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    1、主备人:_倪海燕 复备人: 备课时间:20 年 月 日 总备课第_课时1课 题 9A Unit 7 Comic strip Venice Film Festival; Cannes International Film Festival; Berlin International Film Festival; Toronto International Film Festival.2. Tell the students: There is a film festival in Sunshine Town. Sandy wants to write about some of the film

    2、s. Help her complete part of her notes according to the guide.Step 4 Listening1. Read the film guide and finish some blanks: 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14.2. Predict and listen to the tape to finish Part A1. If necessary, listen more. Then get 3 students to read Sandys notes.3. Complete Part A3 according to Pa

    3、rt A1 and Part A2. After checking the answers, ask the students to read the report together.主备人:_倪海燕 复备人: 备课时间:20 年 月 日 总备课第_课时11Step 5 Writing1. Show the students the film guide in Jin Yi cinema, Zhongshan Road.2. Group work: write a report according to the film guide. Use Sandys report as a model.

    4、3. Emotion: Enjoy films, enjoy life!Step 6 Language points1. be on 上映 show 放映A new film at that cinema next Sunday.They a new film at the cinema next Sunday.2. special offer 特价优惠(有特价优惠)in Jiadefu Supermarket every Wednesday.(有特价优惠) in Taobao on December 12th.Step 7 Exercise选用所给词组并用其正确形式完成下列句子。be cho

    5、sen to be be suitable forfall in love with the ticket pricea special offer bring sth. alive 1. Tales of Old Beijing _ all ages.2. The film is about a woman who _ a man.3. He _ our monitor last term.4. There is _ (特价) on Tuesday.5. _ (票价) is¥15.6. The World of Dinosaurs _ dinosaurs _ on screen. Step

    6、8 Homework1. Remember the new words and expressions in this lesson. 2. Recite the conversation on page 102.3. Preview Study skills.板书设计教学反思主备人:_倪海燕 复备人: 备课时间:20 年 月 日 总备课第_课时12课 题 9A Unit 7 Study skills 课型 New教学目标 1. To talk about the types of films.2. To learn how to read a play.教学重点 To learn how t

    7、o read a play.教学难点 To learn how to read a play.教学过程集 体 备 课 备 课 札 记Step 1 RevisionTranslate some sentences.1. 这里是影院正在上映的影片信息。2. 它是一部适合于各个年龄段的记录片。3. 一个女人当她在船上旅行时爱上了一个男子。4. 它讲述的是曾经住在胡同里的一家人的故事。5. 票价是 60 元,但是星期天有优惠。Step 2 Free talkWork in groups, talk about a play you know.Weve learnt in this unit that

    8、the French writer Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi. Gigi is a famous play.Have you ever seen a play in a theatre? What do you know about a play?Step 3 Study skills1. ExplanationA play has several parts not found in other kinds of literature. 2. Ask and ans

    9、wer in pairs.1) Where does this scene take place?It takes place in a garden behind a house.2) Which month is it?In July. 3) What is Miss Prism sitting under?Miss Prism is sitting under a large tree.4) What is Cecily doing?Cecily is at the pack watering flowers.5) Why does Miss Prism call Cecily?Beca

    10、use Cecily hasnt reviewed her German grammar yet.主备人:_倪海燕 复备人: 备课时间:20 年 月 日 总备课第_课时13Step 4 Exercises一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. The talk on films has been _(取消) this Saturday.2. The girl is _ (愚蠢的) .3. The accident is _(可怕的)because five people lost their lives.4. The young man f_ in love with the kind gir

    11、l at the first sight.5. Although the car hit the dog, people found it was still a_.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I dont think this jacket is _(suit) for me. Its too short.2. The baby dinosaur _(choose) to the future king of the family.3. There have been great _(change) in the play.4. He lost his wallet yesterday

    12、. _(luck), there wasnt too much money in it. 5. Youd better _(not hurry). There is still enough time to go. Step 5 HomeworkRecite the play you like, then act it out with your partner.板书设计教学反思主备人:_倪海燕 复备人: 备课时间:20 年 月 日 总备课第_课时14课 题 9A Unit 7 Task 课型 New教学目标1. To read about a famous film star.2. To w

    13、rite a fact sheet about a favourite film star.3. To write an article about a favourite film star.教学重点 To write an article about a favourite film star.教学难点 To write an article about a favourite film star.教学过程集 体 备 课 备 课 札 记Step 1 Lead-in1. Enjoy some pictures about Jackie Chans films.2. Watch a video

    14、.Step 2 Read and answerA A website about films is inviting people to write about their favourite film stars. Daniel wants to write about Jackie Chan. Read the fact file about him.Read Part A and answer the questions.1. When was Jackie Chan born?2. How many years did he spend at the China Drama Acade

    15、my?3. What did he do after he graduated? Step 3 Complete the article B Daniel is writing an article about Jackie Chan. Help him complete it. Use the information in Part A to help you.Step 4 Language pointsJackie Chan is considered by many people as a superstar, .consider请仔细观察并分析下面例句中 consider 的用法,然后

    16、补全结论部分所缺的内容。【例句】1. Youd better consider my suggestion.2. They are considering going to Qingdao for the Spring Festival.3. We all consider him (to be) the best student in our class.【结论】1. 例句 1 Youd better consider my suggestion.中的 consider 意为“_”,后跟名词等。主备人:_倪海燕 复备人: 备课时间:20 年 月 日 总备课第_课时152. 从例句 2 The

    17、y are considering going to Qingdao for the Spring Festival.可知 consider doing sth. 意为“_”。Step 5 Writing C You also want to write an article about your favourite film star. Use Daniels fact file and his article as a model.Bruce Lee (李小龙)Personal details:Date of birth: 27th November 1940Place of birth:

    18、 San FranciscoAppearance: strong, thinTalent: a kung fu expert, play the role of kungfu expert very wellActing career: When he started acting: at a very young age How he started acting: Lee had his first role as a baby who was carried onto the stage.Titles of films: The Big Boss (1971) Fist of Fury

    19、(1972)Way of the Dragon (1972) Enter the Dragon (1973)Game of Death (1973)Awards: Golden Horse Award for Best Actor (1972, Taiwan)Lifetime Achievement Award (Hong Kong Film Award, 1993)Step 6 HomeworkReview all the new words and language points in this unit.板书设计主备人:_倪海燕 复备人: 备课时间:20 年 月 日 总备课第_课时16教

    20、学反思课 题 9A Unit 7 Revision 课型 Revision教学目标 复习本单元单词,词组,句子和语法教学重点 复习本单元单词,词组,句子和语法教学难点 复习本单元单词,词组,句子和语法教学过程集 体 备 课 备 课 札 记Step 1. Key wordsStep 2. Key PhrasesWelcome to the unit1.明天的电视超级明星2.你做梦,你妄想3.适合4.进入电影业5.科幻电影6.动作片7.如此好的一个讲故事的人8.写剧本9.宁愿当一名导演Reading1.好莱坞永远最伟大的女演员之一2.对感到悲痛3.一位大美人的去世4.一名成功的芭蕾舞演员5.吸引某

    21、人的注意6.一部以她的小说为蓝本的戏剧7.标志着某人成功事业的开始8.在中扮演主角9.扮演天使的角色10.获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖11.在某人的一生中12.又获得四次奥斯卡提名主备人:_倪海燕 复备人: 备课时间:20 年 月 日 总备课第_课时1713.最后一次露面14.远远超出15.最后的几年时间16.花费.做.17.与.密切合作18.患癌症19.安静地离去Grammar1.避免交通高峰时刻2.停车场3.在最后一排4.一个接一个5.穿着一件 T 恤衫6.不断地进来7.找到一个地方停车8.参加一个中国功夫的课程9.向某人介绍某物10.误以为她是一个真正的公主Integrated Skills1.爱上.,喜欢上.2.儿童不宜3.把恐龙活生生地搬到屏幕上4.特价优惠5.充满谜团6.把融合在一起7.创建,设立8.被看作/视为Step 3. GrammarStep 4. Writing板书设计主备人:_倪海燕 复备人: 备课时间:20 年 月 日 总备课第_课时18教学反思


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