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第3课时: Enjoy a storylearn the letters,Module2 My family, my friends and me,Unit9 At home,Ask and answer,Where is the ball? Its _ the box.,in,under,besi


1、第3课时: Enjoy a storylearn the letters,Module2 My family, my friends and me,Unit9 At home,Ask and answer,Where is the ball? Its _ the box.,in,under,beside,Ask and answer,Where are the pencils? Theyre _ the desk.,beside,under,in,on,Guess,This is Ginger. Shes Mrs Browns cat. Mrs Brown is angry with her. Why?,Listen and put the pictures in order.,1,2,3,4,5,Watch the radio,Where is Mrs Brown?,Shes in the kitchen.,Where is Ginger?,Shes on the chair.,How does she feel?,Shes hungr。

2、Period 1,Smell and taste,2,Module 1 Using my five senses,Oxford English,Say a ryhme,Sing a song,I like apples. Some are sweet. Some are sour. Yummy, yummy!,Ask and answer,Touch the apple. How does it feel?,hard / soft,rough / smooth,Taste it. How does it taste?,sweet / sour / bitter,Ask and answer,nice,bad,Smell it. How does it smell?,Touch the apple. Its hard and smooth. Smell it. Its nice. Taste it. Its sweet.,Look and say,Touch the Its (hard/soft/smooth/rough/)Smell i。

3、2020 年深圳市四年级(上)语文期末模拟试卷年深圳市四年级(上)语文期末模拟试卷 第一部分第一部分 积累与运用(积累与运用(3131 分)分) 一、把诗句填写完整,书写规范、整齐。(一、把诗句填写完整,书写规范、整齐。(6 6 分)分) ,露似真珠月似弓。 (暮江吟) 二、给加点字选择正确的读音画上“”。(二、给加点字选择正确的读音画上“”。(9 9 分)分) 涟漪 (y q。

4、1,Module 1 Getting to know you,Oxford English,Meeting new people,Period 3,Numbers around us,How many days are there in a week?2. What is your classroom number?4. Which class are you in? 5. How old are you?,Seven.,Im in Class 1, Grade 4/,302/,Im (years old).,Read and spell 1-10,o t t f f s s e n t,ne,wo,hree,our,ix,ive,even,ine,ight,en,new,classmate,name,morning,his,her,afternoon,eight,seven,five,three,nine,one,two。

5、Module 4 The world around us,2,Module 1 Getting to know you,Oxford English,Can you swim?,Period 1,Pat is my dad.He likes jam.He has a jar in his hand.Hes not sad.The jams not bad.,Pat handdad sadjam badhas,Listen and enjoy,Look and say,What can you do? I can ., Can you ? Yes. / No. I can What can you do? I can ,Ask and answer,Guess! What can I do?,I can draw and write. I can run fast. I can jump high. I am great!,draw,write,jump,run,fly,Think and say,I can I can I 。

6、1,Module 1 Getting to know you,Oxford English,Meeting new people,Period 2,c_ke,t_ble,a,a,pl_te,J_ne,a,a,Hello, hello. My names _. _, _. What about you?,Hello, hello. My names _. _, _. Nice to meet you.,Think and say,This is my classmate. Her/His names ,Try to say,new,classmate,name,morning,his,her,Try to read,afternoon,Good morning.,morning,Good afternoon.,Look and say,We take a nap(打瞌睡)in the afternoon.,We eat dinner(晚餐)in the afternoon.,We get up(起床)in the 。

7、Module 4 The world around us,Part (I),Oxford English,Listen and enjoy,an old school,a new school,a nice school,a big school,Think and say, How is your school? It is .,What can you do at school?,Ask and answer,Hangman,c,l,a,r,m,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Play a game,Read and guess,Read and guess,Read and guess,library,school,classroom,office,There is a blackboard in it. We can read and write there.,There are some desks in it. My teacher can work there.,There are many books in it. We。

8、Module 4 The world around us,2,Module 1 Getting to know you,Oxford English,Can you swim?,Period 2,a,hat,bag,mat,apple,fan,cat,Make a rhyme,Pat is my dad. He likes _. He has a / an _ in his hand. Hes not sad. The _ is not bad.,hat,bag,apple,bags,bag,bag,hamburger,fly jump draw write run,Look and match,Think and say,I can I can I can I am great / super!,Think and say,. can He / She can He / She can He / She is great / super!,I can, you can, everybody can Sing。

9、Part (II),Listen and enjoy,s_are,tri_gle,_angle,c_cle,st_,_val,i r,ar,qu,an,rect,h_t,ear,d_mond,ia,s_micircle,e,o,Think and say,What shape is it?Its a/an ,There are six squares.,How many rectangles are there?,Think and say,How many triangles are there?,There are six triangles.,Ask and answer,Hows the weather in _? (season) Its _ and _.,Choose and say,Hows the weather? 。

10、Module3 Places and activities,P46 P49,Revision 3,Theres a playground in our school. There are many classrooms in our school. ,Theres = There is,Look at the school. There is a library. There are _. _. _.,four classrooms,There is a playground,There are many desks and chairs,What would you like?,Id like _.,Id like _.,an apple,a book,Id = I would,What would you like?,Id like _.,Id like _。

11、Oxford English,Part (II),A shopping list,What would they like? They would like some ,some candy,some juice,some potatoes,some eggs,some potatoes and carrots,Price: 30 yuan,Ask and answer,Where do they go?,Bakery,Pet shop,Choose and say,Supermarket,1. Choose a shop you want to make.,2. Work in groups.,3. Draw and write.,Discuss, draw and write,Draw and write,Whats in your shop? There are Where is/are ? Its/Theyre ,Talk about your shop,Look at the toy shop. There is/are in the shop. 。

12、Module 1 Getting to know you,2,Module 1 Getting to know you,Oxford English,Can you swim?,Period 3,Listen and fill,1. c_t,2. j_m,3. _pple,4. h_nd,5. h_t,6. b_g,a,a,a,a,a,a,Can you read well?Can you write well?Can you run fast? Can you swim well? Can you draw well?Can you jump high?,Quick response,(Kitty is happy today. She is having a dream. In her dream, she is on TV. She is the host of Super Show. She is interviewing Supergirl.) Kitty: Good evening. Im Kitty. Welcome to Super Show.。

13、P62 P65,Revision 4,Module4 The world around us,Hows the weather?,Its _.,Hows the weather?,Its _.,sunny,windy,Hows the weather?,Its _.,cloudy,Hows the weather?,Its _.,rainy,Lets count,How many hearts are there? There is _ heart.,How many stars are there? There are _ stars.,How many triangles are there? There are _ triangles. ,one,two,fourteen,S1: How many stars are there? S2: _,There are five stars.,S1: _ S。

14、沪教版小学英语(三起)四年级下册,Module 2 Unit 5,Lesson 1,Warming,What are they doing?,They are playing football.,Do you like playing football?,Presentation,What is he doing?,He is playing football.,Presentation,What is he doing?,He is playing basketball.,Presentation,What is he doing?,He is playing volleyball.,A game,Do you know these sports?,play footballplay volleyballplay basketball,Do you know what Peter and Joe like doing?,Do you like playing football, Peter?,Yes,I like playing football.,。

15、沪教版小学英语(三起)四年级下册,Module 2 Unit 5,Lesson 2,Warming,Do you like playing football?,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,Do you like playing basketball?,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,Do you like playing volleyball?,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,Do you remember what sports Peter and Joe like?,Joe likes playing football.,Peter likes playing football,too.,Do you know what sports Alice and Kitty like?,Presentation,Peter and Joe meet Alice in the classroom.,Presentation,Hello, Alice.,Hello, Peter. Hi, Joe.,Prese。

16、以学定教 提升教学效率,英语(牛津版),对4A教学的思考,关注的问题,“以学定教”-研究学生的学法,关注“做中学”的过程,发展教师“教”的能力。,对以学定教的认识,“以学定教”- 按照课标、需要学习的内容进行设计; “以学定教” - 为每一个学生提供最有针对性的、最适合的教育; “以学定教”- 根据学情和规律来确定内容、方法和计划; “以学定教”- 关注到学生的“学”,重视教师的“教”。,对以学定教的认识,教学目标 - 遵循语言学习规律,关注语境、语量、语用,守住“底线指标”; 教学内容 - 把握年段要求, 安排需要的内容;仔。

17、Unit 2 Smell and taste,Sing a song.,New words,strawberry,grape,watermelon,smell,strawberry,选择正确的篮子,smell,watermelon,grape,Lets learn.,Read and find.,What this?,Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice ?,Read and find.,What this?,Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice ?,Its orange juice.,Its strawberry juice.,Practice in pairs.,Is it?,Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.,Is itor?,Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.,Read the dialogue.,Look, Joe. I have some juice here.,Yes, it is.,Is it orange juic。

18、Unit 3 Look and see,Sing a song.,Review,star,moon,noon,night,evening,in the morning,in the evening,at noon,at night,What time is it?,Do you know the changes of the shadow(影子) in different time ?,shadow,Lets learn.,Read and find.,Hows the shadow changes?,The shadow is long.,The shadow is short.,The shadow is long again .,The sun _ in the morning.,rise,The shadow is long.,At noon,the sun is_ in the sky.,high,The shadow is short.,The sun goes _ in the evening. Look at the shadow.,down,T。

19、Unit 4 Subjects,Free talk,What fruit do you like?,What animal do you like?,What subject do you like?,New words,Chinese,English,Art,PE,Science,Music,Maths,Lets learn,Read and find.,What lesson do they have today?,Chinese,Manths,English,Science,PE,Music,We have Chinese,Manths,English,Science in the morning.,We have PE,Music in the afternoon.,What lesson does Peter like?,What lesson does Jone like?,What lesson does Alice like?,Chinese and Manths.,Manths and Science.,PE and Manths.,Practice,Do a s。

20、Enjoy a story,4aM1U3,If youre happy, happy ,happy, Clap your hands. If youre happy,happy, happy, Clap your hands, Clap your hands. ,angry -stomp your feet scared-say, “Oh no!” sleepy-take a nap,I am a little crow, black and clever. I like singingand flying.,Are you hungry,hungry, hungry, Mr Crow? , ,The Crow and the Pitcher,It is hot. A crow is very thirsty. But he cannot drink it. He sees some water in the pitcher. At last, the crow can drink t。

牛津上海版(深圳用)四年级上Unit 9《At home》(第3课时)课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)英语四年级下Unit 2《Smell and taste》(Period 1)课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)四年级上Unit 1《Meeting new people》(Period 3)课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)四年级上Unit 2《Can you swim》(Period 1)课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)四年级上Unit 1《Meeting new people》(Period 2)课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)四年级上Unit 2《Can you swim》(Period 2)课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)四年级上Module 4《The world around》(Revision 4)课件(2)
牛津上海版(深圳用)四年级上Unit 2《Can you swim》(Period 3)课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)四年级上Module 4《The world around》(Revision 4)课件(3)
牛津上海版(深圳用)英语四年级下Unit 5《Sports》(lesson 1)课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)英语四年级下Unit 5《Sports》(lesson 2)课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)英语四年级下Unit 2《Smell and taste》课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)英语四年级下Unit 3《Look and see》课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)英语四年级下Unit 4《Subjects》课件
牛津上海版(深圳用)四年级上Unit 3《Are you happy》课件
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