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    2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第14讲 情景交际

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    2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第14讲 情景交际

    1、第14讲 情景交际,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,单项填空,D,C,(,)1.Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow evening?,_.,A.Yes, its true C.Its upstairs,B.You really do D.Yes, Id love to,(,)2._.Hope is all around you.,Thank you, Mr.Lin.,A.Dont be late again C.Never give up,B.Dont hurry up D.Never get proud,(,)3.I must go

    2、now.My plane is ready to take off.,Goodbye._.,A.Dont worry C.No problem,B.Have a good trip D.With pleasure,(,)4.Its nearly lunch time.How about having some,noodles and dumplings? _.,A.That sounds good C.Thats nice of you,B.Youre welcome D.Thats right,B,A,(,)5.I lost my bike yesterday.,_. A.All right

    3、 B.Im sorry to hear that C.Never mind D.It doesnt matter,B,问候、介绍与告别、邀请与应答,1.常见的问候用语有:Good morning/afternoon/evening./,Hello!/Hi!/How do you do?/Nice to see (meet) you./How are you? 等。答语可以是别人怎么打招呼,也怎么回答,如 Good morning/ afternoon/evening./Hello!/Hi!/How do you do?/Nice to see (meet) you, too. 等。How ar

    4、e you?的回答一般是 Fine, thank you.And you?或者Very well, thank you.。如:,How are you these days, Mary?玛丽,你最近怎么样? Fine, thank you.And you, Tom?挺好的,谢谢。你呢,,汤姆?,2.常见的介绍用语有:This is./My (His/Her) name is.等。 3.常见的告别用语有:Goodbye/Bye-bye/Bye./See you later,(tomorrow)./Good night.等。,4.常见的邀请用语有:Would you like to.?/Will

    5、you,please.?/Can you.?/Why dont you join us?等。常见的应答 语有:Yes/Sure/Certainly, Id love (like) to./Yes, please./No, thanks. 等。,打电话,1.请听电话的常用语有:Hello.May I speak to.,please?/Is that.speaking?/Is.in?等。,2. 接 电 话 者 的 常 用 语 有 : Hold on, please./Hold the line,please./A moment, please./Just a moment, please.He

    6、(She) isnt,in.Can I take a message?/This is.speaking.等。,3.电话中介绍自己用:This is.。问对方是谁用:Whos that,(speaking)?不能用 Who are you? 如:,Hello.May I speak to Mr.Smith, please?您好。我可以和史,密斯先生讲话吗?,Hello.This is Mr.Smith speaking.Whos that?您好。我是史,密斯先生。请问哪位?,This is Miss White from CNTV.I call you to make sure the,day

    7、 when I can interview you.我是 CNTV 的怀特小姐。我来电是 想确定哪天可以采访您。,How about at 9:00 a.m.tomorrow?明天上午 9 点怎,么样?,OK.See you tomorrow.好的。明天见。,感谢、祝愿与同情、遗憾、安慰与道歉,1.当别人帮助了你或赞扬你时,你应该说感谢的话。常用 的感谢用语有:Thank you very much./Thanks a lot./Many thanks./ Thanks for. 等 。答语有: My pleasure./Thats all right./You are welcome./No

    8、t at all./Dont mention it.等。如:,Thank you for sending me home tonight. 谢谢你今晚送我,回家。,My pleasure.这是我的荣幸。,2.当别人要去做一件事或有喜事时,你应该说祝愿的话。 常用的祝愿用语有:Good luck./Best wishes to you./Have a good/ great/nice time./Congratulations./Happy birthday to you. 等。答语 有:Thank you./The same to you.等。如:,I will take a trip to

    9、America next week.我下星期会去美国,旅游。,Have a nice time.祝你玩得开心。 Thank you.谢谢。,3.当别人发生了不幸的事情时,你应该说同情与遗憾的话。 这方面的常用语有: What a pity !/I am sorry to hear that./Im afraid that./I do feel sorry for.等。如:,I lost my iPad on my way to my office.我在去上班的途上,丢了我的 iPad。,I am sorry to hear that.很遗憾听到这个消息。,4. 因某事而向别人道歉的常用语有:I

    10、m sorry (for/about,that)./Sorry./I beg your pardon.等。,You are late for class again, Tom!汤姆,你又上课迟到了! Im sorry.I wont later.对不起。我下次不会了。,就医、就餐与购物,1.就医时,医生常说的话:Whats wrong with you?/Whats the matter (trouble) with you ? /Whats your trouble ? /How long have you been like this?/Take the medicine three tim

    11、es a day./ Nothing serious.等。病人常说的话:I have got a headache./I dont feel well./There is something wrong with./For.days.等。如: Whats the matter with you, young man?年轻人,你哪里,不舒服?,I have got a headache.我头痛。,How long have you been like this?这种情况持续多,久了?,For two days.有两天了。,Nothing serious.Take this medicine th

    12、ree times a day.Youll,be all right soon.没什么大问题。一天三次吃这个药。你很快就 会好的了。,Thank you.谢谢。,2.就餐时,服务员常说的话:Can I help you?/What can I do for you ?/What would you like for.?/Would you like something to drink?/What else would you like?等。顾客常说的话:Id like some./Give me some.please.等。如:,Can I help you, sir?先生,有什么可以帮到您

    13、呢? Id like some dumplings for lunch.我午餐想要吃饺子。 What kind of dumplings do you want?你想要哪种饺,子呢?,Beef dumplings.牛肉饺子。,What else would you like?还有什么需要的吗? A glass of milk, please.一杯牛奶,谢谢。,3.购物时,导购员常说的话:Can I help you?/What can I do for you ? /What color do you like ? /What size do you want ? /What else wou

    14、ld you like?/How about this one?等。顾客常说的 话:I want/need./How much is it?/Ill take it.等。如: What can I do for you, sir?我能帮您什么,先生?,I want to buy a blouse for my wife.我想要买一件衬衫给我,的妻子。,What color does she like?她喜欢什么颜色的? Red.红色。,What size does she want?她穿什么码? Medium.中码。,How about this one?这件怎么样?,Great.How mu

    15、ch is it?很好看。多少钱? 200 yuan.200 元。,Thats good.Ill take it.好的,我买了。,天气、请求、劝告与建议,1.谈论天气时,问天气的常用语:Whats the weather like.? /How is the weather.?等。回答的常用语:Its sunny (rainy/ windy/cloudy)./The radio says its going to rain.等。如: Whats the weather like in Chongqing now?重庆现在的天,气怎么样?,Its sunny and hot.But the ra

    16、dio says its going to rain soon.,晴热天气。但广播说很快会下雨。,2.当你有困难想请求别人帮助时,常用语有:Excuse me.Would you mind.?/Would you please.?/Could you.?等。 而劝告和建议的常用语有:Lets./Shall we.?/How (What) about.?/Youd better./You should./You need./Why dont you.?/Why not.?等。如:,Excuse me, could you please pass me my English book? I,wan

    17、t to go over the lessons.不好意思,你可以帮我递一下我的英 语课本吗?我想要复习功课。,OK.Here you are.I want to go over, too.Shall we study,together?好的。给你。我也想复习功课。我们一起学习好吗? Sure.Then, lets go over the notes first.好的。那么,我们首,先复习一下笔记吧。,问路、禁止、警告与常见标志,1.问路时的常用语:Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to.?/Which is the way to.?/If

    18、 there is a.near here? /Wheres the nearest.?等。常用的答语有:Go along this road./,Take the second crossing (turning) on the right./Go down this road,to the end.You wont miss it.等。如:,Excuse me, sir.Could you tell me the way to the Peoples,Hospital?打扰一下,先生。您能告诉我去人民医院怎么走吗?,Yes.Go along this road and take the s

    19、econd crossing on the,left.Walk on until you see it on the right. 好的。沿着这条路一直 走,在第二个路口左转。一直走到你看到它在你的右边。,Thank you very much.非常感谢。 Not at all.不客气。,2.当你要禁止或警告别人做某事时,常用语有:You cant,(mustnt) do./You are not allowed to./If you., you will./Take,care./Be careful./Look out!/Watch out!等。如:,The floor is smooth.

    20、You cant run so fast./You must be,careful.地板很滑。你不要跑太快。/你一定要小心。,OK.I will take care of myself.Take it easy.好的。我会注意,的。别紧张。,3.常见的标志和说明有:ENTRANCE(入口)/EXIT(出口)/ NO SMOKING(禁止吸烟)/NO PARKING(禁止停车)/NO,PHOTOS( 禁止拍照)/DANGER( 危险)/BUSINESS HOURS( 营业 时间)等。,1.The weather report says we will expect a sunny day tom

    21、orrow. _.I am going to go climbing with my classmates. (2019 年广东),A.Bad luck C.Sounds terrible,B.I hope so D.Im afraid so,点拨选 B 考查情景交际。句意:“天气预报报道,明天 我们会迎来一个晴天。”“希望如此。我打算与我的同学们去 爬山。”Bad luck 倒霉;I hope so 我希望如此;Sounds terrible 听起来可怕;Im afraid so 恐怕是这样。由答语后句I am going to go climbing with my classmates.

    22、可知,应答者希望明天是晴天。 故选 B。,2.Would you mind my turning up the TV?The New Year concert has just begun. _.Just go ahead.(2018 年广东),A.Please dont C.Im afraid not,B.Better not D.Of course not,点拨选 D 考查情景交际。句意:“你介意我把电视声音 开大点吗?新年音乐会刚刚开始。”“当然不介意。请吧。” 由答语后句 Just go ahead 可知,上句指的是“不介意把电视声 音调大一些”,故用 of course not (当

    23、然不会)表达。故选D。,3.Would you please come to the dancing party with me tonight? _.I suppose we shall have a wonderful night! (2017 年广东),A.Never mind C.Not exactly,B.Have a good time D.With pleasure,点拨选 D 考查情景交际。根据答语后句“我认为我们将 会度过一个美好的夜晚”可推知此空表示“非常乐意去参加舞 会”,应用 With pleasure,表示“(我)很乐意”。故选 D。,4._!Something is

    24、 falling down from the tall building. Dear me! Its too dangerous.(2016 年广东),A.Look out C.What a pity,B.Help yourself D.Shut up,点拨选 A 考查情景交际。句意:“小心!有东西从高楼 上落下来。”“天哪!太危险了。”Look out 小心;Help yourself 随便吃;What a pity 多么遗憾;Shut up 安静。结合空 后句子及答语可知上句应为“小心”。故选 A。,5.Hurry up, or we will miss the sea lion show in the Ocean Park. _.We still have fifteen minutes before the show begins. (2015 年广东),A.Take it easy C.I guess so,B.Good luck D.Take care,点拨选 A 考查情景交际。句意:“快点,否则我们将错 过海洋公园的海狮表演。”“别着急。演出开始之前,我们仍 然有 15 分钟。”Take it easy 别紧张,别着急;Good luck 祝你 好运; I guess so 我猜是这样; Take care 小心。故选 A。,


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