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8B Unit 2 Travelling 导学案 第1课时 Welcome to the unit 课后练习 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. The Smiths are planning to go _ a trip _ China. A. on; to B. for; in C. of; to D.


1、8B Unit 2 Travelling 导学案第1课时 Welcome to the unit 课后练习一、单项选择( ) 1. The Smiths are planning to go _ a trip _ China.A. on; to B. for; in C. of; to D. on; at( ) 2. He _ the money and paid for the jacket.A. took away B. took out C. took back D. took( ) 3. “_!” shouted everyone, “Run, run!”A. Come on B. Go C. Come D. Run on( ) 4. I dont think Mr Wus gone to school yet,_。

2、8B Unit 2 Travelling 导学案第一课时 Welcome to the unit预习学案【先学目标】1. 了解一些国内外的著名景点。2. 谈论某个景点及其相关背景。【先学重点】 了解一些国内外的著名景点短语、句型及其相关背景。【基础引航】预习P20-P21,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译1. 去南山度假 _ 2. 已经去过那儿很多次_3. 丹麦的首都 _ 4. 把你带出去几天_5. 将所有东西带上 _ 6. 比萨斜塔_7. 长城 _ 8. 自由女神像_9. 塔桥 _ 10. 小美人鱼_11. 富士山。

3、8B Unit 2 Travelling 导学案第三课时 Reading 2 课后练习一、选择填空。( ) 1.We all found_to do some shopping in Hong Kong.A. that interested B. this interesting C. it interesting D. its interesting( ) 2. _the way,have you seen Amy today?-Yes.I saw her_my way to school.A. In;on B. By;on C. On;inD. By;by( ) 3. There were _many interesting books _ we didnt know which we should buy.A. too; that B. so; but C. such。

4、8B Unit 2 Travelling 导学案第2课时 Reading I 课后练习一、选择填空( ) 1. _ great time we are having today!A. What a B. How a C. What D. How( ) 2. There were _ many interesting books _ we didnt know which we should buy. A. too; that B. so; but C. such; that D. so; that( ) 3. The English story is quite easy for me because there are _ new words.A. a few B. few C. a little D. little( )4. There is a post office _ the 。

5、8B Unit 2 Travelling 导学案第五课时 Grammar 2 课后练习一、单项选择。( )1. - How long have you_? - For three days.A. got a headache B. fallen ill C. caught a cold D. had a cough( )2. - Tom, where is Jack?-. He_ Changzhou for a month.A. went to B. has gone to C. has been in D. has been to( )3. I met her just a moment_. A. ago B. before C. since D. now( )4. Joe, my close friend, moved to Beijing several years ago, and I_ him。

6、8B Unit 2 Travelling 导学案第四课时 Grammar 1 课后练习一、用have / has been (to / in), have gone (to)填空。(1)My father_to BeijingHe will be back in two days(2)The Greens _to the USA twice.(3)A:Where is your aunt now? I havent seen her for a long timeB:She to Xiamen(4)The Class l,Grade 8 students _to many places of interest in our city.(5)A: Tommy _to Nanjing?B:YesHe went there last month and hasnt come back yet二、选择填空( ) 1. David 。

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