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    1、20202020高考英语专题训练高考英语专题训练: : 短文改错说明文短文改错说明文 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错 误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改 。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 (一) Dear Lucy, I would like to invite you to join us f

    2、or a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for Double Ninth Festival. It was the day for the elder people in our culture. We will go and make dumplings and cake with the elderly people here. We will also spend some fun time together play games, which we hope will make they happy. We should

    3、be back around 4:00 on the afternoon. If you are able to come to with us, please let us know so we will wait for you at the school gate at 9:00 in the morning. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua (二) Ill spend this summer holiday in the countryside. Although the city is modern and con

    4、venience, therere still some problems, such as airs pollution, crowdedness and noise. In the countryside I can enjoy comfortable and quiet life. There, the air is fresh but the water is clean. Trees are green and birds is singing. I can go to boating, fishing and swimming in the lake. Whats worse, I

    5、 can climb the hills. All this will be interesting and good for your health. Above all, I can learn more about nature. So I wanted to go to the countryside for a change. Im looking forward to the come of my summer holiday. (三) What should you do when your parents become angrily? If your parents got

    6、mad, try to have a conversation with them about it. Remembering not to shout at them. They usually will try to change. But they will take some times to change because they always get angry, and that is all they know. You might have to change for your method a couple of times. Do any nice things for

    7、your parents that they dont expect like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean the floors. If this doesnt work, bring in friend that you feel comfortable with, or have him or her help you. (四) One of my favorite hobbies are backcountry hiking. However, after I go hiking, I make sure to

    8、 have all of the proper necessities. First, I wore proper clothing and hiking shoes. This may include taking water shoes if I have plans for hiking through streams and rivers or a reliable jacket to keep warmly. Next, I get my family and friends to know I will be going and when I would return. In ad

    9、dition to these item, I take plenty of the food and water. Finally, I always pack emergency supplies include a lighter. You never know when you will be in need for these things. (五) My hometown is Brighton where isnt a very big town. Its in the coast about 50 miles from London and has a population o

    10、f 300,000. Certainly it isnt as interested as London. So the air is a lot of cleaner because theres little pollution here. Therere few factories in Brighton, but not many. So, it isnt easy to find a job there. My father used to working in a factory which shuts down a year ago and my father lost his

    11、job. Therere many hotels and languages schools in the town. In summer the town is full of travelers. My father has decided to open a small gift shop. (六) Dear dad and mum, I have been very happy in the school. I work hardly in the school every day. After class, I play with my classmates. I spend a l

    12、ot time doing my homework. After lunch, I play the ping-pong with my friends. Then, I spend some time read my English note. At six oclock, I have my evening class. After that, I had some spare time. At eight oclock, I go to bed. This is a day in the school. Mum, you always tell us “Happiness is vita

    13、l of our life.” And I want to be happy every day. If you are not happy, call me please or if I am not happy, I will call you either. Yours, Laura (七) Tommy has a little dog. Her name is Goldier. She is pretty and interested. Tommy loved her very much. The other day, Goldier was out walking with Tomm

    14、y. She cut her paw on a piece of glasses. When they arrived at home, Tommys mother thought that the cut was deeply. He asked Tommy to take Goldier the vet. The vet was very kind, but he gave her a injection. Then he stitched up (缝合) the cut and put on a bandage. Goldier looks so funny as she walks o

    15、n three legs, holds her paw as if she has been to war! (八) Long ago people used bells more than they did today. The postmen was used to ring a hand bell when they delivered letters. Fire engines had bells instead sirens (警笛). People which sold things came past houses, rang a bell and shouting what w

    16、as for sale. In many country, bells were hung around the necks of animals. The bells helped owners find lost cows or sheep. Today, at India, animals still wear bells. Now bells are used less because various modern sound-makers have taken its place. Now people try to keep the old bells in schools and

    17、 churches but that they wont lose their beautifully sounds forever. (九) My motherland, China, which capital is Beijing, is a great country with a long history and rich culture. It was located in the east of Asia, with the area of 9,600,000 square kilometers and a population of 1.4 billion. Our count

    18、ry consists in 56 nationalities, among which the Han Ethinic Group is the largest, makes up 94% of the people. There are many beautiful mountains and rivers as well rich natural resources in China. As we all know, the Yangtze River is the three longest river in the world, and the Great Wall is one o

    19、f the seven wonder in the world. The Chinese people are hard-working and braver. Great changes have been taken place in China in the past 20 years. (十) As the say goes, “Reading enriches you mind”. If we have a book, we wont feel alone. When Im free or trouble, I always take out a book and reading q

    20、uietly. To me, the book named Journey to the West has a great influence in my life. The Monkey King had a bitter experience when helping his master overcame a great many difficulty in order to get good results. After I read the book, I am not afraid of failure. Whenever I am faced with great difficu

    21、lties, I wont give up easy. In a short, good books can make me know what I dont know before. 参考答案参考答案 (一) 本文是李华写给露西的邀请信,邀请她一同前往敬老院陪老人们过重阳节。 1. 在Double Ninth Festival前加the 专有名词前须加定冠词the,特指重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。 2. wasis 客观陈述规律性或习惯性的事情用一般现在时。 3. elderelderly 修饰名词people要用形容词,elderly意为“上了年纪的”,符

    22、合文意;而elder意为“年纪较大的”,不符合文意 ;下文也由相同的表达。 4. cakecakes 因cake是可数名词,要与dumplings并列,故要用复数。 5. herethere 根据上下文语境,此处应该是指“敬老院那儿”,而不是“这儿”。 6. playplaying 由固定结构spend time (in) doing sth.意为“花费时间做某事”可知。 7. theythem 作宾语要用宾格。 8. onin 表“在下午/上午”用in the afternoon/morning;而表“具体的某天上/下午”用介词on。 9. 去掉come后的to 此处come后并无宾语,故不

    23、需要介词to。 10. soand 表“顺承”关系用并列连词and。 (二) 本文作者告诉我们他想去乡村度假以及原因。 1. convenienceconvenient 作表语要用形容词形式。 2. airsair 因air是不可数名词。 3. 在enjoy后加a 由固定结构enjoy/live/lead alife意为“享受/过着的生活”可知。 4. butand 表“顺承”关系用并列连词and。 5. isare 因主语birds是复数,故谓语也要用复数形式。 6. 去掉go后的to 由固定搭配go boating意为“(去)划船”可知。 7. worsemore 根据上下文语境可知,此处

    24、理应表“此外”,故要用what more。(注意:whats worse意为“更糟糕的是”) 8. yourmy 根据上下文语境可知,应当是对“作者的”健康有利,应用第一人称物主代词my。 9. wantedwant 因全文主体时态是一般现在时。 10. comecoming 固定短语look forward to的to为介词,其后要接名词或动名词。 (三) 本文讲的是父母生气的时候,你该怎么办? 1. angrilyangry 作表语要用形容词形式。 2. gotget 因本文的主体时态是一般现在时。 3. RememberingRemember 祈使句要用动词原形开头。 4. theyit

    25、 因it在此作形式主语,后面的不定式才是真正的主语。 5. timestime 因time作“时间”理解时,是不可数名词。 6. 去掉change后的for 因change是及物动词,其后可直接接宾语。 7. anysome 肯定句中用some,意为“一些”。 8. cleancleaning 和前面的doing, washing并列。 9. 在bring in后加a 因friend是可数名词,此处意为“一个朋友”,表泛指。 10. orand 表“顺承”关系用并列连词and。 (四) 本文讲的是作者徒步旅行前要做的准备。 1. areis 因主语是one,故谓语动词用单数。 2. after

    26、before 根据上下文意可知是“在我去徒步旅行前”。 3. wore wear 全文的主体时态是一般现在时。表“习惯性的动作”常用一般现在时。 4. warmlywarm 作系动词keep的表语,用形容词。 5. 在to know后加where 引导宾语从句。句意:让家人和朋友知道我去哪里。 6. wouldwill 根据上下文语境和前面的I will be going可知此处是指“我将什么时候回来”,故用一般将来时。 7. itemitems 由前面的these可知要用复数。 8. 去掉plenty of后的the 此处并没有表特指,无需定冠词。 9. includeincluding 因

    27、including是介词,介词并无形式变化。 10. forof 由固定短语in need of意为“需要”可知。 (五) 本文作者介绍了自己的家乡Brighton。 1. wherewhich 引导定语从句,并在从句中充当主语。 2. inon 由固定短语on the coast意为“在海岸线上”可知。 3. interestedinteresting 主语是it,故用interesting。 4. SoBut 根据上下文逻辑关系可知此处显然存在转折关系,故用But。 5. 去掉a lot后的of 此处并不是表“很多”,而a lot放在比较级前表“得多”的意思,故去掉of。 6. 在few前

    28、加a 根据后面的but not many可知此处应该是指“有一些”,而不是“few(几乎没有)”,故在few前加a。 7. therehere 作者是介绍自己的家乡,要用here才符合逻辑。 8. workingwork 由固定词组used to do意为“过去曾经”可知。 9. shutsshut 由后面的a year ago可知要用过去式。 10. languageslanguage 通常名词作定语不用复数形式。 (六) Laura给自己的父母写信,谈到在学校的学习和生活的情况。 1. hardlyhard 根据语境可知,此处理应是指“努力学习”,hard本身就是副词,意为“努力地”,而h

    29、ardly意为“几乎不”,显 然不符合上下文逻辑。 2. 在a lot后加of 由固定短语a lot of意为“很多”可知。 3. 去掉Pingpong前的the 在表示“打球”时,在球类前不加任何冠词。 4. readreading 由固定结构spend time (in) doing sth.意为“花费时间做某事”可知。 5. notenotes 因note是可数名词,此处应用复数,意为“笔记”。 6. hadhave 因此处讲的是“规律性的动作”,故用一般现在时。 7. usme 根据上下文逻辑可知,此处应该是指“你经常告诉我”,故用me。 8. ofin 因表“在生活当中”常用介词in

    30、。 9. AndSo 根据两句间的逻辑关系可知,此处显然存在因果关系,故用So。 10. eithertoo 在肯定句中用too,表“我也”。 (七) 本文介绍了Tommy的一只可爱的小狗(Goldier)。 1. interestedinteresting 形容小狗(是物)有趣,用interesting。 2. lovedloves 主语是Tommy,谓语要用第三人称单数。 3. glassesglass 因glass作“玻璃”理解时是不可数名词。 4. 去掉arrived后的at 此处home是副词,arrived后面不加at。 5. deeplydeep 作表语要用形容词。 6. HeS

    31、he 此处指Tommys mother,故要用she。 7. 在the vet前加to 由固定搭配take.to意为“把带去”可知。 8. butand 表“顺承”关系用并列连词and。 9. aan 句中injection以元音音素开头,前面的不定冠词要用an。 10. holdsholding 分析句子成分可知,此处hold是非谓语,与逻辑主语Goldier存在主动关系,故要用现在分词,作伴随状语 。 (八) 本文介绍了铃在生活中的使用。 1. diddo 由后面的today可知用一般现在时。 2. 去掉used to前的was 由固定短语used to do意为“过去常常”可知。 3.

    32、在instead后加of 由固定固定短语instead of意为“而不是”可知。 4. whichwho 先行词是people(指人),故要用关系代词who。 5. rangringing 分析句子成分可知,此处ring作非谓语,且与逻辑主语People存在主动关系,故要用现在分词,与后面的sh outing构成并列的伴随状语。 6. countrycountries 由前面的many可知要用复数。 7. atin 表“在某个国家”要用介词in。 8. itstheir 根据前面的bells可知此处指的是“bells的”,故要用their。 9. butso 根据上下文意可知,此处理应是指“以

    33、致于、以便(他们不会)”,故把but改为so,so that引导目的状语从句。 10. beautifullybeautiful 修饰名词要用形容词。 (九)本文主要是介绍了中国的概况。 1. which whose 此处缺一个定语。 2. was is 此处讲的是事实,理应用一般现在时。 3. the an 因area是元音因素开头,故用an。 4. in of 固定搭配consist of 表示“由组成”。 5. makes making 此处是非谓语动词,因make与逻辑主语存在主动关系,故用现在分词形式。 6. 在rich 前加上as 因as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分,表

    34、示“和”。 7. three third 此处用序数词。 8. wonder wonders 因one of the后面的名词要用复数。 9. braver brave 此处没有比较的含义,用原形。 10. 把been 去掉 因take place 没有被动语态。 (十)本文主要谈论了读好书的作用。 1. saysaying 此处saying意为“谚语、格言”。 2. alonelonely alone表示“(身体上的)独自,孤单”;而lonely表示“(感情上的)孤单寂寞”。 3. 在trouble之前加上in 因in trouble 是一个固定搭配。 4. readingread 此处是与take 构成并列谓语。 5. inon 因have an influence on sb.是固定搭配,意为“对有影响”。 6. overcameovercome 因help sb. do sth.是习惯搭配。 7. difficultydifficulties 因a great many后接名词的复数形式。 8. easyeasily 修饰动词用副词形式。 9. 把short 前的a 去掉 因in short 为固定搭配,意为“总之”。 10. dontdidnt 由后面的时间状语before可知此处应用过去式。


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