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新起点 三年级下 My Home

sten and chant.,A Look, listen and chant.,Presentation,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,Do you like art?,Yes, I do./No, I dont.,art,Presentation

新起点 三年级下 My HomeTag内容描述:

1、sten and chant.,A Look, listen and chant.,Presentation,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,Do you like art?,Yes, I do./No, I dont.,art,Presentation,Do you like music?,A Look, listen and chant.,Yes, I do./No, I dont.,music,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,Do you like maths?,Yes, I do./No, I dont.,maths,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,Whats this?,Its a computer.,computer,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,computer class,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,Do you like sc。

2、 fish.,-What is she doing?,cooking dinner,Presentation,listening to music,watching TV,cleaning the room,Presentation,watering the plants,walking the dog,Presentation,Practice,Match and say,cooking dinner,watching TV,listening to music,cleaning the room,A,B,C,D,A,B,C,D,Practice,Match and say,watering the plants,walking the dog,feeding the fish,A,B,C,A,B,C,Practice,-Whats she doing?,-Shes feeding the fish.,-Whats he doing?,-Hes watering the plants.,Practice,-Whats she doing?,-Sh。

3、2) 复习词汇。
(3) 复习句子。
教师逐一出示一些身体部位受伤的图片,让学生进行模仿,教师或学生之间进行询问及回答:“Ouch! Whats the matter? My . hurts.”2. 看图预测文段内容(1) 教师引导学生先观察 A 项的三幅插图并逐一进行讨论:What is Bill doing? Whats the matter with him?讨论完后,让学生根据插图和标题“A Bad Day”预测文段内容:Whose bad day? What happens on this bad day? Can you have a guess? 不必让学生马上回答上述问题,只让学生思考一下即可。
然后让其带着这些问题去阅读文本:Now, lets read the text (to see if youre right/to find the answers.).Tip:在阅读之前,根据标题、插图等信息预测文本内容,可以激活思维,提高阅读理解能力。

4、2) 复习词汇。
(3) 复习句子。
教师逐一出示一些身体部位受伤的图片,让学生进行模仿,教师或学生之间进行询问及回答:“Ouch! Whats the matter? My . hurts.”2. 看图预测文段内容(1) 教师引导学生先观察 A 项的三幅插图并逐一进行讨论:What is Bill doing? Whats the matter with him?讨论完后,让学生根据插图和标题“A Bad Day”预测文段内容:Whose bad day? What happens on this bad day? Can you have a guess? 不必让学生马上回答上述问题,只让学生思考一下即可。
然后让其带着这些问题去阅读文本:Now, lets read the text (to see if youre right/to find the answers.).Tip:在阅读之前,根据标题、插图等信息预测文本内容,可以激活思维,提高阅读理解能力。

5、ten and repeat.1. 热身和复习(1) 播放 Lesson 1,A 项歌谣,让学生跟录音说唱。
(2) 教师在黑板上张贴单词卡片,或用简笔画呈现人物图,让学生说出相应身体部位的单词。
(3) TPR 活动。
教师发指令:Touch your arm/leg/foot.等,让学生们指着相应的身体部位并说:Look at my . (4) 让学生用 Look! I have . 介绍自己的身体部位。
2. 呈现新的学习内容(1) 引导学生观察主情境图,指认其中的人物,并用简单的语言进行交流:Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? Oh, look! Whats the matter with Andy? Whats the matter with Joy?等等。
(2) 引导学生从主情境图聚焦到本课的 A 项图片,并提出问题:Who are they? What are they。

二、教学建议A. Look, listen and chant.1. 热身复习(1) 结合一年级 Body 的教学内容进行 TPR 活动。
如:touch your ear/nose/ mouth / eye /face.等。
Tip:建议教师与学生一起玩“Simon Says”的游戏进行复习,唤起学生的旧知,激发学生的学习兴趣。
(2) 引导学生通过演唱一年级学过的歌曲 I have two eyes 来复习 I have . 句型。
2. 呈现新的学习内容(1) 看图说话。
引导学生观察 A 项主题图并简单交流,指认主线人物Yaoyao, Lily, Joy 然后指着 A 项的怪物说:Oh, whos he? What does the monster look like?从而引出主题 Monsters Body。
(2) 多次播放歌谣,让学生在歌谣中整体感知新语言。

(2) 用 Bomb Game 游戏复习身体部位词汇:在 PPT 中反复呈现身体部位图片,其中穿插炸弹图片。
2. 完成 A 项(1) 引导学生首先认读 A 项的单词;并根据表格预测将听到什么内容。
(2) 播放录音,让学生根据录音内容在相应的表格中画钩。
(3) 可以让学生根据完成的表格,说说表中的 Mary, Tom 和 Wang Lin 身体哪个部位受了伤。
三、备选活动在热身阶段,还可以演唱歌曲 Head shoulders, knees and toes。
B. Look and write.1. 教师引导学生先观察情境图:Look! Who are they? Whats the matter with them? 然后请学生口头进行描述。
2. 请学生阅读文字,并结合图片填入所缺单词。
3. 请同桌之间读一读补充完整。

8、26 个字母发音的儿歌:/, /, apple, /b/, /b/, ball, /k/, /k/, cat . (2) 教师出示一些含有字母组合“at”的词汇,让学生认读。
Tip:教师可以继续用上一单元用台历制作的教具来复习辅音+元音+辅音的单词,如:b a t(3) 复习上单元拼读板块的小韵文,提醒学生注意节奏。
2. 学习字母 e 的发音(1) 复现字母 e 作为首字母的单词 egg,让学生感知字母 e 的基本发音。
(2) 请学生听 A 项录音,感知六个含字母 e 的单词的发音。
(3) 让学生听录音并跟读、模仿。
(4) 带领学生做拼读练习,如:e . tetj . et jet, p . et pet, w . et wet;e . d edb . ed bed, r . ed red, T . ed Ted。
(5) 教师再出示一些含 et, ed 的“单词” ,让学生尝试拼读,如:bet, fet, get, let, met, net, set, vet; fed, hed, led, med, ned, sed。

9、wet,bed,red,Ted,Presentation,Lets talk.,jet,pet,wet,bed,red,Ted,e,Presentation,Presentation,Listen and chant.,Listen, point and repeat.,Presentation,Look and say.,Practice,et,j,p,w,b,n,s,ed,Look and read.,e,d,t,b,d,f,g,h,m,p,r,s,t,v,w,y,z,c,f,b,d,c,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,r,s,t,v,w,Practice,Listen and circle.,pet jet,bed bet,wet red,Look, write and say.,check,Practice,More words.,Practice,vet,net,Summary,jet,pet,wet,bed,red,Ted,Homework,1. 跟读Unit2 Lets Spell部分的单词。

10、 heads.,New words.,Presentation,hair,I have black hair.,Lets talk,Presentation,arm,I have four arms.,Lets talk,Presentation,hand,I have four hands.,leg,I have two legs.,Presentation,Presentation,foot,I have two feet.,I say you do.,Practice,Touch your Show me your ,Practice,head,hair,hand,foot,leg,body,Look and say.,Practice,heads,hands,feet,legs,arms,Look and say.,Practice,h_ _r,l_g,b_dy,h_ _d,h_ ad,i,e,e,a,o,o,n,a,f_ _t,o,Listen, choose and say.,P。

11、en and answer.,Presentation,Whats the matter with Joy?,Her foot hurts.,Look, listen and repeat.,Presentation,Joy: Ouch!,Bill: Whats the matter?,Joy: My foot hurts.,Bill: Let me help you.,Joy: Thanks.,Ask and answer.,Presentation,Whats the matter?,My foot hurts.,Whats the matter?,My leg hurts.,My head hurts.,Whats the matter?,Whats the matter?,My foot hurts.,Practice,Look, listen and repeat.,Practice,Practice,Lets act!,记得加上表情和动作哟!,Practice,Whats the matter?,My ear hurts.,Lets role play。

12、 hurts. 初步学会在恰当的情境中运用,并通过描摹句子来体会句子的书写规范,为正确抄写句子和独立写句子打基础。
3. 能够读懂有关“糟糕的一天”的小语段;并根据语境选择恰当的词填空,把摘要补充完整。
4. 能够借助熟悉的旧单词和图片感知字母 e 在闭音节单词中的发音规律,并利用该规律拼读新单词,进而尝试拼写出单词。
第二层次:1. 能够借助图片了解狗各身体部位的名称,并尝试进行介绍。
2. 学唱与本单元话题相关的歌曲。
3. 能够借助图片读懂 Story Time 的小故事,并在教师的指导下进行表演。
二、其他目标1. 能够积极参与课堂上的各种活动或游戏,积极使用英语进行交际。
2. 能够在活动中认真倾听同伴发言,并与同伴合作进行结对问答等活动。
3. 通过故事启发学生:看待问题要全面,不能只见树木不见森林。

13、ive,nine,rice,Presentation,A Listen, point and say.,bike like hike five nine rice,你发现什么规律了吗?,i - /a/,bike like hike five nine rice,Presentation,A Listen, point and say.,Practice,A Listen, point and say.,Try to read,nice,kite,ride,bite,Practice,B Listen and circle.,Practice,C Listen, write and say.,Practice,D Listen and repeat.,Who are they? What does Mike have? Can Mike or the other boy ride his bike very well?,Practice,D Listen and repeat.,Summa。

14、do.,Where is it?,Its on the floor.,Presentation,What is it about?,A Read, write and match.,How many floors are there in his school?,Whats on the first/second/third floor?,Presentation,A Read, write and match.,third,first,second,Presentation,A Read, write and match.,Practice,B Read again and write.,In this school, they have teachers rooms, classrooms, toilets, an art room, a _, a _, a _, a _ and a big playground.,science room,library,computer ro。

15、ew,Theyre a _.,family,This is,Who are they? What are they doing?,Lead-in,A Look, listen and repeat.,Presentation,Presentation,-Is he your father?,-No, he isnt. Hes my uncle.,Presentation,-Is he your father?,-Yes, he is.,-Hes handsome.,Presentation,-Is she your aunt?,-Yes, she is.,-Shes beautiful.,Presentation,Joy: Is that man your father?,Bills cousin: No, he isnt. Hes my uncle. That tall man is my father.,Joy: Really? Hes handsome.,Lily: Is she your aunt?,Bill: 。

16、ion,Presentation,Were a _. Were together.,family,uncle,Presentation,Hes my uncle.,aunt,Presentation,Shes my aunt.,cousin,Presentation,Theyre my cousins.,Presentation,handsome,Presentation,beautiful,1.This is my _. Shes _.,2.This is my _. Hes _.,Practice,uncle,aunt,beautiful,handsome,handsome,beautiful,aunt,uncle,Practice,This is not Bills brother. Hes Bills _.,cousin,Practice,Lets playMagic fingers,family,uncle,cousin,beautiful,handsome。

17、d repeat.,Where are they?,Do they study in this school?,Yaoyao,visitors,Presentation,Does Yaoyaos school have a library?,A Look, listen and repeat.,What is it like?,Where is it?,Does her school have a computer room?,Yes, it does.,Its very big.,Its on the first floor.,No, it doesnt.,A Look, listen and repeat.,Presentation,Boy: Do you have a library? Yaoyao: Yes, we do. Its very big.Boy: Where is it? Yaoyao: Its on the first floor.Boy: Do you have a computer room? Yaoyao: No, we dont. But w。

18、in,Free talk,Whats in our school?,Presentation,Whose school is it?,How many floors are there?,Whats in the school?,A Look, listen and chant.,A Look, listen and chant.,Presentation,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,floor,door,floor,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,classroom,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,toilet,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,library,Presentation,A Look, listen and chant.,Where is the _?,classroom,toilet,。

19、d say.,Presentation,A Listen, point and say.,Presentation,A Listen, point and say.,Presentation,Presentation,你发现什么规律了吗?,same Sam,Tim time,cute cut,note not,we wet,Practice,Lets playMagic fingers,hop hope he hen Tim time,Sam same cute cut,C Listen, write and say.,Presentation,Practice,Lets try!,hot,code,tube,rate,rat,rub,C Listen and repeat.,Presentation,Summary,元音字母a,e,i,o,u在开、闭音节中发音的不同。
,c,Homework,Close,1. 正确拼读课本第63页的单词。
2. 预习Fun Time。

20、sentation,Presentation,bedroom,bathroom,Presentation,kitchen,study,Practice,Lets playMagic fingers,home bedroom kitchen living room,dining room study kitchen bathroom,Practice,Practice,-Where is my sister?,-Shes in the dining room.,-Where is my grandfather?,-Hes in the living room.,Practice,-Where is my grandmother?,-Shes in the bedroom.,-Where is my father?,-Hes in the study.,Practice,-Where is my mother?,-Shes in the kitchen.,-Where is my broth。

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