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    新PEP人教版九年级英语Unit 10 Section A 3a-3c课件

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    新PEP人教版九年级英语Unit 10 Section A 3a-3c课件

    1、Section A 3a-3c,Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.,If you have a chance to go abroad, which country will you choose?,Warming up,Colombia,Its in South America.,Bogota 波哥大,It is famous for its coffee.,Switzerland,Its in Europe.,Bern 伯尔尼,Its the capital of clocks and watches.,Objectives,To learn th

    2、e words and expressions: value,everyday, capital, noon, mad, traffic, somewhere, drop by, get mad, make an effort To master the following sentences Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time. Often we just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can! We often just drop by

    3、 our friends homes. Its very important to be on time.,Read the following opinions of a Colombian and a Swiss student. In which country is it OK to be 15 minutes late for dinner?,Colombia,Switzerland,3a,Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time. We dont like to rush around, so we dont mind if peo

    4、ple are a little late sometimes. If you tell a friend youre going to their house for dinner, its OK if you arrive a bit late. We like to enjoy our time slowly. We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our,陪伴家人和朋友,:,Tereas Lopez Cali, Colombia,everyday lives. We often just drop by ou

    5、r friends homes if we have time. We dont usually have to make plans to meet our friends. When we see each other, its polite for boys to shake hands and for girls to kiss each other on the side of the face. We often just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can!,:,尽可能多地见朋友

    6、,顺便拜访,In Switzerland, its very important to be on time. Were the capital of clocks and watches, after all! If someone invites you to meet him or her at noon, then youre expected to be there at noon. If youre even 15 minutes late, your friend may get mad.,应该,毕竟,生气,发疯,Macr LeBlanc Lausanne, Swizerland

    7、,So I make an effort to be on time when I meet my friends. I always leave the house early to avoid heavy traffic because I think its impolite to keep others waiting. Also, we never visit a friends house without calling first. We almost always make plans to see friends. We usually plan to do somethin

    8、g interesting, or go somewhere together.,Task 1 Fast-reading,Listen and answer the questions with yes or no.,1. Is it OK if you arrive a little late when you tell a friend youre going to their house for dinner in Colombia?,2. Do they usually have to make plans to meet their friends in Colombia?,Yes,

    9、 it is.,No, they dont.,3. Could your friends get mad if youre even fifteen minutes late in Switzerland?,4. Do they usually make plans to see friends in Switzerland ?,Yes, they may.,Yes, they do.,Task 2 Careful-reading (1),How many big differences are talked about in the two passages? What are they?,

    10、Three. Being on time, visiting a friends house, making plans with friends.,Different attitudes towards time .,Colombians are pretty _about time.,relaxed,Swiss are _about time.,serious,Careful-reading (2),The people in Colombia are pretty _ about time. Its OK for them to arrive _ _ _ when they go for

    11、 an appointment. They often just _ _ their friends without making a plan first. They like _ _ the town center to see friends as many as possible.,relaxed,a bit late,drop by,walking,around,The people in Switzerland are serious about the time.When they meet someone, they must be _ _, They usually_ _to

    12、 do things. For example, they wont visit a friend _ calling first , and they usually make plans about _ to do or _ to go.,on time,make plans,without,what,where,be relaxed about make an effort to do sth value drop by capital noon after all get mad,根据箭头指向的汉语说出英语短语。学生可以随时喊 Stop !,Where Im from, we are

    13、pretty relaxed about time. Where Im from是一个由where引导的地点状语从句。 e.g.Just stay where you are.就留在你原来的地方。 Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time. 在我那儿,我们对时间(的要求)相当宽松。,Language points,be relaxed about/at 意为“对随意;对宽松”, 后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。 In fact, they are relaxed about the match. 事实上, 他们对这次比赛感到很放松。,Its

    14、 necessary to learn how to relax. 学会怎样放松是必要的。 We had a very relaxing time during the vacation. 假期我们过得很放松。,【归纳拓展】 你会正确“放松”吗?,We can relax ourselves and feel really relaxed by taking a relaxing trip. 通过轻松的旅行, 我们可以放松自己并使自己感到真正的放松。 Their parents are relaxed about what they do at home. 他们的父母对他们在家做的事情很宽松。

    15、,1. Teresa is pretty _ (轻松的) about time. She thinks it is OK if you arrive late 2. I felt _ (relax) lying in the sun. What a good time! 3.This is a _ (relax) movie.,relaxed,relaxed,relaxing,So I make an effort to be on time when I meet my friends. make an effort 做出努力 例如:你应该努力提高你的阅读能力。 You should mak

    16、e an effort to improve your reading ability.,永远不要放弃。世界上从来没有人未经努力就取得成功。 Never give up. No one in the world has ever _ without making an _.,succeeded,由句中助动词has可知第一个空需要用动词的过去分词构成现在完成时;make an effort表示“做出努力”。,effort,Also, we never visit a friends house without calling first. 而且, 我们不会事先不打电话就去朋友家的。 双重否定句

    17、never和without 都表示否定,合在一起表达肯定意义。 例如:You will hardly ever be able to speak good English without practicing. 不练习的话,你几乎不可能把英语说好的。,We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives. value 意为“重视;珍视”。 value还可以作名词,意为“价值”。 例句:Which do you value, wealth or health? 你珍视哪一个,财富还是健康?, Le

    18、ts do something for our dad. Good idea. We should always _ fathers love for us. A. explain B. suppose C. wonder D.value,【运用】,D,We often just drop by our friends homes if we have time. drop by意为“顺便拜访;随便进入” He dropped by his friends house when he came back from work. 他下班回来,顺便到朋友家坐了坐。,【辨析】drop by 和drop

    19、 in,People in Colombia neednt make plans to meet their friends. They often just drop by them. A. give a ride to B. give up visiting C. forget to visit D. come over to,【运用】,D.drop by意为“顺便看望(某人)、顺便到(某处)”, 用法同come over to。,We often just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we c

    20、an! (1)seeing为现在分词短语作状语,表示主语正在进行的另一动作。 (2)as many/much as.can意为“尽可能多地”,相当于as many/much as possible。例如: You must try to remember as many new words as you can. 你应该记住尽可能多的单词。,Were the capital of clocks and watches, after all! after all 意为“毕竟;终究;终归;到底”,可以位于句首,句中和句末。 After all, your birthday is only two

    21、weeks away. 毕竟,两周后就是你的生日了。 He is, after all, a child. 他毕竟还是个孩子。, Im afraid the boy cant deal with the problem. Me too. _, he is only 8 years old. A. In general B. So far C. After all D. For example,【运用】,C,Read the passage again and complete the chart.,be relaxed about time/.,be very important, often

    22、 drop by their friends homes,always call them first,dont have to make plans,almost always make plans,3b,Role-play a conversation. Student A is Teresa and Student B is Marc. Teresa is late and Marc is mad.,A: Hi, Marc. Sorry Im a little late. B: Teresa, youre 10 minutes late! A: Its just 10 minutes!

    23、Its no big deal! B: Well, in Switzerland, youre supposed to,3c,A: Do you have many rules in ? B: No/Yes. A: What about (being on time/visiting friends)? B: And you? A: ,VS,Colombia,Switzerland,Relaxed serious make plans,Pair work,In China, what is supposed to do in these following situations?,1. gre

    24、eting teachers,say, “Good morning.”,2. doing homework,3. phoning someone,4. visiting someones place,call first, and knock at the door,at home or in school after class,say, “Hello, this is.”,5. making plans with friends,6. being on time,7. giving gifts,Discuss the plan, call to make changes.,Always o

    25、n time or a little early.,Festival gifts being necessary.,I. 根据句意及首字母提示填空。,1. Beijing is the c of China. 2. Everyone should v what we have owned. 3. Waiting for a long time makes me m . 4. Its n now. Lets stop working to have lunch. 5. Listening to soft music can make me feel r ,apital,alue,ad,oon,e

    26、laxed,Exercises,drop by,at noon,make an effort,after all,get mad 1. You should _ to pass the test. 2. The teacher _ because we made lots of mistakes in the homework. 3. Do you often _ your friends homes if you have time? 4. Dont be too strict with him. _, he is a little child. 5. Its my habit to tak

    27、e a nap _.,II. 根据句意,选择短语并用其适当形式填空。,make an effort,got mad,drop by,After all,at noon,III. 单项选择。,1. The “teacherfree exam” means that students take their exams _ teachers. Students must be more honest. A. without B. against C. through D. with 2. Nick is never late for work. He always gets to the offic

    28、e _. A. on time B. in time C. at times D. by time,A,A,3. How nice the music sounds! It does! The peaceful music will make you feel _. A. excited B. bored C. moved D. relaxed 4. The mobile phone sells for 5000, it is much more than its real _. A. cost B. value C. price,D,B,. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。,1. 昨天放学后,我顺

    29、便去了趟我叔叔家。 I _ my uncles home after school yesterday. 2. 他想尽可能地去帮助多的人。 He wants to help _. 3. 弹好钢琴对她来说很重要。 _ to play the piano well.,dropped by,as many people as possible,Its important for her,4. 母亲节那天我给我的母亲买了一些特殊的东西。 I bought _ for my mother on Mothers Day. 5. 中国正在努力为孩子们提供更好的教育。 Nowadays China is _

    30、to offer children better education.,something special,making an effort,. 根据句意及括号中的汉语提示, 用短语的正确形式填空。 1. He _ (和我握手) when he met me for the first time. 2. I live near the city mall. You can _ (顺便来我家玩) when you go there for shopping. 3. Dont criticize him again. He is a child _ (毕竟). 4. It rained heavi

    31、ly, so I got to school _ (晚了十分钟) this morning.,shook hands with me,drop by my house,after all,ten minutes late,中考链接,(2019大连) 用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。 I offered my seat to an elderly man, but he refused _.(polite),politely,_,A new student from England is going to take class at your school. Tell him or her the things he or she is supposed to do inside and outside the classroom.,


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