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    【精准高考】2018高考英语(人教)大一轮复习(检测):第1部分 必修5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom 练案 Word版含解析

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    【精准高考】2018高考英语(人教)大一轮复习(检测):第1部分 必修5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom 练案 Word版含解析

    1、第一部分 必修五 Unit 2.完形填空(2016德州市高三上学期期中) 导 学 号 42492489It was a rainy day.I was riding on a bus downtown to go to work.With the depressing weather,everyone on the bus was in a bad _1.B_.I was sitting next to a man in a business suit and didnt pay much attention until we both got off at the same _2.C_ an

    2、d walked to the same newsstand to get a morning paper.The man _3.A_ the stand was obviously having a bad day.He was _4.D_ and unsmiling as we purchased our papers,which only _5.A_ more gloom to my day.The businessman caught my _6.B_.He,smiling brightly,_7.A _ the newsstand owner for being _8.D_ on s

    3、uch a morning to make sure we were able to get our papers.In short,he expressed his _9.C_ for something most of us would take for granted.The man running the newsstand _10.B_ only with an unfriendly expression.The businessman then _11.C_ him a pleasant day.As we turned away,I asked this man why he c

    4、ontinued to be pleasant _12.D_ the newsman obviously didnt care about his expression of appreciation and _13.B_.The businessman smiled at me, saying, “Why would I let someone else _14.A_ what I say or what kind of day Im going to have?”We then separated and _15.D_ our work places.I never saw that bu

    5、sinessman again,even though I looked for him on the bus on other days.He appeared _16.A_ in my life and disappeared just as quickly.But Ive never forgotten the _17.D_ he said or the way he smiled on a _18.C_ day.We cannot control people and situations that come to us,but we can always control our re

    6、sponse to them.And in such _19.B_ decisions lie our control and personal power to make a positive difference,which can _20.C_ both the present and the future.文章大意:本文讲述了作者在阴雨天的一次经历。同 车的一名乘客教会了作者要控制我们对别人的态度,保持乐观的情 绪。1A.shape Bmood C.soul D.mind解析:在这沉闷的阴雨天,车 上的每个人情绪低落。 in a bad mood 表示“心情不好” 。2A.seat B

    7、floor Cstop Dpace解析:我们在同一个车站下车。stop 表示“车站” 。3A.running B.renting C.collecting Dclearing解析:经营这个报摊的人显然心情也不好。 run 表示“经营,管理” 。10 空前有提示。4A.scared Bpolite Ckind D.rude解析:由下文中的 unsmiling 可知摊主非常粗鲁。5A.added B.relieved Cchanged Dpassed解析:摊主的粗鲁让我心情更加阴沉。 add.to.表示“把增加到” 。6A.hands B.eyes Cshoulder D.back解析:那个商人引

    8、起了我的注意。 catch ones eyes 表示“引起某人的注意 ”。7A.thanked B.questioned Ccriticized D.scolded解析:那个商人感谢摊主因为在阴雨天还卖报纸。8A.patient B.absent Ccapable D.available解析:此处指能找到摊主买报纸。available 表示“能得到的;可得到的” 。9A.sympathy B.doubt Cappreciation Dregret解析:由上文可知,在我们看来理所 应当的事情他却表示感 谢。 13 空前有提示。10A.neglected Bresponded Crepeated

    9、D.explained解析:对于商人的感谢,摊主只是不友好的回 应了一下。 respond 表示“回答,回应” 。11A.made B.offered Cwished Dshowed解析:商人祝愿摊主有个美好的一天。12A.before B.unless Cuntil D.when解析:我问商人当摊主明显不在乎他的感谢时,他 为什么 还要友好地表示感谢。13A.belief B.friendliness Cforgiveness Dcuriosity解析:此处和 appreciation 近义的词应该用 friendliness。14A.control B.replace Cjudge Dre

    10、flect解析:由下文多次出现的 control 可知,此 处表示控制我们所说的话。15A.set off B.turned into Cwent on D.headed for解析:然后我们分开各自回到工作地点。 head for 表示“前往” 。16A.briefly B.calmly Csecretly D.openly解析:那个商人在我的生活中很短暂地出现。briefly 表示“短暂地” 。空后 quickly 也是提示。17A.promises B.ideas Cplans Dwords解析:但是我永远不会忘记他说的话。18A.pleasant Bsunny Cgloomy Dqui

    11、et解析:根据上文可知那天是一个阴沉天。gloomy 表示“阴沉的” 。19A.tough Bpositive Ccautious Dsensitive解析:根据下文的 make a positive difference 的暗示可知此处指乐观的决定。20A.present B.predict Cimpact D.compare 解析:这可能对我们的现在和未来都有影响。 impact 表示 “影响” 。.阅读理解(2017重庆市一模) 导 学 号 42492490A warm smile on the street, a happy “hello” in a public park or th

    12、e cheery sound of your name at the neighborhood barit doesnt take much to feel at home in a busy city.And in the following cities, these_gestures are second nature, with locals who are quick to welcome visitors and neighbors alike.Dublin, IrelandDublin is home to some of the warmest people on the pl

    13、anet.One of Europes smaller capital cities, Dublin also benefits from a low crime rate and a widespread feeling of security, so residents (居民) are more likely to lend a stranger a helping hand.Locals speak in hushed tones in public.Talking too loudly in public gives the impression of being careless

    14、at best, and rude at worst.Auckland, New ZealandNew Zealands biggest city is also the countrys friendliest, perhaps because many of its residents are immigrants(移民) People have come from all over the world and understand what it is like to have moved to a different place, so it is welcoming for tour

    15、ists and new residents.Also,the city is surrounded by amazing scenery and things to do.Thats got to make people a bit happier,and therefore friendlier.Charleston, United StatesThis city has a quiet outdoor environment that helps keep residents in good spirits.Even when you go to the department of mo

    16、tor vehicles, you get a smile.Like many southern US.cities ,Charleston moves at a slower pace.People sit outside, talk to neighbors and walk to dinner.Victoria, CanadaA popular tourist destination with a busy cruise port, the capital of British Columbia is known for firstrate customer service and ki

    17、nd hosts.Even the postmen and postwomen are super friendly and often say “Good morning”Its got a small town and big city feel all at the same time.文章大意:本文介绍了都柏林、奥克 兰、 查尔斯顿及维多利 亚等四个对游客和新居民十分友善的城市。1What can be inferred from the underlined part?_C _AThe behaviors of locals do not represent their true n

    18、ature.BIt is likely that locals would hesitate to welcome visitors.CLocals perform the acts naturally and without thinking.DLocals do not feel at home in these busy cities.解析:推理判断题。原文中 these gestures 指代前文的 A warm smile on the street,a happy“hello”in a public park or the cheery sound of your name at

    19、the neighborhood bar,即让人们在繁忙的都市也能感到轻松自在的行为。画 线短语所在句句意 为:这种姿态是(他们的)第二天性。由此可知,他们会自然而然地表现出这样的行为,故选 C 项。2In which city are locals more likely to understand tourists and new residents?_B_ADublin. BAuckland.CCharleston. DVictoria.解析:细节理解题。根据文章 Auckland,New Zealand 标题下的 People have come from all over the w

    20、orld and understand what it is like to have moved to a different place,so it is welcoming for tourists and new residents.“人们来自世界各地,明白搬到一个不同的地方是什么样子,所以奥克兰对游客和新居民是十分 欢迎的。 ”可知,奥克兰的居民是更有可能理解游客和新居民的。故选 B 项。3What is the main purpose of the passage?_B_ATo introduce the tourism in some cities.BTo show the f

    21、riendliness of different cities.CTo make a comparison between some cities.DTo analyze the nature of people from different countries.解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句 And in the following cities,these gestures are second nature,with locals who are quick to welcome visitors and neighbors alike.及文章后面的内容可知,全文主要介绍了四座

    22、城市的 热情友好, B 项意为“展现几个不同城市的友好” ,符合全文主旨。故选 B 项。.语法填空 导 学 号 42492491阅读下列短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(2016河北省普通高中高三教学质监)The eye doctor instructed her patient to read a chart on the wall.He looked at it and read, “A, B, F, N, L and G ” The doctor turned the light back on and wrote in her notebook.“Howd

    23、I do.Doc?” the patient _1.wondered _(wonder)She replied, “Lets put it this waytheyre numbers.”“_2.But_, Doc, ” he argued, “this is the way I see it!”Much of my happiness or unhappiness is a result of my habit.“This is the way I see it, ” I tell _3.myself_(me)I see some problems as challenges that en

    24、courage me _4.to_take_(take) action and others as obstacles that stop further progress.Its just the way I see it.And sometimes I see new situations as fun, and other times I see them as fearful.My life can be OK if I see it that way, or it can be a major source of stress.And an unexpected thing in m

    25、y schedule can be a bother,or if I see it that way, _5.possibly_(possible) the most important thing I could do that day.Even _6.an_ embarrassing mistake can be the beginning of a new learning.One of the greatest _7.secrets_(secret) to my happiness is forgetting that it is not always about what is ha

    26、ppening to meits _8.more_(much) about the way I see it.Like Marcel Proust said, “The real voyage of discovery _9.lies_(lie) not in seeking new landscapes, but _10.in_ having new eyes.” Its the way we see it.文章大意:本文是一篇议论文。文章 讲述了发现之旅不只是 发现美,而是用全新的眼光去发现美。而这一切都取决于看待事物的方式。1命题立意:考查动词的时态。解析:文章中的故事用一般过去时讲的,

    27、故此空用一般 过 去时。2命题立意:考查连词。解析:医生说那是数字,而病人看到的是字母,因此他说“但是,医生,这是我看它的方式” ,故用 but。3命题立意:考查反身代词。解析:我对自己说,tell oneself。4命题立意:考查非谓语动词。解析:encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。5命题立意:考查副词。解析:用副词修饰后面的整个句子。6命题立意:考查冠词。解析:根据空格后的 a new learning,知是一个 尴尬的错误,用不定冠词 an。7命题立意:考查名词的复数。解析:根据空格前的 one of the greatest,知此空的名 词用复数。8命题立意:

    28、考查比较级。解析:根据句子的意思“我幸福的最大的秘密之一是忘记它不总是发生在我身上它更多地是关于我如何看待它” ,故用 much 的比较级 more。9命题立意:考查动词的时态以及主谓一致。解析:空格前的主语是单数名词 the real voyage of discovery,谓语动词需用单数第三人称。10命题立意:考查介词以及固定搭配。解析:本句是一个 not .but.“不是,而是”连接的句型,前面是 lies in,故后面也用 lies in。.短文改错 导 学 号 42492492假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有

    29、两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() ,并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用()划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起) 不计分。(2016石家庄市二模)In order to promote participation in outdoor exercise, our school had organized an activity to climb the West Mountain on April 10.The moment we

    30、 arrived at the foot of a mountain, we set out for the top in high spirit.We supported each other to pass the rocky areas on the course of the climb.Laughing and cheering, we eventually reached the summit, there we were greeted by the bright sunshine and fresh air.Viewing from the top, the city was

    31、extremely beautiful.This event was very benefit for not only we take a break from our heavy school workload, but we also learned what to cooperate.Therefore, we strongly suggest that similar events are held every year!答案:In order to promote participation in outdoor exercise, our school had organized

    32、 an activity to climb the West Mountain on April 10.The moment we arrived at the foot of mountain, we set atheout for the top in high .We supported each other to pass the rocky areas the course spiritspirits on in/duringof the climb.Laughing and cheering, we eventually reached the summit, we there w

    33、here或 前 加 andwere greeted by the bright sunshine and fresh air. from the top, the city was extremely ViewingViewedbeautiful.This event was very for not only we take a break from our heavy school benefitbeneficial didworkload, but we also learned to cooperate.Therefore, we strongly suggest that simil

    34、ar events whathowheld every year!arebe文章大意:这篇短文主要介绍作者的学校组织的一次登山户外活动,学生们很高兴。在登山过程中同学们学会了互相关心、照 顾。 这样的活动不仅 使他们从紧张的学习生活中解脱出来,从而得到了放松,而且也从中学到了同学之间的合作。最后他们希望类似的活动每年都举行。1命题立意:考查时态辨析。解析:删除 had 句意:四月十号,我们学校组织了一次爬西山的活动。根据 语意学校发出组织的活动是过去,因此把 had 去掉。2命题立意:考查冠词辨析。解析:athe 这里的 mountain 指的是前面提到过的西山,故把 a 改为 the,表示特

    35、指。3命题立意:考查名词形式辨析。解析:spiritspirits in high spirits 兴高采烈;情绪高涨。故把 spirit 改为 spirits。4命题立意:考查介词义辨析。解析:onin/during in/during the course of 在过程中,在期间。故把 on 改为in/during。5命题立意:考查非限制性定语从句。解析:therewhere 或者在 where 前加 and 先行词 the summit 顶峰,指地点,故用where 引 导非限制性定语从句。故把 there 改为 where 或者在 where 前加 and。6命题立意:考查动词形式辨析

    36、。解析:ViewingViewed 句意:从山顶遥望,城市非常美丽。view 观察,这里主语 the city,接受动作 view,故把 viewing 改为 viewed。7命题立意:考查形容词的词义辨析。解析:benefitbeneficial 句意:这个项目是很有益的。very 十分,很,副词修饰形容词。benefit 益处,名词,应改为形容 词 beneficial 有益处的。8命题立意:考查 not only.but also 的用法。解析:在 not only 后加 did 句意:因为我们不仅可以从繁重的学校工作负荷中解脱出来,好好休息,而且还能学到怎样 合作。 not only.but also.引导句子,放在句首,用倒装句。故在not only 后加 did。9命题立意:考查引导词辨析。解析:whathow 句意:而且我们也学习到怎样合作。cooperate 合作,配合,不及物动词,故把 what 改为 how。10命题立意:考查 suggest 的用法。解析:arebe 句意:因此,我们强烈建议,每年都要举行类似的活动。suggest 建议,可以接 that 从句,从句谓语用 should动词原形,也可以省略 should,直接用 动词原形,故把 are改为 be。


    本文(【精准高考】2018高考英语(人教)大一轮复习(检测):第1部分 必修5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom 练案 Word版含解析)为本站会员(M**)主动上传,七七文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知七七文库(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

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