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新目标人教版英语七年级下册Unit1 period 1课件

,A,B,C,D,E,F,Starter Unit 1 Good morning!,3a-4d,Girls name,Dale Bob Eric Frank,Alice Cindy Helen Grace,Boys name,Write the names.,Revision,Revise the

新目标人教版英语七年级下册Unit1 period 1课件Tag内容描述:

1、,A,B,C,D,E,F,Starter Unit 1 Good morning!,3a-4d,Girls name,Dale Bob Eric Frank,Alice Cindy Helen Grace,Boys name,Write the names.,Revision,Revise the English letters.,A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h,Hello!,_!,Hi!,_!,_!,Good morning!,Good afternoon, Eric!,Good afternoon, Frank!,Presentation,Good evening, Bob!,Good evening, Alice!,Im OK.,How are you?,Im fine, thanks. How are you?,2,3,Listen and number the pictures 1-3.,3a,Listening,Prac。

2、Unit One My names Gina. Section B Period 1,0,Count,zero,1,one,2,two,3,three,4,four,5,five,6,six,7,seven,8,eight,9,nine,Its 281- 9176.,Whats your phone number?,Now make your own conversations about numbers.,A: Whats your QQ number? B: My QQ number is 5910590.,Important telephone numbers in life:,119,120,122,110,96119,1b Listening,278-6926,Bill: Whats your telephone number,Tony? Tony: Its 278-6926. Bill: 2-7-8-6-9-2-6. Thanks.,Tapescript,Ask and tell your phone numbers.,Wh。

3、,A,B,C,D,E,F,Starter Unit 1 Good morning!,1a-2e,Warming up,We have many new friends in our class this year. They are from the U.S.A. and England. Who are they? Do you want to know them?,This is Bob.,This is Dale.,This is Eric.,This is Frank.,This is Helen.,This is Cindy.,This is Alice.,This is Grace.,Boys name: _ _,Bob Dale Eric Frank,1a,Write down the names in the picture.,Girls name: _ _,Alice Cindy Helen Grace,Good morning, Helen!。

4、Period II,My names Gina.,Unit 1,1. Memorize the words and phrases: first, first name, last, last name, boy, girl. 2. Learn about first name and last name. 3. Train writing and speaking skills.,Revision,NEW WORDS,first 第一的 last 最后的;上一个的 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 telephone 电话 number 数;数字 phone 电话 card 卡;卡片 family 家;家庭,first name = given name 名 last name = family name 姓,在英语中,通常先说名再说姓。如: Steve Mann, Steve是他的名,而Mann 才是他的姓。,Steve Mann,first 。

5、Unit One My names Gina. Section A Period 1,Hi!/ Hello! Good morning /afternoon /evening. Nice to meet you. How are you? Fine, thanks. Whats your /his /her name? My /His /Her name is ,重点句型:,Whats this in English?,clock,backpack,Whats this in English?,book,Whats this in English?,basketball,Whats this in English?,baseball,Whats this in English?,Hello!/Hi ! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Nice to meet you. How do you do? How are you?,Good morning. Hello!/Hi ! How do you 。

6、How do you get to school?,Unit 3,Period 1,Section A(1a-2d),take a bus,take a car/taxi,take the train,ride a bike,take the subway,walk,I take a bus to school.,=I get to school by car.,How do you get to school?,= I get to school by bus.,I take a car to school.,She takes the subway to get to school.,How does Mary get to school?,She goes to schoolby subway.,=,She rides her bike to school.,=She gets to school by bike.,He walks to school,=He goes to school on foot.,How?,He takes the bus to wor。

7、Id like some noodles,Unit 10,Period 1,Section A(1a-2c),potato,es,beef,mutton,chicken,cabbage,tomato,es,beef,chicken,mutton,pork,fish,A: What kind of meat would you like?,tomatoes,cabbage,carrots,potatoes,onions,broccoli,A: What kind of would you like?,vegetables,pine apples,A: What kind of fruit would you like?,oranges,strawberries,apples,grapes,bananas,noodles,What kind of noodles would you like?,beef,beef and tomato noodles,tomatoes,cabbage,chicken,chicken and ca。

8、Is there a post office near here?,Unit 8,Period 1,Section A(1a-2c),police station,post office,bank,hospital,Main words,street,hotel,restaurant,pay phone,1a Match the words with the places.,1. post office _ 2. police station _ 3. hotel _ 4. restaurant _ 5. bank _ 6. hospital _ 7. street _ 8. pay phone _ 9. park _,a,g,d,i,h,e,c,b,f,Its a bank.,Whats this?,Its a park.,Whats that?,Its a restaurant.,Whats this?,Its a hotel.,Whats that?,Its a police station.,Whats this?,Its a 。

9、What does he look like?,Unit 9,Period 1,Section A(1a-2c),He is tall .,He is short.,He is of medium height.,What does he look like?,He is thin,He is of medium build,He is heavy,What does he look like?,She has long hair.,She is thin.,What does she look like?,She is tall.,She has black hair.,She has straight hair.,She has short curly blonde hair.,curly hair,short hair,blonde hair,long curly brown hair,long straight black hair,short straight black hair,short curly blonde hair。

10、Why do you like pandas?,Unit 5,Period 1,Section A(1a-2c),lion,elephant,tiger,giraffe,panda,cat,koala,No, Im a pet.,Were all animals.,cute,beautiful,lazy,scary,clever,Match the words with the animals in the picture.,tiger _ elephant _ koala _ panda _ lion _ giraffe _,e,1a,c,f,a,d,b,tiger _ elephant _ koala _ panda _ lion _ giraffe _,1b,Listen and check the () the animals you hear in 1a.,1c,Practice the conversation with your partner. Then make conversation。

11、How was your school trip?,Unit 11,Period 1,Section A(1a-2c),B: He/ She often,play football,does he /she often do on weekends?,Practice,do his homework,do they,go shopping,watch TV,They,A: What,does,plays,play the guitar,played the guitar,play computer,played computer,What do you do every day?,What did you do last weekend?,play basketball,played basketball,What did you/he/she/they/Mr. Green do last weekend?,studied for the test,watched TV,had a party,played tennis,went to the beach,di。

12、What did you do last weekend?,Unit 12,Period 1,Section A(1a-2c),What did you do last weekend?,did my homework,What did you do last weekend?,went to the cinema,What did you do last weekend?,went boating,What did you do last weekend?,camped by the lake,What did you do last weekend?,went to the beach,What did you do last weekend?,played badminton,did my homework_ went to the cinema_ went boating_ camped by the lake_ went to the beach_ played badminton_,a,b,c,d,。

13、What time do you go to school?,Unit 2,Period 1,Section A(1a-2c),Its 7 o .,clock,seven,What time is it?,Its 7 :15.,seven fifteen,What time is it?,Its 7 :30.,seven thirty,What time is it?,What time is it?,eight oclock,eleven-fifteen,three-thirty,six-thirty,twelve oclock,seven-fifteen,9:30,What time is it?,6:40,7:00,4:05,6:00,6:25,9:20,6:10,my busy morning,get up,brush teeth,take a shower,eat breakfast,go to school,get dressed,get up,I usually at 6 oclock.,brush teeth。

14、Its raining.,Unit 7,Period 1,Section A(1a-2c),Its sunny.,How is the weather ?,天气,气候,the sun,What can you see in the picture ?,太阳(名词),晴朗的(形容词),How is the weather ?=Hows the weather?,Its cloudy .,What can you see in the picture ?,cloud,云(名词),多云的(形容词),Hows the weather ?,What can you see in the picture ?,wind,风(名词),多风的(形容词),Hows the weather ?,What can you see in the picture ?,rain,Hows the weather ?,snow,What can you see in the picture ?,cloudy,snowy,windy。

15、Im watching TV.,Unit 6,Period 1,Section A(1a-2c),use the computer,read a newspaper,newspaper,make soup,soup,wash the dishes,go to a movie,cleaning,listening to a CD,reading a newspaper,talking on the phone,exercising,making soup,washing the dishes,using the computer,1a Match the activities with the pictures.,1. watching TV _ 2. cleaning _ 3. reading a newspaper _ 4. talking on the phone _ 5. listening to a CD _ 6. using the computer _ 7. making soup _ 8. washing the dishes _ 9. e。

16、Dont eat in class.,Unit 4,Period 1,Section A(1a-2c),fight,listen to music in class,arrive late for class,Run in the hallways.,eat in the classroom,Dont sleep in class.,We cant sleep in class.,Can we sleep in class?,Dont,run in the hallways.,Dont,arrive late for class.,You must be on time.,Dont,eat in the classroom.,Dont,fight.,You must eat in the dining hall.,Dont,listen to music in class.,School Rules,Dont sleep in class.,Dont run in the hallways.,Dont arrive late for c。

17、Can you play the guitar?,Unit 1,Period 2,Section A(2d-3c),Teaching aims (教学目标)1. 能使用目标语言谈论自己擅长的事情。2. 能用所学内容解决实际问题。3. can的一般疑问句及特殊疑问句的使用。 Language points (语言点)1. 词汇:1)名词n. story, show, talk, kung fu 2)动词v. tell, write, show, talk3) 连词conj. or4) 短语 be good at, talk to2. 句型:Can you/she/ he ?Yes, I/she/he can. No, I/she/he cant.What can you do?,Aims and language points:,Ask and answer,A: What club do you want to join? B: I want to 。

18、Can you play the guitar?,Unit 1,Period 4,Section B(2a-selfcheck),Aims and language points:,Teaching aims (教学目标)1. 能用所学知识区别不同人所具备的不同能力。2. 能理解小短文的内容并为其选择正确标题。3. 能用所学知识写招聘广告。Language points (语言点)1. 词汇:1) 名词n. people, home, center, weekend, musician2) 副词 adv. also home, today3) 动词 v. make, teach4)短语 be good with, make friends, help ( sb) with sth,on the weekends2. 句型:I can and I can alsoI can . I can and . , too.Please call s。

19、Can you play the guitar?,Unit 1,Period 3,Section B(1a-1f),英语俱乐部 美术俱乐部 音乐俱乐部 游泳俱乐部 国际象棋俱乐部 运动俱乐部 舞蹈俱乐部 加入,chess club,swimming club,music club,English club,art club,sports club,dancing club,join ,Play的用法 它的后面都能加什么,Play+棋类运动,Play+球类运动,Play+ the+乐器,Phrases:,play,the pianothe trumpetthe drumsthe guitarthe violin,弹钢琴,吹喇叭,打鼓,弹吉他 拉小提琴,play,footballbasketballvolleyballchesscards,踢足球,打篮球,打排球,下棋,打牌,表示擅长的短语他很擅。

20、Can you play the guitar?,Unit 1,Period1 Section A(1a-2c),Aims and language points:,Teaching aims (教学目标)1. 学会使用can的基本用法。2. 能够使用can进行提问及回答。3. 能够使用can谈论某人的能力。4. 能够根据自己的能力选择适合自己的俱乐部。Language points (语言点)1. 词汇:1)名词n. guitar, swim, dance, chess, club, 2) 动词v. sing, swim, dance, draw, speak, join3) 词组 play chess, speak English 2. 句型:Can you ? Yes, I can./No, I cant.I want to join the club.,play the guitar,play chess,speak Englis。

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