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    1、 厦门市厦门市 2019-2020 年度第一学期高三年级质量检测年度第一学期高三年级质量检测 第二部分第二部分 阅读理解阅读理解(共两节共两节,满分满分 40分分) 第一节第一节(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 2 分分,满分满分 30 分分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。项涂黑。 A Bull Run Regional Park Thus family- friendly park is around 30 miles from the Distr

    2、ict. Bull Run is a history fans delight:It provides access to the nearly 20-mile Occoquan Trail, which was used during the war. The trail is one of many hiking options on the 1,500-acre grounds. Each cabin($85 to $95 per night) accommodates six people and offers such luxuries(奢 华)as electricity, hea

    3、t and swing. Savage River Lodge Savage River Lodge-about three hour drive from the District- specializes in a solid roof and a side of luxury. Savage River is surrounded by more than 700 acres of thick forest, and popular activities include fly-fishing. biking, hiking and cross -country skiing. Cabi

    4、ns start at $250 per night. Cherry Hill Park Given its proximity (邻近) to the District, this family-owned campground is particularly appealing to visitors who are traveling to the area via recreational vehicle. It also offers buses to the subway and organizes sightseeing tours as well as daily educat

    5、ional sessions. Guests can play mini golf, go fishing, or hit the basketball court. Cabins start at $99 per night. Maple Tree Campground Maple Tree Campground is about a 90-minute drive from the District. Come to this campground for natures evening show: It always has really pretty sunsets. While th

    6、eres no electricity, guests can use a wood stove for heat and cooking. Field tent sites start at $8 per night and tree cottages $65 per night 1. Whats the minimum cost for a group of 10 to stay at Bull Run Regional Park for one night? A. $85. B. $95 C. $170 D. $850 2. Which tour spot is suitable for

    7、 people traveling by public transport? A. Cherry Hill Park. B. Savage River Lodge. C. Bull Run Regional Park. D. Maple Tree Campground. 3. The passage most probably appeals to those who are . A. planning a business trip B. seeking a weekend getaway C. fond of online shopping D. interested in geograp

    8、hy study 【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B 【解析】 【分析】 本文为说明文。主要介绍了四个度假的旅游景点。 【1 题详解】 细节理解题。根据“Bull Run Regional Park”部分中的“Each cabin($85 to $95 per night) accommodates six people .”可知,每间客房(小屋) 每晚 85至 95 美元不等,可容纳 6人。那么一个 10 人团,要用两间,即 至少 85X2=170 美元。故选 C。 【2 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Cherry Hill Park 部分中的“Given its proximity (邻近

    9、) to the District, this family-owned campground is particularly appealing to visitors who are traveling to the area via recreational vehicle. It also offers buses to the subway and .” 对于其邻近地区,这个家庭营地特别吸引那些通过休闲娱乐车前往该地区的游 客。它还提供通往地铁的巴士,.。由此可知,Cherry Hill Park 旅游点适合乘坐公共交通工具的人,故选 A。 【3 题详解】 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了

    10、四个有关旅游景点的情况。因此本文主要是吸引旅游或度假的人。分析选项: A. planning a business trip计划出差的人;B. seeking a weekend getaway周末外出度假的人;C. fond of online shopping 喜欢网上购物的人;D. interested in geography study对地理学习感兴趣的人。可知,B项(周末寻找 度假的人)符合题意,故选 B。 【点睛】新闻广告类材料是高考的热门考题。其文句简练,信息量大,句式使用简单,表达方式多样,但 阅读这类题目也是有规律可循的。 此类文章主要考查学生提取信息和处理信息的能力。既注

    11、重特定细节的 筛选、类比、综合,又注重推理判断题的考查。此类文章多是细节理解题。细节题的破解一般采用寻读法, 即先看试题,再读文章。对有关信息进行快速定位,再将相关信息进行整合、甄别、分析、对比,有根有 据地排除干扰项,选出正确答案。此法加强了阅读的针对性,提高了做题的准确率,节省了宝贵的时间。 如第 1 小题根据题干“Whats the minimum cost for a group of 10 to stay at Bull Run Regional Park for one night?”定位于“Bull Run Regional Park”部分中的“Each cabin($85 to

    12、 $95 per night) accommodates six people .”可知,每间客房(小屋) 每晚 85至 95 美元不等,可容纳 6人。那么一个 10 人团,要用两间,即 至少 85X2=170 美元。故选 C。 B In the trailer (拖车式房屋), Sischo was refreshing the snails (锅牛)accommodations-an ongoing routine that takes days of careful work. He had found a dozen of Achatinella bulimoides-a third

    13、of the worlds population of the species. Once every individual was accounted for, he cleaned the cage and packed in new leaves. The work took much trouble, but the responsibility, he said, was like “a heavy weight sitting on you.” The trailer is very vulnerable. Its designed to keep away would-be th

    14、ieved, and to resist hurricanes. But a fire could easily destroy it, or a disease could sweep through it. Last September , a mystery pathogon(病原体)appeared to have entered the trailer on leaves fed to the snails, killing almost an entire species. As sad as the event was, theres no good way to insure

    15、against future catastrophe. The snails cant simply be spread among zoos or other facilities: they need special equipment, experienced handlers, and a diet of native Hawaiian plants. Consequently, it can be hard for the snails minders to relax, even when they are outside the trailer. “How do you swit

    16、ch off when your decisions mean existence or extinction?“ Sischo said. While action lightens the burden, yet with animals whose natural history is largely unknown, that action can be dangerous. “If you do it wrong, the snails die.” Snails are neither intelligent nor beloved. Sischos friends sometime

    17、s tease him about being “the strange snail guy ; strangers ask why he cares. Its hard to convince people, but he insists that if he can just get them in the trailer, they will understand why the Achatinella bulimoides are worth saving. “People melt,“ he said“When you show them that the entire popula

    18、tion is in this chamber, it hits them.“ 4. What is the trailer used for? A. Accommodating guests B. Sheltering snails C Planting vegetables. D. Alarming thieves. 5. What does the underlined word “vulnerable“ mean in paragraph? A. Quite. B. Safe. C. Easily affected. D. Well protected. 6. What is the

    19、snail minders attitude towards their job? A. Relaxed. B. Confident. C. Cautious D. Disapproving 7. Which of the following could be the best title for the text? A. The Last of Its Kind B. The Worst of Times C. Mourn Its Loss D. Resist Possible Dangerous 【答案】4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A 【解析】 【分析】 本文为说明文。主要说明为了

    20、拯救濒临灭绝的蜗牛物种,人类为它们制作了特殊的设备-拖车式房屋,经 验丰富的驯养员和夏威夷本地植物的饮食,这些都有益于蜗牛的保护。 【4 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二段的内容“The trailer. Its designed to keep away would-be thieved, and to resist hurricanes. But a fire could easily destroy it, or a disease could sweep through it. .As sad as the event was, theres no good way to insure

    21、against future catastrophe. The snails cant simply be spread among zoos or other facilities: they need special equipment.”可知,拖车房屋很脆弱。它的设计是为了避免可能被盗,抵御飓风。但是火 灾很容易摧毁它,或者疾病可以席卷它。,但没有好的办法来防止未来的灾难。蜗牛不能简单地在动物 园或其他设施中生存:它们需要特殊的设备.。这个特殊的设备就是 the trailer。由此可知,这个和 the trailer 是给蜗牛住的房子,是收容蜗牛,为其遮风挡雨的。分析选项可知,故 B

    22、项符合题意。 【5 题详解】 猜测词义题。 根据划线词 The trailer is very vulnerable 后的内容 “ Its designed to keep away would-be thieved, and to resist hurricanes. But a fire could easily destroy it, or a disease could sweep through it. Last September , a mystery pathogen appeared to have entered the trailer on leaves fed to t

    23、he snails, killing almost an entire species.” 拖车房屋的设计是为了防止潜在的盗窃,并抵御飓风。但是一场火灾可以轻易地摧毁它,或者一种疾病可 以席卷它。由此可推断出,这种拖车房屋很容易被火烧,疾病可摧毁它,所以它是易受其他因素影响的。 故选 C。 【6 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第三段 it can be hard for the snails minders to relax, even when they are outside the trailer “How do you switch off when your decisions mean

    24、 existence or extinction? yet with animals whose natural history is largely unknown, that action can be dangerous. “If you do it wrong, the snails die.”蜗牛的看护人员即使在拖车 房外也很难放松.“你的决定会影响它们的生存或毁灭, 你怎么能不担心呢?”但对于自然基本一无所知的 动物来说,这种行动可能是危险的。如果你做错了,蜗牛就会死。由此可知,蜗牛看护者对待他们的态度 是谨慎小心的。 分析选项 A. Relaxed.放松的; B. Confide

    25、nt自信的; C. Cautious谨慎小心的; D. Disapproving 反对的。可知 C项符合题意,故选 C。 【7 题详解】 主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“ He had found a dozen of Achatinella bulimoides -a third of the worlds population of the species”一天他发现了 12 种蜗牛,占世界蜗牛总数的三分之一。第二段中的“Last September , a mystery pathogon(病原体)appeared to have entered the trailer on leaves

    26、fed to the snails, killing almost an entire species.” 去年 9 月,一个谜似的 (病原体进入了拖车中蜗牛吃的树叶, 几乎杀死整个物种。第 三段中的“How do you switch off when your decisions mean existence or extinction?” Sischo said。“你的决定 会影响它们的生存或毁灭, 你怎么能不担心呢?你的决定会影响它们的生存或毁灭, 你怎么能不担心呢?” 由此可推断出:这种蜗牛的数量极少,也就是说“这种物种最后的几条蜗牛“。分析选项可知 A 项“这种 物种最后的几条蜗牛

    27、”为短文最佳标题。故选 A。 【点睛】在阅读中我们经常会考查猜测词义题。事实上,阅读材料中的每个词与它前后的词语或句子甚至 段落都有联系。运用逻辑推理猜测词义是使用最广考查最多也最易失分的猜词方式,这要求考生具备整合 分散、复杂信息的能力,充分利用上下文(各种已知信息)并结合具体的语境推测、判断某些词或短语的词 义。如第 2 小题属于猜测词义题。根据划线词 The trailer is very vulnerable 后的内容“ Its designed to keep away would-be thieved, and to resist hurricanes. But a fire co

    28、uld easily destroy it, or a disease could sweep through it. Last September , a mystery pathogen appeared to have entered the trailer on leaves fed to the snails, killing almost an entire species.”拖车房屋的设计是为了防止潜在的盗窃,并抵御飓风。但是一场火灾可以轻易地摧毁它,或 者一种疾病可以席卷它。由此可推断出,这种拖车房屋很容易被火烧,疾病可摧毁它,所以它是易受其他 因素影响的。故选 C。 C In

    29、 the old days, when you had to drive to a movie theater of to to a video store to get some entertainment, it was easy to see how your actions could have an impact om the environment.You were hopping into your war, driving across town and coughing out emissions(排放)and using gas all the way. But now t

    30、hat were used to staying at home and streaming movies, we might get a little cocky. After all ,were just picking up our phones or maybe turning on the TV. Youre welcome.Mother Nature. Not so fast, says a recent report from the French-based Shit Project. Watching a half-hour show would lead to 3.5 po

    31、unds of CO2 emissions. Thats like driving 3.9 miles. According to “Climate Crisis: The Unsustainable Use of Online Video,“ digital technologies are responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions, and that energy use is increasing by 9% a year. Stored in data centers, videos are transferred to our te

    32、rminals such as computers, smart phones, etc. via networks: all these processes require electricity whose production consumes resources and usually involves CO2 emissions. In the European Union, the Eureca project lead scientist, Rabih Bashroush, calculated that 5 billion downloads and streams of th

    33、e song “Despacito“ consumed as much electricity as the countries of Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Somalia, Sierra Leone and the Central African Republic used in a single year. Streaming is only expected to increase as we become more attached to our devices. Online video use is expected to account for 80%of a

    34、ll internet traffic by 2022 according to CISCO. By then, about 60% of the worlds population will be online. Youre probably not going to give up your streaming services, but there are things you con do to help lessen the impact of your online use. Here are some tips: Disable autoplay for video on soc

    35、ial media. Stream over Wi-Fi, not mobile networks. Watch on the smallest screen you can. Dont use high-definition(高清)video on devices. 8. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that people think . A. they should welcome Mother Nature B. watching movies at home is more fun C. it is inconvenient to drive

    36、 to a movie theater D. streaming at home avoids possible emissions 9. We may learn from the text that . A. 3.9 miles may produce 3.5 pounds of CO2 B. digital technologies account for 4% of electricity use C. Online video use makes up 80% of all internet traffic D. 60% of the worlds population watch

    37、videos online 10. Why are the five countries mentioned in paragraph 4? A. To praise their energy-efficient practice. B. To prove the poverty of the five countries C. To stress the popularity of the song “Despacito” D. To show the high energy use of downloads and streams 11. How can people help to sa

    38、ve energy when streaming? A. Use high-definition videos. B. Turn off video autoplay C. Stream over mobile networks. D. Watch movies on bigger screens. 【答案】8. D 9. A 10. D 11. B 【解析】 本文为说明文。以前,我们开车去看电影或购物,会排放二氧化碳,消费自然资源。而现在我们习惯了在 家里看流媒体电影,避免了排放二氧化碳。但是看自媒体会消耗能源,排放二氧化碳。有报告说,下载和 流媒体的能耗非常高。文章提供了如何在使用流媒体时

    39、尽可能地减少在线时间节约能源的方法。 【8 题详解】 推理判断题。第一段 In the old days, when you had to drive to a movie theater or to a video store to get some entertainment, it was easy to see how your actions could have an impact om the environmentdriving across town and coughing out emissions(排放)and using gas all the way.中提出:以前我

    40、们开车去看电影或买东西时很容易 对环境造成影响,不仅增加排放,还消费自然资源。第二段承接上文说“But now that were used to staying at home and streaming movies,Youre welcome. Mother Nature”而现在人们习惯在家里利用流媒体上看电 影,也就不用开车去外面,就避免了排放。 分析选项可知,家庭流媒体避免了可能的气体排放。故选 D。 【9 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段“Watching a half-hour show would lead to 3.5 pounds of CO2 emissions. Tha

    41、ts like driving 3.9 miles. . digital technologies are responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions,” 看半小时的节目要 排放 3.5磅的二氧化碳。这相当于开车 3.9 英里排放。数字技术造成了 4%的温室气体排放.。可知 A项(3.9 英里可能会产生 3.5磅的二氧化碳)是正确。 而B项(数字技术占用电量的 4%)是错误的。 倒数第二段“Online video use is expected to account for 80%of all internet traffic by 2022

    42、 according to CISCO. By then, about 60% of the worlds population will be online.”到 2022 年,在线视频的使用预计将占所有互联网流量的 80%。届时,全 球约 60%的人口会上网。可知,C 和 D项的内容是在 2022年才会发生,把未做当成已发生的。故 C和 D是 错误的。故 A 是正确。 【10 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第四段提及这五个国家的前面内容“In the European Union, the Eureca project lead scientist, Rabih Bashroush, calc

    43、ulated that 5 billion downloads and streams of the song “Despacito“ consumed as much electricity as the countries of Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Somalia, Sierra Leone and the Central African Republic used in a single year.” 在欧盟,欧洲经委会项目首席科学家拉比巴什鲁什计算出, Despacito歌曲的 50亿次下载 和流媒体消耗的电力相当于乍得、几内亚比绍、索马里、塞拉利昂和中非共和国等

    44、国一年使用的电力。由 此推断出的这五个国家是来说明下载和流媒体的能耗非常高。故选 D。 【11 题详解】 细节理解题。倒数第二段提出“Youre probably not going to give up your streaming services, but there are things you can do to help lessen the impact of your online use.” 你可能不会放弃流媒体服务,但你可以做一些事情来 帮助减少在线造成的影响。接着提出四点节省能源的忠告“Here are some tips: Disable auto play for v

    45、ideo on social media.;Stream over Wi-Fi, not mobile networks;Watch on the smallest screen you can;Dont use high-definition video on devices.”可知,所给的四点节能的忠告为:在社交媒体上禁用视频自动播放功能; 通过 Wi-Fi传输,而不是移动网络;尽量用最小的屏幕观看;不要使用高清视频设备。由此可知 B项(关闭 自动播放功能)符合节省能源的第 2点的要求(在社交媒体上禁用视频自动播放功能)。可知 B 项符合题意, 故选 B。 D Picture a lect

    46、ure session at a business school and your probably imagine students gazing at screens filled with equations(方程式).What you might not expect is students attempting to sing “O clap your Hands”. But Bartleby was treated to this delight on a visit to Sa d Business School in Oxford earlier this year. Ther

    47、e was a catch. Some of the students had to try conducting the chorus. The first to take the challenge was a rather self-confident young man. It didnt take long for him to go wrong. His most obvious mistake was to start conducting without asking the singers how they would like to be directed, though

    48、they had the expertise and he was a complete beginner. The session, organized by Pegram Harrison, a senior fellow in entrepreneurship(企业家精神), cleverly allowed the students to absorb some important leadership lessons. For example, leaders should listen to their teams, especially when their colleagues

    49、 have specialist knowledge. Other business schools have also realized that their students can learn from the arts. At Carnegie Mellon University , Leanne Meyer has introduced a leadership-training programme that includes poetry and a book club. She believed that involvement in such pursuits can help develop empathy(同理心) in future leaders and that the programme benefits students in terms of how they promote themselves to recruiters(招聘人员). The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) has trained many great dramatists. It a


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