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,Revision 2 Units 5-8,2. Complete and match 5. Look and fill in the blanks 7. Ask and answer,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Warm-upRevision,Free talk,Good morningaft


1、,Revision 2 Units 5-8,2. Complete and match 5. Look and fill in the blanks 7. Ask and answer,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk,Good morning/afternoon . How are you ?,How old are you ?,How do you go to school ?,Does a cat have long ears ?,How many are there in the picture ?,Ask and answer,What can you see in our classroom?,How many are there in the classroom ?,Whats this ?,Presentation,Complete and match,d_ sk ch _ _ _ bl _ ckboard cl _ ssroom f_ n l _ _ _ t,e,a,i,r。

2、,Revision1 Units 1-4,1. Circle the words and match 5. Lets make 7. Look and read,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Warm-up/Revision,Lets chant,Look at my family. Look at me. We are a happy family. Grandpa, grandma, Father, mother, brother, sister. And the cat, Mimmy.,Game: listen and do,Touch/Lift your leg ,Ask and answer, Who is he/she?, He/She is , How do you spell the word ?,Circle the words and match,I can say,Look at This is my He/She is ,Lets make,1. Draw.,3. Talk about it.,2. Color an。

3、,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part B Read and think,Part C Listen and tick or cross Discuss in groups and give some advice Read and complete,Unit 8 Have a Good Habit!, Listen and tick or cross,Discuss in groups and give some advice,Read and think, Read and complete,Read and think 视频,Listen and tick or cross 视频,Read and complete 视频,快速说单词,习惯,habit,满的,full,关心;照顾,care,近的,close,扔垃圾,litter,卧床看书,read in bed,安静的,quiet,Warm-up/Revision,Read and think,点击“Read and think”。

4、,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Talk in pairs and group the pictures Lets talk,Part B Lets sing,Unit 8 Have a Good Habit!,Lets talk 视频, Lets sing, Lets talk,Talk in pairs and group the pictures,Warm-up/Revision,【例句】 He has no habit of smoking. 他没有吸烟的嗜好。,habit,Presentation,/hbt/,习惯,【短语】 bad habit 坏习惯 good habit好习惯,lie,/la/,【短语】 tell a lie 撒谎,【例句】 Dont tell lies. 别撒谎。,谎言;说谎,【例句】 Take care of yourself. 照顾好你自己。,care,/ke(r)/,关心;照顾,【短。

5、,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part B Lets learn moreLets play,Part C Look and write your advice,Unit 8 Have a Good Habit!,Lets learn more 视频, Lets play, Lets learn more, Look and write your advice,Warm-up/Revision,read in bed,卧床看书,【例句】Its bad to read in bed. 躺在床上看书是有害的。,Presentation,close,/kls/,近的,【短语】close to 接近;在附近,【例句】 My home is close to the library. 我家离图书馆很近。,游戏时间,Whats missing?,habit,lie,noise,care,loudly,litter,read in bed,close,April,Lets 。

6、,Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?,Part A Draw yourself Lets learn Part B Play a game,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册, Part A Lets learn, Part C Look and write,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk,Hello, boys and girls !How are you?,What can you see in our classroom?,How many ?,chair (名词)椅子,Presentation,【复数形式】chairs,This is a chair. 这是一把椅子。,desk,(名词)课桌;桌子,【复数形式】desks,【短语】teachers desk 讲台,The desk is new. 这张桌子是新的。,window,(名词)窗户,【复数形式】windows,Open the window。

7、,Unit 5 Do You Like Candies?,Part A Look and matchCircle your likes Lets learn Part C Look and complete,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册, Part A Look and match, Part C Look and complete,Circle your likes,Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk,Do you like mangoes?,candy,Presentation,【复数形式】candies,(名词)糖果,He likes candies very much. 他非常喜欢糖果。,cake,【短语】birthday cake生日蛋糕make a cake制作蛋糕,(名词)蛋糕,She likes chocolate cake. 他喜欢巧克力蛋糕。,bread,【短语】a piece of bread一。

8、,Unit 3 How Do You Come to School?,Part A Look and think Look and tick Lets learn,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册, Part A Look and think,Look and tick,Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk,How do you come to school?,bus,Presentation,【复数形式】buses,(名词)公共汽车,【短语】take a bus/by bus乘公共汽车,He goes to school by bus. 他乘公共汽车去学校。,train,【复数形式】trains,(名词)火车,I will take a train there. 我将会乘火车去那里。,ship,【复数形式】ships,(名词)船;舰,There are many ships on the 。

9、,Unit 4 Whose Coat Is This?,Part A Look and tickColor the clothes Lets learn Part C Look and complete,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册, Part A Look and tick, Part C Look and complete,Color the clothes,Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,Who is wearing yellow today? yellow today, yellow today Who is wearing yellow today? yellow today. Who is wearing red today? red today, red today Who is wearing red today? red today Who is wearing green today? green today, green today Who is wearing green today? green today 。

10、,Unit 2 My Family,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part A Think and tick Lets learn Part C Listen and tick, Part A Think and tick, Part C Listen and tick,Listen and tick 视频,Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,Lets count,One,two,three,four,family,Presentation,【短语】family name姓,(名词)家;家庭;家人,This is my family. 这是我的家人。,brother,【复数形式】brothers,(名词)哥哥;弟弟,The boy in green is my brother. 穿绿色衣服的那个男孩是我的弟弟。,sister,【复数形式】sisters,(名词)姐姐;妹妹,She is my eld。

11、,Unit 7 There Is a TV in the Classroom,Part A Look and count Lets learn,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册, Part A Look and count,Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk, What can you see in the classroom?, I can see , Where is the ?, How many are there in the classroom?,student,Presentation,【复数形式】students,(名词)学生,She is a good student. 她是个好学生。,teacher,【单词巧记】teach + er = teacher(教师),(名词)老师,We have a new match teacher. 我们有位新数学老师。,blackboard,【复数形式】blackboa。

12、,Unit 1 My Body,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part A Draw yourself Lets learn Part B Play a game,Lets sing 视频, Part A Draw yourself, Part B Play a game,Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,Lets sing!,face,Presentation,【复数形式】faces,【短语】face to face 面对面,This is his faces. 这是他的脸。,脸,mouth,嘴,【复数形式】mouths,He has a big mouth. 他有一张大嘴。,eye,眼睛,【短语】right eye 右眼 left eye 左眼,We have two eyes. 我们有两只眼睛。,ear,耳朵,【复数形式】ears,He has two ears. 他有两只耳朵。,nose,鼻。

13、,Revision 2,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Listen and match Look and write Read and matchLook and talk about your summer plan, Look and write,Read and match, Listen and match, Look and talk about your summer plan,Listen and match 视频,快速说单词,fine,interesting,rest,large,好的;晴朗的,巨大的,休息,有趣的,精彩的,wonderful,暖和的,warm,January,一月,将;愿意,will,Warm-up/Revision,Listen and match,点击“Listen and match”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Presentation,Listen and match,听力材料: 1. Im in Beijing now.。

14、,Unit 5 Whats the Weather like Today?,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learn, Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,weather report,/we(r),rpt/,天气预报,Presentation,【例句】 This is the weather report. 这是天气预报。,sunny,/sni/,晴朗的,【短语】 sunny day 晴天,【例句】 What a sunny day! 真是个晴朗的日子!,【拓展】 sun 太阳,windy,/wndi/,有风的,【例句】 I like windy weather, too. 我也喜欢有风的天气。,【短语】 Windy City 风之城(美国城市芝加哥的别称),【拓展】 wind 风,cloudy,/kladi/,多云的,【短语】 clou。

15、,Unit 3 Spring Begins from March,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learn,Part B Lets play, Lets learn, Lets play,一年有几个月?,一个季节有几个月?,哪几个月在春季?,There are twelve months in a year.,There are three months in a season.,March, April and May.,Warm-up/Revision,【缩写】 Jan.,January,/dnjuri/,一月,【例句】 January is the first month of a year. 一月是一年里的第一个月。,Presentation,February,/februri/,二月,【缩写】 Feb.,【例句】 February is coming. 二月就要来了。,June,/dun/,六月,【。

16、,Unit 4 He Lives in a Village,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Look and tick Lets learn,Part C Listen and circle,Listen and circle 视频, Lets learn, Listen and circle, Look and tick,Warm-up/Revision,bird,/bd/,小鸟,【短语】 little bird 小鸟,Presentation,【例句】 A large bird is standing on the earth. 一只大鸟在地上站着。,snake,/snek/,蛇,【复数形式】 snakes,【例句】 My dad has a pet snake. 我爸爸有一条宠物蛇。,potato,/ptet/,土豆,【例句】 This is a potato. 这是一个土豆。,【短语】potato chips 薯。

17、,Unit 2 Spring Is Coming!,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learn,Part B Lets chant, Lets learn, Lets chant,Warm-up/Revision,【复数形式】 seasons,season,/sizn/,季节,【短语】 out of season 过时,Presentation,【例句】 The weather in different seasons is different. 不同季节的天气不同。,spring,/spr/,春天,【短语】 in spring 在春天,【例句】 Its warm in spring. 春天天气暖和。,【拓展】 the Spring Festival 春节,summer,/sm/,夏天,【例句】 I like to play on the beach in summer. 夏天我喜欢在海滩上玩。,。

18、,Unit 8 What Can You Do ?,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Circle what you can do,Circle what you can do,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk,What do you often do on the Sunday?,I ofen.,I ofen.,I ofen., Practise,Circle what you can do,speak,Presentation,【用法】 speak指说话,还可接某种语言,还可表示用某种语言说。 【短语】 speak loudly大声说 speak English说英语 speak in Chinese用汉语说,(动词)说话,Try,Dont speak loudly in public places. 不要在公共场合大声讲话。,hear,【单词巧记】 h+ear(耳朵)=hear(听;听到) 。

19、,Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long,Part A Draw an elephantLook and thinkLets learn Part C Look and write,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册, Part A Draw an elephant,Look and think,Lets learn, Part C Look and write,Warm-up/Revision, Touch your nose!,Touch game, Do you have a long nose?, Touch your ear!, Do you have a big ear?,see,Presentation,【同音词】sea海;海洋,How many cats can you see? 你能看见多少只猫?,(动词)看见,long,【短语】long jump跳远,has a long nose. 他长着长鼻子。,(形容词)长的,big,(形容词)大。

20、,Unit 8 Have a Good Habit!,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Think and tick or cross Lets learn, Lets learn,Think and tick or cross,你经常那样做吗?,Warm-up/Revision,【形近词】 little 小的;很少的,litter,/lt(r)/,扔垃圾,【短语】 drop litter 乱扔垃圾,Presentation,【例句】 Dont litter the ground with paper. 勿随地乱扔纸屑。,loudly,/ladli/,大声地,【短语】 laugh loudly 大声笑,【例句】 He speaks loudly. 他大声说话。,【单词巧记】 loud(大声的) + ly = loudly(大声地),full,/fl/,满的,【例句】 The trash can 。

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