laughter felt OK. Later, I found Henry and watched him 25

    13、 . “Thanks,” I said, smiling. “For, you know.” He smiled. “Knot a problem.” Maybe it wouldnt be so bad to share my corner of the world with a new person after all. 11. A. waterB. studyC. litterD. garden 12. A. work outB. fall inC. break downD. come out 13. A. anythingB. everythingC. nothingD. someth

    14、ing 14. A. patientB. friendlyC. weakD. rude 15. A. bookB. toyC. ballD. cup 16. A. imaginedB. stoppedC. noddedD. forgot 17. A. alreadyB. neverC. everD. still 18. A. mineB. hisC. theirsD. hers 19. A. upB. forC. afterD. at 20. A. spaceB. funC. helpD. money 21. A. riseB. showC. spreadD. drop 22. A. usel

    15、essB. strongC. heavyD. dirty 23. A. whileB. thoughC. becauseD. until 24. A. knowingB. mentioningC. collectingD. taking 25. A. proudlyB. kindlyC. angrilyD. coldly 九年级英语试卷 第 3 页 共 8 页 三、三、阅读理解(本题有阅读理解(本题有 15 小题小题。第。第 26-28 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分;第分;第 29-39 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,分, 第第 40 小小题题 5 分。分。共共 30 分分) 阅读下面

    16、短文,第 26-39 小题从所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,第 40 小题在答题纸规定区域作答。 A With the right supplies, you can make your own pickles* at home. Clean Start All supplies that you use must be very clean when you make pickles at home. A dirty jar or spoon can make all the pickles go bad. The Cucumber Is King Fill jars wit

    17、h freshly picked and firm cucumbers. Put a heated mixture of salt, vinegar, and spices into the jars. Seal the jars with clean lids. Allow the pickles to cool, and put the jars in the fridge. Write the date on the jars. Leave your homemade pickles in the fridge. Pay attention to the date on the jars

    18、. If you havent eaten the pickles after six months, throw them away. You can also try other vegetables. Pickled carrots, cauliflower, and garlic cloves make delicious snacks and give salad some extra flavor. Tips Kirby cucumbers are the classical pickling cucumbersthey hold up better than English cu

    19、cumbers during pickling, remaining firm and crunchy instead of becoming overly soft. Persian cucumbers make very nice pickles, toothey have thinner skin and are the perfect size for packing into jars. 26.According to the passage, things used for pickling should be _. A. hotB. coolC. cleanD. classica

    20、l 27. Why do we have to write a date on the jar? A. To check if the pickles are fresh.B. To help find the jar more easily. C. To help keep the jar in a tidy way.D. To remind us to put it in the fridge. 28. What kind of vegetables is good for pickling? A. Thin-skinned in big size.B. Fresh and hard en

    21、ough. C. Soft skin and freshly picked.D. Thick-skinned in small size. 九年级英语试卷 第 4 页 共 8 页 B The Sled* Dog Race is the most popular and dangerous sporting event in Alaska. The excitement starts in the city Anchorage on the first Saturday of March each year. The 2020 race gets underway at 10 a.m., on

    22、Saturday, March 7, 2020. The race, first run in 1973, began as a way in memory of the traditional kind of transportation between villages where dog power was being rapidly replaced by snow machines in the 1960s. There are two routes* used on different years. This makes the grounds rest by turns for

    23、a better use. The official length of the race is fifteen days. The record was set in 2017 in just less than nine days. The winner is supposed to cover the race in the shortest time under his or her own power and without aid of others. The driver must take one 24-hour stop and have a rest with dogs a

    24、t an official check place. During the trip, the weather is very cold. Huge wild animals which cant see clearly may step on dogs and sleds. So, the driver must be above 18 years old and have had a similar experience of such long distance. To make the trip go, the sled needs to carry enough food for b

    25、oth the driver and dogs. Special shoes must be used to protect the dogs feet. There are some lamps for lighting. Some tools are carried for emergency repairs. Sometimes, even an extra light-weight sled is brought along for the final leg of the journey, but the driver can use no more than 3 sleds and

    26、 they have no wheels. 29. When did The Sled Dog Race start? A. In the 1960s.B. In 1973.C. In 2017.D. In 2020. 30. The race designs two routes in order to make it_. A. more difficult for the raceB. more exciting for drivers C. safer to the dogs and driversD. more friendly to the nature 31. What can w

    27、e know about the race from the passage? A. The sled dogs feet are well-protected. B. The sled only carries food for the driver. C. Drivers have no tools for fixing their sleds. D. Drivers are allowed to use sleds with wheels. 32. Which suggestion will you share if someone wants to attend the race in

    28、 2020? A. Dont worry! It is easy for you to do it. B. Get long-distance race experience first. C. Bring special sleds as many as you like. D. Never rest until you reach the destination. 九年级英语试卷 第 5 页 共 8 页 C For thousands of years, humans have used yeast* for making bread and alcoholic drinks, such

    29、as beer. But scientists now are doing something different. When you walk into Jef Boekes lab, it smells like bread rising. But his team is not making homemade bread. Instead, they are changing the order of DNA in yeast cells. Thats what we call synthetic*yeast. So far, the scientists have constructe

    30、d and replaced six of yeasts 16 chromosomes*. The new chromosomes have all worked well. By making synthetic yeast, researchers could make different combinations* used for different things. For example, one combination may be better for making biofuel, and another for making medicine. These could the

    31、n be made in large, industrial amounts. Synthetic yeast could also be used to make bioplastica material that, unlike plastic made from oil, would be biodegradable*. Using this material would help reduce pollution. Boeke says, “The possible uses for yeast are limited* only by ones imagination. They c

    32、an be programmed through DNA writing to produce really an almost limitless types of products that can replace things which we nowadays make from oil or other sources and even some new materials that dont even exist today.” So far, scientists have engineered yeast to produce bright colors. Red is eas

    33、y to create. Orange and yellow are a little trickier. Purple is difficult. And as of yet, some colors cant be shown in yeast at allgreen for example. Still, the yeast can make artwork, and in the future, may even be used to paint a house. However, redesigning DNA worries some people. Laurie Zoloth i

    34、s a bioethicist at Northwestern University. She said the work would worry people who think creating life would give humans power they should not have. Jef Boeke says his teams are not creating new life. All the experiments they do start with pre-existing living cells and they just introduced changed

    35、 DNA into it. He and other scientists always look at the risks, especially when it comes to food safety. But Boeke needs at least another year to complete his pioneering project. 33. In Boekes lab, synthetic yeast is different from common yeast in _. A. the smell of the yeastB. the color of DNA C. t

    36、he order of DNAD. the shape of cells 34. What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph probably mean? A. Synthetic yeast will be able to be used widely in many areas. B. People think its a good idea to use synthetic yeast in more places. C. Synthetic yeast has already been used to make bi

    37、ofuel and bioplastic. D. People expect to create new materials with the use of synthetic yeast. 九年级英语试卷 第 6 页 共 8 页 35. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The use of synthetic yeast may cause some trouble. B. The purpose of Boekes research is to create new life. C. All the c

    38、olours can be produced by yeast except green. D. Yeast from Boekes project has been used in the daily life. 36. Whats Jef Boekes possible attitude towards the use of synthetic yeast? A. Interested but scared.B. Confident but careful. C. Hopeless and worried.D. Sorry and disappointed. D As Sylvie wai

    39、ted for her cow, she put her bare feet in the cold, fresh water of the stream. The air was soft and sweet. Sylvie felt as if she were a part of the forest. “Hello, little girl,” a young man called out cheerfully. She looked up into the face of a young man carrying a gun*. “Ive been hunting for birds

    40、,” he explained, “but Ive lost my way. Do you think I can spend the night at your house?” Sylvie didnt answer but her grandmother nearby reached them soon and invited him to stay. After eating, the young man explained he was a scientist, who collected birds and preserved* them. “Sylvie knows a lot a

    41、bout birds, too,” her grandmother said. “She knows the forest so well. The wild animals come and eat bread right out of her hands.” “I saw a white heron* not far from here two days ago. I have been looking for it for days. Its a very rare bird. Have you seen it, too?” he asked Sylvie. But Sylvie was

    42、 silent. “You would know it if you saw it,” he added. “Its a tall, strange bird with soft white feathers and long thin legs.” Sylvies heart began to beat fast. The young man was staring at Sylvie. “I would give $10 to the person who showed me where the white herons nest is.” That night Sylvies dream

    43、s were full of all the wonderful things she and her grandmother could buy for ten dollars. When it was almost time for the sun to rise, she quietly left her house and hurried through the forest. She finally reached a tall pine tree that could be seen for many miles around and climbed to the top. Sud

    44、denly Sylvies dark gray eyes caught a flash of white that grew larger and larger. Sylvie gave a long sigh. She knew the wild birds secret now. As Sylvie climbed slowly down the pine tree, the stranger was waking up back at the farm. He was smiling. The perfect moment to speak about her secret had co

    45、me. But Sylvie was still silent. The young man went away with disappointment and never returned. 37. Why did Sylvie climb to a tall pine tree? A. She hoped to see the sun rise from the top of the pine tree. B. She had already known the exact location of the herons nest. C. She could see the whole fo

    46、rest and find the herons nest easily. D. She saw the white heron flying and wanted to have a close look. 九年级英语试卷 第 7 页 共 8 页 38. From the passage, we can infer that _. A. Sylvie didnt trust the young man when they first met B. Sylvies grandmother liked the young man very much C. the young man showed

    47、 Sylvie the money as a present D. the young mans work was to kill and sell birds for money 39. Whats the best title of this passage? A.A Secret of a ManB. Sylvies Choice C. Looking for the NestD. Life in the Forest 40. Why did Sylvie keep silent at last? Please give the reasons. (请用约 40 词回答) 四、词汇运用(

    48、本题有四、词汇运用(本题有 15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分。)分。) A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。 41. The doctor kindly offered me someon keeping fit. 42. The sign on the wall says “Dont walk aroundthe play.” 43. Oneof the students in the international school are from the UK. 44. Our countrymore health care service for p

    49、oor people next year. 45. Our population doesnt grow asas thirty years ago due to the birth control. B. 根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空完成以下短文。 O. Henry was born in the USA in 1862. When he was a young boy, he couldnt afford to go to school for long, but he tried to teach 46 (他自己) everything he needed to know. At the age of 20, O. Henry went to Texas and worked on a farm, where he learned 47 (德语).


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