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三起外研版英语三年级上Module10 Unit2-2课件

Module 2 Unit 2 Whats your name?,Sing the song,Hello, Hello. Hello, hello,how are you? Im fine, Im fine and hello to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to

三起外研版英语三年级上Module10 Unit2-2课件Tag内容描述:

1、Module 2 Unit 2 Whats your name?,Sing the song,Hello, Hello. Hello, hello,how are you? Im fine, Im fine and hello to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you.,追太阳游戏:通过太阳运动区分出morning (早上) 和 afternoon(下午)。,morning (早上),afternoon(下午),whats your name 是什么 你的,你们的 名字,Daming,-Whats your name? -Im Lingling.,Lingling,Whats your name?,Im Sam.,Name, name, your(你的) name. Name, name, good(好的) name. Name, name, whats your 。

2、Module 10 Unit 2,Point to her nose.,Chant and Point:Head, head. This is my head. Arm, arm. This is my arm. Leg, leg. This is my leg. Hand, hand. This is my hand. Foot, foot. This is my foot.,head,This is her head.她的,your 你的 my 我的 her 她的 his 他的,This is your book.,This is my book.,This is her book.,This is his book.,your, my, her, his区分,nose,This is her nose.,mouth,eye,eyes,ear,ears,ears,eye,eyes,mouth,Quick response,Play a game:比一比,说一说,Point to her nose/eyes 指向。

3、Module 10,Unit 1 This is his head.,New words,arm,leg,foot,head,hand,arm,leg,foot,head,hand,arm,leg,foot,head,hand,Whats this?,This is a panda.,His name is Panpan.,head,This is his head.,This is his arm.,arm,hand,This is his hand.,leg,This is his leg.,foot,This is his foot.,head,hand,foot,arm,leg,Hello! Im sponge baby.,head,hand,leg,foot,arm,Practice,Lets sing a song.,Point to his head hand arm, head hand arm, head hand arm, Point to his head hand arm, foot and leg.,h。

4、Unit 2 Point to her nose.,Module10,学习目标:,1、听懂会说单词 eye, ear, mouth, nose, leg, head, arm. 2、能用point to描述身体的各个部位。,eye,New words,ear,mouth,nose,leg,head,arm,小组之间练习“point to”句型。一同学说英语,另一同学做出相应动作。或者由小组长带领进行练习。,练一练:,。

5、Lets sing.,Please stand up!,Unit 1 This is his head.,Module10,head,This is my,New words.,arm,leg,foot,head,hand,arm,leg,foot,head,hand,arm,leg,foot,head,hand,Now, lets play a game.,Point to ,I m a panda ,my names Panpan.,This is his _.,Oral practice:,Hello! Im sponge baby.,head,hand,leg,foot,arm,Practice,Group work.,Introduce one of your partners to the whole class.,Lets sing a song.,Point to his head hand arm, head hand arm, head hand arm, Point to his head hand a。

6、Module 10,Unit 1 This is his head.,Sing a song , and do the actions,head,Body(身体),hand,arm,leg,foot,Say and do,Listen and point,then answer:,Which parts(部分)of Panpan can(能够) Daming see(看见)? His head/ arm/ hand/ leg/ foot.,Say the chant,Head, head, this is my head. Arm , arm , this is my arm. Hand, hand, this is my hand. Leg , leg , this is my leg. Foot, foot , this is my foot.,Little conductor (小小指挥家) 用Point to your 来指挥大家做动作,jigsaw puzzle (拼图游戏),This is his _.Lo。

7、Module 10,Unit 1 This is his head.,dog,cat,bird,monkey,panda,arm,leg,foot,head,hand,Lets listen and point,arm,leg,foot,head,hand,Chant,Body, body, body, this is his body. Head, head, head, this is his head. Arm, arm, arm, this is his arm. Leg, leg, leg, this is his leg. Foot, foot, foot, this is his foot.,Point to your,Lets act,。

8、Module 10,Unit 2 Point to the nose.,eye,mouth,ear,nose,mouth,ear,eye,nose,point to 指向,Point to your ear.,Point to your eye.,Point to your arm.,Point to your nose.,Point to your leg.,Point to your toe.,This is Tu Tu.,Look! This is his eye.,Point to your eyes.,eye,ear,Look! This is his ear.,Point to your ears.,nose,Look! This is his nose.,Point to your nose.,mouth,Look! This is his mouth.,Point to your mouth.,mouth,eye,ear,face,nose,Look! This is his face.,Point to your face.,。

9、Module 10 Unit 1 This is his head.,whats this?,This is a panda.,His name is Panpan.,head,This is his head.,This is his arm.,arm,hand,This is his hand.,leg,This is his leg.,foot,This is his foot.,head,hand,foot,arm,leg,Play a game,Point to your head.,Point to your arm.,Point to your hand.,Point to your leg.,Point to your foot.,Point to your leg and arm.,Homework,1听读课文三遍。预先听读Uint2三遍,学唱歌曲。 2回家再画一幅想象画:怪兽、机器人等各种生物都可以。画好之后用英语对图片进行描述,下节课进行。

10、Module 10 Unit 2,Pont to her nose.,nose,鼻子,mouth,嘴巴,ear,ears,耳朵,eye,eyes,eye,眼睛,nose,鼻子,hand,手,mouth,嘴巴,ear,耳朵,head,头,leg,腿,arm,手臂,foot,脚,身体,body,eye,mouth,hand,head,ear,nose,手,耳朵,鼻子,眼睛,头,嘴巴,Point and say 指着自己的身体 部位说一说,her,她的,her book,她的书,This is her book.,这是她的书。,his,他的,his schoolbag,他的书包,her 与 his的区别,This is his.这是他的.,This is her.这是她的.,This is her,This is his,head,arm,arm,body,leg,foot,hand,leg,foot,This is his,head,arm,ar。

11、Unit 2,Point to her nose.,学习目标:,1、听懂会说单词eye ear mouth nose leg head arm. 2、能用point to描述身体的各个部位。,New words,eye,ear,mouth,nose,leg,head,arm,视频Module 10Point to,小组之间练习“point to”句型。一同学说英语,另一同学做出相应动作。或者由小组长带领进行练习。,练一练:,跟老师读,拍手,并且做出相应动作。,Lets have a chant,Nose nose,point to the nose; Eyes eyes,point to the eyes; Mouth mouth,point to the mouth. Ears ears, point to the ears.,英文儿歌 head shoulders knees and toes,。

12、Unit 2,Point to her nose.,学习目标:,1、听懂会说单词eye ear mouth nose leg head arm. 2、能用point to描述身体的各个部位。,New words,eye,ear,mouth,nose,leg,head,arm,视频module 10Point to,小组之间练习“point to”句型。一同学说英语,另一同学做出相应动作。或者由小组长带领进行练习。,练一练:,跟老师读,拍手,并且做出相应动作。,Lets have a chant,Nose nose,point to the nose; Eyes eyes,point to the eyes; Mouth mouth,point to the mouth. Ears ears, point to the ears.,英文儿歌 head shoulders knees and toes,。

13、Welcome to our class!,Lets sing.,Ten little fingers.,Whats this?,friend,Who is he?,Guess:,My names Panpan, I m a panda.,Module 10 Body,Unit 1 This is his head.,New words.,arm,leg,foot,head,hand,Can you read them?,head 头 leg 腿 hand 手 arm 胳膊 foot 脚 his 他的,arm,leg,foot,head,hand,arm,leg,foot,head,hand,Now, lets play a game.,Point to ,This is his / her _.,Oral practice:,Hello! Im sponge baby.,head,Lets try !,Group work.,Introduce one。

14、Unit 1 Its a black dog!,Listen, point, and say.,cat,1listen,point and say.,Look,A red cat! Look,A blue cat!Look,A green cat!Look,A black cat!,2 Listen and say.,Its a black dog. Now its a blue dogIts a red cat. Now its a green catIts a yellow cap. Now its a red cap.,4 Listen and say. Then sing.A RAINBOWA rainbow, a rainbow, it is purple and blue. It is green and yellow. It is orange and red too.,。

15、Module 3,Unit 2 Point to the desk,Warming up (复习),Hello/Hi Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you?I am fine . And how are you?I am fine too .Thank you. Whats you name?My name is Sam./ I am Sam.,Guess( 猜),There is some pictures, but we cant see them clearly, now classes, who can tell me what the pictures are?这里有一些图片,但是我们都看不清楚,现在,哪位同学可以告诉我这些图片上面都是些什么呢?,Chant:,door, door, door, Point to the door.,blackboard. blackboard. blackboard. Point to the blac。

16、Module 9 Unit 2,Hes a doctor.,Lets guess!,What is she?,Shes a nurse.,What is he?,Hes a policeman.,What is he?,What is he?,What is he?,What is he?,Hes a driver.,What is he?,Hes a doctor.,What is she?,Shes a teacher.,What is he?,Hes a farmer.,Lets talk.,Goodbye!,。

17、M5U2Nine girls?,外研版三年级英语上册,Numbers 1-8 Review,How many?,How many?,How many?,How many?,How many?,How many?,How many?,How many?,Numbers 9-12,twelve,eleven,ten,nine,seven,one,1,two,2,three,3,four,4,five,5,six,6,seven,7,eight,8,nine,9,ten,10,eleven,11,twelve,12,Its Im,举手之劳,我拍你数,分秒必争,Number games(112数字接龙) Which group is the fastest? (比比哪个组最快?),How many stars ?,5,How many ducks ?,9,How many boys ?,12,How many bikes?。

18、,我复习了上堂、预习了新课。请检测吧!,预检,上堂:Whats this? It a,新课:Point to your head.,Module 10 Unit 2,Point to her nose.,nose,鼻子,跟我学:,A:Whats this? B:It a,nose,nose,ear,耳朵,ears,eye,眼睛,eyes,mouth,嘴巴,mouths,hand,This is his hand.,情景加深:,leg,This is his leg.,foot,This is his foot.,eye,眼睛,nose,鼻子,hand,手,mouth,嘴巴,ear,耳朵,head,头,leg,腿,arm,手臂,foot,脚,精讲点拨:,Point and say,拓展训练:(演练),eyes,nose,ears,mouth,Point to your head.,合作交流:,创新演练:,her 与 his的区。

19、Module 10,Unit 2 Point to her nose.,Warm-up,GreetingSong: Point to the window.3. Point and sayIts a,This is his.他的,This is her.她的,This is her,This is his,Do AB Book Ex1.Listen and match.,活动: 看嘴型猜词语 (复习身体部位),head,arm,arm,body,leg,foot,hand,leg,foot,This is his,head,arm,arm,body,leg,foot,hand,leg,foot,This is her,nose,eye,eyes,mouth,ear,ears,Look, say and clap(上下左右击掌),nose,eyes,ears,mouth,This is his,This is her,今天Tom得到了一个玩具娃娃,很高 兴,咱们去看看Sam让Tom做了。

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